Download - Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants. Goods: physical items Services: actions.

Page 1: Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices  Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants.  Goods: physical items  Services: actions.

It’s All About Choices

How Does Scarcity Force Us To Make Economic Decisions?

Page 2: Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices  Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants.  Goods: physical items  Services: actions.

Life/Personal Choices

Page 3: Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices  Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants.  Goods: physical items  Services: actions.

Economic ChoicesConsumers, Businesses,

And Governments All Have To Make Economic Choices

Page 4: Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices  Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants.  Goods: physical items  Services: actions.

Consumer Choices Consumers choose goods and services

based on their needs and wants.

Goods: physical items

Services: actions and activities that one person does for another

Needs: something necessary for survival

Wants: something that is desirable, but not necessary for survival

Page 5: Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices  Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants.  Goods: physical items  Services: actions.

Now It’s Your TurnWhat Will You Choose?

Page 6: Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices  Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants.  Goods: physical items  Services: actions.

Imagine Your Future . . . It’s 2034—Wow, that happened fast!

You work as a cable installer for WOW!, not great money, but you do own the specially modified van you drive for work.

You have been married nearly 5 years . . . Happily

You and your spouse bought an older house a year ago!

You and your spouse are expecting a baby!

And you have $5,000. in savings and are planning a second honeymoon before the baby comes!

What could go wrong?

Page 7: Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices  Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants.  Goods: physical items  Services: actions.

EVERYTHING It’s the beginning of the winter, and the furnace

repair person has some seriously bad news.

The transmission on your work van is starting to slip.

The baby came 3 months early but wait, there’s more.

The relaxing second honeymoon never happened.

The nay-sayers won—“Obamacare” died years ago

Your credit is maxed out. It will be years before you will have enough in savings to do more that one of these things.

You, my friend, have some hard choices to make!

Page 8: Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices  Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants.  Goods: physical items  Services: actions.

Do You . . .? Replace the heating system, making certain your

family doesn’t freeze to death

Get the transmission on the van fixed, allowing you to continue earning money to feed your family

Give your child the gift of sight before it’s too late

Go on the second honeymoon that you know will ensure your marriage remains a happy one

You have 5 minutes to decide what you will do. Prioritize your choices, writing them down from 1 to 4, with 1 being the most important and 4 being the least important. You may work with a partner if you wish.

Page 9: Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices  Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants.  Goods: physical items  Services: actions.

What Did You Choose?

What Didn’t You Choose?

Page 10: Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices  Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants.  Goods: physical items  Services: actions.

What You Didn’t Choose Trade Offs: all the alternatives we

give up when we make a choice Choices 2 – 4 on your list

Opportunity Cost: the one best alternative that we give up when we make a choice Choice number 2

Page 11: Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices  Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants.  Goods: physical items  Services: actions.

Governments Have Choices To Make, Too

What changes might happen to production within a country during times when national security is endangered?

The economic term that describes this concept is guns or butter When a country increases its

production of military goods: “guns”, it must decrease its production of consumer goods: “butter” (it works the other way as well)

Why must we do this?

Page 12: Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices  Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants.  Goods: physical items  Services: actions.

Business Owners Have To Make A Lot Of Choices

What Types Of Things Do They Have To Decide About?

Page 13: Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices  Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants.  Goods: physical items  Services: actions.

Consider This . . . You are a finish carpenter and are just getting your own

high-end carpentry business off the ground.

You are the only worker.

You have a small woodshop with just enough tools and machines for yourself.

You also have a small supply of exotic hardwoods from which to make your goods.

And a small panel van for deliveries and hauling lumber.

You love woodworking and there is only a little paperwork to do. You get to be creative and make things that people think are beautiful. You are a great finish carpenter!

All is going pretty well—for a new business—and then . . .

Page 14: Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices  Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants.  Goods: physical items  Services: actions.

You Get A Phone Call A local designer, working for a developer who is build

up-scale condos in the riverfront area in Detroit,

absolutely loves, loves, loves your work—and tells the developer all about it and you.

