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�������������������� TIME: 8:30 a.m. DATE: Thursday, October 24, 2013 PLACE: Embassy Suites San Francisco Airport - Waterfront 150 Anza Boulevard Burlingame, California



�������������������� Reported by: Daniel P. Feldhaus California Certified Shorthand Reporter #6949 Registered Diplomate Reporter, Certified Realtime Reporter

Daniel P. Feldhaus, C.S.R., Inc. Certified Shorthand Reporters

8414 Yermo Way, Sacramento, California 95828 Telephone 916.682.9482 Fax 916.688.0723

[email protected]

Page 2: LEGISLATIVE REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING · PDF fileREPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS Reported by: Daniel P. Feldhaus California Certified Shorthand Reporter #6949 ... POST Legislative

Daniel P. Feldhaus, CSR, Inc. 916.682.9482

POST Legislative Review Committee Meeting, October 24, 2013




MICHAEL SOBEK (Committee Chair)

Sergeant San Leandro Police Department


Sergeant Sacramento Police Department


California Narcotics Officers’ Association


Orange County


Riverside County Sheriff’s Department


Attorney General’s Office


POST STAFF PRESENT (participating staff)


Executive Director Executive Office


Assistant Executive Director Executive Office

Standards and Development Bureau

CHARLES EVANS Legislative Liaison

Executive Office

Page 3: LEGISLATIVE REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING · PDF fileREPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS Reported by: Daniel P. Feldhaus California Certified Shorthand Reporter #6949 ... POST Legislative

Daniel P. Feldhaus, CSR, Inc. 916.682.9482

POST Legislative Review Committee Meeting, October 24, 2013



POST STAFF PRESENT (participating staff)


Executive Assistant Executive Office


Page 4: LEGISLATIVE REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING · PDF fileREPORTER’S TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS Reported by: Daniel P. Feldhaus California Certified Shorthand Reporter #6949 ... POST Legislative

Daniel P. Feldhaus, CSR, Inc. 916.682.9482

POST Legislative Review Committee Meeting, October 24, 2013


I N D E X Proceedings Page Call to Order and Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . 6 A. Approval of June 27, 2013, Legislative Review Committee Minutes . . . . . . . . . 1 9 B. Report on Personal Services Contracts . . 6 C. Bills for Commission Position . . . . . . - - D. Bills of Interest

Assembly Bill 25 (Campos), Employment: Social Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Assembly Bill 128 (Bradford), Peace officers: airport law enforcement . . . . 10 Assembly Bill 602 (Yamada), Mentally and developmentally disabled persons: reporting abuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Assembly Bill 685 (Achadjian), State Goods: Peace Officer’s State-Issued Handgun: Spouse or domestic partner . . . 14 Assembly Bill 703 (Hall), Peace officers: firearms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Assembly Bill 906 (Pan), Personal services contract . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Assembly Bill 979 (Weber), Maritime Peace Officer Standards Act . . . . . . . 16 Senate Bill 340 (Jackson) Relating to Law Enforcement: Anti-Reproductive Rights Crimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

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Daniel P. Feldhaus, CSR, Inc. 916.682.9482

POST Legislative Review Committee Meeting, October 24, 2013


I N D E X Proceedings Page D. Bills of Interest continued Senate Bill 663 (Lara), Sexual Assault Victims with intellectual and developmental disabilities . . . . . . . 17 Adjournment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 Reporter’s Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21


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Daniel P. Feldhaus, CSR, Inc. 916.682.9482

POST Legislative Review Committee Meeting, October 24, 2013


Thursday, October 24, 2013, 8:30 a.m. 1

Burlingame, California 2

�������������������� 3

(The following proceedings commenced with 4

Mr. Kurylowicz absent from the room.) 5

CHAIR SOBEK: All right, good morning, everybo dy. 6

We’ll start the Leg. Committee. And I think it is going 7

to be fairly short. We don’t have a whole lot on t he 8

agenda. 9

So I will turn it over to Charles. 10

MR. EVANS: Good morning, everyone. 11

COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Good morning. 12

MR. EVANS: I suspect this is going to be a fast o ne 13

today, since many of the items that are on this age nda 14

we’ve been monitoring them as they’ve gone through the 15

legislative process. So we’re speaking in the rear -view 16

mirror now. 17

However, the first item, out of the nine items, th e 18

first one that we would like for your consideration has 19

to do with personal services reports. 20

And this is our effort in order to carve out 21

enabling legislation, to free-pull from some of the 22

restrictions that we had previously discussed in 23

Government Code section 19130, and also restriction s 24

that’s been listed in the Personal Services Contrac t. 25

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Daniel P. Feldhaus, CSR, Inc. 916.682.9482

