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THE PROGRAM IN AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY ............................. $1,000,000� e nation’s premier center for research on the experience of people from the African diaspora in early America, the Library Company’s Program in African American History brings pioneering contributions to academia and to the public. A permanently endowed Program will help to create a more complete understanding of the origins of our society.

THE DIRECTOR OF THE PROGRAM ..............................................................$300,000 A senior scholar, the Director of the Program provides intellectual leadership and strategic vision to advance scholarship and create opportunities for discourse.

THE CURATOR OF AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY .................................$400,000With a deep knowledge of the Library Company’s important collection of African American literature and history before 1900, the Curator o� ers guidance to researchers, oversees acquisitions, and designs innovative public programs.

ACQUISITIONS FUND FOR AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY .................$300,000� e Library Company cares for the nation’s most important collection of African American history and literature before 1900. We continue to seek critical source material in specialized areas, including African American women’s history and black life in the North to the beginning of the 20th century.

ANNUAL JUNETEENTH FREEDOM SYMPOSIUM ........................................ $175,000� e Library Company’s signature public event recognizes one of the oldest known celebrations commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States when news of the Emancipation Proclamation reached Texas in 1865.

BIENNIAL CONFERENCE ..................................................................................$100,000Every other year, the Library Company o� ers emerging and established scholars a forum for exploring new research in early African American history.

AFRICAN AMERICAN EXHIBITION FUND .......................................................$75,000Temporary exhibits exploring topics in black history that have contemporary relevance are among the most popular of our public programs. Most exhibitions are accompanied by a catalog, events and a digital exhibit. In 1969 our landmark exhibition “Negro History, 1553-1903” set the standard for the way we share our collections in an enlightening and thought-provoking way.

PAAH FELLOWSHIPSShort-term fellowships in early African American history are career-changing opportunities for promising scholars who lack traditional professional resources. Four fellows will each be supported for one month of intensive research within the Library Company’s extraordinary collections. Fellowship (4 available) .................................................................................................................................. $50,000Short-term Fellowship program (4 Fellows) ............................................................................................ $200,000

DISSERTATION FELLOWSHIPA prestigious opportunity for a leading doctoral candidate to explore the Library Company’s African American collections in depth, the dissertation fellowship will further extend the impact of the program.� is opportunity has been named by � e Albert M. Green� eld Foundation.Note: � ere is no minimum limit for donating a gift to already existing endowments at the Library Company of Philadelphia.


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Founded by Benjamin Franklin in 1731

F O R M O R E I N F O R M A T I O N , please contact Raechel Hammer, Director of Development [email protected] P: 215.546.3181, ext. 142

1314 Locust Street | Philadelphia, PA 19107 P: 215.546.3181 F: 215.546.5167l

Page 3: Library Company Giving Opportunities

THE PROGRAM IN AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY� e nation’s premier center for research on the experience of people from the African diaspora in early America, the Library Company’s Program in African American History brings pioneering contributions to academia and to the public. A permanently endowed Program will help to create a more complete understanding of the origins of our society.

THE DIRECTOR OF THE PROGRAM A senior scholar, the Director of the Program provides intellectual leadership and strategic vision to advance scholarship and create opportunities for discourse.

THE CURATOR OF AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORYWith a deep knowledge of the Library Company’s important collection of African American literature and history before 1900, the Curator o� ers guidance to researchers, oversees acquisitions, and designs innovative public programs.

ACQUISITIONS FUND FOR AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY� e Library Company cares for the nation’s most important collection of African American history and literature before 1900. We continue to seek critical source material in specialized areas, including African American women’s history and black life in the North to the beginning of the 20th century.

ANNUAL JUNETEENTH FREEDOM SYMPOSIUM� e Library Company’s signature public event recognizes one of the oldest known celebrations commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States when news of the Emancipation Proclamation reached Texas in 1865.

BIENNIAL CONFERENCEEvery other year, the Library Company o� ers emerging and established scholars a forum for exploring new research in early African American history.

AFRICAN AMERICAN EXHIBITION FUNDTemporary exhibits exploring topics in black history that have contemporary relevance are among the most popular of our public programs. Most exhibitions are accompanied by a catalog, events and a digital exhibit. In 1969 our landmark exhibition “Negro History, 1553-1903” set the standard for the way we share our collections in an enlightening and thought-provoking way.

PAAH FELLOWSHIPSShort-term fellowships in early African American history are career-changing opportunities for promising scholars who lack traditional professional resources. Four fellows will each be supported for one month of intensive research within the Library Company’s extraordinary collections. Fellowship (4 available)Short-term Fellowship program (4 Fellows)

DISSERTATION FELLOWSHIPA prestigious opportunity for a leading doctoral candidate to explore the Library Company’s African American collections in depth, the dissertation fellowship will further extend the impact of the program.� is opportunity has been named by � e Albert M. Green� eld Foundation.Note: � ere is no minimum limit for donating a gift to already existing endowments at the Library Company of Philadelphia.