Download - Lesson 8.1 ~ First Commandment · 2018-02-08 · Lesson 8.2 ~ Second Commandment 1. Parent’s Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own. Dear God, you are holy.

Page 1: Lesson 8.1 ~ First Commandment · 2018-02-08 · Lesson 8.2 ~ Second Commandment 1. Parent’s Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own. Dear God, you are holy.

1. Parent’s Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own.

Dear Father, help us as we learn about the prayer you taught us to pray. Help us to understand the words you have given us and to see the importance of spending time talking to you. Thank you for this incredible gift and that we have the opportunity to come to you whenever we want to. Amen.

2. Video—8.1 First Commandment

3. Scripture Search—Read through Luke 11:1-4. Read through the Small Catechism—Section 1 “The Lord’s Prayer,” “Introduction,” and questions 193-207.

4. Family Conversation—Take some time to work through the following questions together:

1. If your house was on fire and you could only take three things with you what would you take? (Family doesn’t count).

2. What does it mean to worship God? What does it look like for us to worship things other than God?

3. What are some things in your life that can easily become distractions from God?

4. When you watch TV, what are some things you notice that people put above God?

Work together to define the following words:

Commandments Idol Idolatry

5. Student Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own.

Dear Jesus, help me to not love anything more than you. Help me as I try to follow the commandments and forgive me for all the times that I fail. Help me to fear, to love, and to trust in you above all things. Amen.

Lesson 8.1 ~ First Commandment

Page 2: Lesson 8.1 ~ First Commandment · 2018-02-08 · Lesson 8.2 ~ Second Commandment 1. Parent’s Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own. Dear God, you are holy.

Lesson 8.2 ~ Second Commandment

1. Parent’s Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own.

Dear God, you are holy. You are perfect. There are so many times that we don’t honor you the way you deserve to be honored, and we don’t accurately reflect your name to the world. Help us as we try to honor your name in all that we say and do. Amen.

2. Video—8.2 Second Commandment

3. Scripture Search—Read through Acts 19:13-29. Read through the following sections of the Small Catechism—Meaning of the Second Commandment and questions 24-34.

4. Family Conversation—Take some time to work through the following questions together:

1. What does your name mean? What does the name of God mean?

2. Describe a time when something someone did or said hurt you.

3. Why is it so important for us to not misuse God’s name?

4. What are some ways that people often misuse God’s name?

5. What are some ways that we should use God’s name?

Work together to define the following words:

Misuse Vain Praise

5. Student Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own.

Dear God, help me to honor your name in all times. Help me as I try to represent you everywhere that I go. Help me to reflect your name well to my friends, my neighbors, my family, and anyone else I might come in contact with. Amen.

Page 3: Lesson 8.1 ~ First Commandment · 2018-02-08 · Lesson 8.2 ~ Second Commandment 1. Parent’s Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own. Dear God, you are holy.

Lesson 8.3 ~ Third Commandment 1. Parent’s Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own.

Dear Father, thank you for our chance to come together as a family and open your word. Help us to learn from the truth in your word and specifically in the 3rd commandment. Be with us in our conversations today. Amen.

2. Video—8.3 Third Commandment

3. Scripture Search—Read through Acts 2:42-46. Read through the following sections of the Small Catechism: Meaning of the Third Commandment and questions 35 to 40.

4. Family Conversation—Take some time to work through the following questions together:

1. Who is your best friend? What type of things do you like to do with them?

2. Why is spending time with God so important?

3. What are some ways we can spend time with God?

4. What are some things that you tend to forget? How does setting aside time each week for a Sabbath help you remember what God has done?

5. Spend some time planning a day of Sabbath for the family.

Work together to define the following words:

Sabbath Holy Despise

5. Student Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own.

Father, thank you for helping me learn the Ten Commandments. Help me to keep the Sabbath day and continually remember who you are and what you’ve done for me. Amen.

Page 4: Lesson 8.1 ~ First Commandment · 2018-02-08 · Lesson 8.2 ~ Second Commandment 1. Parent’s Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own. Dear God, you are holy.

Lesson 8.4 ~ Fourth Commandment 1. Parent’s Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own.

Dear God, thank you so much for this time together as a family. As we talk about the Fourth Commandment, help me to understand how it applies to me as a parent. Help us as we learn to love you with all our heart and to love others like you have loved us. Amen.

2. Video—8.4 Fourth Commandment

3. Scripture Search—Read through Ephesians 6:1-4. Read the Explanation of the Small Catechism—Meaning of the Fourth Commandment and questions 48 to 51.

4. Family Conversation—Take some time to work through the following questions together:

1. If you were parent for a day, what rules would you change?

2. Why are parents important? Why are other authorities also important?

3. What are some ways that you could go out of your way to serve your parents?

4. Reverse your roles. Pretend you are having a discussion about hanging out with a bad group of friends; the student is the parent and the parent is the child.

