Download - Let’s talk about my family

  1. 1. LETS TALK ABOUT THE FAMILY The student uses the possesive adjectives and the saxon possesive (S) to express basic ideas about her/his family, taking into account personal preferences.
  2. 2. LETS TALK ABOUT THE FAMILY The student prepare the script using the lexical related to different culture families around the world .
  3. 3. LETS TALK ABOUT THE FAMILY The student participates actively in forums, chats and social networks talking about the leisure time activities that he/she shares with his/her family.
  4. 4. ACTIVITIES Search on the web about the family and its importance in the society evolution. Establish the difference between the families in different cultures like american, african and latinamerican. Draw a picture of your family and describe the members in cronological order.
  5. 5. ACTIVITIES Make a video and talk about your leisure activities that you share with your family in a typical weekend. Share your video on the web trought the social networks (youtube, vimeo, facebook) and comment the videos of your classmates. Make suggestions for improving the relationships and family values.
  6. 6. PRACTICING ACTIVITY Answer the questions in this test and enjoy learning English on the web. Congratulations!