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This website is dedicated to the theme Heart and True Love.

It is not only important that we get a clear understanding of the qualities connected

with this highest value in the universe but also what is hindering us to become one with this treasure

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This section includes besides external aspects of the elements light and water

considerations dealing with our inner reality because the light of clear insights is necessary in order to advance on our inner path and we

need water on a daily basis for the purification of our body and to enjoy a wholesome life

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Both light and water are essentially important

for our existence and well-being. Light is needed to have a

clear view of the world and water serves us in so many ways, including with its characteristic

of being the best solvent we know

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From an internal standpoint we need the light of truth,

a crystal clear view of the world in order to make the best out of our life.

And we need water to keep our body clean, whereby it is decisive on inner levels

that we dissolve all the wrong concepts we may have in order for Love

to flow freely in our life

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In modern technology light is even used to purify water

instead of strong chemicals.

It is only a question of time when this technique will be applied

on a broader level to ensure that all people have high quality

water at their disposal

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Concerning the internal aspect it is true that

the light of truthserves us to become spiritually purified

so that we are clearly aware of the standard which fits best to our human existence

and to realize in which way we have to change in order to enjoy the life we are meant to live

in the midst of the precious realm of True Love

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In order to achieve inner harmony we have to learn to deal with our emotions

and thoughts in a very natural way.

We need to use them in a constructive way in order to understand and experience

what we are longing for in our deepest soul

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If we want to enjoy good health we need to care first of all

about the state of our Heart. It is essential to become aware of

what kinds of fundamental feelings we harbour in our Heart

and what kinds of thoughts determine the way we look at our life

because our emotions and thinking directly influence our body

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Scientific research confirms that the electromagnetic fields

which we produce through our Heart and through our brain influence body

more than we may be aware of. Everything that we do not resolve

inside will find its expression in our external appearance.

Therefore it is decisive to recognize what our body tells us

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For example, cancer cells eat other cells. They separate from the community

in which they have been living and destroy the organ

of which they have been part of. There is always a counterpart on the inner level to what we find expressed externally

and accordingly we need to look for root causes underlying the health problems we may be faced with

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Every thought of separation and any other unhealthy or wrong thinking leads earlier or later to some sickness

in the corresponding organs of our body. A rejection of reality or refusal

to deal with it causes us to get ill.

On the other hand the more we are ready to face our actual situation

and welcome changes the quicker we will become fine in our soul and physical body

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If we do not listen to our Heart we will suffer the consequences.

Simply speaking, when we go through life

centered on the brainwe may be forced at some point to lie down

due to some sickness so that we may leave

our focus on the brain aside and listen to what our Heart tells us

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To put Heart and True Love into the centre of our life

is not just a possible choice but a prerequisite in order to be able

to experience the fulfilment we are seeking.

Listening to one’s Heart is the only really effective recipe for a healthy life,

the most natural way which enables us to enjoy inner harmony and external wellbeing

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Whatever we experience has concrete root causes

which we need to address and deal with very consciously.

We must never live in denial because this is the surest way

to become internally and earlier or later also externally sick

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We are created to experience unconditional Love from our Heavenly Parent and

from people in our surroundings.

If this is lacking we will surely come into a situation

where we are not in harmony with ourselves and our body, leading to all

kinds of spiritual and physical suffering

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Our Eternal Parent created everything perfect fromthe macrocosm to the microcosm but unfortunately we still do not

understand many things correctly.

Until we have found the right answers to all relevant questions

we will suffer in one way or another

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The overall answer to all issues lies in taking it to heart that Love is the strongest force in the universe.

True Love brings healing on all levels

while false, self-centred Love

destroys people internally with negative consequences for the body

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Our origin is God’s unending Love.

Either we connect with the True Love

which is there, available for every human being from our Creator, or we uphold walls and barriers

which hinder that precious Love to reach our Heart

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Such barriers are built by

many people through their

religious beliefs, narrow concepts

about God, or simply

out of fear or other negative

emotions connected with the feeling that we are not worthy to receive unconditional Love

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Each and every person decides whether he or she leads a healthy life

with a happy, joyful and hopeful Heart

or goes through life with all kinds of inner or external limitations based on a closed Heart and not having widened

one’s horizon or consciousness

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It is fully in the hands of every individual what kind of experiences he or she makes

in line with the desires and attitudes that are harboured in one’s Heart.

Let us therefore focus on the deepest emotion of True Love

based on a profound understanding of the light of unchanging truth which is underlying all creation