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Thesis Statements

Lesson Five

Brent A. Simoneaux

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Review: Argumentative Topics

What does the definition of argument imply about our topics?

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“The aim or purpose of argument is to use logic (both inductive and deductive) to

create reasoned communication of ideas, insights, and experiences to some audience

so as to produce a new understanding of some issue for that audience.”


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Review: Argumentative Topics

What is the new understanding of your topic that you will provide for your audience?

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Review: Argumentative Topics

Argumentative thesis statements require that we take a stand on our topics.

In other words, we must make a claim that can be proven through logic.

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Review: Argumentative Topics

Types of claims:1. Claims of Fact or Definition2. Claims of Cause and Effect

3. Claims About Value4. Claims About Solutions or Policies

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Claims: Argumentative Topics

Claims of Fact or Definition These claims argue about what the definition of something is or whether something is a settled fact.

Example What some people refer to as global warming is actually nothing more than normal, long-term cycles of climate change.

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Claims: Argumentative Topics

Claims of Cause and Effect These claims argue that one person, thing, or event caused another thing or event to occur.

ExampleThe popularity of SUV's in America has caused pollution to increase.

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Claims: Argumentative Topics

Claims About Value These are claims made about what something is worth, whether we value it or not, how we would rate or categorize something.

Example Global warming is the most pressing challenge facing the world today.

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Claims: Argumentative Topics

Claims About Solutions or Policies These are claims that argue for or against a certain solution or policy approach to a problem.

ExampleInstead of drilling for oil in Alaska we should be focusing on ways to reduce oil consumption, such as researching renewable energy sources.

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By the end of this lesson, you should know:

How to write an effective analytical thesis statement for your argumentative essay.

Today’s Objective

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To give us a general idea of thesis statements, let’s look at page 256 in our text.

Thesis Statements

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However, a better definition for argumentative papers would be the


“A writer’s reasoned conclusion about some issue or writing problem.”

Thesis Statements

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This definition of thesis statement recalls our definition of argument as well as the original

meaning of the word.

As Greek logicians used this word, it meant a “premise or proposition to be stated and then proved through logical analysis and


Thesis Statements

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Thesis statements usually help define a writer’s purpose for some audience.

More importantly, a thesis statement focuses both the writer’s and reader’s attention on specific issues to be developed within an


Thesis Statements

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Discuss Thesis Statement Handout

Thesis Statements

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Example“Funerals in America.”

Thesis Statements

Not a complete sentence. Doesn’t take a stand or make a claim about the


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Example“I will write about funerals in


Thesis Statements

The focus is on “I”, not Funerals. Still, says nothing about your topic.

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Example“I have been to five funerals in the

past year.”

Thesis Statements

Who cares?This is not argumentative because it is

purely fact.

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Example“I like going to funerals.”

Thesis Statements

This statement is not arguable because it is a question of taste, not reason or


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Example“Funerals are sad, frightening, and

depressing events.”

Thesis Statements

This statement is too broad. This needs to be limited or narrowed.

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Example“Funerals are helpful.”

Thesis Statements

Better. Most thesis statements focus on the predicate, so we should try to

expand this a bit more. Helpful for whom? Why? How?

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Example“Funerals help the bereaved come

to terms with death.”

Thesis Statements

Much better. But do you have enough to say about “coming to terms with


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Example“Funerals help the living by giving

them a chance to understand the finality of death, to feel a sense of comradeship with other mourners, and to reflect on their mortality.”

Thesis Statements

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ExampleThis statement is so much better because can be argued against.

Also, it provides an organizational pattern for the essay.

Thesis Statements

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Analytical Thesis StatementA thesis statement that analyzes the

relationship among various significant ideas contained in the thesis sentence(s)

Thesis Statements

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Structure of Analytical Thesis StatementsThis pattern can serve as an aid:

Independent clause(s) + restricting clause(s) [general ideas are stated] [qualifying idea(s) defined]

Thesis Statements

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Thesis Statements

Structure of Analytical Thesis StatementsExample:

“University education is more beneficial than technical training [independent / generalization] because at the university the students have the opportunity to learn technical and career related skills as well as to acquire perspectives on life from studying subjects like philosophy, art, and literature [restricting idea].”

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Group work instructions:1. Create an analytical argumentative thesis

statement for each person in your group.

2. Compare the statements with the handout and the structure of analytical thesis statements.

3. Write your names and student numbers on the paper. You will turn these in.

Thesis Statements

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HomeworkMake a short list of possible analytical thesis

statements for your essay.

Choose one that you would like to pursue in your essay.

You will turn in a thesis statement next week.

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ReadingPreview Informal Logic Handouts

Pg. 127 - 129

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Next Week:
