Download - Lessons in marketing (from developers) (1)


What I’ve learnt about marketingfrom people who hate marketing.

Nicole Williams, Marketing Manager, SilverStripe

64 SilverStripers

44 Developers

1 Marketer…

65 SilverStripers

44 Developers

2 Marketers!

“An ad that pretends to be art is - at absolute best - like

someone who smiles at you only because he wants something

from you. This is dishonest, but what’s insidious is the

cumulative effect that such dishonesty has on us; since it offers

the perfect simulacrum of goodwill without goodwill’s real

substance, it messes with our heads and eventually starts

upping our defenses even in cases of genuine smiles and real art

and true goodwill. It makes us feel confused and lonely and

impotent and angry and scared. It causes despair.”

David Foster Wallace, author and English professor


Marketing tips from people whohate marketing?

ChallengeHow do we deliver the most value?

Lesson 1:

Continuous Improvement wins over perfection

Many little experiments over one big bet.

Plan. Create.

Release. Measure.Repeat.

Experiments have: A hypothesis

A control A test

Results Conclusion

ChallengeIs it working?

Lesson 2:

Be driven by data, not opinions

“Half my advertising is wasted,

I just don’t know which half.”

- John Wannamaker, US Retailer

What is your most important metric?

SilverStripe Open Source SoftwareOur 1 key metric?

Software downloads?

The number of new developerswatching our online lessons.


Traffic from homepage

was “cold”

No clear start point

No expectation of


25% Conversion


Changed homepage

link label to “warm”

Spelled out what

lessons would provide

Created a 1-hour series

75% Conversion

Hypothesis Control

Test Results


Low-fi wins.

ChallengeHow do we build software users will love?

Lesson 3:

Your customers are NOT


Personas vs Stereotypes Mother Aged 25-40 HHI $60K+

Stereotypes depersonalize.

Your fastestcaffeine fix ever.

Take a moment for you.

It’s never just coffee.

It’s our job to create empathy.

Are you Technical or Non-Technical?

Flour + Yeast


Startups don’t fail because they can’t build

the product. They fail because they can’t

get traction for their product.

~ Ryan Hoover, Founder, Product Hunt

Technical + Traction


US Fortune 1,000 companies34 marketing directors

at board executive level That’s 0.1%

[Marketers must be] part artist - leading their teams to develop

inspiring campaigns; part scientist - analysing and uncovering

value from huge volumes of variable data; and part politician -

being relationships and becoming great communicators”

~ Andrea Ward, VP marketing, Oracle Marketing Cloud


Nicole Williams, Marketing Manager, SilverStripe

@envycollect |