Download - Lesson 3 motion tween



Lesson 3

Motion tween


Lesson objectives: • To know what is motion tween.• To create motion tween.• To know motion presets.• To know how to use motion editor.• How to create a simple slideshow using

motion tween.


What is motion tween:

It is similar to classic tween, but it gives you more control of the movements you make.

Motion tween allows you to move the object in more flexible path.


How to make a motion tween?

1- start a new flash document.

2- draw a shape using drawing tool, or insert an image.

3- go to frame 40 and insert a key frame (F6 OR right click > insert key frame.


4- right click on any frame between 1 – 40 > create motion tween5- change the position of the object in each 5 frames until frame 40Notice the green lines which follows the object, it’s the path of the object over the 40 frames

You can edit the path by using the selection tool

6- press ctrl + enter to test the movie


Motion presets

Motion presets are motion tweens that the user can apply to objects which are already existed in flash.

Motion presets saves your time, it allow you to save your motion tweens, so you can use them in other works instead of making the tween from the beginning.

To show the motion presets window, go to window > motion presets.

You will see two types of motion presets:1- default presets: the presets that are already existed in flash

2- custom presets: the presets that you saved.


To use the motion presets:

1- draw any shape on the stage. 2- select it.3- go to motion presets and choose any tween.4- click apply.5- test the movie (ctrl + enter).


Motion editorMotion editor is a panel that displays all the motion properties in more details.

In other words, an editing window that allow us to do many types of edits on motion tween only.


The types of properties in motion editor :

• Basic motion: which allows you to set the X and Y values ( the object location on stage)

You can move the object on the stage by change the X and Y values or by moving it over the stage and he values will change automatically.

Also you can move the line on the right to change the object location and values.


• Transformation: which allows you to change the skew (the slope) and the scale (size) of the tweened object.


• Color effect• Filters


How to create a simple slideshow using motion tween?


1. Create a new flash document.2. Import images to the library(File > import > import to library).


3. Drag image 1 to the stage, edit its transformation to make it fit to the stage. 


4. Insert a key frame in frame in frame 30 then press delete button to delete the picture.

5. Right click on any frame between 1-30 and create motion tween

6. Go to frame 29 (the last frame that contains image 1), select the image by the selection tool.

7. Go to properties > color effect > choose Alpha


8. Change the alpha to 0.


9. Insert image 2 in frame 30


10. Insert a key frame in frame 60 then press delete button to delete the picture. 11. Right click on any frame between 30-60 and create motion tween . 12. Go to frame 59 (the last frame that contains image 2), select the image by the selection tool. 13. From properties change the alpha of the picture to 0.

14. Insert image 3 in frame 60 and do the same as you did with the previous two images. 15. Test the movie.