Download - Legendary Craft Prison Server Guide

  • 7/30/2019 Legendary Craft Prison Server Guide


    Welcome to the guide for the minecraft server:

    Legendary Prison.


    The Rules:

    How to find them:

    As you can see the rules a can be found on the website under the wordinformation.

    You will find out all the information you need to ensure you understandthe server.

    The rules page tells you everything you need to know. The rule page is underneath.

  • 7/30/2019 Legendary Craft Prison Server Guide


    The Rules of PVP:

    The server is PVP enabled; this however is only in the PVP arena, free andthe blocks D and C.

    There are safe zones around the blocks which are the shop, furnace, mineand in the case of D block a tree farm.

    This is the D Block shop and one of the safe zones.One of the rules in PVP you may notice is no safe zoning. This is when you get

    into a PVP match with another prison mate then run into the safe zone to avoidbeing killed. This is against the rules and multiple offences can lead to a ban.

    PVP logging, this is when you are in the middle of combat and you or the personyou are fighting logs out. This is an offence, which can lead to being banned from

    the server.

    Another rule in PVP is no banking. In LCP we have a very good chest system inwhich you can buy up to 10 chests for $1800(IGM) each and store your stuff

    safely from other players. However if you are in a match and do not want to loseyour items you are not allowed to store them in the chest as this means the

    player who kills your will receive no reward.

  • 7/30/2019 Legendary Craft Prison Server Guide


    The Rules of hacks and cheats:

    Here at LCP we have a zero tolerance policy to hacks and cheats, we haveplugins which notify the staff when someone has activated hacks and theywill receive a PERNAMENT ban.

    Some mods are allowed for instance: Mini maps and Voxel, however withvoxel you may not use the flight or brightness hack that is included.

    Advertisement and scamming:

    Advertising will NOT be tolerated and you will receive an instantPERNAMENT ban.

    Scamming is another offence, which we do NOT tolerate and youwill have to return the money or item and receive a 24-hour ban.

    Guards and their duties:

    The Job as a guard is to make sure everyone on the server isplaying by the rules.

    The Guard will be on patrol in the D or C blocks. We have some contraband items (swords and sapling) in LCP how

    they work is if a guard catches you with one of this items you have

    5 seconds to hand over the item or get sent to solitary for 10minutes, you can do nothing but wait. However you can chose tofight the guard and getsome revenge.

    What you do inside LCP:

    In LCP you start off as a newprisoner. You will be spawnedinto the courtyard and will be

    rank D. You will start off with $100 and

    need $18,000 in order to rank up and go to the next block.

    In D block PVP is enabled and there will usually be Guard on patrol andfighting will be taking place.

    There are two things to do to make money in block D that is choppingwood and mining. In the mine there is Iron, Coal and Emeralds. The minesare programmed to reset about every half an hour and a refilled with newmaterials so there is also something to mine.

  • 7/30/2019 Legendary Craft Prison Server Guide


    Once you spend enough time mining away at the rock and chopping downtrees you will want to sell your items to get some money.

    You can do this at the shop; any item you can get inside the prison can besold at the shop. To sell an item you must left click the bottom sign as youcan see on the photo you receive the total after the word S and if you wan

    to buy something its right click the top and the number after the B

    Once you have mined and chopped down enough wood to get your$18,000 you can do the command /Rmu

    This command will rank you up to the next rank.

    C block:

    C rank is the second rank you can achieve and is massive step up in theamount of money you need to rank up, this time youneed $60,000.

    Inside C block you will find that inside of aTree farm there is a clay mine where you can getclay balls and sell them to the shop.

    The idea is that each time you go up a rankthere are more ores also the materials around theores become quicker to mine and you can receive

    more through less time. On the other side of C blockis a sandstone mine this containsIron, Gold, Coal and Emeralds.

    As It should, it takes longer to getup ranks however each timesomething new is avaliable and isworth the wait.

  • 7/30/2019 Legendary Craft Prison Server Guide


    B block:

    In B block you need to make $150,000 to rank up to A block. B block is when things start to become more intresting as diamonds are

    accessible through mining. The nether rack mine is quick to mine throughand contains: Iron, Gold, Emeralds and Diamonds.

    In B block there is another clay mine but the clay is much more commonand you can receive much more from the mine compared to C.

    In B PVP is no longer avaliable and you are in a much safer enviroment.This is a nice feeling as you dont have to worry about losing your firstdiamonds.

    A block:

    Although you need to make $250,000 to become a free man its nota bad life in A block. There is an enchanting table, mob spawner,animal slaying area and A snow mine which contains a lot moreores then any other mine and once again a PVP free zone.

    The snow mine Contains Iron, Emeralds and Diamonds it hasbetween about 1-2%


  • 7/30/2019 Legendary Craft Prison Server Guide



    Free is the best rank you can receive through ranking up and using ingame money.

