Download - Letter to Governor Kasich Concerning OPSB

  • 8/9/2019 Letter to Governor Kasich Concerning OPSB


    November 11, 2014

    Governor John Kasich

    State of Ohio

    Riffe Center, 30th Floor

    77 South High Street

    Columbus, OH 43215-6117

    Dear Governor Kasich:

    The undersigned residents of Ohio communities affected or threatened with industrial wind development

    wish to bring to your attention the untenable situation we face due to the failure of the Ohio Power Siting

    Board (“OPSB”) to protect the public interest. We assert that the OPSB has not adopted rules that

    adequately and faithfully implement the requirements of siting statutes. Moreover, it has acted in ways

    that contribute to public confusion resulting in the loss of due process. The actions and omissions of the

    OPSB have abridged our fundamental constitutional right to be protected and secure in the possession of

    our property. We call for legal reforms to curb the errors and failures in the Board’s administration of thewind power siting program over the past six years.

    For example, the OPSB was supposed to complete a mandatory five-year review of its rules through a

    proceeding it initiated in July 2012; to this end it issued orders adopting new rules in Case No. 12-1981-

    GE-BRO. Throughout that rulemaking proceeding, OPSB invited the input of utilities, wind developers,

    parties who recently filed applications, and their attorneys. However, the Board never notified or solicited

    the input of members of the public who intervened in OPSB matters. The Board did not even notify

    intervenors who were extensively involved in the development of the Board’s original wind power siting

    rules in 2008-09. Furthermore, the Board never filed notice of the proposed or final rules in the Register

    of Ohio, presumably because the OPSB and PUCO are exempt from the notice-and-comment rulemakingrequirements of R.C. Chapter 119. In sum, while the Board’s recent rulemaking was open to utilities, wind

    developers, other regulated entities, and their attorneys, the process was entirely “under the radar” as

    far as the public was concerned.

    Furthermore, under Ohio law, agencies such as the OPSB must file newly adopted rules with the Joint

    Committee on Agency Rule Review (“JCARR”) so that the rules can be evaluated by the General Assembly

    based on specified legal criteria. Yet, although the OPSB adopted its new set of rules on February 18,

    2014, the OPSB has not filed its newly adopted wind power siting rules with JCARR and is thereby denying

    the public an opportunity to address the mismatch between the OPSB’s rules and the requirements

    specified by the Ohio General Assembly.

    Time and again OPSB’s hearing process has proven hostile to public participation. Before approving a

    power siting certificate, the Board must hold both a “public hearing” at which any interested party may

    be heard and an “evidentiary hearing” at which only the applicant, Board Staff, and approved intervenors

    may participate. But the Board representatives conducting public hearings refuse to answer questions

    about the project and refer members of the public back to the wind developer for responses to their

    questions. In evidentiary hearings, the Board routinely imposes a discriminatory double standard by

  • 8/9/2019 Letter to Governor Kasich Concerning OPSB


    requiring intervenors (usually members of the public) to submit live expert witness testimony while

    allowing developers to submit reams of documentary information as “evidence” without expert support.

    The Board delegates the oversight and conduct of both hearings to an Administrative Law Judge employed

    by the PUCO, who then prepares the written decision and certificate for the Board’s approval (usually at

    a single meeting with minimal discussion). No Board member participates in the hearings, which calls into

    question the depth of the Board members’ understanding of the issues they are called on to decide. 

    From the perspective of local property owners, who strongly object to the placement of wind farms near

    their homes and property, we must spend our time and our own money to do the job that the OPSB should

    be doing for the public and yet we feel we are being undercut by the OPSB at every turn. The net result

    of OPSB actions works to effectively deprive us of any meaningful opportunity to be heard. At the same

    time, the OPSB is issuing, over the strong objections of local property owners and local government

    officials, more certificates authorizing the construction of new industrial wind facilities that intend to

    violate the minimum setback requirements in current law. In other cases, the OPSB is allowing certificated

    wind farms to evade the General Assembly’s new setback requirements by improperly extending the life

    of those certificates before the effective date of the setback requirements.

    Contrary to the statutory requirements enacted by the General Assembly, the OPSB is complicit in and

    protective of unfair and unreasonable wind industry practices. Examples include:


    Permitting legal notice of public hearings to appear at times when the public is least likely to see



    Scheduling public hearings at times the public is least able to attend;


    Allowing wind companies to conduct required pubic information meetings without specifying the

    location of proposed wind turbines;


    Allowing wind companies to meet the Board’s public notification requirements using maps that

    lack necessary detail, such as roads or parcel boundaries, to enable landowners to assess the

    potential impact on their properties;


    Enabling wind companies to negotiate unfair and one –sided contracts that obligate the signer to

    waive impacts they often do not understand; that burden the entirety of a property for up to 45

    years; that are negotiated using a divide and conquer strategy ; that include no right of rescission;

    and that include onerous and overbroad confidentiality clauses. Oftentimes, the property owner

    is elderly and may not be in a position to understand or negotiate in his or her best interest.


    Failing to establish clear and enforceable standards for audible noise and instead allowing the

    use of vague “design goals” that fail to consider worst-case impacts;


    Failure to establish any standards at all for inaudible low frequency noise emissions;

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    Refusing to consider a report from a Wisconsin power siting proceeding that cited new scientific

    findings regarding low frequency noise from wind turbines and concluded that there is now

    enough evidence to classify low-frequency noise and infrasound from wind turbines as “a serious

    issue, possibly affecting the future of the wind industry.” 


    Failing to require that setback waivers be obtained from all adjacent property owners as required

    by law;


    Failing to require wind developers to specifically articulate the alleged benefits accruing to the

    described project area and, instead, accepting alleged benefit claims that pertain to unrelated and

    distant communities even though the impact/burden of the project is borne by the local property



    Failing to accord due weight to local governments who object to applications on the basis of harms

    to the community’s economic health and welfare or cultural identity; 


    Failing to adopt rules for siting industrial wind turbines near public and private recreational areas,

    including Indian Lake as well as numerous golf courses and equestrian facilities;


    Extending certificate expiration dates without following the statutory requirements for

    amendment of certificates, such as the requirements for investigation by the OPSB staff and for

    public hearing to consider substantive changes in the assumptions underlying the original



    Failing to consider cumulative impacts in areas where multiple projects are sited;


    Failing to require developers to establish a complaint resolution protocol acceptable to the

    community prior to issuing a certificate; and


    Blaming insufficient funding/lack of resources to fully carry out their duties.

    As the Ohio Supreme Court has stated, “It is axiomatic that the federal and Ohio constitutions forbid the

    state to take private property for the sole benefit of a private individual.” Norwood v. Horney (2006), 110

    Ohio St.3d 353, 365. Yet that is exactly what the Power Siting Board has repeatedly permitted to occur.

    The constitutionally protected property rights of Ohioans are being harmed in favor of industrial winddevelopment. These massive industrial power plants are being imposed in rural residential communities

    by private for-profit developers. The developments are structured as limited liability companies owned

    more often than not by foreign private equity firms. These massive industrial power plants are not public

    1 Chief among these changes is the dramatic increase in blade length which increases vibration and low frequency

    emissions as well as recent medical studies concerning related health effects.

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    utilities and are not empowered with the right of eminent domain but through the faulty administration

    of the law by the Ohio Power Siting Board that is effectively the result. Ohio’s administration of wind

    power development is unregulated under the guise of regulation.

    We request that you halt further consideration of any active industrial wind power siting case until lawful

    rules are established, eliminate the exemption from rulemaking due process currently afforded to theOhio Power Siting Board under Revised Code Chapter 119, and require that any application for certificate

    amendment or extension be subjected to the due process of meaningful public notice, a full investigation,

    and a fair hearing. If the State of Ohio is unable to administer a fair regulatory program that protects her

    citizens, siting decisions must be returned to local zoning and control.

    Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Julie Johnson at

     [email protected] or call 614-284-6151. Thank you for your consideration.

    Respectfully Submitted,

    Signed by Residents of Ohio Whose Names and Addresses are Attached Hereto.


    Lt. Governor Mary Taylor

    Riffe Center, 30th Floor

    77 South High Street

    Columbus, OH 43215-6117

    Senator Keith Faber, President

    Ohio Senate

    1 Capitol Square, 2nd Floor

    Columbus, OH 43215

    Speaker William Batchelder

    Ohio House of Representatives

    77 S. High St – 14th Floor

    Columbus, OH 43215

    Senator William Seitz, Chairman

    Senate Public Utilities Committee

    Ohio Senate

    1 Capitol Square

    Columbus, Ohio 43215

    Rep. Peter Stautberg, Chairman

    House Public Utilities Committee

    77 South High Street – 11th Floor

    Columbus, Ohio 43215

    Chairman Tom Johnson

    Public Utilities Commission of Ohio

    180 E. Broad St.

    Columbus, Ohio 43215

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • 8/9/2019 Letter to Governor Kasich Concerning OPSB


    Julia F. Johnson

    4891 East US Hwy 36

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Roger Halterman

    2495 South Ludlow Rd

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Kim Halterman

    2495 South Ludlow Rd

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Ben Halterman

    2495 South Ludlow Rd

    Urbana, OH 43078

    DiAnne Doss

    451 Scioto St.Urbana, OH 43078

    Roy A Doss

    179 Camelot Drive

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Joe Doss

    2492 Pullins Dr.

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Holly Doss2492 Pullins Dr.