POST Legislative Review Committee Meeting, October 24, 2013


So with your approval, we’ll send this to the 1

Commission, so that the Executive Director can purs ue an 2

alternative way of resolving our conflict with our 3

contracts. 4

CHAIR SOBEK: Do we have that? 5

MR. STRESAK: Is there a document on that? 6

MR. EVANS: It’s up there. 7

CHAIR SOBEK: Is it on here? 8

MR. EVANS: Yes. It’s on the screen. 9

MEMBER BUI: Was it sent out -- 10

CHAIR SOBEK: Was it sent out on the -- 11

MEMBER BUI: -- on the Leg. -- 12

MS. BOUVIA: This was a late entry. 13

MEMBER BUI: A late entry? Okay. 14

MR. EVANS: A late entry, yes. 15

CHAIR SOBEK: So it’s not on there? 16

MR. EVANS: It’s not on there, I guess. 17

MS. BOUVIA: Yes, it should be there. It’s It em 2 18

on the agenda, under “Leg.” 19

MEMBER BUI: Okay. 20

MR. STRESAK: Does anyone have it? 21


MR. EVANS: Does anyone have it? 23

Okay, we’re projecting it on the screen. 24

MR. STRESAK: This, in a nutshell, is seeking the 25

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Daniel P. Feldhaus, CSR, Inc. 916.682.9482

POST Legislative Review Committee Meeting, October 24, 2013


Commission’s approval to advance another attempt at 1

legislation to relieve some of our contract issues, our 2

contract restrictions. 3

And our focus is to craft language that is narrow 4

enough where it focuses on POST-certified products and 5

narrow enough where it does not disfranchise State labor 6

in any way. So it allows us to continue to pursue 7

seeking expertise to support law-enforcement traini ng, 8

and at the same time, strike a balance within labor 9

issues of the state, if that makes any sense. 10

Is that clear? 11

CHAIR SOBEK: Yes. We talked about this at th e last 12

Leg. meeting. 13

MR. STRESAK: Right. 14

CHAIR SOBEK: I think we offered our stakeholders 15

that we’re involved with -- and I think you did rea ch 16

out, right? 17

(Mr. Kurylowicz entered the room.) 18

MR. STRESAK: I did. I did reach out at the t ime. 19

At the time, we attempted to use the vehicle of 20

AB 906 to advance some carve-out language. It just 21

became entangled in other issues. And now AB 906 w ent 22

forward, our amendments were added, and then they w ere 23

deleted, and then they were added, and they were de leted. 24

And so we ultimately ended up with a no net gain on that 25

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Daniel P. Feldhaus, CSR, Inc. 916.682.9482

POST Legislative Review Committee Meeting, October 24, 2013


product. So this is attempt number two. 1

CHAIR SOBEK: So from this committee, I’ll tak e a 2

motion to recommend to the full commission that we will 3

allow the Executive Director to go ahead with this 4

contract proposal. 5




All in favor, say “aye.” 9

(A chorus of “ayes” was heard.) 10

CHAIR SOBEK: Any opposed? 11

(No response) 12

CHAIR SOBEK: Okay, the motion carries. 13

MR. EVANS: Assembly Bill 25 by Campos, that’s the 14

social media bill that we had discussed earlier. T hat 15

was set aside by the Governor. 16

Prior to that decision to set that bill aside, the 17

stakeholders, law-enforcement advocates, peace-offi cer 18

advocates, they got together. We had a meeting wit h 19

staff from Campos’ office and also staff from the 20

Governor’s office. 21

The Governor had directed Campos to sit down and 22

come to some kind of resolution. She didn’t agree with 23

them. So when the bill went forward, he didn’t agr ee 24

with her. And so he said, we’re going to revisit t his in 25

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Daniel P. Feldhaus, CSR, Inc. 916.682.9482

