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  • 8/6/2019 Lecture+3b Aircraft+ +Engine


    Lecture 3b: Aircraft Engines

  • 8/6/2019 Lecture+3b Aircraft+ +Engine


    1903- 1940s: Propeller + Piston

    Engines Era From 1903 (Wright bros.)

    until the Early 1940s, allaircraft used the pistonengine combined with

    propeller as theirpropulsion system.

    Piston engine is justsimilar with car engineexcept with severaldifferent.

    A propeller is essentiallya type of fan whichtransmits power byconverting rotationalmotion into thrust to

    propel the aircraft (moveforward).

    Piston engine uses theenergy produced by

    burning a mixture of air

    and fuel to drive the


  • 8/6/2019 Lecture+3b Aircraft+ +Engine



    Piston engineMain parts

  • 8/6/2019 Lecture+3b Aircraft+ +Engine


    Piston engineDifferent configurations of piston engines

  • 8/6/2019 Lecture+3b Aircraft+ +Engine



    Piper PA-28 Cherokee


    -Lycoming piston engine

    - 4 cylinders

    - 110 hp


    - 2 blades fixed pitch


    - Max. speed 127kt

    - Operational ceiling 11000 feet

    Piston engineExamples

  • 8/6/2019 Lecture+3b Aircraft+ +Engine



    Antonov AN-2


    -PZL piston engine, RADIAL

    -9 cylinders

    -1000 hp


    -4 blades variable pitch


    -Max. speed 139kt

    -Operational ceiling 13000 feet


    Piston engineExamples

  • 8/6/2019 Lecture+3b Aircraft+ +Engine


    The differences between piston aircraft

    engines and car engines Crankshaft The crankshaft in an piston aircraft engine

    turns a propeller, crankshaft in car engine is used to movethe wheels of the car.

    Weight the piston aircraft engine must be lightweightcompare to car engine.

    Power demand to run the engines- the piston aircraftengine demands high power for very long times compareto car engines

    Numbers of engine parts - an aircraft engine has at least

    two sets for every parts, including ignition system (sparkplugs and magnetos) and fuel pumps compare to carengine that only have one set.

    Operating environment different- an aircraft engine noneed radiator for air-cooling compare to the car.

  • 8/6/2019 Lecture+3b Aircraft+ +Engine


    Propeller + Piston

    Engine Aircraft Very efficient for low speed flight.

    Lower load capacity compared to similar sized jetpowered aircraft.

    Consumes less fuel, thus cheaper and much moreeconomic than jets.

    Quiet, but fly at lower speeds.

    The best option for people who need to transport afew passengers and/or small amounts of cargo.

    Best choice for pilots who wish to own their ownaircraft.

    Propellers are not used on high speed aircraft.

  • 8/6/2019 Lecture+3b Aircraft+ +Engine


    Jet Engine History

    1931: 1st turbojet engine designed 1930 by Sir

    Frank Whittle

    1939: The 1


    jet aircraft (Heinkel He 178) wasdeveloped in England and Germany

    1943: The first jet fighter aircraft,Messerschmitt

    Me 262 went into service in the German


  • 8/6/2019 Lecture+3b Aircraft+ +Engine


    History of Aircraft Propulsion

    1944 (After World War 2)-Today :

    Airplanes usedjet engines to generate thrust. Jet engines also referred to as Gas Turbine


    Various types (turbo-jet, turbo-prop, turbo-shaft,turbo-fan , ramjet, scramjet)

    Messerschmitt Me-262 : 1st operational jet-poweredaircraft

    German V-1 bomb (pulse jet engine): 1st applicationfor military purposes.

    Bell P-59: 1st American aircraft

    MiG-15: 1st Soviet jet aircraft.

  • 8/6/2019 Lecture+3b Aircraft+ +Engine


    Jet Engines

    Jet aircraft make use of turbines for the creation ofthrust.

    Consumes more fuel but provide much more thrust

    than a piston engine. Fly faster than propeller driven aircraft.

