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Mrs gren is a fun and easy way to remember the seven life processes.Lets start with nutrition.

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Nutrition is an important part of life; if living things didn’t eat they would die. Plants get nutrition from the sun and humans get nutrition from food. When Captain Cook was around his crew got scurvy due to lack of vitamin c their teeth fell out so they couldn’t chew they couldn’t get food so they died. Nutrition is also important to keep you’re cells alive and that’s important.Did you know that plants move to the sun to stay alive?

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Movement is also an important part of life, if you couldn’t move you couldn’t run from danger or get food so you would die. Plants move to the sun to make chlorophyll. Did you know that everything living breathes?

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Breathing is also important; if something stopped it would die. Plants have to breathe and so do humans. Humans breathe oxygen through their nose and mouth, plants breathe carbon dioxide through there leaves. Did you know everything living needs to grow?

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Everything thing living grows. Without growth living things couldn’t get food or water so they would die. Plants grow into trees or flowers, humans grow from babies into adults. Did you know everything living has sensitivity?

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Sensitivity is also important to keep things safe ,these are the types of sensitivity, touch, taste, smell, sight and sound. The smell of smoke means theres a fire, plants drood at smoke but humans cough. If a human gets tickled it laughs. Did you know we wouldn’t be alive if there wasn’t reproduction.

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Reproduction is also important; if it didn’t exist we wouldn’t be alive. Plants reproduce by dropping seeds. Animals reproduce by having babies so the species carries on. Did you know everything needs to go to the toilet?

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This is important to, if something didn’t go to the toilet it would die because it would have too many toxins in its bladder. Plants shed leaves, humans wee, poo, sweat andand breath out carbon dioxide.

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So that’s all the processes movement, resperation, sensitivity, growth, reproduction, excretion and nutrition. Which do you think is the most important?