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Pete Doss

    982 Bon Air Dr

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Laura Doss

    982 Bon Air Dr.

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Sam Randazzo

    1101 Broadview Ave.

    Grandview Heights, OH


    Joseph Ferguson

    81 McAdams Rd.

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Diana Ferguson

    81 McAdams Rd.

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Arzella Harpest

    2662 Dartmoor Road

    Grove City, Ohio 43123

    Shannon Harpest

    2662 Dartmoor Road

    Grove City, Ohio 43123

    Jenny Lewe

    7511 E US Highway 36

    Cable, OH 43009

    Jim Lewe

    7511 E US Highway 36Cable, OH. 43009

    Jordan Lewe

    West Ward Manor

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Landon Bodey

    601 Three Mile Rd

    Urbana, OH 43978

    Kylie Stidham307 Lincoln Place

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Austin Stidham

    307 Lincoln Place

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Donna Richards

    1898 Old Troy Pike

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Boyd Richards

    1898 Old Troy Pike

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Thomas O'Neal

    20 Perry Road

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Carolyn O'Neal

    20 Perry Road

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    John Mason O'Neal

    20 Perry Road

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Thomas O'Neal, Jr.

    20 Perry Road

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Andrew O'Neal

    20 Perry Road

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Brian Forrest

    1592 S. State Route 559Woodstock, OH 43084

    Lynne Forrest

    1592 S. State Route 559

    Woodstock, OH 43084

    Gary Bailey

    7506 Hunt Clymer Rd

    Mechanicsburg, OH 43044

    Sheila Bailey7506 Hunt Clymer Rd

    Mechanicsburg, OH 43044

    Elizabeth Koczera

    5260 Rush Ave

    Columbus, OH 43214

    Jeff Long

    6967 State Route 161

    Mechanicsburg, Ohio 43044

    Polly Long

    6967 State Route 161

    Mechanicsburg, Ohio 43044

    Terry L. Rittenhouse

    1906 N. Ludlow Rd.

    Urbana, Oh. 43078

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    Phyllis J. Rittenhouse

    1906 N. Ludlow Rd.

    Urbana, Oh. 43078

    Renee E. Rittenhouse

    1906 N. Ludlow Rd

    Urbana, Oh. 43078

    Dave Faulkner

    9706 Smith Rd

    St. Paris, Ohio 43072

    Traci Faulkner

    9706 Smith Rd

    St. Paris, Ohio 43072.

    Bob Behling

    4730 E. County Line RoadSpringfield, Oh 45502

    Barbara Behling

    4730 E. County Line Road

    Springfield, Oh 45502

    Mary A. McFarland

    4762 East Hwy 36

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Malcolm G. McFarland4762 East Hwy 36

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    David Perdue

    2171 Parkview Rd

    Mechanics burg, Oh 43044

    Marilyn Perdue

    2171 Parkview Rd

    Mechanics burg, Oh 43044

    Bill Brenneman

    3409 Adell Drive

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Carmen Brenneman

    3409 Adell Drive

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Tim Landolfo

    117 Parview Court

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Cathy Landolfo

    117 Parview Court

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Daniel Dye

    325 South Belmont Ave

    Springfield, OH 45505

    Yasmin Dye

    325 South Belmont Ave

    Springfield, OH 45505

    Eliza Dye

    325 South Belmont AveSpringfield, OH 45505

    Nathalie Dye

    325 South Belmont Ave

    Springfield, OH 45505

    Dwight Driever

    4594 Swisher Rd

    Urbana, Oh. 43078

    Tonya Driever4594 Swisher Rd

    Urbana, Oh. 43078

    Marlene Kay Champ

    4668 E. St. Rt. 36

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Diane McConnell

    4880 E. US Hwy 36

    Urbana Ohio 43078

    Robert McConnell

    4880 E. US Hwy 36

    Urbana Ohio 43078

    Larry L. Gordon

    7400 State Route 161

    Mechanicsburg, Ohio 43044

    Linda A. Gordon

    7400 State Route 161

    Mechanicsburg, Ohio 43044

    James Bartlett

    6044 E. US Highway 36

    Cable, OH 43009

    Anita Bartlett

    6044 E. US Highway 36

    Cable, OH 43009

    Samuel Rodriguez

    6047 E. US Highway 36

    Cable, OH 43009

    Carrie Apthorpe

    5087 E. U.S. 36Urbana, Ohio. 43078

    Roger Apthorpe

    5087 E. U.S. 36

    Urbana, Ohio. 43078

    Samuel Apthorpe

    5087 E. U.S. 36

    Urbana, Ohio. 43078

    Skyler Apthorpe5087 E. U.S. 36

    Urbana, Ohio. 43078

    Janet Rucker

    4419 Flatfoot Road

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Michael A. Rucker

    4419 Flatfoot Road

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Paula Higgins

    966 N. Parkview Road

    Woodstock, Ohio 43084

    Gary Higgins

    966 N. Parkview Rd

    Woodstock, Ohio 43084

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    Donald I Bunn

    3407 Stone Quarry Rd.

    Urbana Ohio 43078

    George Ward

    9779 Millice Rd.

    Mechanicsburg, OH 43044

    Barbara Ward

    9779 Millice Rd.

    Mechanicsburg, OH 43044

    Gary Weaver

    9778 Millice Rd.

    Mechanicsburg, Oh 43044

    Laura Weaver

    9778 Millice Rd.Mechanicsburg, Oh 43044

    Vincent Weaver

    9778 Millice Rd.

    Mechanicsburg, Oh 43044

    Adam Weaver

    9778 Millice Rd.

    Mechanicsburg, Oh 43044

    Kaylee Weaver9778 Millice Rd.

    Mechanicsburg, Oh 43044

    Mark A. Baker

    7320 Long Pond Rd

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Jaime M. Baker

    7320 Long Pond Rd

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Jessica Baker

    7320 Long Pond Rd

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Yale Cline

    836 Three Mile Rd.

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Jeannette Cline

    836 Three Mile Rd.

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Dwayne Holleron

    2982 east state route 296

    Urbana Ohio 43078

    Bonnie Holleron

    2982 east state route 296

    Urbana Ohio 43078

    Morgan Holleron

    2982 east state route 296

    Urbana Ohio 43078

    Ashley Holleron

    2982 east state route 296Urbana Ohio 43078

    David Salmonowicz

    8036 County Road 28

    Zanesfield, OH 43360

    Jean Salmonowicz

    8036 County Road 28

    Zanesfield, OH 43360

    Maria Salmonowicz8036 County Road 28

    Zanesfield, OH 43360

    Elizabeth Salmonowicz

    8036 County Road 28

    Zanesfield, OH 43360

    Daniel Salmonowicz

    8036 County Road 28

    Zanesfield, OH 43360

    Jonathan Salmonowicz

    8036 County Road 28

    Zanesfield, OH 43360

    Gabriel Salmonowicz

    8036 County Road 28

    Zanesfield, OH 43360

    Wes Brown

    7451 E US Hwy 36

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Bethany Brown

    7451 E US Hwy 36

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Marc Stadler

    2089 N. State Route 560

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Shary Stadler

    2089 N. State Route 560

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Steve Bumgarner

    8942 Brigner RdMechanicsburg, OH 43044

    Ellen Bumgarner

    8942 Brigner Rd.

    Mechanicsburg, OH 43044

    Joe Stapleton

    4083 Swisher Rd.

    Urbana, Ohio, 43078

    Charlene Stapleton4083 Swisher Rd.

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Suzanne Gannon

    253 Parkway Blvd

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Laura Gannon

    253 Parkway Blvd

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Jay Gannon

    253 Parkway Blvd

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    John Lugar

    3126 Adell Dr

    Urbana, OH 43078

  • 8/9/2019 Letter to Governor Kasich Concerning OPSB


    Choung Lugar

    3126 Adell Drive

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Julia Kaster

    1511 E. St. Rt. 296

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Martin Kaster

    1511 E. St. Rt. 296

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Colin Cook

    1511 E. St. Rt. 296

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Julie Scordato

    2321 South Parkview RoadMechanicsburg Oh 43044

    Andrew Scordato

    2321 South Parkview Road

    Mechanicsburg Oh 43044

    Dawn Butcher

    300 W. Spring Unit 406

    Columbus, OH. 43009

    Greg Butcher300 W. Spring Unit 406

    Columbus, OH. 43009

    Shirley Butcher

    943 East Lawn Avenue #31

    Urbana, OH. 43078

    Michael E. Klise

    353 McAdams Road

    Cable Ohio 43009

    Venita Klise

    353 McAdams Road

    Cable Ohio 43009

    Michael N. Klise

    353 McAdams Road

    Cable Ohio 43009

    Jim Cole

    177 McAdams Road

    Cable, OH 43009

    Amber Cole

    177 McAdams Road

    Cable, OH 43009

    Bill Seesholtz

    7201 Long Pond Road

    Cable, OH 43009

    Thelma Seesholtz

    7201 Long Pond Road

    Cable, OH 43009

    Adam Taylor

    2190 East Main St., Apt. DColumbus, OH 43209

    Kristen Taylor

    2190 East Main St., Apt. D

    Columbus, OH 43209

    Casey Hennigan

    431 Cambrian Road

    Cable, OH 43009

    Erin Hennigan431 Cambrian Road

    Cable, OH 43009

    Catelyn Hennigan

    431 Cambrian Road

    Cable, OH 43009

    Tyler Hennigan

    431 Cambrian Road

    Cable, OH 43009

    Jerry Damewood

    3300 Middle Urbana Road

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Kim Damewood

    3300 Middle Urbana Road

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Marilyn S Poe

    3314 Stone Quarry Rd.

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Randy Poe

    3314 Stone Quarry Rd.

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Michael Conrad

    329 Boyce Street

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Patricia Conrad

    329 Boyce Street

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Deborah Butsch

    250 Pleasant StreetMechanicsburg, Ohio 43044

    Steven M. Butsch

    2509 Twin Pines Loop

    Lewis Center, Ohio 43035

    Daniel Dear

    3595 Johnstown Utica Road

    Johnstown, Ohio 43031

    Leesa Stephan2556 Alward Rd SW

    Pataskala, Ohio 43052

    Christine Butsch

    2509 Twin Pines Loop

    Lewis Center, Ohio 43035

    Teila Spencer

    3585 Johnstown Utica Road

    Johnstown, Ohio 43031

    Bob Jacobs

    5837 Rhodes Rd.

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Judy Jacobs

    5837 Rhodes Rd.

    Urbana, OH 43078

  • 8/9/2019 Letter to Governor Kasich Concerning OPSB


    Roger Wilson

    4803 East Route 296

    Cable. Ohio 43009

    Linnae Wilson

    4803 East Route 296

    Cable. Ohio 43009

    Baileigh Halterman

    2657 S. Ludlow Rd.

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Brian Halterman

    2657 S. Ludlow Rd.

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Kathryn Halterman

    2487 S Ludlow RdUrbana, OH 43078

    Debbie Hall

    2487 S Ludlow Rd

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Landre Halterman

    2657 S. Ludlow Rd.

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Alexa Halterman2657 S. Ludlow Rd.

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Mary Jo Parello

    2469 Parkview Rd.

    Mechanicsburg, Ohio 43044

    Steve Parello

    2369 Parkview Rd.

    Mechanicsburg, Ohio 43044

    Ray Parello

    3447 Rockpointe Ct.

    Columbus, Ohio43221

    Sandra Parello

    3447 Rockpointe Ct.

    Columbus, Ohio 43221

    Madeline Riley

    2454 Parkview Rd.

    Mechanicsburg, Ohio 43044

    Wayne Taylor

    1277 Yocom Road

    Cable, OH 43009

    Marcia Taylor

    1277 Yocom Road

    Cable, OH 43009

    Camden R. Nichelson

    7330 County Road 130

    Kenton, OH 43326

    Andrew N. Nichelson

    7330 County Road 130Kenton, OH 43326

    Jim McConnell

    120 F Berwick

    Urbana Ohio 43078

    Jonathan Miller

    948 Bon Air Drive

    Urbana, Ohio 43078.

    Laura Miller948 Bon Air Drive

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Angella Steward

    5108 Renmill Drive

    Hilliard, Ohio 43026

    John R. Mohr

    7258 School House Road

    Cable, Ohio 43009-9636

    Joy J. Mohr

    7258 School House Road

    Cable, Ohio 43009-9636

    Kathleen P. Ryan

    217 Lincoln Place

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Kurt Criner

    822 S. Dugan Road

    Urbana, OH. 43078

    Julie Criner

    822 S. Dugan Road

    Urbana, OH. 43078

    Mark Marsallis

    8243 Brush Lake Rd.

    Woodstock, OH. 43084

    David Williams

    155 West Herr Rd.

    Urbana, OH. 43078

    Margie Williams

    155 West Herr Rd.Urbana, OH. 43078

    Brendon & Laura Moore

    201 W. Water St.

    Urbana, OH. 43078

    Jim Boles

    6578 N. Ludlow Rd.

    Cable, OH. 43009

    Georgina Boles6578 N. Ludlow Rd.

    Cable, OH. 43009

    Robert Adams

    4680 Newport Loop West

    Grove City, OH. 43123

    Phyllis Adams

    4680 Newport Loop West

    Grove City, OH. 43123

    Sam Troiano

    1757 Merrick Rd.

    Grandview Heights, OH. 43212

    Donna Troiano

    1757 Merrick Rd.

    Grandview Heights, OH. 43212

  • 8/9/2019 Letter to Governor Kasich Concerning OPSB


    Jan Flynn

    505 Clareridge Lane

    Centerville, OH. 45458

    Wendy Flynn

    505 Clareridge Lane

    Centerville, OH. 45458

    Louise Mohr-Gossett

    50 School Street

    Mechanicsburg, OH. 43044

    Ron Loveless

    10170 Wren Rd.

    Mechanicsburg, OH. 43044

    Amy Loveless

    10170 Wren Rd.Mechanicsburg, OH. 43044

    Steve Pond

    3222 Mutual Catawba Rd.

    Urbana, OH. 43078

    Ellen Pond

    3222 Mutual Catawba Rd.

    Urbana, OH. 43078

    Steve Murphy3134 ST. RT. 559

    Mechanicsburg, OH. 43044

    Robin Murphy

    3134 ST. RT. 559

    Mechanicsburg, OH. 43044

    Russell E. Hull

    1043 Cambrian Rd.

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Sondra L. Hull

    1043 Cambrian Rd.

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Chris Mahan

    1511 Clark Road.

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Cindy Mahan

    1511 Clark Road

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Amanda Lambert

    1511 Clark Road

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Joy Thoma

    848 N. Ludlow Rd.

    Urbana OH 43078

    James Dan Boulton

    9681 State Route 161

    Mechanicsburg, OH 43044

    Vicky Boulton

    9681 State Route 161Mechanicsburg, OH 43044

    Lisa Fetter

    820 S Ludlow Rd

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Sandy McDavid

    4883 East US Hwy 36

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Brad McDavid4883 East US Hwy 36

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Mary McDavid

    4883 East US Hwy 36

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    William McDavid

    4883 East US Hwy 36

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    P. B. Dye

    5069 East US Hwy 36

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Jean Dye

    5069 East US Hwy 36

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Bart Edgington

    8734 W. St. Rt. 29

    DeGraff, OH 43318

    Keith Wicker

    8734 W. St. Rt. 29

    DeGraff, OH 43318

    Martha Doss

    531 Scioto Street

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    John Doss

    531 Scioto Street

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Charles Stadler

    1755 North Route 560Urbana. Ohio 43078

    Joan P. Stadler

    1755 North Route 560

    Urbana. Ohio 43078

    Irene Peace

    466 Cambrian Road

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Larry Peace466 Cambrian Road

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Keith Bowden

    1700 E St Route 296

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Cathy Bowden

    1700 E St Route 296

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Holly Peace

    466 Cambrian Road

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Zachary Teets

    466 Cambrian Road

    Cable, Ohio 43009

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    Jan Dawson

    3624 Twp. Road 136

    Bellefontaine, OH 43311 

    Keith Nason

    6476 CR 2Zanesfield, OH 43360

    Sue Nason

    6476 CR 2

    Zanesfield, OH 43360

    Tom Scheiderer

    2748 Sandusky St

    Zanesfield, Ohio 43360

    Marilyn Scheiderer

    2748 Sandusky StZanesfield, Ohio 43360

    Wayne Gulden

    224 Corry Street

    Yellow Springs, OH 45387

    Clayton L Meyers

    539 Upland Road

    Bay Village, OH 44140

    Julia Hicks3221 Plymouth East Road

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Marion Hicks

    3221 Plymouth East Road

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Lora Hicks

    3221 Plymouth East Road

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Charles R. Oney

    3221 Plymouth East Road

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Berton Oney

    89 N. Kniffin Street

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    William F. Bouchane

    11197 Wilderness Way Ct.

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Donna Bouchane

    11197 Wilderness Way Ct.

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Dennis Albert

    2631 Alpha Rd.

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Kathy Albert

    2631 Alpha Rd.

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Nancy McClees7950 Anne Bonny Ct

    Russells Point, OH 43348

    Dewain McClees

    7950 Anne Bonny Ct

    Russells Point, OH 43348

    Corey VanHoose

    5260 T.R.147

    Zanesfield, Ohio 43360.

    Jenna Van Hoose

    5260 T.R. 147

    Zanesfield, Ohio 43360

    Renae Van Hoose

    5260 T.R. 147

    Zanesfield, Ohio 43360

    David Seffernick

    12258 Buckland Holden Rd

    Wapakoneta, OH 45895

    Linda Seffernick

    12258 Buckland Holden Rd

    Wapakoneta, OH 45895

    George Seffernick

    12316 Buckland Holden Rd

    Wapakoneta, OH 45895

    Phyllis Seffernick

    12316 Buckland Holden Rd

    Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895

    Aaron Sargeant

    17388 Wells Rd

    Anna, Ohio 45302

    Russ Malicki

    2373 Alpha Rd

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Valerie Malicki

    2373 Alpha Rd

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Rosie Malicki2373 Alpha Rd

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Violet Malicki

    2373 Alpha Rd

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Jason Hoffman

    12732 Road 16

    Ottawa, OH 45875

    Erin Hoffman

    12732 Road 16

    Ottawa, OH 45875

    Tyler Hoffman

    12732 Road 16

    Ottawa, OH 45875

    Kennedy Hoffman

    12732 Road 16

    Ottawa, OH 45875

    Camryn Hoffman

    12732 Road 16

    Ottawa, OH 45875

    Ella Hoffman

    12732 Road 16

    Ottawa, OH 45875

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    Jason Stuckey

    31 W. Main Street

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    Christina Stuckey

    31 W. Main Street

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    Ryleigh Stuckey

    31 W. Main Street

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    Courtney Stuckey

    31 W. Main Street

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    Brody Stuckey31 W. Main Street

