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Bellringer: What is “culture”?

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What is culture?

What is American culture? How do we define it?

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What is Culture?

What is culture? Culture is the way of

life of a group of people who share similar beliefs and customs

Many elements: food, clothing, homes, jobs, language, religion, architecture


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Islam in North Africa

Islam in North Africa Religion is a

large part of North Africa’s culture

95% are Muslim

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Muslim Beliefs

Beliefs One God (Allah) Prophet Muhammad Quran = sacred book

Prohibits gambling, alcohol, pork, lying, stealing, murder

Terrorists use word “martyr” because suicide is a sin

Islamic law is called Sharia law Mosque

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5 Pillars of Islam

Iman or Faith Faith or belief in the Oneness of God and the finality

of the prophet hood of Muhammad Salah or Prayer

Establishment of the daily prayers Zakah or Almsgiving

Concern for and almsgiving to the needy Sawm or Fasting

Self-purification through fasting Hajj or Pilgrimage

The pilgrimage to Makkah for those who are able.

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Unifies the People

Islam Unifies the People Islam and Arabic

language Ethnic group;

people who share language, religion, or cultural traditions Different ethnic

groups in North Africa

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Cultural Changes

Cultural Changes Changes brought on by

travel Sharing customs and

ideas Cultural diffusion;

spread of culture Location plays a role in

diffusion North Africa is connected

to three continents Hub of trade Conquests

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Meeting point of Africa, Asia, and Europe

North Africa’s Location

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Preserving Culture

Preserving Culture Concerned

they are becoming too modern


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Focus on geography and location

Religious Diffusion

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Answer in packet How has North Africa’s location

contributed to cultural diffusion?

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American Culture

In partners, make a book of American culture

Define American culture for a foreigner Language Religion Food Traditions/Customs Family Life