Download - LifeWorks 2013 Group Programs

Page 1: LifeWorks 2013 Group Programs

Group ProgramsRelationship Programs for Individuals,

Couples, Parents and Children

LifeWorks Relationship Counselling and Education Services

2013 Programs

Page 2: LifeWorks 2013 Group Programs

Committed Couples (group program) $250 per couple

Prepare/Enrich (individual couple program) $295 per couple

Growing Together Workshop $545 per couple

Bringing Baby Home (expectant and new parents) $250 per couple

Making Step-Families Work $250 per couple

For more information about LifeWorks’ programs for couples, visit or telephone 03 8650 6200 and request a Couples Program brochure and calendar.

Programs for Couples

LifeWorks’ group programs focus on building positive, healthy relationships regardless of your current lifestage or your circumstances.

The programs outlined in this brochure are offered in several formats including weekday seminars, weekly sessions, or more intensive blocks of time which are usually conducted on Saturday and/or Sunday. They can be designed and delivered in an individualised format and customised to suit specific needs.

For more detailed information please visit the LifeWorks website, or call your local branch and speak to the Relationship Educator.

Our Group Programs

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Assertiveness CoachingDo you struggle to say ‘no’ or express yourself as a parent, a partner or in the workplace? Learn to broaden your skills, find your voice and build confidence in acting assertively.

Price: $150, Chadstone, Frankston, Melbourne

Beyond Love: Skills for RelatingSingle and interested in a loving and respectful relationship? This skills-based program is a fun and interactive way to explore what helps relationships work or why they might fail.

Price: $345, Melbourne

SEA Change: Anger Management for WomenA group for women interested in exploring some of their issues and concerns around recognising, expressing and understanding strong emotions. (Intake interview required.)

Price: $150, Broadmeadows, Chadstone, Frankston, Geelong, Melbourne, Wyndham

Single Again: Letting Go and Moving OnMoving on when a relationship ends is a challenge for many. This 3-hour seminar helps acknowledge your past and to step forward with more confidence into your future.

Price: $50, Frankston, Melbourne

Programs for Individuals

Programs for Couples

Our Group Programs

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Being the Parent You Want to BeMany parents find that they respond to their children’s challenging behaviours by becoming angry. This practical course explores the triggers of anger, alternative ways of reducing and managing anger and strategies on how to manage responses.

Price: $150, Melbourne

Creative Ways of Managing Children’s BehaviourA 3-hour session designed for parents of children of all ages. Learn practical tips and strategies on how to manage your own responses and handle your children’s challenging behaviours without losing your cool.

Price: $50, Frankston, Melbourne, Wyndham

First Time DadsA group program designed to assist first time Dads with the transition to parenthood, connect with their children and share their experiences with other fathers in the group.

Price: $150, Frankston

Grandparenting After SeparationSeparation within families impacts on many aspects of family life including the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren. Learn some strategies that include supporting and talking with grandchildren, how to stay in touch and how to manage difficult relationships with the ex-partner of your son or daughter.

Price: $50, All LifeWorks branches

Kids ConnectingIt can be difficult for children to come to terms with grief and loss. This group program helps them explore feelings, memories, changes and ways to manage their loss and move on.

Price: $30, Frankston

Programs for Parents & Kids

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Parenting After SeparationThis is a group program that explores how to adapt to parenting following a separation and how to manage challenges such as parenting from a distance, conflict with an ex-partner and the children’s reactions and responses. (Intake interview required.)

Price: $150, Weekend Program $220. Broadmeadows, Chadstone, Frankston, Geelong, Melbourne, Wyndham

Parenting for CouplesDesigned for couples, this group explores the complex issues involved in parenting together, including communication, setting limits, children’s development and shared family values.

Price: $180, Frankston

Parenting in a Step-FamilyThis program explores the challenges central to living in a stepfamily including past histories, disciplining children and divided loyalties.

Price: $100 single, $145 couple, Frankston

Parenting Pre and Early School Aged ChildrenA program for parents of young children. Topics include communication, listening skills, children’s development, sibling rivalry, discipline, resilience and taking care of yourself.

Price: $150, Wyndham

Parenting TeenagersExplore the challenges and joys of parenting teenagers in this group with topics including communication, family values, managing conflict and developing resilience in your adolescent.

Price: $150, Chadstone, Wyndham

Solo ParentingThis program is for parents who are raising children on their own. Topics include: parenting on your own, timeout for parents, constructive contact with previous partner and future directions.

Price: $150, Wyndham

Programs for Parents & Kids

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Concessions and Exemptions: LifeWorks offers concessions and exemptions on program fees for eligible participants. Please contact the Relationship Educator at your local branch to discuss further.

Observation: Occasionally LifeWorks’ programs are observed as part of staff training. If you have any concerns about an observer in your program, please discuss these with the co-ordinator prior to attending.

