Download - Light + 6 CO 2 + 2H 2 0 → C 6 H 12 O 6 + 60 2 Step 1: Trap energy from Sunlight.


Light + 6 CO2 + 2H20 → C6H12O6 + 602

Step 1: Trap energy from Sunlight

Absorb certain wavelengths of light while reflecting others.

Chlorophyll a

Chlorophyll b

Accessory pigments

Light-dependent reactions

Light-independent reactions

Plants use electron carriers to transport high-energy electrons from chlorophyll to other molecules.

NADP+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate) is a carrier molecule.

NADP+ picks up two high-energy electrons, along with a hydrogen ion (H+). It is then converted into NADPH.

The NADPH can then carry the high-energy electrons to be used in chemical reactions elsewhere in the cell.

Light dependent reactions:Light dependentwater is splitNADPH and ATP are produced (Step 2)

Light Independent Reactions – Calvin Cycle

Calvin Cycle(light-indep rxns)

Carbon fixation

Step 3: With CO2, convert temporary chemical energy into organic compounds (glucose).

Factors that Affect the Rate Photosynthesis

Using glucose and oxygen to make ATP for the cell’s metabolism.

Overview of Cell Respiration


•Occurs in the cytoplasm

•Glucose is converted to two pyruvic molecules with the help of 2 ATP

•Net yield of 2 ATP are made

•2NADH are also produced


2 Pyruvic Acid



Krebs Cycle and Electron Transport Chain

Occurs in the mitochondria

Oxygen is required for reaction to occur

Pyruvic acid is needed from glycolysis

Enzyme-directed reactions which produce CO2, ATP, FADH2 and NADH



How many times does the Kreb cycle go around for one glucose molecule?

How much ATP is produced in this cycle?

How much ATP has been produced so far with Krebs and Glycolysis?

•Electron Transport Chain


•All NADH and FADH2 produced gives up their electrons to a series of electron accepting proteins.

•Main production of ATP occurs here.

Synthesis of ATP in ETC

Example of Anaerobic Respiration