Download - LIBRARIES, DATABASES AND THE INTERNET. Why do we need Libraries? Credible Organized Selected In Depth Info.

Page 1: LIBRARIES, DATABASES AND THE INTERNET. Why do we need Libraries? Credible Organized Selected In Depth Info.


Page 2: LIBRARIES, DATABASES AND THE INTERNET. Why do we need Libraries? Credible Organized Selected In Depth Info.

Why do we need Libraries?

•Credible•Organized•Selected•In Depth Info

Page 3: LIBRARIES, DATABASES AND THE INTERNET. Why do we need Libraries? Credible Organized Selected In Depth Info.

Google is great!

Are there other search engines or Databases that may provide better information?

Page 4: LIBRARIES, DATABASES AND THE INTERNET. Why do we need Libraries? Credible Organized Selected In Depth Info.

Page 5: LIBRARIES, DATABASES AND THE INTERNET. Why do we need Libraries? Credible Organized Selected In Depth Info.

Information is Power Information serves as the basis for beliefs,

decisions, choices and understanding our world

Do facts matter? What happens when we make decisions

based on wrong/unreliable information?

Page 6: LIBRARIES, DATABASES AND THE INTERNET. Why do we need Libraries? Credible Organized Selected In Depth Info.

Why is it important to evaluate sources/websites?

• No rules or quality standards• Reliability and quality varies• Here today gone tomorrow• Evaluate – How???

Page 7: LIBRARIES, DATABASES AND THE INTERNET. Why do we need Libraries? Credible Organized Selected In Depth Info.

CARS Evaluation of Web Resources

[CARS excerpted from: Evaluating Internet Research Sourcesby Robert Harris]

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C redibility

A ccuracy

R easonableness

S upport

Page 9: LIBRARIES, DATABASES AND THE INTERNET. Why do we need Libraries? Credible Organized Selected In Depth Info.

C = Credibility

•Expertise•Truthworthiness•What is the reputation of the source?•What credentials does the author have?

ExamplesGood: www.kapalama.ksbe.eduQuestionable:

Page 10: LIBRARIES, DATABASES AND THE INTERNET. Why do we need Libraries? Credible Organized Selected In Depth Info.

C A = Accuracy

Up to date/current Factual Detailed Exact Comprehensive

Hint: Question accuracy of the site if you notice bad grammar or misspelled words

Page 11: LIBRARIES, DATABASES AND THE INTERNET. Why do we need Libraries? Credible Organized Selected In Depth Info.

C A = Accuracy




Page 12: LIBRARIES, DATABASES AND THE INTERNET. Why do we need Libraries? Credible Organized Selected In Depth Info.

C A R= Reasonableness

Fair/Balanced Somewhat objective Reasoned Free of absurd claims

Hint: Be wary of wild/irrational ideas, angry, hateful, inflammatory arguments

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R = Reasonableness




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C A R S= Support

Information based on research or other evidence

Sources listed – citing sources strengthens your paper

Claims supported

External sources can help to validate evidence

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S = Support




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CARSC redibility

A ccuracy

R easonableness

S upport

Page 17: LIBRARIES, DATABASES AND THE INTERNET. Why do we need Libraries? Credible Organized Selected In Depth Info.

What about Wikipedia?

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Conflicting Information???Compare sources!!!Always question???

Page 19: LIBRARIES, DATABASES AND THE INTERNET. Why do we need Libraries? Credible Organized Selected In Depth Info.


Remember what you do

represents you.Does your work

reflect the quality person

you are??