Cancellation Policy: In the event of a program cancellation, participants will be transferred to the next scheduled date or issued with a refund. If a participant cancels their enrolment more than 7 days prior to the program start date, a transfer or refund (less 20% administration fee) will be organised. No refunds will be issued for cancellations made within 7 days of the program date.

Relationship Roadworthy for MenDesigned to build confidence and improve communication skills, this program helps men develop and maintain healthy relationships at home and work.

Price: $150. Frankston

Men’s Behaviour Change ProgramLifeWorks’ Men’s Behaviour Change Program is designed for men who are committed to changing their patterns of abusive behaviour. It is particularly relevant to men who behave violently at home. (Intake interview required.) For more information or to register, visit or telephone 03 8650 6200 and request a MBCP brochure.

Programs for Men

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Programs for MenMelbourne City Level 4, 255 Bourke Street, Melbourne 3000 T 8650 6200

Broadmeadows Unit B1, 1-13 The Gateway, Broadmeadows 3047 T 9355 4700

Chadstone Suites 1 & 2, 41 Stamford Road, Oakleigh 3166 T 9563 3555

Frankston 345 Nepean Highway, Frankston 3199 T 9783 7611

Geelong 38 Myers Street, Geelong 3220 T 5222 3172

Wyndham 1 Johnson Avenue, Hoppers Crossing 3029 T 9974 3200

Program Locations

For more details or bookings, please call 03 8650 6200 or 1300 LifeWorks (1300 543 396).Register online at or email LifeWorks on [email protected].

Contact LifeWorks

LifeWorks is a not-for-profit organisation approved by the Federal Attorney-General’s Department under the provisions of the Family Law Act 1975 and is partially funded by the Australian Government.

ACN 071 373 950 | ABN 50 071 373 950

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Intake Interview Required

Group Programs 2013 Calendar

ChadstoneBroadmeadows Frankston

MelbourneGeelong Wyndham

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Programs for Individuals

Assertiveness Coaching 4 week program: $150

Thu, 14 Mar-11 Apr 7-9pm Frankston

Mon, 29 Apr-20 May, 10am-12pm Melbourne

Mon, 6 May-27 May, 6-8pm Chadstone

Wed, 17 Jul-7 Aug, 7-9pm Frankston

Mon, 7-28 October, 6.30-8.30pm Melbourne

Beyond Love 4 week program: $345

Wed, 5-26 June, 6.30-8.30pm Melbourne

Wed, 13 Nov - 4 Dec, 6.30-8.30pm Melbourne

Single Again, Letting Go and Moving On 3 Hour Workshop: $50

Wed, 20 March, 6-9pm Melbourne

Mon, 17 June, 7-10pm Frankston

Wed,16 October, 6-9pm Melbourne

Mon, 21 October, 7-10pm Frankston

SEA CHANGE: Anger Management for Women 6 week program: $150

Thur, 21 Feb-28 Mar, 6.30-8.30pm Melbourne

Mon, 11 Mar-22 Apr,1-3pm Geelong

Wed, 6 Mar-10 Apr, 7-9pm Frankston

Tue, 16 Apr-21 May, 10am-12.30pm Bmeadows

Tue, 1 May-5 Jun, 1-3pm Wyndham

Wed, 2 May-6 Jun, 10am-12pm Melbourne

Tue, 28 May-25 Jun, 6-8pm Chadstone

Mon, 1 Jul-5 Aug, 1-3pm Geelong

Tue, 16 Jul-20 Aug, 10am-12.30pm Bmeadows

Mon,, 15 Jul-19 Aug, 7-9pm Frankston

Thu, 18 Jul-22 Aug, 6.30-8.30pm Melbourne

Thu, 5 Sep-10 Oct, 6.30-8.30pm Melbourne

Tue, 15 Oct-26 Nov, 6-8pm Chadstone

Thu, 17 Oct-21 Nov, 1-3pm Wyndham

Thu, 24 Oct-28 Nov, 10am-12pm Melbourne

Tue, 29 Oct-10 Dec, 10am-12.30pm Bmeadows

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Programs for Kids

Kids Connecting 5 week program: $30

Mon, 29 Apr-27 May, 4.30-6pm Frankston

Wed, 9 Oct-6 Nov, 4.30-6pm Frankston

Programs for Men

Relationship Roadworthy for Men 4 week program: $150

Mon, 11 Feb-4 Mar, 7-9pm Frankston

Wed, 9 -30 Oct, 7-9pm Frankston

Programs for ParentsBeing the Parent You Want to Be 4 week program: $150

Wed, 1-29 May, 10am-12pm Melbourne

Wed, 28 Aug-18 Sep, 10am-12pm Melbourne

Wed, 9-31 Oct, 7-9pm Wyndham

Creative Ways of Managing Children’s Behaviour3 Hour Workshop: $50

Thur, 20 June, 6-9pm Melbourne

Tue, 20 August, 6-9pm Frankston

Wed, 28 August, 6-9pm Wyndham

Thu, 14 November, 6-9pm Melbourne

First Time Dads 4 week program: $150

Mon, 17 Apr-8 May, 7-9pm Frankston

Grandparenting After Separation Group or Individual Workshop: $50

Contact branch for program dates BMeadows

Contact branch for program dates Chadstone

Contact branch for program dates Frankston

Contact branch for program dates Geelong

Contact branch for program dates Melbourne

Contact branch for program dates Wyndham

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Parenting for Couples 4 week program: $180