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    Avery Stuckey

    31 W. Main Street

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    Aubreigh Stuckey

    31 W. Main Street

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    Steven Grimes

    6314 County Road 10,

    Zanesfield, OH 43360

    Casey Grimes

    6314 County Road 10,

    Zanesfield, OH 43360

    Joe Hughes

    6320 State Route 540

    Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311

    Linda Hughes

    6320 State Route 540

    Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311

    Lloyd McNamee

    278 East Center

    West Mansfield, Ohio 43358

    Debbie Reames

    4706 ST RT 273W

    Belle Center, OH 43310

    Rex Reames

    4706 ST RT 273W

    Belle Center, OH 43310

    Judith Poe

    16356 Ft. Loramie Swanders Rd

    Sidney, OH 45365

    Larry Poe

    16356 Ft. Loramie Swanders Rd

    Sidney, OH 45365

    Sarah Rieman12761 Road 16

    Ottawa, OH 45875

    Justin Rieman

    12761 Road 16

    Ottawa, OH 45875

    Mary Huey

    4747 Maple St.

    Willoughby, Ohio 44094

    Regina Linz

    9813 Lake Breeze Dr.

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Marianne Gasiecki

    2382 Springmill West Rd.

    Mansfield, Ohio 44903

    Mary Kay Klausing

    18918 St Rt 66

    Delphos, OH 45833

    Don Klausing

    18918 St Rt 66

    Delphos, OH 45833

    Isaac Klausing

    114 East 11th

    Columbus, OH 43210

    Marilyn Hampton

    7810 CR 180

    Kenton, Ohio 43326

    Kent Hampton

    7810 CR 180

    Kenton, Ohio 43326

    Larry OBrien

    9698 Heidi Ct.

    Huntsville, Ohio 43324

    Elizabeth Hoover

    2436 Kent Rd.

    Upper Arlington, Ohio 43221

    Darin Hoover2436 Kent Rd.

