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Day 1Day 2(2L) Step & impulse response of RC series circuit, Step response of RLC series & parallel circuitDay 3 Problembs & solution of RLC network using laplace transformationDay4 Time displacement theorem, Convolution Theorem & its application.Day5 Problembs & solution of RLC network with DC & AC source using laplace transformation.Day6 (2L)

Day7 Recurrent network, Parameters presentation- Open circuit impedance, Problems & solutions. Day8 Short circuit admittance, Hybrid parameters, Problems & solutions.Day9 Transmissions parameters, Problems & solutions.Day10(2L) Inter relation between the parameters, driving point impedance & admittance, Problems & solutions.Day11

Directed graph, Problems & solutions.Day12 Incedance matrix, Tie- set matrix, loop current, Problembs & solutions.Day13 Rtwig matrix, Cut- set matrix, Problems &solutions.Day14(2L) Node pair potential duality, Orthogonal relational relationship between different matrix, Problems &solutions.Day15Day16 High pass filter.Day17 Problems & solutions of LPF & HPF.Day18(2L) Band pass filter(BPF), Cut off frequency, Realization of BPF, Circuit Analysis, Band stop filters(BSF), Realization of BSF,

Circuit Analysis, Problems & solutions, Day 19 All pass filters(First order & Second order) using operation amplifiers.Day 20 Problems & solutions of Filter circuits.Day 21

Symtrical property of function-( Even function symmetry, Odd function Symmetry).Day22(2L) Symtrical property of function-(Half wave symmetry, Quarter wave symmetry), Steps of evaluating Fourier series Day23 Application of Fourier series, Exponential form of Fourier series, Problems & solutions.Day 24 Frequency spectrum, Problems & solutions.

MALLABHUM INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LESSON PLAN of ELECTRIC CIRCUIT THEORY (EE-301) Electrical engineering, 2nd year, 3rd Semsester. Teacher name- Tapas kr. Maji

Laplace Transform-Step, Impulse response of RL series circuit, Step & impulse response of RL parallel circuit

Two port network Analysis- Introduction to network elements, One port network, Two port network, n-port network.Network configuration(T, π, Half, Latice, Bridge T).

Graph Theory & network equation- (Concepts of Tree, Node, Branch, Link, Cut-set, Tie-set), Properties of trees,

Filter circuits-Active filters,Passive filters, Advantages & Disadvantages of Active filters, Low pass filter (LPF).

Fourier series of waveform analysis:- Itroduction to Fourier series, Dirichlet condition, Major tasks in fourier series,

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Day 25 Fourier Transform- Properties of fourier transform, Laplace versus Fourier transform, Problems & solutions.Day 26 Circuit Applications, Draw back of Fourier transform, Evaluating Circuit responses, Problems & solutionsDay 27 Problems & solutions of Fourier transform.

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Dept. of Electrical engineering, 1st year, 2nd Semsester. DAY TOPIC TO BE COVERED

1Permittivity- Absolute permittivity, Relative permittivity, Electrical field, Electrostatic induction.

2 Coulomb's law of Electrostatics and its vector analysis, Electric field Intensity, Electric flux density,3 Problems & solution.4 Gauss's law & its derivation, Application of Gauss's law, Electric Potential, Potential at a point.5 Capacitor : Introduction, Capacitance, Types of Capacitor, Series & Parallel combination of Capacitor.6 Di-electric strength, Capacitance of an Isolated sphere, Spherical capacitor.7 Parallel plate Capacitor on,-a) Uniformly di-electric medium, b) Medium Partly medium, c) Composite medium. 8 Cylinderical Capacitor, Energy Stored in a Capacitor, Problembs & Solution.9 Problemb & solution.

1011 Basic working principle of DC Generator, Constuction.12 Electromagnetic Torque, Reluctance Torque, Electrical & Mechanical degree, Coil, Pole pitch, Flux per pole.13 Generator : Generated EMF, Torque in DC Machine. Problem & solution.14 Circuit Model Of DC Machine, Brief explanation of all Types of Excitation.15 Armature Reaction.16 Effect of Brush shift, Types of Winding.17 Operating Characterstics of DC Generator.18 Problems & Solution of DC Generator.19 Working Principle of DC Motor, Types of DC Motor.20 Operating Characterstics of DC Motor (Shunt & Series motor).

Problembs & solutions.21 DC Motor starting, 3- point starter.22 Speed control of DC Motor.23 Problembs & solutions.2425 Ideal two winding Transformer, Generated EMF equation of Transformer.26 Transformer phasor diagram (No load & On load operation).


ELECTROSTATICS : Introduction to Static electricity, Prctical examples of Static electricity,

DC MACHINE : Intoduction, Practical application of DC Machine, Basic concept of rotating Electrical Machine.

SINGLE PHASE TRANSFORMER: Basic concept of Transformer, Transformer construction, Principal of Transformer action.

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27 Transformer equivalent circuit, Rating of Transformer.

DAY TOPIC TO BE COVERED2829 Losses of Transformer, Open circuit & Short circuit test.30 Transformer Regulation, Transformer efficiency.31 Problembs & solutions.3233 Star & Delta connection, Phasor diagram, Relationship of star -delta connection. ,34 Power in Star & Delta connection ,power measurement by two wattmeter method.3536 Principle of operation, Concept of rotating magnetic field, Synchronous speed & Rotor speed.37 Analysis of Induction motor equivalent circuit.38 Phasor diagram of equivalent circuit, losses &Efficiency of 3-phase Induction motor.39 Problembs & solutions.40 Operating characterstics of 3-phase Induction motor.41 Problembs & solutions.42 Starting of Squirel cage & Wound rotor Induction motor.43 Speed control of 3-phase Induction motor.44 Problembs & solutions.45 Application of 3-phase Induction motor, Difference between Induction motor & Synchronous motor.4647 Representation of Power system by single line diagram.

Reference Books:

SINGLE PHASE TRANSFORMER: Problembs & solutions.

THREE PHASE SYSTEM: Three phase system, Advantages of 3 phase system ,Generation of 3 phase supply.

THREE PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR: Introduction, Construction, Types of 3-phase induction motor

GENERAL STRUCTURE OF ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEM: Structure of Power system, Power distribution system,

1. A Text Book of Electrical Engineering (VOL II), S. CHAND By B. L. THERAJA & A. K. THERAJA 2. Basic Electrical Engineering, TATA MC. GRAW HILL By A. Chakrobarti & Sudipta Nath. 3. Basic Electrical Engineering, TATA MC. GRAW HILL

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By D. P. Kothari & I. J. Nath 4. Fundamental Electrical Engineering, TATA MC. GRAW HILL By V. N. Mittal & A. Mittal.

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Basic concept of Transformer, Transformer construction, Principal of Transformer action.

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