    Greater weight capacity

    Example: Airbus A340 and Boeing 777, can carry

    hundreds of passengers and several tons of cargo,and are able to travel for distances up to 13 thousandkilometers.

    Noisy, this makes jet aircraft a source of noise


  • 8/6/2019 Lecture+3b Aircraft+ +Engine


    Newton's 3rd law

    The theory of jet propulsion is based on the Newtonsthird Law, which state that For every action there isan equal and opposite reaction.

    When the jet engine is operating, it draws a lot of airfrom the front and after air-fuel burns the gas ejectsat high speed.

    During this process, the engine applies force to thegas and lets the gas accelerate in the backwarddirection and in the meantime, the gas also gives theengine a reactive force to push the aircraft to moveforward.

  • 8/6/2019 Lecture+3b Aircraft+ +Engine


  • 8/6/2019 Lecture+3b Aircraft+ +Engine


    Turbo-jet Engine

    Inlet- inlet is the opening at the front of engine, it allows the outside air to enterthe engine.

    Compressor compressor is made up of fans with many blades, it compress theair and raises the pressure & temperature of the air, the compressed air then isdelivered to the burner.

    Burner Burning process occur here. Fuel is sprayed to the compressed air .The

    mixture of the fuel + air will be burned. The results is heated gas with high energy,high pressure and high temperature.

    Turbine- turbine used some of the heated gas energy to turn the compressor . Thisenergy is transferred through the shaft.

    Nozzle- The balance of heated gas energy exits through the nozzle at very highspeed. This causes thrust.

    As the jets of gas shoot backward, the engine and the aircraft are thrust forward.(Newton 3rd Law)


    Newton's 3rd law: For every action there is an equal and

    opposite reaction. This is called thrust.

  • 8/6/2019 Lecture+3b Aircraft+ +Engine


    Turbo-prop Engine

    The propeller located at the front of engineThe propeller converts the power developed by the

    engine into thrust as efficiently as possible under all

    operating conditions.

    These aircraft are popular with regional airlines, asthey tend to be more economical on shorter journeys.

    Hercules-1 C130

  • 8/6/2019 Lecture+3b Aircraft+ +Engine


    Turbo-fan Engine

    Similar to the turboprop, except a fan replaces

    the turboprop propeller.

    Larger fan at the front provides thrust in thesame way as a propeller.

    The turbofan engine has a front fan, which runs

    at the same speed as the compressor and fan

    turbine located at the back to drive the fan. Most modern airliners use turbofan engines

    because of they can produce high thrust, lower

    fuel consumption and low engine-noise.

  • 8/6/2019 Lecture+3b Aircraft+ +Engine


    Rocket EngineRocket Engine A rocket engine produces thrust by

    burning a fuel at high pressure andexhausting the gas through a nozzle.

    The oxygen for combustion is carried with

    the propulsion system. High temperatures and pressures is built

    up, the are used to accelerate the exhaustgases through a rocket nozzle to produce

    thrust. The heavier the rocket , the greater thrust

    needed to get it off the ground.

    Newton 3rd Law: To every action there isan equal and opposite reaction."


  • 8/6/2019 Lecture+3b Aircraft+ +Engine


    Differences between Jet engine

    and Rocket engineThrust direction

    Jet engine is an engine using jet propulsion for forwardthrust .

    Rocket engine is an engine using jet propulsion forupward thrust.

    Source of oxygen

    Jet engines do not have their own source of oxygen.Outside air is sucked into the engine to act as anoxidizer

    There is no air in space. Rockets have their own oxygensource, either a liquid tank, or mixed in with the solid

    fuel for combustion.

  • 8/6/2019 Lecture+3b Aircraft+ +Engine


    Rocket vs Missile


    Rocket mission is to send the satellite to

    outer space. Missile mission is as a weapon to attack

    high value target.

    Guidance Rocket no guidance system.

    Missile has a guidance system.