    Upper Arlington, Ohio 43221

    Dennis Blank

    Box 188, 894 St. Rt. 292

    East Liberty, OH 43319

    Janet Blank

    Box 188, 894 St. Rt. 292

    East Liberty, OH 43319

    Gayle Azbell

    11693 Infirmary Road

    Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895

    Kirk Azbell

    11693 Infirmary Road

    Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895

    John Warrington

    7040 SR 96

    Tiro, Ohio 44887

    Kelley R. Campbell

    9523 Heron Way

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    William E. Campbell

    9523 Heron Way

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

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    Kevin Ledet

    3205 Omega Rd.

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    Marcia Ledet

    3205 Omega Rd.

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    Wayne L. Warren

    7426 Feasby Wisener Rd.

    Convoy, OH 45832

    Ellyn C. Warren

    7426 Feasby Wisener Rd.

    Convoy, OH 45832

    Terry McKellop1777 County Road 5

    Zanesfield, OH 43360

    Jill McKellop

    1777 County Road 5

    Zanesfield, OH 43360

    Kayla McKellop

    1777 County Road 5

    Zanesfield, OH 43360

    Linda Mazurek

    6711 St Rt 540

    Bellefontaine, Ohio, 43311

    Tom Mazurek

    6711 St Rt 540

    Bellefontaine, Ohio, 43311

    Tom Stacy

    6628 County Road 10

    Zanesfield, OH 43360

    Michael Shepherd

    8922 Township Road 220

    Belle Center, OH 43310

    Kandy Shepherd

    6609 Township Road 220

    Kenton, OH 43326

    Roger Shepherd

    6609 Township Road 220

    Kenton, Ohio 43326

    Ethan Shepherd

    8922 Township Road 220

    Belle Center, OH 43310

    Elijah Shepherd

    8922 Township Road 220

    Belle Center, OH 43310

    Aaron Shepherd

    8922 Township Road 220

    Belle Center, OH 43310

    Diana Shepherd8922 Township Road 220

    Belle Center, OH 43310

    Don Eggenschwiller

    9151 Gross Dr.

    Lakeview, OH 43331

    Jeff Davis

    751 Eastgate Dr.

    Spencerville, OH 45887

    Tom Stout

    421 Brett Lane

    Spencerville, OH 45887

    Diane Stout

    421 Brett Lane

    Spencerville, Ohio 45887

    Dawn Davis

    751 Eastgate Dr.

    Spencerville, OH 45887

    Kaylee Davis

    751 Eastgate Dr.

    Spencerville, OH 45887

    Collin Davis

    751 Eastgate Dr.

    Spencerville, OH 45887

    Jim Wiechart

    12739 Mercer-Van Wert Co.

    Line Road

    Spencerville, Ohio 45887

    Kit Wiechart

    12739 Mercer-Van Wert Co.

    Line Road

    Spencerville, Ohio 45887

    John Wiechart

    12739 Mercer-Van Wert Co.

    Line Road

    Spencerville, Ohio 45887

    Jacob Wiechart

    12739 Mercer-Van Wert Co.Line Road

    Spencerville, Ohio 45887

    JeanAnn Richardson

    11204 Wilderness Way Court

    Belle Center, OH 43310

    Gary Joe Thrailkill

    7727 Oceola Ln

    West Chester, OH 45069

    Cynthia Thrailkill

    7727 Oceola Ln

    West Chester, OH 45069

    Penny Higgins

    3575 County Road 171

    West Liberty, OH 43357

    Andy Higgins

    3575 County Road 171

    West Liberty, OH 43357

    Molly Buettner

    22877 Spieles Rd.

    Delphos, Ohio 45833

    David Buettner

    22877 Spieles Rd.

    Delphos, Ohio 45833

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    Jim Rudolph

    2735 Amanda Lakes Drive

    Lima, Ohio 45805

    Mary Rudolph

    4963 Slabtown Road

    Lima, Ohio 45807

    Rich Rudolph

    3003 Sugar Creek Road

    Lima, Ohio 45807

    Susan Cornell

    1557 Fairway Drive

    Lima, Ohio 45805

    Caroline Rudolph2735 Amanda Lakes Drive

    Lima, Ohio 45805

    Johnny Rudolph

    2735 Amanda Lakes Drive

    Lima, Ohio 45805

    Gene D. Pool

    4043 Richey Rd.

    Van Wert, OH 45891

    Vickie L. Pool

    4043 Richey Rd.

    Van Wert, OH 45891

    Kevin Barth

    4511 TWP RD 215

    Lewistown, OH 43333

    Wayne Barth

    1749 CR 27

    DeGraff, OH 43318

    Nikki Barth

    4511 TWP RD 215

    Lewistown, OH 43333

    Joyce Barth

    1749 CR 27

    DeGraff, OH 43318

    Levi Deere

    6082 Twp Rd 210

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Barbara S. Miller

    Box 525

    Lakeview, Ohio 43331

    Dorothy T. Ballew

    Box 525

    Lakeview, Ohio 43331

    Patricia Wax

    9005 Shady Lane

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Randy Wax9005 Shady Lane

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Steven R. VanDyne

    8256 County Road 150

    Kenton, Ohio 43326

    Madelon Kinzig

    7600 Sir Francis Drake

    Russells Point, OH 43348

    Bill Kinzig

    7600 Sir Francis Drake

    Russells Point, OH 43348

    Hudson Stout

    17651 CR 75

    Belle Center, OH 43310

    Chris Stout

    17651 CR 75

    Belle Center, OH 43310

    Pamela Stout

    17651 CR 75

    Belle Center, OH 43310

    Greyson Stout

    17651 CR 75

    Belle Center, OH 43310

    Carl E. Wilkerson

    606 Conley Avenue

    Ada, Ohio 45810

    Bonnie K. Wilkerson

    606 Conley Avenue

    Ada, Ohio 45810

    Kamron M. Wilkerson

    606 Conley Avenue

    Ada, Ohio 45810

    Tom Furer

    8268 Twp. Rd. 138

    West Mansfield, Ohio 43358

    Carol L. Furer8268 Twp. Rd. 138

    West Mansfield, Ohio 43358

    Kelly Klink

    11316 Northlake Dr.

    Lakeview, OH 43331

    James Klink

    11316 Northlake Dr.

    Lakeview, OH 43331

    Kathleen Cooper

    214 White Oaks Ct.

    Russells Point, Ohio 43348

    Larry Cooper

    214 White Oaks Ct.

    Russells Point, Ohio 43348

    Ryan Stanford

    18972 C.R. 75

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Deidra Stanford

    18972 C.R. 75

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Isaiah Stanford

    18972 C.R. 75

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

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    Noah Stanford

    18972 C.R. 75

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310 

    Holly Detwiler

    3018 St. Rt. 67

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Jeff Detwiler

    3018 St. Rt. 67

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Chloe Hunsicker

    3018 St. Rt. 67

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Margie Hites3048 St. Rt. 67

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Roger Hites

    3048 St. Rt. 67

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Charles Ruma

    98437 Lakeshore Drive E

    Huntsville, OH 43324

    Brooke Ruma

    98437 Lakeshore Drive E

    Huntsville, OH 43324

    Mary Ann E. Wagner

    8420 Mansion Blvd.

    Mentor, OH 44060

    Gary Biglin

    5331 St. Rt. 61 South

    Shelby, Ohio 44875

    Donna Biglin

    5331 St. Rt. 61 South

    Shelby, Ohio 44875

    John Biglin

    12 Ray Rd.

    Shelby, Ohio 44875

    Angela Biglin

    12 Ray Rd.

    Shelby, Ohio 44875

    Andy Biglin

    2830 Plymouth-Springmill Rd.

    Shelby, Ohio 44875

    Marcia Biglin

    2830 Plymouth-Springmill Rd. 

    Shelby, Ohio 44875

    Francis Biglin

    4112 Brannon Rd.

    Crestline, Ohio 44827

    Harold Miller7250 St. Rt. 96

    Crestline, Ohio 44827

    Jean Miller

    7250 St. Rt. 96

    Crestline, Ohio 44827

    Bill Stanton

    3734 Springmill N. Rd.

    Shelby, Ohio 44875

    Debre Bauer

    7798 Remlinger Rd.

    Crestline, Ohio 44827

    Bradley Bauer

    7798 Remlinger Rd.

    Crestline, Ohio 44827

    Carol Glenhill

    7256 Remlinger Rd.

    Crestline, Ohio 44827

    Loran Glenhill

    7256 Remlinger Rd.

    Crestline, Ohio 44827

    Grover Reynolds

    7179 Remlinger Rd.

    Crestline, Ohio 44827

    Alan Price

    7956 Remlinger Rd.

    Crestline, Ohio 44827

    Catherine Price

    7956 Remlinger Rd.

    Crestline, Ohio 44827

    Mary Studer

    6716 Remlinger Rd.

    Crestline, Ohio 44827

    Bob Bell

    3680 Swisher Rd.

    Crestline, Ohio 44827

    Arinda Bell3680 Swisher Rd.

    Crestline, Ohio 44827

    Jamie Picou

    3568 St. Rt. 598

    Crestline, Ohio 44827

    Cindy Picou

    3568 St. Rt. 598

    Crestline, Ohio 44827

    Joyce Murphy

    Biddle Rd.

    Crestline, Ohio 44827

    Bill Alt

    927 Snowmace Dr.

    Galion, Ohio 44833

    Margaret Rietschlin

    4240 Baker Road

    Crestline, Ohio 44827

    Nicholas Rietschlin

    4240 Baker Road

    Crestline, Ohio 44827

    Theodore Rietschlin

    4240 Baker Road

    Crestline, Ohio 44827

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    Anna Mitton

    14225 Sidney Freyburg Rd.

    Anna, Ohio 45302

    Rod Mitton

    14225 Sidney Freyburg Rd.

    Anna, Ohio 45302

    April Lehman

    314 E. McPherson Ave.

    Findlay, Ohio 45840

    Richard Lehman

    314 E. McPherson Ave.

    Findlay, Ohio 45840

    Herbert J Stevenson

    18504 Co. Rd. 75Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Becky Stevenson

    18504 Co. Rd. 75

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Tony Green

    140 S Hayes

    Bellefontaine, Oh 43311

    Kandalyn Green140 S. Hayes

    Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311

    Derrick Detrick

    292 N Main St.

    West Mansfield, Oh 43358

    Sharalyn Detrick

    292 N. Main St.

    Wet Mansfield, Ohio 43358

    David Davis

    614 S. Main St.

    Bellefontaine, Oh 43311

    Angelyn Davis

    614 S. Main St.

    Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311

    Herbert Stevenson II

    Apt 12

    13765 Co. Rd. 155

    Kenton, Oh 43326

    Alison Stevenson

    Apt. 12

    13765 Co. Rd. 155

    Kenton, Ohio 43326

    Butch Price

    19130 Co. Rd. 75

    Belle Center, Oh 43310

    Linda Price

    19130 Co. Rd. 75

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Gary Campbell

    2277 Twp. Rd. 56

    Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311

    Jennifer L. Tynan

    5335 CR 26

    Bellefontaine, OH 43311

    Patrick J. Tynan

    5335 CR 26

    Bellefontaine, OH 43311

    John Bordas

    4557 Star Rd.

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    April Bordas

    4557 Star Rd.

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    Duane E. Edwards

    4394 Star Rd.

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Karen S .Edwards

    4394 Star Rd.

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Carie S. Edwards

    4394 Star Rd.

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    E. Eileen Lay

    3267 US Highway 224 E

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Jerry A. Lay

    3267 US Highway 224 E

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    John Prushinski

    3567 Rome Greenwich Rd.

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Nina Prushinski

    3576 Rome Greenwich Rd.Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Virginia M. Robson

    65 S. Kniffin St.

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    Richard E. Pettit

    21 S. Kniffin St.

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    Nancy A. Pettit21 S. Kniffin St.

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    Sharon DeWitt

    4771 Greenwich-Milan

    Townline Rd.

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    Gerald Oney

    3496 Rome-Greenwich Road

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Connie Oney

    3496 Rome-Greenwich Road

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Ken Johnson

    59 W. Main St.

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

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    Heidi Johnson

    59 W. Main St.

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Kayla Johnson

    59 W. Main St.

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Holly Johnson

    50 W. Main St.

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Kerri Johnson

    59 W. Main St.

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Harrison Johnson

    59 W. Main St.Greenwich, OH 44837

    Thomas Poeppelman

    13025 Thaman Road

    Anna, Ohio 45302

    Laura Poeppelman

    13025 Thaman Road

    Anna, Ohio 45302

    Nathan Poeppelman13025 Thaman Road

    Anna, Ohio 45302

    Evan Poeppelman

    13025 Thaman Road

    Anna, Ohio 45302

    Alex Poeppelman

    13025 Thaman Road

    Anna, Ohio 45302

    Owen Poeppelman

    13025 Thaman Road

    Anna, Ohio 45302

    Emma Poeppelman

    13025 Thaman Road

    Anna, Ohio 45302

    Gloria D. Goslee

    366 W. Main Street

    Russells Point, OH 43348

    William T. Goslee

    366 W. Main Street

    Russells Point, OH 43348

    James A. Weybright

    450 Leichty Ave.

    Middletown, OH 45042

    Renee Wildermuth

    18840 Botkins Rd.

    Jackson Center, Ohio 45334

    Gessel Nunez

    18840 Botkins Rd.Jackson Center, OH 45334

    Robin R. Newland

    5896 St. Rt. 274E

    Rushsylvania, Ohio 43347

    Barbara P. Newland

    5896 St. Rt. 274E

    Rushylvania, Ohio 43347

    James Miller979 S.R. 273 W.

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Joy Miller

    979 S.R 273 W.

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Dustin Plikerd

    320 E. Main St.

    Belle Center 43310

    Kelly Plikerd

    320 E. Main St.

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Jean James

    10280 Seminole Shore Dr.

    Huntsville, OH 43324

    Larry James

    10280 Seminole Shore Dr.

    Huntsville, OH 43324

    Morris Johnson

    8687 SR 273 W

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Phyllis Johnson

    86587 SR 273 W

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Angela Harmon

    35100 County Road 351

    Ridgeway, Ohio 43345

    James L. Frobase

    Box 3977932 Hickory Avenue

    Russells Point, Ohio 43348

    Jean S. Frobase

    Box 397

    7932 Hickory Avenue

    Russells Point, Ohio 43348

    James J. Biery

    8790 St. Rt. 273 West

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Debra M. Darling

    8790 St. Rt. 273 West

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Christine Magee

    11274 Five Oaks Ct

    Belle Center, Oh 43310

    John Magee

    11274 Five Oaks Ct

    Belle Center, Oh 43310

    Marvin Swonguer

    9366 Willow View Rd.

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

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    Margaret Swonguer

    9366 Willow View Rd.

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Ted M Kilgore

    3167 Omega Rd.

    Greenwich, Oh 44837

    Sarah E Kilgore

    3167 Omega Rd.

    Greenwich, Oh. 44837

    Maycee D Kilgore

    3167 Omega Rd.

    Greenwich, Oh. 44837

    Megan G Kilgore

    3167 Omega Rd.Greenwich, Oh. 44837

    Zachariah A Kilgore

    3167 Omega Rd.

    Greenwich, Oh. 44837

    Lucas T Kilgore

    3167 Omega Rd.

    Greenwich, Oh. 44837

    James Davis6675 Champion Rd.

    Shelby, OH 44875

    Karel Davis

    6675 Champion Rd.

    Shelby, OH 44875

    Justin Kilgore

    4279 Shoup Rd.

    Shelby, OH 44875

    Jayme Kilgore

    4279 Shoup Rd.

    Shelby, OH 44875

    Danny Kilgore

    4279 Shoup Rd.

    Shelby, OH 44875

    Dennis Studer

    24 W. Gaylord

    Shelby, OH 44875

    Mary Studer

    24 W. Gaylord

    Shelby, OH 44875

    Arlene King

    490 Lakeshore Dr.

    Willard, OH 44890

    Ed Miller

    103 Samantha

    Shelby, OH 44875

    Jann Chew

    32 W. SmileyShelby, OH 44875

    Mark Eshelman

    2960 Rock Rd.

    Shelby, OH 44875

    Donn Lidington

    600 Butte

    Willard, OH 44890

    Liz Lidington600 Butte

    Willard, OH 44890

    Mike Hart

    6647 Champion Rd.

    Shelby, OH 44875

    Deb Hart

    6647 Champion Rd.

    Shelby, OH 44875

    Terry Davis

    129 Milton St.

    Berea, OH 44017

    Brett Heffner

    Stein Rd.

