Download - Let's think



An aid to creative thinking, taken from Tony Ryan’s ’20 Thinker’s


Find 10 uses for old red plastic noses.

How many different uses can you think of for each of…

• a brick?

• a paper plate?

• a single sock?

Give 3 ways to…

• read a book that is 100 metres away

• keep your valuables safe without a locker

• drink soup without a spoon

Work out 3 ways to –•clean your teeth without a toothbrush

•cook toast without a toaster•paint a chair without a paintbrush

•mow the lawn without a mower

How many ways can you:

• paint a house?

• wash an elephant?

• make new friends?

• turn a TV on?

• List things you can’t put in water

• List things you cannot measure with a ruler

• List things you would not find in Scotland

• List things you cannot do with a pencil


Name 10 things that you could not clean.

List 5 sounds that you have never heard.

Name 10 things that you could not photograph.


The Alphabet Key

Write an A-Z of…

•things in a school

•means of transport

•famous people



Brainstorm as many ways you canBrainstorm as many ways you canto encourage people NOT toto encourage people NOT to

drive their cars to their cars to work.

List five possible questions for which the answer is ‘Midnight’.


Describe an unusual situation and then think of some different explanations for the existence of that situation.


Another innovative thinking exercise. Develops the ability to consider a wide range of consequences.

Give three possible reasons for each of these:

• a boy is running away from a woman carrying her handbag• your next door neighbour carries a dog lead when he has no dog• a man is on a cliff waving his arms about frantically

Solve the problem of two friends arguing by using:



Solve the problem of getting wet in the rain by using:

A toilet roll

a paper plateand

Solve the problem of being bored by using:

A pencil and five old compact discs

You need to retrieve your kite from a very tall tree without breaking it, by using only:

•a packet of sweets

•a hairbrush

•a comic

How would you do this?

We would be better off if:

• dogs could talk to us

• school started at age 20

• children taught each other

State how and why these ideas might work.

What do the following have in common…

• a toilet and a car

• a cat and a book

• a flower and a packet of crisps

List as many things as you can thatAyers Rock and the Pacific Ocean

have in common.

Predict 5 present day household appliances which will be obsolete in 20 years

time.Say why - and what, if anything,

will replace them.

Predict the power source of the family car by the year 2020.

Make some predictions about…

•what school will be like in 100 years time;

•what you will be like aged 50;

•how we will travel in the year 2100.