Download - "Let's get social" PHCG presentation


2. 2 #phcggetssocial 3. Our goal is to define, deliver and support great social media strategies for clients which deliver real business value 4. 4 Our social media-ites ROSS TAYLOR @rossintheshed JOYCE HIGGINS @jcahiggins EVA CASESMEIRO @evapcasesmeiro COMMUNITY MANAGER @Well Let You Know 5. 5 MAY 2014: Inaugural Global Social Media regular meeting to align on opportunities and solutions 2013 2014 2015 NOVEMBER 2012: Actively grew the DHLB EU social offering for new and existing clients JANUARY 2013: Began working with the Janssen EMEA C&PA team to obtain internal buy-in on social media FEBRUARY 2013: Cultivated the DHLB EU offering MARCH 2014: Took on the community management for Connecting Nurses FEBRUARY 2014: Agency 1st - Launched the Janssen EMEA Twitter account JANUARY 2014: Brought on Eva Casesmeiro DECMEBER 2013: Agency 1st- Received approval on the Janssen EMEA Social Media Guidelines April 2014: Began social strategy for Boots Pharmaceuticals May 2014: Began talks with Janssen affiliates on social strategy June 2014: Began EU social strategy working to grow the team 6. that is well thought out Social Brainstorm Internal surveys Social listening Landscape analysis Influencer mapping Business case dev Content strategy Measurement plan Guidelines development Platform design Content development Community management Social monitoring Influencer outreach Performance review Annual planning Optimisations implementations 7. and supports brands with solid social media solutions SOCIAL STRATEGY CONTENT STRATEGY Connecting Nurses activity plan Connecting Nurses Care Challenge videos Connecting Nurses Pinterest & Twitter content Janssen EMEA Twitter content Janssen EMEA activity plan 8. and supports brands with solid social media solutions Connecting Nurses Pinterest, Twitter, & Information Shareapy Janssen EMEA Twitter Mapping Outreach COMMUNITY MAMANAGEMEN T INFLUENCER ENGAGEMENT 9. 9 A quick explanation Campaigns that work Innovative uses The approach 10. A quick explanation 11. Tell a Story 12. Why? Identify the obstacle which you are trying to overcome Gotham City 13. How? Commit to your approach to overcoming the problem Caped Crusader & Boy Wonder 14. When? Know the important events to respond to Commodore Schmidlapp has been kidnapped 15. Where? Choose the channels which will allow for success The Batcopter 16. What? Create tools to help you tackle the obstacle Bat-shark repellent 17. Who? Familiarise yourself with the important people to engage with The United Underworld 18. Campaigns that work 19. AWARENESS ENGAGE LOYALTY ADVOCACY Social Media can support your brand at any point in the marketing funnel 20. VIRAL VIDEO: WHO Regional Office for EU Vaccine campaign HASHTAG: The World Bank #1dollar SELFIE: World Diabetes Day Blue circle selfie PROFILE IMAGE: Human rights campaign Marriage equality CHALLENGE : ALSA Ice Bucket Challenge SOCIAL EXPERIMENT: Mimi Foundation If only for a second REAL WORLD X-OVER: Connecting Nurses Care Challenge RE-THINK FEATURES: Colombian League Against Cancer Cancer tweets AWARENESSENGAGEMENT 21. #SFBatkid Make a Wish Foundation 22. Between November 5th and 16th, the campaign earned nearly 600,000 TWEETS and 1.7 BILLION TOTAL TWITTER IMPRESSIONS The Make-a-Wish website received 1,000 HITS PER SECOND, causing the site to crash. Most of all, it brought a UNIFIED COMMUNITY to San Francisco. 20,000 PEOPLE showed up to see Miles get his key to the city. 23. #IceBucketChallenge ALSA 24. The ALS Association national office reported collecting $5.5 MILLION in donations since July 29, compared with $32,000 in the same time period last year. NOTABLE PARTICIPANTS include Lil Wayne, Lance Bass, Jimmy Fallon, Justin Timberlake, Mark Zuckerberg, the New England Patriots, Tony Romo, and Martha Stewart BARACK OBAMA declined the challenge saying he will donate $100 to an ALS charity instead 25. #COPDchat Boehringer 26. THE CHALLENGE: Boehringer wanted to engage medical media, pulmonologists and influencers in a social conversation during the European Respiratory Society Congress #ERS2013 THE SOLUTION: To host a real time tweetchat in association with a highly regarded medical professional to spark COPD conversation amongst healthcare stakeholders and the public. 