    Shelby, OH 44875

    Dick Kirkendall

    2813 Plymouth Springmill Rd.

    Shelby, OH 44875

    Peg Miller


    Defiance, OH 43512

    Addison Lawrence

    967 Highland Ave.

    Galion, OH 44833

    Judy Lawrence

    967 Highland Ave.

    Galion, OH 44833

    Dean Boardman

    29 RiverviewShelby, OH 44875

    Mike Stevens

    3114 SR 13

    Greenwich, Oh 44837

    Rachel Inmon

    3114 SR 13

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Art WhiteMaplewood Dr.

    Greenwich, Oh 44837

    Jeannie White

    Maplewood Dr.

    Greenwich, Oh 44837

    Jim Oliver

    1734 West Rte 29

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Myra Oliver

    1734 West Rte 29

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Lew Brown

    3501 St. Paris-New Carlisle


    St. Paris, Ohio 43072

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    Dean Brown

    227 Orange Street

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Dean Morris

    8624 Co. Road 153

    East Liberty, Ohio 43319

    Scott Blanton

    1791 Madden Road

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Amy Blanton

    1791 Madden Road

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Doug Hoffman

    201 West Reynolds St.Urbana, OH 43078

    Heather Hoffman

    201 West Reynolds St.

    Urbana, OH 43078

    William Steele

    1308. N. Ludlow Rd.

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Brenda Steele1308. N. Ludlow Rd.

    Urbana, OH 43078

    William L. Minken

    155 S. Ludlow Rd

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Mary Ann Minken

    155 S. Ludlow Rd

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Sam Dillon

    1615 Mutual Union Rd South

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Wilma Dillon

    1615 Mutual Union Rd South

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Michael Burton

    16028 Buckland River Road

    Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895

    Courtney Burton

    16028 Buckland River Road

    Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895

    Kirk Azbell

    11693 Infirmary Road

    Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895

    Gayle Azbell

    11693 Infirmary Road

    Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895

    Mark Doenges

    10770 Buckland Holden RoadWapakoneta, OH 45895

    Terrilee Doenges

    10770 Buckland Holden Road

    Wapakoneta, OH 45895

    Wendell Schultz

    15387 SR 116

    St. Marys, Ohio 45885

    Delores Schultz15387 SR 116

    St. Marys, Ohio 45885

    Patricia Ann Shaw

    16289 Nottingham Dr.

    Wapakoneta, OH. 45895

    Tom Shaw

    16289 Nottingham Dr.

    Wapakoneta, OH. 45895

    Kayla Guess

    201 North Main St.

    Buckland, Ohio 45819

    George Lee

    09269 St. Rte 219

    New Knoxville, OH 45871

    Darla Lee

    09269 St. Ret 219

    New Knoxville, OH 45871

    Mike Borges

    11158 Infirmary Road

    Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895

    Rita Borges

    11158 Infirmary Road

    Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895

    Donald L. Knipp

    1108 Infirmary Rd.

    Wapakoneta, OH 45895

    Dianne Knipp

    11108 Infirmary Rd.Wapakoneta, OH 45895

    John Growdon Jr.

    2621 State Rte 245

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    John Growdon, Sr.

    2448 S Ludlow Road

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Kimberly Growdon2621 State Rte 245

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Matthew Doss

    531 Scioto St

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Samuel Doss

    531 Scioto St

    Urbana Ohio 43078

    Vicki H. Park

    223 Lincoln Place

    Urbana. Ohio 43078

    Robert S. Park

    223 Lincoln Place

    Urbana. Ohio 43078

  • 8/9/2019 Letter to Governor Kasich Concerning OPSB


    David Lyons

    856 Cambrian Road

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Cynthia L. Peters

    7300 St. Rte. 161

    Mechanicsburg, Ohio 43044

    Mary Jo Williams

    444 East 4th Street

    Ottawa, OH 45875

    Douglas Braden

    539 Cambrian Road

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Suzi Braden

    539 Cambrian RoadCable, Ohio 43009

    Adam Braden

    539 Cambrian Road

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Angelo Campanella, P.E.,

    PhD. FASA

    3201 Ridgewood Drive

    Hilliard, OH 43026

    Mary Sweet

    334 Clinton Heights Ave

    Columbus, Ohio 43202

    Angie Nawman

    213 Blendon Rd.

    West Jefferson, OH 43162

    Warren Wright

    33 Main Road

    Delaware, Ohio

    Ruth Wright

    33 Main Road

    Delaware, Ohio

    Lillian Stacy

    8638 Piqua Lockington Rd.

    Piqua, OH 45356

    Emily Stacy

    8638 Piqua Lockington Rd.

    Piqua, OH 45356

    David Knopp

    6113 State Route 4

    Mechanicsburg, OH 43044

    Julie Knopp

    6113 State Route 4

    Mechanicsburg, Ohio 43044

    Neal Luginbill

    7047 Township Road 150

    West Liberty, OH 43357

    Judi Luginbill

    7047 Township Road 150West Liberty, OH 43357

    Paul Duane Hartzler

    Box 143

    5550 Co. Rd. 29

    West Liberty, Ohio 43357

    Mary Ann Hartzler

    Box 143

    5550 Co. Rd. 29

    West Liberty, Ohio 43357

    Casey Patton

    204 W. Columbus ST.

    West Liberty, Ohio 43357

    Jennifer Patton

    204 W. Columbus ST.

    West Liberty, Ohio 43357

    Jennifer Miller

    27 Rue St. Charles Ave.

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Ryan Miller

    27 Rue St. Charles Ave.

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Anthony Elsasser

    6051 TWP RD 200

    Belle Center OH 43310

    Katie Elsasser

    6051 TWP RD 200

    Belle Center OH 43310

    Gabriel Elsasser

    6051 TWP RD 200

    Belle Center OH 43310

    Liam Elsasser

    6051 TWP RD 200

    Belle Center OH 43310

    Rusty Herring

    5985 TWP RD 200Belle Center OH 43310

    Patricia Herring

    6314 TWP RD 200

    Belle Center OH 43310

    Devin Elsasser

    13173 RD 206

    Ridgeway OH 43345

    Erica Elsasser13173 RD 206

    Ridgeway OH 43345

    Loryn Elsasser

    13173 RD 206

    Ridgeway OH 43345

    Laney Elsasser

    13173 RD 206

    Ridgeway OH 43345

    Lynn Elsasser

    13205 RD 206

    Ridgeway OH 43345

    Judi Elsasser

    13205 RD 206

    Ridgeway OH 43345

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    Christina Fosson

    2853 State Route 54

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Richard Fosson

    2853 State Route 54

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Chandler Fosson

    2853 State Route 54

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Trevor Fosson

    2853 State Route 54

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Burnel Pinkerman

    1661 SR 243Coal Grove, OH

    Brenda Pinkerman

    1661 SR 243

    Coal Grove, OH

    Kurt Forrest

    6145 George Fox Dr.

    Galloway, Oh 43119

    Katie Forrest6145 George Fox Dr.

    Galloway, Oh 43119

    Brian Forrest

    1592 St. Rt. 559

    Woodstock, OH 43084

    Lynne Forrest

    1592 St. Rt. 559

    Woodstock, OH 43084

    Todd Sims

    1636 Jackson Hill Rd.

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Linda Sims

    1636 Jackson Hill Rd.

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Lori Forrest

    8374 Long Pond Road

    Mechanicsburg, OH 43044

    Keith Forrest

    8374 Long Pond Road

    Mechanicsburg, OH 43044

    J.T. Riley

    1244 Jackson Hill Rd.,

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Dolores Riley

    1244 Jackson Hill Rd.

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Paul Kurtz

    4445 Shy RdMechanicsburg, OH 43044

    Grace Kurtz

    4445 Shy Rd

    Mechanicsburg, OH 43044

    Joelle Hochstedler

    Dunedin Drive

    Columbus, OH

    Trent Kurtz22 S Main St

    Mechanicsburg, OH 43044

    Robert L. Gibson

    20337 Conant Road

    Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895

    Judy K. Gibson

    20337 Conant Road

    Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895

    Phil Gibson

    09650 Monroe Road

    Wapakoneta, OH 45895

    Jeanne Gibson

    09650 Monroe Road

    Wapakoneta, OH 45895

    Tarlton A. Whetstone

    09191 S.R. 197

    Wapakoneta, OH 45895

    Karin L. Whetstone

    09191 S.R. 197

    Wapakoneta, OH 45895

    Thomas Schnarre

    07591 Lynch Road

    Wapakoneta, OH 45895

    Amy Schnarre

    07591 Lynch Road

    Wapakoneta, OH 45895

    Melanie Williams

    19792 Hauss RoadWapakoneta, OH 45895

    Jeff Monnin

    5028 Loretta Lane

    Minster, Ohio 45865

    Beth Monnin

    5028 Loretta Lane

    Minster, Ohio 45865

    Cheryl Corthell16800 Sharp Rd.