Work together to define the following words:

Honor Respect Authorities

5. Student Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own.

Dear God, thank you for my parents. Help me to always love them. Teach me to listen and obey. Help me to value them and to go out of my way to serve them. Teach me to do this for my parents and for all authorities. Amen.

Page 5: Lesson 8.1 ~ First Commandment · 2018-02-08 · Lesson 8.2 ~ Second Commandment 1. Parent’s Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own. Dear God, you are holy.

Lesson 8.5 ~ Fifth Commandment 1. Parent’s Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own.

Dear Jesus, thank you for the gift of the commandments. Remind me of the times that I fail to keep them and forgive me for falling short. Help me to understand what it means when you tell us, “Do not murder.” Amen.

2. Video—8.5 Fifth Commandment

3. Scripture Search—Read through Matthew 5:21-26. Read through the Small Catechism—Meaning of the Fifth Commandment and questions 52 to 54.

4. Family Conversation—Take some time to work through the following questions together:

1. What are some examples of things that might be considered murder?

2. Describe a time in your life where you felt like you were, “murdered in the spirit.”

3. What damage can the words we say cause? How have you hurt someone with your words?

4. Why is it difficult to not join in making fun of somebody else if others are? What should we do in that situation?

5. Read Romans 12:19-21. What are some ways that you could overcome evil?

Work together to define the following words:

Murder Abortion Euthanasia

5. Student Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own.

Dear God, help me to live according to your will. Sometimes it’s difficult to obey your words and live a godly life, so please help me with it. Help me to love others in everything that I say and do. Amen.

Page 6: Lesson 8.1 ~ First Commandment · 2018-02-08 · Lesson 8.2 ~ Second Commandment 1. Parent’s Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own. Dear God, you are holy.

Lesson 8.6 ~ Sixth Commandment 1. Parent’s Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own.

Dear God, be with us as we talk about the sixth commandment. Help us to be open as we discuss what can often be a difficult subject. Teach us your desires for us as we live our life. Amen.

2. Video—8.6 Sixth Commandment

3. Scripture Search—Read through Matthew 5:27-32. Read through the Small Catechism—The Sixth Commandment and questions 55 to 58.

4. Family Conversation—Take some time to work through the following questions together:

1. Why do you think talking about sex is such a difficult subject to talk about?

2. In regards to sexuality, what type of lifestyles do you see promoted in the media?

3. What damage can adultery have on a person or family?

4. What are some things that you can do now to help keep yourself pure?

Work together to define the following words:

Adultery Divorce Temptation

5. Student Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own.

Dear Jesus, thank you for creating the gift of sex. Help me to learn to treat it the way you intended to be used. Help me to honor you with my body and to keep myself pure for my future spouse. Amen.

Page 7: Lesson 8.1 ~ First Commandment · 2018-02-08 · Lesson 8.2 ~ Second Commandment 1. Parent’s Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own. Dear God, you are holy.

Lesson 8.7 ~ Seventh Commandment 1. Parent’s Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own.

Dear God, teach us to fear and love you above all things. Help us to trust you with our possessions; to trust that you will provide everything we need. Help us to love our neighbor as ourselves and to help our neighbor protect the things he owns. Amen.

2. Video—8.7 Seventh Commandment

3. Scripture Search—Read through Luke 19:1-10. Read through the Seventh Commandment in the Small Catechism and questions 59 to 60.

4. Family Conversation—Take some time to work through the following questions together:

1. If you could have any object in the world, what would it be and why?

2. What are some examples of ways that somebody might steal?

3. Why is cheating on a test considered stealing?

4. What do you think is the most common form of stealing amongst the people you know?

5. We obviously shouldn’t take things from our neighbor; what can we do for our neighbor to show the love of Jesus?

Work together to define the following words:

Stealing Cheating Zacchaeus

5. Student Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own.

Dear God, help me to love others as you have loved me. Help me to be honest about the things that I acquire and to do so always in a way that honors those around me. Thank you for the ways you have blessed me and help me to be a blessing to others. Amen.

Page 8: Lesson 8.1 ~ First Commandment · 2018-02-08 · Lesson 8.2 ~ Second Commandment 1. Parent’s Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own. Dear God, you are holy.

Lesson 8.8 ~ Eighth Commandment 1. Parent’s Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own.

Dear Jesus, thank you for giving us this opportunity to come together as a family and learn from your word. Thank you for the 10 Commandments. Forgive us as we fail to keep them and help us as we strive to follow them. Amen.

2. Video—8.8 Eighth Commandment

3. Scripture Search—Read through Ephesians 4:25-32. Read the Small Catechism about the Eighth Commandment and questions 231-235.

4. Family Conversation—Take some time to work through the following questions together:

1. Describe a time when you felt like you needed to lie about something.

2. When is it most difficult to not gossip?

3. Describe a time when your words hurt someone else.

4. Read Proverbs 31:8-9. What are some situations in your life where you can defend your neighbor?

Work together to define the following words:

False witness Neighbor Gossip

5. Student Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own.

Dear God, help me to always do what is right even when it is difficult. Help me to be careful with my words so that I always honor you and so I do not hurt my neighbor. Help me to speak the truth in love at all times. Amen.

