Download - Legacy Training.…  · Web viewBooking Form 121 Online Course in Funeral Celebrancy. Start date. agreed: Course Leader. s: Neil Dorward, MA. BD. & Diploma in Funeral Celebrancy.

Page 1: Legacy Training.…  · Web viewBooking Form 121 Online Course in Funeral Celebrancy. Start date. agreed: Course Leader. s: Neil Dorward, MA. BD. & Diploma in Funeral Celebrancy.

Booking Form 121 Online Course in Funeral CelebrancyStart date agreed:

Course Leaders:

Neil Dorward, MA. BD. & Diploma in Funeral Celebrancy

Annie Scrimgeour , BA. Com Ed. & BA. CPC

To enable us to provide you with the best possible service we would ask you to complete and return this form as soon as possible including payment of your deposit. (*Details below)



Date of birth

Email Address

Telephone Number

Mobile Number

Page 2: Legacy Training.…  · Web viewBooking Form 121 Online Course in Funeral Celebrancy. Start date. agreed: Course Leader. s: Neil Dorward, MA. BD. & Diploma in Funeral Celebrancy.

Please detail any requirements you may have with regard to disability access or any specific learning need or learning difference

Please detail any special dietary requirements

Please provide a little bit of background information about yourself, including anything specific that you are looking to gain from the training in terms of your learning needs.

Page 3: Legacy Training.…  · Web viewBooking Form 121 Online Course in Funeral Celebrancy. Start date. agreed: Course Leader. s: Neil Dorward, MA. BD. & Diploma in Funeral Celebrancy.

Please detail any existing Qualifications, skills and experience.

TOTAL COST 121 ONLINE TRAINING COURSE £750 This cost includes a 1 day training ‘Get Together Day’ with other students and your Tutors. (Any associated travel and accommodation costs must be met separately by the student).

*I agree to providing a deposit of £100 in advance (Bank transfer details on request) and agree to pay the balance of £695 before commencing the Course

Signed ..............................................................................


Nb. Students are assessed by the course leaders under 6 core skill sets, each containing 8 competencies. Students will be

Page 4: Legacy Training.…  · Web viewBooking Form 121 Online Course in Funeral Celebrancy. Start date. agreed: Course Leader. s: Neil Dorward, MA. BD. & Diploma in Funeral Celebrancy.

continuously assessed and graded using CTA Scotland’s assessment and grading structure, success criteria and Academy Standard bench marks.

Celebrant Training Academy Scotland

The Training branch of Bespoke Civil Ceremonies Ltd,

40 Morlich Place,

Kinross, KY13 8BW

T: 07752 212 067 e:

[email protected]