Download - Lesson #5 3rd-5th Traverse Wall



NAME: Whitney Miller DATE: 01/30/2015 TIME: Period 2,4,7

SCHOOL: Alice Beal Elementary SchoolLESSON#: 5 FACILITIES: Gymnasium CLASS SIZE: 18-23 GRADE: 3rd-5th UNIT/THEME: Non-Manipulative Movements GENERIC LEVEL: Pre-Control-Control

EQUIPMENT: 1.Watch (1) 2. White board (1)3. Traverse Climbing Wall

4. Popsicle Stick (7) 5. Basket for Sticks (1) 6.) Mats for Wall (5)

7. Hula Hoops (15) 8. Noodles (7)

FOCUS OF LESSON: To transfer weight and strategize on how to travel across the traverse wall


By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

(P): Students will be able to demonstrate and strategize traveling across the traverse wall safely without touching the ground throughout the lesson. SHAPE: S1/E12/5 (MA CF: 2.1)

(C): Students will be able to incorporate weight transferring and balancing into the traverse wall and explain what strategies they used to be successful on the wall during the closure part of lesson. SHAPE: S2/E3/5c (MA CF: 2.4)

(A): Students will be able demonstrate working cooperatively together and show respect for one another throughout the entire lesson. SHAPE: S4/E4/5 (MA CF; 2.7)

Check each objective: Is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally appropriate?

TEACHER PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES - During the lesson the teacher will:

1. The teacher will make sure that all students are aware of the safety precautions for the lesson.

2. The teacher will make sure to state that students should respect her like they do Mrs. Coughlin. The teacher will make sure to hold students accountable for misbehavior and put them in the thinking area without hesitation.

3. The teacher will make sure that students do not touch the equipment on the traverse wall unless they are told to.

4. The teacher will make sure that the students understand how to strategize for the traverse wall.

SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS - What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students in this class?

1.) Students will state that they cant perform an activity or will say it is too hard. It is important to use positive reinforcement and immediately shut down the idea that students cant perform something.

2.) There are students who have certain health factors that the teacher must be aware of such as asthma or an adapted disability. The teacher must make sure to be conscious of these students and have modified activities for students to be successful.

3.) The students must be aware of others when traveling on the traverse wall and work with others in order to be successful.


Climbing the Walls Everlast Climbing Industries. Mendota Heights: Everlast Climbing Industries Inc..















Students will wait at the door until I am ready for them to come in. They will then stand on the black line quietly until further instructions.

I will greet the students and have them begin their Mighty Milers run.

If there are any students who do not have the proper footwear they must sit out of the class.

Instant Activity: Mighty Milers

Students will make sure their shoes are tied and then begin their run for the Mighty Milers program.

There will be 4 large cones set up as boundaries to run around in the gymnasium. The students always run counterclockwise.

The students always walk the first two laps then run the next two. After that they can pace themselves with jogging and if they are too tired they can walk.

Once the students complete a lap they pick up a popsicle stick on the stage so they are able to keep track of how many laps they have done.

The students will perform the Might Milers for 8-10 minutes before the lesson begins. This is something that the school does for the students to stay active. After so many miles students win different prizes!

Transition: Students will go back to the black line- count their sticks- and wait for the teacher to take attendance. Students will place popsicles back in basket after their named is called and go into meeting square for further instructions.

Informing (Ms. Miller):

I am here to have fun with all of you. Please respect the rules we have for the gymnasium. I am just like Ms. Coughlin so if anyone misbehaves they will go into the thinking time area with no warnings.


READY GO: when the teacher wants the students to begin an activity

CLAP: the teacher will say clap if you can hear me; clap if you can hear me twice ext. if students arent listening.

3,2,1: FREEZE: when the teacher wants students to stop an activity or skill this will be the stop signal


The cafeteria tables are on the sides of the gymnasium. Make sure the students do not go under them or if any equipment goes under it they must ask the teacher to get it.

Students are not allowed to sit on the stage.

Students do not touch the smart board or the other computer next to the stage.

Students must stay inside the black lines that are around the gymnasium


Students should be aware of others while using the traverse wall and not stand on the mats while waiting to travel. Students will stand off the matts in a single file line while waiting.

Students must keep their hands to themselves unless they are working with a partner.

Students must climb down wall when getting off of it. Students are not allowed to jump off wall.