Wed, 5-26 Jun, 7-9pm Frankston

Wed, 28 Aug-18 Sep, 7-9pm Frankston

Parenting in a Step-Family6 week program: $100 single, $145 couple

Mon, 22 Apr-27 May, 7-9pm Frankston

Mon, 26 Aug-30 Sep, 7-9pm Frankston

Parenting Pre and Early School Aged Children4 week program: $150

Thursdays, 9-30 May,9.30-11.30am Wyndham

Parenting Teenagers 4 week program: $150

Tue, 5-26 Mar, 6-8pm Chadstone

Wed, 1-22 May, 7-9pm Wyndham

Tue, 6 -27 Aug, 6-8pm Chadstone

Thu, 29 Aug-19 Sep, 7-9pm Wyndham

Solo Parenting 4 week program: $150

Thu, 1-22 Aug, 9.30-11.30am Wyndham

Programs for Parents con...

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Parenting After Separation Weekend Program* 2 x Saturdays: $220

Sat, 16 Feb & 2 Mar, 10am-3pm Melbourne

Sat, 9 Mar & 23 Mar, 10am-3pm Frankston

Sat, 13 Apr & 20 Apr, 10am-3pm Wyndham

Sat, 20 Apr & 4 May, 10am-3pm Chadstone

Sat, 11 May & 25 May, 10am-3pm Melbourne

Sat, 18 May & 1 Jun, 10am-3pm Frankston

Sat, 18 May & 25 May, 10am-3pm Wyndham

Sat, 20 Jul-3 Aug, 10am-3pm Frankston

Sat, 27 Jul & 10 Aug, 10am-3pm Melbourne

Sat, 3 Aug & 10 Aug, 10am-3pm Wyndham

Sat, 12 Oct & 26 Oct, 10am-3pm Melbourne

Sat, 26 Oct & 9 Nov, 10am-3pm Frankston

Sat, 23 Nov-7 Dec, 10am-3pm Chadstone

Sat, 7 Dec & 14 Dec, 10am-3pm Wyndham

Programs for Parents con...

See next column for Parenting After Separation Weekday program dates.

*Parenting After Separation Programs LifeWorks is unable to enrol ex-partners in the same program.

Intake Interviews

An intake interview is required prior to entry into this group program. Fees for this interview are charged on a sliding scale based on income.

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Parenting After Separation Weekday Program*5 week program: $150

Wed 7 Feb-6 Mar, 6-8pm Geelong

Wed, 6 Feb-5 Mar, 6.30-8.30pm Bmeadows

Thur, 7 Feb-7 Mar, 7-9pm Frankston

Tue, 12 Feb-12 Mar, 6.30-8.30pm Melbourne

Wed, 13 Feb-13 Mar, 6-8.15pm Chadstone

Mon, 18 Feb-25 Mar, 10am-12.15pm Chadstone

Mon, 4 Mar-8 Apr, 7-9pm Wyndham

Wed, 17 Apr-22 May, 6.30-8.30pm Bmeadows

Tue, 30 Apr-28 May, 6.30-8.30pm Melbourne

Wed, 1-29 May, 6-8pm Geelong

Wed, 1-29 May, 10am-12pm Melbourne

Wed, 8 May-5 Jun, 6-8.15pm Chadstone

Thur, 9 May-6 Jun, 7-9pm Frankston

Mon, 27 May-24 Jun, 7-9pm Wyndham

Thu, 15 Aug-12 Sep, 7-9pm Frankston

Tue, 16 Jul-13 Aug, 6.30-8.30pm Melbourne

Wed, 17 Jul-14 Aug, 6-8pm Geelong

Wed, 24 Jul-28 Aug, 6.30-8.30pm Bmeadows

Mon, 29 Jul-26 Aug, 10am-12.15pm Chadstone

Wed, 31 Jul-28 Aug, 6-8.15pm Chadstone

Mon, 19 Aug-16 Sep, 7-9pm Wyndham

Wed, 9 Oct-13 Nov, 6-8pm Geelong

Tue, 8 Oct-12 Nov, 10am-12pm Melbourne

Thu, 17 Oct-14 Nov, 7-9pm Frankston

Wed, 23 Oct-20 Nov, 6-8.15pm Chadstone

Wed, 9 Oct-6 Nov, 10am-12pm Melbourne

Wed, 30 Oct-21 Nov, 6.30-8.30pm Bmeadows

Mon, 11 Nov-9 Dec, 7-9pm Wyndham

Programs for Parents con...