The developer wants you to produce all the custom woodwork for the condos: cabinets, fireplaces, bookcases, railings, etc.

You know, if you take this job, you will have only eighteen months to complete all the work, and it’s much more output than you can possibly handle within that timeframe.

If you do take this job, you could end up getting a lot more work from this developer and your business could really grow—but that’s no guarantee of future work.

Page 15: Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices  Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants.  Goods: physical items  Services: actions.

Decision-MakingWhat Is Involved In

Making A Good Decision?

Page 16: Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices  Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants.  Goods: physical items  Services: actions.

Thinking At The Margin During the process of making this decision, if

you consider hiring one extra worker, or purchasing one more machine or load of lumber, you are thinking at the margin. Thinking at the margin: deciding

whether to do or use one additional unit of some resource

Making good business decisions involves comparing opportunity cost and benefit at the margin

Page 17: Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices  Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants.  Goods: physical items  Services: actions.

You Have Some Thinking To Do

In groups of 2 and three, write down all the things you need to consider, so that you can make a wise decision for yourself and your business. What will you need to do if you take the job (consider

what your business is currently like)? How will you have to change things in order to finish

the job on time? How might this decision effect the future of your

business? Consider both what will happen if you do take the

job, and if you don’t take the job How might this decision effect you personally in the

future? Consider both what will happen if you do take the

job, and if you don’t take the job

Consider carefully and make a decision—either individually or by group. You will have 7 minutes to complete this task.

Page 18: Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices  Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants.  Goods: physical items  Services: actions.

Let’s Take Another Look:Keep These Things In

Mind You are a finished carpenter and are just getting your

own high-end carpentry business off the ground.

You are the only worker.

You have a small woodshop with just enough tools and machines for yourself.

You also have a small supply of exotic hardwoods from which to make your goods.

And a small panel van for deliveries and hauling lumber.

You love woodworking and there is only a little paperwork to do. You get to be creative and make things that people think are beautiful. You are a great finish carpenter!

Page 19: Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices  Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants.  Goods: physical items  Services: actions.

What Did You Decide?What Made You Come To That


Page 20: Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices  Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants.  Goods: physical items  Services: actions.

What Would You Need To Change To Take The

Job? Hire employees

A bigger woodshop, with more machines, and maybe a bigger van as well

Increase the size of the lumber supply

You have to take care of all of the above

Page 21: Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices  Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants.  Goods: physical items  Services: actions.

The 4 Factors Of Production

Employees Also known as labor: the effort that a person

devotes to a task for which that person is paid

Woodshop, machines, and van All of these things are capital: any human-

made resource that is used to produce other goods and services These are also physical capital: all

human-made goods used to produce other goods or services

There is also human capital: the skills and know-how of workers learned through formal education, training, and experience

Page 22: Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices  Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants.  Goods: physical items  Services: actions.

The 4 Factors Of Production Continued

Lumber Lumber is considered land: all natural

resources used in the production of goods and services (farm land, coal, water, forests)

You You are an entrepreneur: a person who

combines land, labor, and capital to create new goods or services. They takes the risks; invent new products and services, and new ways of doing things; open new businesses; and create new industries. They make the choices, but reap the benefits as well.

Page 23: Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices  Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants.  Goods: physical items  Services: actions.

The Choice To HelpOne Of The Best Things About Scarcity

Is It’s Positive Affect On Humanity. Many Of Us Become More Kind,

Caring, And Giving; And Some Even Sacrifice Their Own Safety To Help


Page 24: Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices  Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants.  Goods: physical items  Services: actions.

On A Local Scale


Page 25: Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices  Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants.  Goods: physical items  Services: actions.

On A Global Scale

Page 26: Life/Personal Choices Consumer Choices  Consumers choose goods and services based on their needs and wants.  Goods: physical items  Services: actions.

On An Individual ScaleIrena Sendlerowa

Saved nearly 2,500 Jewish children from the Warsaw Ghetto in Poland.

Was caught and tortured for information, then sentenced to death.

She never revealed any information to the Nazis and was rescued before her sentence was carried out.