Page 9: Lesson 8.1 ~ First Commandment · 2018-02-08 · Lesson 8.2 ~ Second Commandment 1. Parent’s Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own. Dear God, you are holy.

Lesson 8.9 ~ Ninth & Tenth Commandments 1. Parent’s Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own.

Dear Father, as we finish our lessons on the 10 Commandments, remind us that these are given to us out of love. Help us to apply these to our lives not in order to have a relationship with you but because we have a relationship with you. Amen.

2. Video—8.9 Ninth & Tenth Commandments

3. Scripture Search—Read through 2 Samuel 11. Read the Small Catechism—Ninth and Tenth Commandments and questions 63-68.

4. Family Conversation—Take some time to work through the following questions together:

1. What problems did David’s coveting cause? What problems does coveting cause in our own life?

2. Read Matthew 20:1-16. Why are the workers in this parable upset? What does that teach us about coveting?

3. What’s the difference between wanting something and coveting something?

4. What are common things that you think people covet?

5. Read Hebrews 13:5. What are some things in your life that you are thankful for?

Work together to define the following words:

Covet Want Content

5. Student Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own.

Dear God, teach us to be content. Thank you for all the blessings that you have given me and remind me of them when I begin to want more. Help me to be thankful for what you have given to me instead of always wanting more. Amen.

Page 10: Lesson 8.1 ~ First Commandment · 2018-02-08 · Lesson 8.2 ~ Second Commandment 1. Parent’s Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own. Dear God, you are holy.

Lesson 8.10 ~ Worship 1. Parent’s Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own.

Dear God, thank you for sending your son to pay the price for our sins. Help us to respond to that love in everything we say and do. You are an amazing God and we worship you because of that. Be with us as we go through our final lesson. Amen.

2. Video—8.10 Worship

3. Scripture Search—Read through Romans 11:33-12:2.

4. Family Conversation—Take some time to work through the following questions together:

1. What first comes to your mind when you think of worship? Do you think that’s an accurate description of worship?

2. How can you tell whether or not someone is worshipping?

3. What are some ways that you like to worship?

4. How can something like doing your homework be considered worship?

5. Read 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. What are some ways that we can honor God with our body?

Work together to define the following words:

Worship Music Meditating

5. Student Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own.

Dear Jesus, help me to respond to your love in everything that I do. Help me to worship when I’m at church and when I’m at home. Help me to worship by using my gifts, by being a good student, and by honoring my parents. Help me to remember that worship is anything and everything that I do for your glory. Amen.

Page 11: Lesson 8.1 ~ First Commandment · 2018-02-08 · Lesson 8.2 ~ Second Commandment 1. Parent’s Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own. Dear God, you are holy.

Lesson 8.11 ~ Vocation 1. Parent’s Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own.

Dear God, help us to understand how you have called each of us. Help me to understand my calling as a parent to serve you. Help us to understand what it looks like to live out our faith in all the places that you have put us. Amen.

2. Video—8.11 Vocation

3. Scripture Search—Read through Ephesians 2:8-10.

4. Family Conversation—Take some time to work through the following questions together:

1. What do you want to be when you grow up?

2. List off jobs that are important. How do those jobs serve other people?

3. Where has God placed you that you can serve him and the people around you?

4. In Ephesians 2:10, what does it mean that we are “created in Christ Jesus to do good works”?

Work together to define the following words:

Good Works Calling Vocation

5. Student Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own.

Dear Jesus, help me to understand that you have called me. You have called me to serve you as a student. You have called me to serve you as a son/daughter. You have called me to serve you in all the places that you have put me. Help me to do good as I remember this important truth, that you have called me. Amen.

Page 12: Lesson 8.1 ~ First Commandment · 2018-02-08 · Lesson 8.2 ~ Second Commandment 1. Parent’s Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own. Dear God, you are holy.

Lesson 8.12 ~ Office of the Keys 1. Parent’s Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own.

Dear God, as we talk about the Office of the Keys, which may not be something we usually talk about, help us understand. Help us to see in your word the power that you have given us as Christians and help us to understand our role in sharing the Gospel. Amen.

2. Video—8.12 Office of the Keys

3. Scripture Search—Read through John 20:22-23.

4. Family Conversation—Take some time to work through the following questions together:

1. What are some different ways you might hear about forgiveness?

2. What’s the difference between sharing with somebody the law and sharing with them the Gospel?

3. How do we know when we should share law and when we should share Gospel with somebody?

4. Who are people in your life that you could share your faith with?

Work together to define the following words:

Office Keys Office of the Keys

5. Student Prayer—Feel free to use the prayer below or create your own.

Dear God, thank you so much for giving us the gift of the Holy Spirit. There are so many ways He works in my life and I am thankful for that. Continue to guide, empower, and help me make the right decisions and help me to change my heart when I make the wrong decisions. Amen.