Class Rules (Ms. Miller):

Remember to respect each other, the teacher, and all the equipment being used for the day.

There are no warnings: students will go straight to the thinking area if they misbehave or do not follow directions.

When I say FREEZE I expect everyone to stop what he or she are doing but not to freeze like a robot.

WHITE BOARD: The teacher will go over the students objectives for the day, which will be on the white board for everyone to see.

There are normally 1 or 2 objectives for the students to focus on for the lesson: *Students will be able to travel across the traverse wall safely

Review what the students have learned throughout the unit and incorporate it into todays lesson:

How will we transfer weight in todays lesson?

What will help us hold onto the grips of the wall? (Balancing ourselves)

Think of different strategies you will use while traveling across the wall.

Transition: Students will stand up walk over to the wall for further instructions

Activity #1: Traverse Wall Climbing

Challenge by CHOICE

Rules of the Wall:

Students must make sure they travel at a slow pace when they are on the wall.

Students are not allowed to jump off the wall they must climb down it.

Students are NOT allowed to go over the red line in the middle of the wall with their feet.

Students are not allowed to stand on the mats when waiting (the teacher might ask for a helper to help spot people but that will be the only reason why a student is on the mat).

There will be obstacles on the wall that the students must travel around or over. They are not allowed to knock the obstacles down.

Each students or pair of partners must wait until the person in front of them is on a new section of the wall before getting onto the wall.

Students must be cautious and not rush the people in front of them.

There are different color grippers on the wall for students to use while traveling: green yellow and red. If students want they can travel on just one color or on multiple colors.

Where to start on wall:

Students will start at both ends of the wall. The wall has sections that are numbered 1-12.

If students start on the left side of the wall they will begin at section 1 and travel to the middle of the wall, which is to section 6.

If students start on the right side of the wall they will begin at section 12 and travel to section 7.

The teacher will be able to assist students on where they are and will tell them when they have reached the middle and can climb down.

Challenge by Choice:

Students will have the choice to travel on the traverse wall alone or with a partner.

Partners Objective:

If students decide to work cooperatively with a partner they will use a hula-hoop to link themselves by the arm and travel on the wall.

The hula hoops will be on an orange cone that students can just pick up.

The partners must stay together and linked. If they drop the hula-hoop they must start over again at the end of the wall.

There will be obstacles on the wall such as noodles that the students must travel around or over. If they knock an obstacle down they are allowed to continue.

Single Person Objective:

If students are traveling on wall by themselves they must practice safety and follow the rules and regulations of the wall.

If a student falls of the wall they must go to the beginning again and start over.

If a student knocks an obstacle down then they are allowed to keep going.

When you make it to the middle of the wall:

Once the students have made it to the middle of the wall they must climb down, place the hula-hoop on one of the orange cones that will be set up, and run to the other side of the gym and run back.

There will be cones set up on the other side of the gym so students know where to run to.

Then students will return to one of the lines and wait to travel on the wall again.

SPOTTER: if the teacher needs one:: a student who is waiting who is a good student he or she can help the teacher fix the obstacles on the wall if they are knocked down. The spotter will stand on the mat and wait to help with anything that happens.

Music: Music will be incorporated on the Smart Board by showing different Pandora stations such as Disney Pandora. Music will be fun and motivating for the students to listen to.

Extension Down: If students are struggling to travel other students can help show them where to place their feet or hands.

If students dont feel comfortable performing the traverse wall they will be able to be a spotter and help other students out.

Extension Up: If students are successful try to have them only use one color on the wall to travel on.

If students are successful then have a pair group with another pair of students to make a larger link with the hula-hoops.

***The teacher will make sure to help the students reach the middle by assisting anyone who is stuck or is afraid to move.

***The teacher will also make sure to use proximity in order to be aware of all the students the entire time.

Transition: If students are on the wall they will slowly climb down and walk to the meeting circle.

If students are waiting in line students will just walk over to the circle.


The teacher will tell the students what she enjoyed about the lesson and what the students did well.

The teacher will ask the students informal questions about the unit.

What different strategies did you use to make it to the middle of the wall?

Which side of the wall was easier? Why did you think it was easier or challenging?

How did you transfer your weight?

What are the colored objects on the wall called? (Grips)




X X ss




Ss ss


X- cone boundaries

s- students








































Students did not perform mighty milers due to the mats from the wall being down.

All students just went straight to the activity