    When you get into the free world it is survival minecraft. The Free world is 1450 blocks by 1450 blocks and is a faction world. This means you can raid and

    grief other factions in orderto steal there stuff.

    As a free you can claim asmuch land as you want, if youwant a Warden to set homeand place the chest signs inyou home this will costanother $50,000 and can beplaced inside of your base.

    As you are now free enjoy the views and boast to the otherprisoners

  • 7/30/2019 Legendary Craft Prison Server Guide



    RUBY: $25-Real Money

    Open Your Chests Anywhere with /chest1-10 Automatic free rank Access to our donator spawn Access to /kit ruby which contain Protection 1 Iron armour a Diamond

    Pickaxe, 5 exp bottles, 1 boat and 3 steaks

    Access to the commands /craft which summons a virtual crafting table. /weed too trip you out and make you feel nauseous /untrip too disable the effect of /weed

    SAPPHIRE: $50-Real Money

    All of the Above

    Repairing all of your items with the commands /fix all A custom nickname Access to /kit Sapphire which give you a diamond sword with sharpness

    II and looting I, Diamond Armour, 2 Healing splash potion and 8 steaks.

    /crack which has a effect like /weed /untrip to disable the effect of /crack

    EMERALD: $100-Real Money

    All of the above No falling damage from any heights A custom coloured nickname Access to /kit emerald which gives you a Diamonds sword with Sharpness

    III + Fire aspect I, Diamond Armour with protection 4 Healing Splashpotions, 2 Fire resistance splash potions, 9 Exp Bottles.

    Other Donator Features include access to the nether and the endDonator Spawn Contains:

    A Mine A Shop Teleport Signs to get to the nether and the end A donator PVP with a rather nice view

  • 7/30/2019 Legendary Craft Prison Server Guide



    PVP kit- $25- Real money

    You Receive 1 set of Protection IV armour 1 Sharpness V knockback II Fire aspect II sword 8 God Apples You can use this kit once every 24 hours

    Dealer kit- $25- Real money

    8 Splash instant health II 8 Splash regeneration II [0:45] 8 Splash Strength II [3:00] 8 splash fire resistance [6:00] 8 splash speed II [3:00] You can use this kit once every 24 hours

    Escapee kit- $25- Real money Diamond Pickaxe: Efficiency V, Unbreaking III Fortune III

    Silk touch I

    Diamond Axe: Efficiency V, Unbreaking III Fortune III Silktouch I

    Diamond Shovel: Efficiency V, Unbreaking III Fortune III Silktouch I

    1 Flint and Steel 1 Clock You can use this kit once every 24 hours

    $50,000- $25- Real money

    This is a one off amount of money. There is no kit available for this product.

    $125,000- $50- Real money This is a one off amount of money. There is no kit available for this product.

    $250,000- $75- Real money

    This is a one off amount of money. There is no kit available for this product.

  • 7/30/2019 Legendary Craft Prison Server Guide


    Money Making Guide:

    You only need to know how to get started as once you send around 15-20minutes inside the prison you understand its mechanics and rules but here is ashort guide to try help.

    How to get started:

    D block can be quite slow to make money at first due to the amount of choppingand mining you have to do, however it is worth it once you rank up.

    1. Go to the tree farm and get loads of wood to fulfil you needs in the future.

    2. Once you have done this you will want to go to the mine so you can get apickaxe and start mining.

    3. You will want to get a cobblestone pickaxe as soon as possible to decreasethe time you spend mining.

    4. Then go to a level by the ladders and go to a layer, which hasnt beenmined yet, and being to branch/strip mine as this is the most effectiveway of mining.

    5. Once you have done this you will come across your first ores.6. Then you will need to make a furnace and start to smelt the ores you have


    7. After you have collected you ores you will need to go to the shop and startto sell you items. To do this you need to left click the bottom sign. You willthen receive the money and youre on the way to free rank.

  • 7/30/2019 Legendary Craft Prison Server Guide


    Our Economy:

    The Economy of our server is pretty much predetermined with items likecobblestone and diamonds because of the admin shops in each block.However there is a buying a selling section on the forums where things like godarmour and enchanted weapons are sold.

    A Sharpness V Fire Aspect II Looting III would go for about $25kWhile a set of protection IV armour can range between $0-20k, as there are somewealthy people on the server who give away items like protection IV and Godapples


    If you are reading this youre a probably new to the server and need someextra cash and food therefore, you can vote for these things every 24hours.

    Voting helps the server grow in the rankings and brings more people toour server everyday.

    When you vote you get:

    3 steaks

    5 watermelons 3 Bottle o enchanting 3 bread $2,100

    We hope that you Enjoy your time here in Legendary Craft Prison If you need anyhelp contact a member of staff, you can check who is online using the /whocommand and I am sure that you will enjoy the server as much as our communitydoes.