    Sidney, Ohio 45365

    Steve Corthell

    16800 Sharp Rd.

    Sidney, Ohio 45365

    Don Rosenbeck

    18280 Linker Road

    Jackson Center, OH 45334

    Mary Rosenbeck

    18280 Linker Road

    Jackson Center, OH 45334

    Craig Stiefel

    202 Peridot Dr.

    Anna, OH 45302

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    Nancy Stiefel

    202 Peridot Dr.

    Anna, OH 45302

    April Boggs

    384 N. Parkview Road

    Woodstock, Ohio 43084

    Joseph Boggs

    384 N. Parkview Road

    Woodstock, Ohio 43084

    Cole Duncan

    3084 N. Parkview Road

    Woodstock, Ohio 43084

    Summer Boggs

    3084 N. Parkview RoadWoodstock, Ohio 43084

    Khloe Boggs

    3084 N. Parkview Road

    Woodstock, Ohio 43084

    Dennis Johnson

    6451 Black Road

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Mary Johnson6451 Black Road

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Ray Boggs

    5573 McColly Road

    North Lewisburg, Ohio 43060

    Ramona Boggs

    5573 McColly Road

    North Lewisburg, Ohio 43060

    Jesse Boggs

    5573 McColly Road

    North Lewisburg, Ohio 43060

    Timothy Williams

    3227 Omega Rd

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    Jessica Williams

    3227 Omega Rd

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    Jacob Williams

    3227 Omega Rd

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    Lorre Culp

    3979 Rd 142

    West Mansfield, OH 43358

    Ron Culp

    3979 Rd 142

    West Mansfield, OH. 43358

    Jeff Culp

    20690 Dog Leg RdMarysville, OH 43040

    Megan Culp

    20690 Dog leg Rd

    Marysville, OH 43040

    Clayton Hughes

    212 West Mill

    Rushsylvania, Ohio 43347

    Amy Fecher247 Scarlett Drive

    Beavercreek, Ohio 45434

    Scott Fecher

    247 Scarlett Drive

    Beavercreek, Ohio 45434

    Audrey Fecher

    247 Scarlett Drive

    Beavercreek, Ohio 45434

    Tyler Fecher

    247 Scarlett Drive

    Beavercreek, Ohio 45434

    Jennifer Kearns

    12 Water Street

    Spring Valley, Ohio 45370

    Nathan Kearns

    12 Water Street

    Spring Valley, Ohio 45370

    Zane Kearns

    12 Water Street

    Spring Valley, Ohio 45370

    Rowan Kearns

    12 Water Street

    Spring Valley, Ohio 45370

    Dean E. Sheldon, Jr.

    4569 Greenwich-Milan TL


    Greenwich, OH 44837-9429

    Susan Reames1113 County Road 5 S

    Zanesfield, OH 43360

    Robert L. Gibson

    20337 Conant Road

    Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895

    Judy K. Gibson

    20337 Conant Road

    Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895

    Phil Gibson

    09650 Monroe Road

    Wapakoneta, OH 45895

    Jeanne Gibson

    09650 Monroe Road

    Wapakoneta, OH 45895

    E. Louise Norris

    185 County Road 113 East

    Rushsylvania, OH 43347

    G. Bruce Norris

    185 County Road 113 East

    Rushsylvania, OH 43347

    Todd D. Norris

    185 County Road 113 East

    Rushsylvania, OH 43347

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    Joseph Grant

    20616 US Highway 68N

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Anthony Bernard

    650 Twp Rd 135

    Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311

    Steve Jacobs

    3401 County 5 North

    Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311

    Cynthia Jacobs

    3401 County 5 North

    Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311

    Dean Strauer

    12768-B Rd 16Ottawa, OH 45875

    Amber Strauer

    12768-B Rd 16

    Ottawa, OH 45875

    James L. Poling

    7854 Feasby-Wisener Rd.

    Convoy, Ohio 45832

    Jane E. Poling7854 Feasby-Wisener Rd.

    Convoy, Ohio 45832

    Bryce J. Poling

    7216 Feasby-Wisener Rd.

    Convoy, Ohio 45832

    7 Simovart

    7189 Township Road 163

    West Liberty, Ohio 43357

    Renee Simovart

    7189 Township Road 163

    West Liberty, Ohio 43357

    Connie (Miller) Smith

    2606 Townline Rd. 12

    Willard, OH 44890

    Edd Smith

    2606 Townline Rd. 12

    Willard, Ohio 44890

    Christina Warrick

    4511 St. Rt. 13

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    Randal Warrick

    4511 St. Rt. 13

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Brennan E. Warrick

    4511 St. Rt. 13

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    Evan B. Warrick

    4511 St. Rt. 13Greenwich, OH 44837

    Collin R. Warrick

    4511 St. Rt. 13

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    Carol Sheldon

    4569 Greenwich Milan

    Townline Road

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    Betsy Reames

    4308 ST RT 273 W

    Belle Center, OH 43310

    Luke Reames

    4308 ST RT 273 W

    Belle Center, OH 43310

    Brice William Reames

    4308 St. Rt. 273 W

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Jerrold Elsasser Jr.

    11799 County Road 190

    Kenton, Ohio 43326

    Yvonne Elsasser

    11799 County Road 190

    Kenton, Ohio 43326

    Megan Elsasser

    11799 County Road 190

    Kenton, Ohio 43326

    Robert J Homan

    18782 Linker Rd.

    Jackson Center, Oh 45334

    Marie Davis

    12 W. Main St.

    Lucas, Ohio 44843

    Joseph Marsano

    12 W. Main St.

    Lucas, Ohio 44843

    Gene Lamoreaux

    1430 Boughtonville Rd.Greenwich, Oh 44837

    Marc Lamoreaux

    3090 Greenwich Milan

    Townline Rd.

    Greenwich, Oh 44873

    Sandy Lamoreaux

    1430 Boughtonville Rd.

    Greenwich, Oh 44837

    Marc Lamoreaux

    3090 Greenwich Milan

    Townline Rd.

    Greenwich, Oh 44873

    Chris Lamb

    3690 County Road 10

    Bellefontaine, OH 43311

    Justin Johns

    3042 Water St

    Zanesfield, Ohio 43360

    Helen Leber

    784 Townline Road 12

    Willard, Ohio 44890

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    Walter Leber

    5151 Nineveh Rd.

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Fay Leber

    5151 Nineveh Rd.

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Scott Costin

    4346 State Route 540

    Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311

    Chad Carpenter

    6529 Co Rd 26

    Bellefontaine, OH 43311

    Ann Carpenter

    6529 Co Rd 26Bellefontaine, OH 43311

    Kate Music

    4273 Old State Rd

    Willard, Ohio 44890

    Laura Music

    4273 Old State Road

    Willard, Ohio 44890

    Deb Grant20616 US Highway 68 N

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Ben Monnin

    16581 Sharp Road

    Sidney, Ohio 45365

    Jacob N. Schrader 1861 State

    Route 273 East

    Rushsylvania, Ohio 43347

    Sarah Schrader

    1861 State Route 273 East

    Rushsylvania, Ohio 43347

    Jim Culp

    11388 S R 47

    West Mansfield, OH 43358

    Luann Culp

    11388 SR 47

    West Mansfield, OH 43358

    Joe Culp

    11388 S R 47

    West Mansfield, OH 43358

    Thomas Schnarre

    07591 Lynch Road

    Wapakoneta, OH 45895

    Amy Schnarre

    07591 Lynch Road

    Wapakoneta, OH 45895

    Melanie Williams

    19792 Hauss RoadWapakoneta, OH 45895

    Mary Mox

    23612 Lincoln Hwy

    Delphos, Ohio 45833

    James Mox


    Delphos, Ohio 45833

    Jimmie Mox23687B Lincoln Hwy

    Delphos, Ohio 45833

    Natalie Mox

    23687B Lincoln Hwy

    Delphos, Ohio 45833

    Patricia E Lewis

    1466 State Route 292, So.

    Zanesfield, Ohio 44360

    Raymond M Lewis

    1466 State Route 292, So.

    Zanesfield, Ohio 43360

    Kenneth Asher

    3605 SR 224E

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Shirley Asher

    3605 SR 224E

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Lakayla Asher

    3605 SR 224E

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Asia Asher

    3605 SR 224E

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Alex Asher

    3605 SR 224E

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Sharon Reynolds

    5476 Brandywine LaneMilford, OH 45150

    Mark Reynolds

    5476 Brandywine Lane

    Milford, OH 45150

    Michael Bode

    5379 Overlook Rd

    Milford, Oh 45150

    John Bode5379 Overlook Rd

    Milford, Oh 45150

    Peggy Bode

    5379 Overlook Rd

    Milford, Oh 45150

    William D Connar

    1553 Center Park Dr

    Marion, Ohio 43302

    Nancy J Connar

    1553 Center Park Dr

    Marion, Ohio 43302

    Gary Bailey

    7506 Hunt Clymer Rd

    Mechanicsburg, OH 43044

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    Sheila Bailey

    7506 Hunt Clymer Rd

    Mechanicsburg, OH 43044

    Elizabeth Koczera

    5260 Rush Ave

    Columbus, OH 43214

    Clinton Morris

    5740 US 68 So.

    West Liberty, Ohio 43357

    Leila Morris

    5740 US 68 So.

    West Liberty, Ohio 43357

    Erica Westfall

    3911 Harper RdMechanicsburg, OH 43044

    Hannah Westfall

    3911 harper Rd

    Mechanicsburg, OH 43044

    Alexander Westfall

    3911 Harper Rd

    Mechanicsburg, OH 43044

    Araya Westfall3911 Harper Rd

    Mechanicsburg, OH 43044

    Luanne Ridenour

    2385 Jackson Hill Rd.

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Dave Ridenour

    2385 Jackson Hill Rd.

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Doug Grow

    4525 Flatfoot Rd.

    Cable, Oh. 43009

    Andrea Grow

    4525 Flatfoot Rd.

    Cable, Ohio 43009

    Tom Riley

    1244 Jackson Hill Rd.

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Kevin Forrest 2090 Twp.