POST Legislative Review Committee Meeting, October 24, 2013


January. 1

But he wants her to get it, wants the Campos staff 2

to reconvene a meeting with all the public-safety 3

advocates, and to come to a consensus based upon wh at 4

public-safety advocates have recommended versus wha t she 5

is recommending. So it will be brought up again in 6

January. 7

CHAIR SOBEK: There’s some conflict between so me of 8

the public-safety advocates, too. So it’s going to be an 9

interesting deal here. 10


MR. EVANS: Assembly Bill 128 by Bradford, tha t was 12

the Peace Officers Airport Law Enforcement bill. A nd 13

that’s where LAPD was confronting or objecting to t he 14

airport police officers moving from an 830.33 to an 15

830.1. 16

The bill was passed. But the way it was passed is 17

very convoluted because it effectively doesn’t do 18

anything. What the bill effectively states is that if 19

the Los Angeles Police Commission can agree with th e 20

Airport Board Police Commissioners to allow the Ins pector 21

General for the LAPD Commission to inspect records, then 22

they could consider moving them, the officers, from 23

830.33 to 830.1. 24

Right. It’s convoluted. 25

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Daniel P. Feldhaus, CSR, Inc. 916.682.9482

POST Legislative Review Committee Meeting, October 24, 2013


And like Bob’s analogy, it’s the classic 1

Hatfields-and-McCoys situation. 2

MR. STRESAK: It is. 3

MR. EVANS: And you’re not going to get to a 4

resolution. 5

But the bill is written so ambiguously, it’s of 6

non-effect. 7

So I encourage you to just take a look at it, if 8

you’d like. You can see it. 9

Any questions on that one? 10

(No response) 11

MR. EVANS: It doesn’t impact POST at this point, so 12

it’s not a focus of our concern. 13

CHAIR SOBEK: I think the airport police -- an d I’m 14

friends with -- or I know the president. I think i t’s 15

one of those, “Be careful what you wish for.” 16

MEMBER HUTCHENS: Right, right. 17

CHAIR SOBEK: It gets tucked into one, big group, I 18

think, so… 19

MR. EVANS: Assembly Bill 602 by Yamada, that dealt 20

with the mentally and developmentally disabled pers ons. 21

That bill was passed by the Governor also. 22

POST currently has a DVD that addressed many of th e 23

nuances of this particular bill. And so we had act ually 24

updated that DVD in September, I think -- 25

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Daniel P. Feldhaus, CSR, Inc. 916.682.9482

POST Legislative Review Committee Meeting, October 24, 2013


MS. BULLARD: August. 1

MR. EVANS: In August, we updated that one. But i t 2

was after this bill came up. So it’s going to be a minor 3

tweak. And I would imagine if we have to add in th e 4

nuances for this one, it’s not going to require a m ajor 5

revision of what we already have. 6

CHAIR SOBEK: When we say “DVD,” does that mea n it’s 7

on the Web site, we can access it? Or do we have t o 8

ask as an organization? 9

MS. BULLARD: No, this isn’t going to be strea med. 10

This is a regular one of our new formatted, facilit ated 11

DVDs. 12

They’re not streamed. They go out to all the 13

agencies, and they’re to allow them to teach in bri efing. 14


MS. BULLARD: And we probably are going to do a ne w 16

one and focus just primarily on the requirements of that 17

new bill. 18

CHAIR SOBEK: That’s awesome. 19

MR. EVANS: Okay. 20

MEMBER HUTCHENS: Just a comment, more in a ge neral 21

sense. I was thinking about this yesterday when we were 22

having the conversation at the Advisory group about our 23

declining income here, or declining budget. And I really 24

think we need to bring the stakeholders probably, b ecause 25

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Daniel P. Feldhaus, CSR, Inc. 916.682.9482

POST Legislative Review Committee Meeting, October 24, 2013


these bills that come up that mandate more training , more 1

training, more training, all the well-intentioned, I’m 2

sure. But, now this one doesn’t sound like it’s go ing to 3

be major. But some of them require agencies -- or POST 4

to create training, the agencies to conduct it, are going 5

to be more problematic. 6

So, I mean, I think that’s the message we’re all 7

going to have to send when additional requests for 8

training come out, which will now come frequently. 9

CHAIR SOBEK: Bob, do you get a chance as the 10

Executive Director to talk in front of our legislat ors 11

about the issue that the Sheriff was talking about where: 12

Hey, you keep mandating this training, we don’t hav e the 13

money, and you’re not giving us the money, that we have a 14

problem here? 15

MR. STRESAK: From time to time, yes. 16

If the issue is significant enough in the 17

forefront -- you know, for the most part, that’s wh y we 18

have Charles kind of watching that. 19

But your point is well-taken. It’s a steady barra ge 20

of suggestions for mandatory training. And one of our 21

front-line efforts is to try to stem that as much a s 22

possible. 23

And so if it borders on a quantifiable problem, a 24

realistic problem, we’ll try to make every effort t o make 25

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Daniel P. Feldhaus, CSR, Inc. 916.682.9482

