Download - Letter from a local resident


Hello.I'm writing to you as a resident of the north end area where someone was shot last night. Ilive across from the complex and have lived here for 10 months. My husband and I moved into this apartment following our wedding in October. e have a son and now another little one on the way.!pon moving here we were told this was an up and coming neighborhood. It was family friendly. "here is even a sign before you enter the community saying this is a family friendly neighborhood. #ince moving here$ there have been % shootings on my bloc& alone. "he one last night scaring me to the core. I was in my living room upon hearing the shots and instantly ran to chec& on my son. "hen ran to front window only to see neighbors running towards the scene of the crime$ a few coming bac& to say the teen was dead. I could hear a woman screaming. I was terrified. I called my husband to come home from the store immediately. He comforted me as I cried$ hating our once beloved home. 'ast night I couldn't stop sha&ing. I couldn't sleep. I had our son sleep in our room.I could hear the shouts of distraught people outside starting fights. My husband slept in the living room to &eep an eye out. I don't thin& I will ever unhear those shots and screams.I'm writing to you as an upset mother. One who was lied to that it was safe to live here. I adore my apartment and landlord...but I feel the city has given us a false sense of security.I commend the police officers$ I saw them speed in and do what they can. (ut something needs to be done about the safety of this community. My husband and I made the decision to move last night. e cannot ris& our children. It ma&es us angry that ) have to move. e have to suffer. e are suppose to be preparing for a baby$ now we have to worry about being safe for the next two months until we find somewhere else to live. I'm writing this not to get published or attention on me. "he family of the victim deservesthe attention and prayers. (ut so does this community. "his community and its safety is *)#. "here's something that needs to be done. *ow it's too late for us...we've made ourdecision. (ut for other families coming in. I love our city. I love Hamilton. e need to find a solution to this.