    Rd.190 E

    Bellefontaine, OH 43311

    Peggy Forrest 2090 Twp.

    Rd.190 E

    Bellefontaine, OH 43311

    Karen Hecker

    2450 Kennard Kingscreek Road

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Eric Hecker

    2450 Kennard Kingscreek RoadUrbana, Ohio 43078

    Joanna Horsley

    721 Mark Drive

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Terry R. Stoll

    5277 E. US Highway 36

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Anita L. Stoll5277 E. US Highway 36

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Gary L. Stoll

    100 S. Mutual Union Rd.

    Cable, OH 43009

    Tera Mohler

    4479 State Route 56

    Mechanicsburg, OH 43044

    Iris Mohler

    4479 State Route 56

    Mechanicsburg, OH 43044

    Zane Mohler

    4479 State Route 56

    Mechanicsburg, OH 43044

    Emelia Mohler

    4479 State Route 56

    Mechanicsburg, OH 43044

    Weston Mohler

    4479 State Route 56

    Mechanicsburg, OH 43044

    T. R. Stoll (Terry R. Stoll II)

    2347 Keep Place

    Columbus, OH 43204

    Debbie Plappert

    208 Purcel Ave

    Xenia, OH 45385

    Betty Driever

    4490 Swisher RoadUrbana, Ohio 43078

    Louis Driever

    4490 Swisher Road

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Louis Driever, Jr.

    4490 Swisher Road

    Urbana, Ohio 43078

    Lilli Vitale4940 Benson Road

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Nino Vitale

    4940 Benson Road

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Dave Ozimek

    11000 Possum Hollow Road

    Saint Paris, OH 43072

    Ruth Ozimek

    11000 Possum Hollow Road

    Saint Paris, OH 43072

    Jennifer Miller

    1791 Madden Road

    Cable, OH 43009

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    David C. Dye

    1791 Madden Road

    Cable, OH 43009

    Janet M. Dye

    1791 Madden Road

    Cable, OH 43009

    Mark Schmidt

    3000 Stone Quarry Rd.

    Urbana, OH 43078

    Marisue Schmidt

    3000 Stone Quarry Rd.

    Urbana, OH 43078

    LaDonna Anderson

    140 High StreetMechanicsburg, OH 43044

    Taylor Dittman

    36 Tilton Street

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    Pat Dittman

    36 Tilton Street

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    Kirk Dittman36 Tilton Street

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    James Hale

    130 US Hwy 250

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Diane Hale

    130 US Hwy 250

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Justin Hale

    130 US Hwy 250

    Greenwich, Ohio 44837

    Marcia Priddy

    3321 Rome-Greenwich Rd.

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    Louis E States

    9526 S/R 368 Unit7

    Huntsville, Ohio 43324

    Judith E States

    9526 S/R 368 Unit 7

    Huntsville, Ohio 43324

    Laurie White

    Mentor, Ohio 44060

    Ronald F. Lee

    3990 Nineveh Road

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    Bonita L. Lee

    3990 Nineveh Road

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    Jarrod F. Lee

    3990 Nineveh Road

    Greenwich, OH 44837

    August Larger

    17325 Lucas-Geib

    Botkins, Ohio 45306

    Bernadette Larger

    17325 Lucas GeibBotkins, Ohio 45306

    Daniel Larger

    17325 Lucas Geib

    Botkins, Ohio 45306

    Mailiis Simovart

    7189 Twp Rd 163

    West Liberty, Ohio 43357

    Annika Simovart

    7189 Twp Rd 163

    West Liberty, Ohio 43357

    Taavo Simovart

    7189 Twp Rd 3

    West Liberty, Ohio 43357

    Brian Monnin

    18296 Southland Rd.

    Wapakoneta, OH 45895

    Kathy Monnin

    18296 Southland Rd.

    Wapakoneta, OH 45895

    Andrew Monnin

    18296 Southland Rd.

    Wapakoneta, OH 45895

    Xavier Monnin

    18296 Southland Rd.

    Wapakoneta, OH 45895

    Aliyah Monnin

    18296 Southland Rd.Wapakoneta, OH 45895

    Melena Monnin

    18296 Southland Rd.

    Wapakoneta, OH 45895

    Gary Byrd

    18290 Southland Rd.

    Wapakoneta, OH 45895

    Kay Byrd18290 Southland Rd.

    Wapakoneta, OH 45895

    Meredith Golden

    172 McDaniels Lane

    Springboro, OH 45066

    Nancy Golden

    172 McDaniels Lane

    Springboro, OH 45066

    Madalyn Golden

    172 McDaniels Lane

    Springboro, OH 45066

    Chris Monnin

    3450 Thompson Schiff Rd.

    Sidney, OH 45365

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    Heather Monnin

    3450 Thompson Schiff Rd.

    Sidney, OH 45365

    Alissa Monnin

    3450 Thompson Schiff Rd.

    Sidney, OH 45365

    William Monnin

    3450 Thompson Schiff Rd.

    Sidney, OH 45365

    Steve Monnin

    410 E State St.

    Botkins, OH 45306

    Rita Monnin

    410 E State St.Botkins, OH 45306

    Lyle Faler

    4843 Township Rd 56

    Huntsville, OH 43324

    Holly Faler

    4843 Township Rd 56

    Huntsville, OH 43324

    Ashton Faler4843 Township Rd 56

    Huntsville, OH 43324

    Morganne Faler

    4843 Township Rd 56

    Huntsville, OH 43324

    Dalton Faler

    4843 Township Rd 56

    Huntsville, OH 43324

    Janis Meesner

    8679 SR 273W

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Ralph Meesner

    8679 SR 273W

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Vicci Weeks

    2834 Nottingham Drive

    Parma, OH 44134

    Gary Weeks

    2834 Nottingham Drive

    Parma, OH 44134

    Kathleen Davis

    7640 County Road 12

    Rushsylvania, OH 43347

    Gary Davis

    7640 County Road 12

    Rushsylvania, OH 43347

    Dale Smith

    561 County Road 5Zanesfield, Ohio 43360

    Page Mays

    7305 CR 2

    Zanesfield, Ohio 43360

    Aaron Garver

    1451 SR 273

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Tim Byrnes8669 SR 273 W

    Belle Center, OH 43310

    Cindy Byrnes

    8669 SR 273 W

    Belle Center, OH 43310

    Michael Byrnes

    8669 SR 273 W

    Belle Center, OH 43310

    Nicki Byrnes

    8669 SR 273 W

    Belle Center, OH 43310

    Christina Byrnes

    8669 SR 273 W

    Belle Center, OH 43310

    Mick Reed

    9263 Hickory Lane

    Huntsville, Oh 43324

    Jane Reed

    9263 Hickory Lane

    Huntsville, Oh 43324

    Greg Wallace

    10267 Sunset Isle

    Huntsville, Oh 43324

    Deb Wallace

    10267 Sunset Isle

    Huntsville, Oh 43324

    Sharen Cooper

    10270 Sunset IslandHuntsville, Oh 43324

    Tom Cooper

    10270 Sunset Island

    Huntsville, Oh 43324

    Beau Wallace

    9481 St Rte 368

    Huntsville, Oh 43324

    Sarah Wallace9481 St Rte 368

    Huntsville, Oh 43324

    Glenna Cooper

    5195 CR 130

    Huntsville, Oh 43324

    Jo Wallace

    P.O. Box 308

    Russell's Point, Oh 43348

    Robert Forror

    8810 SR 273

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Patty Forror

    8810 St.Rt.273

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

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    Annette Bell

    8810 SR 273 W

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Michael Bell

    8810 St. Rt. 273 W

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Joan McGuire

    9558 Beechwood Cove

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    James McGuire

    9558 Beechwood Cove

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Chad Nafziger

    11268 Bayview LaneLakeview, Ohio 43331

    Michelle Nafziger

    11268 Bayview Lane

    Lakeview, Ohio 43331

    Kaytie McGue

    11268 Bayview Lane

    Lakeview, Ohio 43331

    Kody McGue11268 Bayview Lane

    Lakeview, Ohio 43331

    Dennis Weaver

    14403 State Route 65

    Maplewood, Ohio 45340

    Sandy Weaver

    14403 State Route 65

    Maplewood, Ohio 45340

    Diane Flaute

    16996 Botkins Rd.

    Botkins, OH 45306

    Robert Flaute

    16996 Botkins Rd.

    Botkins, OH 45306

    Carol Burkholder

    9045 Princess Road

    Lakeview, Ohio 43331

    James Burkholder

    9045 Princess Road

    Lakeview, Ohio 43331

    Jill Stolly

    3479 County Road 5 N.

    Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311

    Mike Stolly

    3479 County Road 5 N.

    Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311

    Michael Fry

    13991 Buckland Holden Rd.Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895

    Karen Fry

    13991 Buckland Holden Rd.

    Wapakoneta, Ohio 45895

    Carol Berning

    14387 Wells Road

    Anna, OH 45302

    Carol Thiery1335 State Route 274

    Rushsylvania, Ohio 43347

    Carl Thiery

    1335 State Route 274

    Rushsylvania, Ohio 43347

    Peter Gerace

    8860 Rte 368

    Huntsville, Ohio 43324

    Flo Gerace

    8860 Rte 368

    Huntsville, Ohio 43324

    Jerald M. Stout

    19533 County Road 75

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310

    Barbara S. Stout

    19533 County Road 75

    Belle Center, Ohio 43310