Download - Legal & General OLP · PDF filelegal & general olp connect – september 2017 for training purposes only - the data used in this guide is not real and intended for illustration purposes


Legal & General OLP Connect – September 2017

FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY - THE DATA USED IN THIS GUIDE IS NOT REAL AND INTENDED FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY The purpose of this guide is to explain the updated AGENTHUB with guidance on September 2017 existing business enhancements. 1

OLPConnect Forward thinking technology

Legal & General OLP Connect

This is not a consumer advertisement. It is intended for Professional Financial Advisers and should not be relied upon by private customers or any other persons.

Legal & General OLP Connect – September 2017

FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY - THE DATA USED IN THIS GUIDE IS NOT REAL AND INTENDED FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY The purpose of this guide is to explain the updated AGENTHUB with guidance on September 2017 existing business enhancements. 2

OLPConnect Forward thinking technology













Policy events This header section allows you to include or exclude records on your widget dashboard that you’ve previously set to “inactive” in the Policy Details screen. All of your events This shows all your cases where an event has taken place such as failed premium collection or a policy has cancelled. Your first notifications The DD Failures button shows cases where the bank has informed us that their attempt to collect a premium has failed. At this stage we will not have written to your customer as the bank usually makes a second attempt but it does give you early warning. The Cancellations button shows when your customer has notified us that they wish to cancel their policy. Your Direct Debit failures This shows cases where the Direct Debit has been cancelled by your customer or where a second attempt at a collection has failed. Your Cancellations This shows instances where a policy has been cancelled. This may be on instruction from your customer or where a policy has lapsed. Please note that this will also include cases where one policy has been replaced by another. Your policies going off risk This shows which policies are close to being cancelled as there has been no action taken by your customer.

Legal & General OLP Connect – September 2017

FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY - THE DATA USED IN THIS GUIDE IS NOT REAL AND INTENDED FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY The purpose of this guide is to explain the updated AGENTHUB with guidance on September 2017 existing business enhancements. 3

OLPConnect Forward thinking technology

7a 8a





Download data Clicking this link will open the Download data section where you can retrieve management information (MI). This is described further below (7b). Download data description Use this section to select the parameters for the data you want to download. This can be set to include or exclude records that you’ve previously set to “inactive” in the Policy Details screen, select a date range, specify event types. As well as fields that were previously available via the Early Warning System (EWS), we’ve enhanced the data available for download by adding further specific fields that you can include in your dataset. Saved case data Clicking this link will open the saved cases section on a new page, where you can retrieve information about cases that you’ve managed to prevent going off-risk. This is described further on the next page (8b).

Legal & General OLP Connect – September 2017

FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY - THE DATA USED IN THIS GUIDE IS NOT REAL AND INTENDED FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY The purpose of this guide is to explain the updated AGENTHUB with guidance on September 2017 existing business enhancements. 4

OLPConnect Forward thinking technology


8b Saved case data - summary by FRN This option is only available to users with permission to view the policies of other agencies (sometimes referred to as level 3 access). Selecting one of the FRNs and clicking the Go button shows the Master agents for this FRN in the table below with the data for those masters and their sub agents summarised. Clicking on the download in this section downloads the data currently displayed in a CSV file. This also includes the specific policy numbers saved or lost.

Legal & General OLP Connect – September 2017

FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY - THE DATA USED IN THIS GUIDE IS NOT REAL AND INTENDED FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY The purpose of this guide is to explain the updated AGENTHUB with guidance on September 2017 existing business enhancements. 5

OLPConnect Forward thinking technology


8c Saved case data - summary by agency This option is available to all users, however if the user only has level 1 access, they will only be able to see data for their own agency number. Select a master agency from the dropdown and click the Go button. This will display any agencies under that master who have events (lost or saved policies within the selected timeframe). You can also select any individual agency number. This will only display events/records for that specific agency. Clicking on the download in this section downloads the data currently displayed in a CSV file. This also includes the specific policy numbers saved or lost. As this is at a master or sub agent level, it will be a subset of the data you would download if you used the FRN option.

Legal & General OLP Connect – September 2017

FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY - THE DATA USED IN THIS GUIDE IS NOT REAL AND INTENDED FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY The purpose of this guide is to explain the updated AGENTHUB with guidance on September 2017 existing business enhancements. 6

OLPConnect Forward thinking technology





Info icons Clicking any of the info icons will display a brief description for the screen content it relates to. Search results Here’s an example of how the search results will look, with column headers varying depending on search or widget button used. Click a policy number to view the event details

Legal & General OLP Connect – September 2017

FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY - THE DATA USED IN THIS GUIDE IS NOT REAL AND INTENDED FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY The purpose of this guide is to explain the updated AGENTHUB with guidance on September 2017 existing business enhancements. 7

OLPConnect Forward thinking technology









Contact details This section shows you the contact details for each of the lives covered by the policy. Event details This section shows you details of any ongoing events for this policy. This now includes the Reinstate DD button which will allow you to submit bank details for your customer so that you can save this case from lapsing or being cancelled. Note History Sometimes you will see notes that the system has produced in this section. You also have the opportunity to write notes but these will not be visible to our customer service teams and are purely for your own use. Product details This section is where you’ll find all of the relevant product details for this policy.

Legal & General OLP Connect – September 2017

FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY - THE DATA USED IN THIS GUIDE IS NOT REAL AND INTENDED FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY The purpose of this guide is to explain the updated AGENTHUB with guidance on September 2017 existing business enhancements. 8

OLPConnect Forward thinking technology


15 Other products If your customer has other Protection Products details will be shown here.