POST Legislative Review Committee Meeting, October 24, 2013


sure we support the development of that training. So 1

that we do that using law enforcement resources, an d so 2

that we don’t get unrealistic training demands. Bu t not 3

in every case. It’s just kind of difficult to watc h. 4

But your point is well taken -- and especially now . 5

MEMBER HUTCHENS: Yes. But I know Cal State 6

Sheriffs and many other -- Cal Chiefs and many agen cies 7

would be happy to help in that, because we feel tha t 8

pain, too. 9

MR. STRESAK: Thank you. 10

MR. EVANS: Yes. This bill also requires that 11

stakeholders play a part in the product production. So 12

we’re bringing the stakeholders in. 13

And as part of the negotiation process, we always do 14

a cost estimate with the legislation. Just let the m know 15

how much this is going to cost. 16

MEMBER HUTCHENS: Okay, thank you. 17

MR. EVANS: You’re welcome. 18

Assembly Bill 685 dealt with state goods, 19

peace-officer state issued handguns. 20

Now, prior to this bill, the surviving spouses of 21

officers killed in the line of duty could not have access 22

to their weapons. This allows those spouses to rec eive 23

their weapons. It’s not a POST issue, but it’s a 24

law-enforcement issue in general. 25

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Daniel P. Feldhaus, CSR, Inc. 916.682.9482

POST Legislative Review Committee Meeting, October 24, 2013


AB 703, Peace Officer Firearms. This bill, which 1

was sponsored by Assemblyman Hall, allows Level I r eserve 2

officers to apply for CCW; whereas before, that was 3

disallowed. 4

The priority was that they have to serve between t en 5

and 20 years in service rather than, you know, how some 6

people would attempt to apply for CCW, who only had one 7

year or two years. But you have to have had ten to 20. 8

MEMBER COOKE: This is really going to clean up so me 9

of the “honorably retired,” “medically retired” lan guage 10

in there? 11

CHAIR SOBEK: Yes, that’s what it does. 12

MEMBER COOKE: Did it do it? 13


MEMBER COOKE: Okay, because I’ve been sitting her e 15

and I have one person who was giving me a lot of gu ff 16

over that, so I’m glad that it did. 17

CHAIR SOBEK: The problem was, if you retired from 18

one agency and you went to another, some of those a gency 19

chiefs or sheriffs weren’t giving them the CCW. 20

MEMBER COOKE: Well, they weren’t giving it to 21

medical retirees. 22

CHAIR SOBEK: Right. 23

MEMBER COOKE: And some sheriffs weren’t doing tha t, 24

too. 25

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Daniel P. Feldhaus, CSR, Inc. 916.682.9482

POST Legislative Review Committee Meeting, October 24, 2013


I don’t know if you were or not. For those that 1

were retired medically, did you give them CCWs? 2

MEMBER HUTCHENS: It was a case-by-case -- no, I 3

think we did. Unless it was -- 4

CHAIR SOBEK: So it was case by case. 5

MEMBER HUTCHENS: Yes, unless there was some o ther 6

psychological issues. 7

MR. EVANS: Assembly Bill 906 by Pan, we discu ssed 8

this earlier. It does nothing for POST at this poi nt. 9

What it does do, though, if we would like to hire a 10

personal services contractor, we actually have to 11

advertise those now, and allow other people the 12

opportunity to apply for those jobs. 13

Any more information on that one? We covered that 14

one before. 15

(No response) 16

MR. EVANS: Okay, Assembly Bill 979, Peace Officer 17

Maritime Standards and Training. This bill effecti vely 18

allowed the L.A. Port Authority to apply for FLETC funds, 19

federal funds. 20

Previously, it appeared as though there would be a 21

conflict because they were attempting to have POST 22

certify training that we would not be allowed to mo nitor 23

or audit or hold them accountable for. So rather t han 24

be a barrier in their path to getting access to fed eral 25

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Daniel P. Feldhaus, CSR, Inc. 916.682.9482

