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Getting Started with Optimal Resume

1. Visit and click “Create New Account.”

2. Complete your profile information and agree to the terms and conditions. Click “Create Profile.”

3. Click “Create New Resume” to begin creating your first resume.

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Top 5 Resume Mistakes to Avoid

1. Your resume is too general. An employer shouldn't have to guess about how your work experience will fit with her company. Research each company you're applying for, and tailor your resume so that it's clear how your experience and knowledge fit the position.

5. You don't use keywords. If every hiring manager had time to look at every resume, keywords wouldn't be a big deal. But lots of companies use scanning software that disqualifies candidates for not including certain keywords pertaining to the open position.

3. Your resume contains typos or grammatical errors. Even if you're not applying to be a copy editor, an error-free resume says a lot about the kind of person you are. Make a great first impression with a picture-perfect resume.

2. Your resume isn't results oriented. Your resume shouldn't be a list of responsibilities; it should tell the story of your accomplishments. Show prospective employers how you've added value in the past — how you're increased productivity, profitability or added value.

4. Your presentation is awful. Do your dates line up? What about bullets? A sloppy resume signals an inattention to detail, but a consistent and attractive resume will help you stand out and shine. The style of your resume should show that you're focused and capable.

Worried you’ve made one of these mistakes? Flip over to learn about a program that makes resume writing easy!