Download - Letter From CBCP President on the Encyclical on the Environment



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PRAISED BE THE LORD....An Encyclical on the Environment

Even before Pope Francis released to the world his encyclical on the environment and on climate change, some thought he was venturing into a field best left to scientists.

But a Papal Encyclical is not teaching on science. To search for scientific explanations to phenomena -- that is the province and the competence of science and of scientists, and while the Church takes keen interest in scientific discoveries and studies it is not a teacher of science.

This, however, is what Gaudium et Spes (of the Second Vatican Council) says:

"The truth is that the imbalances under which the modern world labors are linked with that more basic imbalance which is rooted in the heart of man. For in man himself many elements wrestle with one another...The Church firmly believes that Christ, who died and was raised up for all, can through His Spirit offer man the light and the strength to measure up to his supreme destiny." (n. 10)

This is why the Pope's encyclical on the worrisome and truly pressing environmental and ecological issues should be truly EXCITING! We are still suffering from the sweltering heat of this summer, and hardly anyone will contest the claim that this was among the hottest of summers we have ever gone through. We are also warned about more erratic weather systems including more violent typhoons.

HOW DO WE RESPOND as human persons, and as sons and daughters of God? What should all of this mean for us? If, as scientists seem to allege, we are to blame to a large extent for ruining that delicate balance of our ecology, then how do we make up?

We are taught the science, and we are given various technologies to cope, insofar as coping remains possible. But the roots of our indifference to environmental and ecological concerns -- which, in the ultimate analysis, are concerns for the good of all -- and the sinful dispositions in all of us that make us contributors to the depredation of a world entrusted to our stewardship, these are what scientists cannot teach us. All this, the Encyclical promises to address.

But the Pope's letter will remain nothing more than ink on paper until we all allow ourselves to be won over by St. Francis' exaltation of all of created reality....Praised be God for brother sun, sister moon....praised be God for all that lives and moves...praised be God for grass and trees, flowers and plants in their myriad forms! It is this joy that breaks out into song Laudato Si. And rejoicing in creation, we adore, in gratitude, the Creator of all and live his will to be wise and prudent stewards of His gifts!

From the Cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist, Dagupan City, June 18, 2015

(Sgd) + SOCRATES B. VILLEGAS Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan President, CBCP