POST Legislative Review Committee Meeting, October 24, 2013


funds, we just removed ourselves from it. And so a ny 1

training that’s being put on by them, and much of t he 2

training that will be put on by them, is a duplicat ion 3

of existing POST training, would not be POST-certif ied. 4

Questions on that one? 5

(No response) 6

MR. EVANS: Senate Bill 340, the Law Enforcement 7

Anti-Reproductive Rights Crimes. That one was also 8

signed by the Governor. We currently have a DVD 9

curriculum that we have this, that currently addres ses 10

this issue. 11

And the only thing that this bill did was remove t he 12

sunset date that was on the bill. 13

And the last bill for consideration, it came up as 14

an issue last week, Senate Bill 663, Sexual Assault 15

Victims with Intellectual and Developmental Disabil ities. 16

It goes to the prior conversation with this flood o f 17

disability kind of bills that’s coming through. An d this 18

particular bill, it’s so generally written that POS T will 19

not be able to do it. 20

What it requires is that POST design a model progr am 21

for all state agencies to follow. So they require that 22

we write a general order for all law-enforcement 23

personnel to have access to information regarding p eople 24

with intellectual and physical disabilities. 25

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Daniel P. Feldhaus, CSR, Inc. 916.682.9482

POST Legislative Review Committee Meeting, October 24, 2013


It also requires that POST writes a policy. So th ey 1

are asking us to do two things: To write a general order 2

and to write policies for individual law-enforcemen t 3

agencies, which we don’t do. 4

The bill is currently at the Senate Human Services 5

Subcommittee, and it’s also being reviewed by Senat e 6

Public Safety. It was introduced in February of th is 7

year, and it’s been stuck in committee since April. 8

So I had a conversation as recently as yesterday. 9

So we need to work out the details before we make a 10

recommendation about what we would like to do, to s upport 11

or… 12

MR. STRESAK: A quick comment on these types o f 13

bills, and along with 602, Mentally and Development ally 14

Disabled Persons. I think, more and more, we’re go ing to 15

see, as these ancillary effects of realignment and 16

efforts to rehabilitate versus incarcerate. And yo u’ll 17

see increased demographics on the street. You’re g oing 18

to see more and more expectation for officers to ad dress 19

this as a first-line response. 20

So your point is well taken. We’ll strengthen 21

our -- we’ll buttress this a little bit more and se e what 22

we can do. We’ll work on that. 23

MR. EVANS: Those are all the bills that we ha ve 24

thus far. 25

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Daniel P. Feldhaus, CSR, Inc. 916.682.9482

POST Legislative Review Committee Meeting, October 24, 2013


CHAIR SOBEK: A point of order. We forgot to 1

approve or recommend the approval of the Legislativ e 2

Review Committee meeting minutes. 3

I’ll entertain a motion. 4

MEMBER BUI: Motion. Bui. 5

CHAIR SOBEK: Okay, Lai Lai. 6

A second? 7


CHAIR SOBEK: Kurylowicz is the second. 9

Okay, all in favor, say “aye.” 10

(A chorus of “ayes” was heard.) 11

CHAIR SOBEK: Opposed? 12

(No response) 13

CHAIR SOBEK: Okay, that passes. 14

And for the record, let’s do a roll call to have D an 15

make sure that everybody is here. 16

So I would start with, I’m here. Present. Sobek. 17

MEMBER BUI: Bui is here. 18

CHAIR SOBEK: Cooke? 19


CHAIR SOBEK: Hutchens? 21


CHAIR SOBEK: Kurylowicz? 23


CHAIR SOBEK: And Wallace? 25

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Daniel P. Feldhaus, CSR, Inc. 916.682.9482

POST Legislative Review Committee Meeting, October 24, 2013




Anything else? Anything else for the Committee? 3

MR. STRESAK: Well, I have one more comment. This 4

is your last Legislative meeting. 5

CHAIR SOBEK: This is my last meeting. 6

MR. STRESAK: And this is your last Commission 7

meeting, too. I’ll address that a little later. 8

But I think it’s an opportune time to thank you fo r 9

your leadership and your support and your insight a nd 10

your commitment and all that you’ve done. 11

And I will reemphasize that I thank you for your 12

friendship and what you’ve done for this organizati on. 13

So my hat is off to you. 14

(Applause) 15

CHAIR SOBEK: All right, nothing else? 16

The meeting is adjourned . 17

(The Legislative Committee meeting concluded 18

at 8:46 a.m.) 19

����� 20






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Daniel P. Feldhaus, CSR, Inc. 916.682.9482

POST Legislative Review Committee Meeting, October 24, 2013



I hereby certify:

That the foregoing proceedings were duly reported by

me at the time and place herein specified; and

That the proceedings were reported by me, a du ly

certified shorthand reporter and a disinterested pe rson,

and was thereafter transcribed into typewriting.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my han d on

November 12 th , 2013.

__________________________ ______ Daniel P. Feldhaus California CSR #6949 Registered Diplomate Repo rter Certified Realtime Report er