27. 1.7M TWEET CHAT IMPRESSIONS and gained 1,200 NEW FOLLOWERS. Thanks to its clever use of Tweet chats and Promoted Tweets, @Boehringer was the MOST MENTIONED @USERNAME AT #ERS2013 It also generated awareness of COPD and amplified its brands reach and influence. 28. Innovative uses 29. UNIQLO Dry Mesh 30. UNIQLO Dry Mesh 31. Crack_the_US_Open 32. Crack_the_US_Open 33. IKEA_PS_2014 34. IKEA_PS_2014 35. Cancer Tweets 36. Cancer Tweets 37. SOME MORE ABOUT OUR WORK 38. Sanofi business objectives Connecting Nurses digital platform Connecting Nurses specialised initiatives User generated contentConnecting Nurses content TEDx Brussels: Disruptive Change (April 2013) International Nurses Day (May 2014) The inaugural Lions Health Awards (June 2014) Leaders Forum, part of the United Nations General Assembly (September 2013) The first Care Challenge awards Care Challenge today WeObservatory, the Millennia2025 & Connecting Nurses partnership Partnerships and events Care Challenge Social media accounts 39. 44 90,000 visitors from 130 countries on the Connecting Nurses digital properties Information Shareapy has 1500 resources and 500 active profiles 140 projects posted > 20 winners from 14 countries Partnership with the Millennia2025 Foundation to create the WeObservatory Creative Floor Healthcare Awards Best HCP social media (July 2014) Cannes Lions Health Building a motivated organisation (June 2014) TEDx Brussels on Positive Disruption (April 2013) UN Womens Leader Forum (September 2013) Sanofi CSR Award (2012) Nursing partner organisations: ICN, AFDET, NPHF, FEND, SIDIIEF ICN: 130 national nurses associations representing 16M nurses globally SIDIIEF: 1600+ members Avg 5-8 conferences p/m via partner nursing organisations // Approx 60 congresses p/y // 17200 contacts AFDET, Paris: 1200 TEDx: 200 and a YouTube video MedETel, Luxembourg, 1000 Doctor 2.0, Paris: 400 EDTNA, Sweden: 1300 FEND, Spain: 1200 Womens Leader Forum: 900 CREATING A HIGHLY VISIBLE PROGRAMME BUILDING STRONG CONNECTIONS WITH THE NURSING COMMUNITY CAPTURING AN ACTIVE AUDIENCE AT EVENTS MAKING INNOVATION MORE ACCESSIBLE EMPOWERING NURSES WITH KNOWLEDGE 40. 45 Come and talk to us! EXAMPLES: PRESENTATION: WWW.PINTEREST. COM/ LETS-GET- SOCIAL/ JCAHIGGI NS/ WWW.SLIDESHARE.NET/D HLBEU 41. The approach 42. INFORM The whole process with INSIGHTS DHs social activation process Strategy Execution 1. DEFINE 3. PLAN 4. DESIGN 2. LISTEN 5. ENGAGE 6. MEASURE OPTIMISE based on Performance METRICS The Brand Experience 43. 1. DEFINE Briefing Internal surveysBrainstorm 44. 2. LISTEN Social Listening Landscape analysisCompetitive analysis 45. 3. PLAN Business Case Development Measurement PlanContent Strategy 46. 4. DESIGN Processes & Guidelines Content developmentProfile Design 47. 5. ENGAGE Community Management Influencer outreachSocial monitoring 48. 6. MEASURE Performance review Annual planning 49. Different channels allow you to engage with your audience more effectively PHOTO VIDEO ARTICLE TEXT Dont ignore these platforms: They display all around strength as engagement platforms What brand key messages & content do you want to represent? 50. Different channels fit different objectives SEOTRAFFICTOSITEAWARENESSENGAGEMENT GOODOKAYPOOR All around effectiveness: Twitter and Facebook are both options for Traffic, Awareness, & Engagement Search Engine Optimisation: Google+ and YouTube are both effective options for improving SEO Awareness: LinkedIn, Pinterest, and SlideShare are all effective platforms for raising Awareness What response do you want to see from your target audience? 51. 56 Thank you!