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  • 8/9/2019 Lecture Notes2231 scm




    Chapter 15

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture Notes2231 scm


    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 2

    Learning Objectives1. Describe the risk-return tradeoff involved in

    managing a firms working capital.

    2. Explain the determinants of net working capital.3. Calculate the firms cash conversion cycle and

    interpret its determinants.

    4. Calculate the effective cost of short-term credit.

    5. List and describe the basic sources of short-termcredit.

    6. Describe the special problems encountered bymultinational firms in managing working capital.

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 3

    Slide Contents1. Principles Used in this Chapter

    2. Working Capital

    3. The Appropriate Level of Working Capital

    4. Cash Conversion Cycle

    5. Cost of Short-term Credit6. Multinational Working Capital Management

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    1. Principles Used in this Chapter

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 5

    Principles Used in this Chapter

    Principle 1: The Risk-Return Trade-Off We Wont

    Take On Additional Risk Unless We Expectto Be Compensated with Additional Return.

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    2. Working Capital

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 7

    Working Capital

    Working capital The firms total investmentin current assets.

    Net working capital The difference betweenthe firms current assets and its currentliabilities.

    This chapter focuses on net working capital.

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 8

    Managing Net Working Capital Managing net working capital is

    concerned with managing the firms

    liquidity. This entails managing tworelated aspects of the firmsoperations:

    1. Investment in current assets

    2. Use of short-term or current liabilities

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 9

    Short-Term Sources of Financing

    Includes current liabilities i.e. all forms offinancing that have maturities of 1 year orless.

    Two issues to consider:

    How much short-term financing should the firmuse?

    What specific sources of short-term financingshould the firm select?

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 10

    How Much Short-Term Financing

    Should a Firm Use?

    This question is addressed by hedging

    the principle of working-capitalmanagement.

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 11

    What Specific Sources of Short-Term

    Financing Should the Firm Select? Three basic factors influence the decision:

    The effective cost of credit

    The availability of credit in the amount neededand for the period that financing is required

    The influence of a particular credit source on

    the cost and availability of other sources offinancing

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 12

    Current Assets A firms current assets are assets that are

    expected to be converted to cash within a

    period of a year or less, such as cash andmarketable securities, accounts receivable,inventories.

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 13

    Risk-Return Trade-off Holding more current assets will reduce the risk of


    However, liquid assets like cash and marketablesecurities earn relatively less compared to otherassets. Thus larger amount liquid investments willreduce overall rate of return

    The Trade-off: Increased liquidity must be traded-offagainst the firms reduction in return on investment.

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 14

    Use of Current versus

    Long-term Debt Other things remaining the same, the greater the

    firms reliance on short-term debt or current liabilities

    in financing its assets, the greater the risk ofilliquidity.

    Trade-off: A firm can reduce its risk of illiquiditythrough the use of long-term debt at the expense of

    a reduction in its return on invested funds. Trade-offinvolves an increased risk of illiquidity versusincreased profitability.

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 15

    Advantages of Current Liabilities:



    Current liabilities can be used to match the timingof a firms needs for short-term financing.Example: Obtaining seasonal financing versuslong-term financing for short-term needs.

    Interest Cost

    Interest rates on short-term debt are lower thanon long-term debt.

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 16

    Disadvantages of Current

    Liabilities: Risk

    Risk of illiquidity increases due to:

    Short-term debt must be repaid or rolled overmore often

    Uncertainty of interest costs from year to year

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    3. The Appropriate Level ofWorking Capital

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 18

    Appropriate Level of

    Working Capital

    Managing working capital involvesinterrelated decisions regardinginvestments in current assets and use ofcurrent liabilities.

    Hedging Principle or Principle of Self-

    Liquidating Debt provides a guide to themaintenance of appropriate level ofliquidity.

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 19

    Hedging Principle Involves matching the cash flow generating

    characteristics of an asset with the maturity of the

    source of financing used to finance its acquisition.

    Thus a seasonal need for inventories should befinanced with a short-term loan or current liability.

    On the other hand, investment in equipment expectedto last for a long time should be financed with long-term debt.

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 20

    Permanent and Temporary


    Permanent investments

    Investments that the firm expects to holdfor a period longer than one year

    Temporary Investments

    Current assets that will be liquidated andnot replaced within the current year

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 21

    Sources of Financing Total assets will equal the sum of

    temporary, permanent and spontaneoussources of financing.

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 22

    Temporary & Permanent Source Temporary sources of financing consist of

    current liabilities such as short-term secured

    and unsecured notes payable.

    Permanent sources of financing include:intermediate-term loans, long-term debt,

    preferred stock common equity

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 23

    Spontaneous Sources of

    Financing Spontaneous sources of financing arise

    spontaneously in the firms day-to-day

    operations. Trade credit is often made available spontaneously or

    on demand from the firms supplies when the firmorders its supplies or more inventory of products to

    sell. Trade credit appears on a balance sheet as accounts payable.

    Wages and salaries payable, accrued interest and accruedtaxes also provide valuable sources of spontaneous financing.

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 24

    Also see table 15-1

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 25

    Hedging Principle Summary

    Asset needs of the firm not financed by

    spontaneous sources should be financedin accordance with this rule:

    Permanent-asset investments are financedwith permanent sources, and temporaryinvestments are financed with temporarysources.

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    4. Cash Conversion Cycle

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 27

    Cash Conversion Cycle A firm can minimize its working capital by

    speeding up collection on sales, increasing

    inventory turns, and slowing down thedisbursement of cash.

    Cash Conversion cycle (CCC) captures the

    above. CCC = days of sales outstanding + days of

    sales in inventory days of payablesoutstanding.

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 28

    Figure 15-2 shows that both Dell and Applehave been effective in reducing their CCC.

    CCC is below zero due to effectivemanagement of inventories and being able toreceive favorable credit terms.

    See table 15-2 for Dells CCC.

    Cash Conversion Cycle

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 29

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    5. Cost of Short-term Credit

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 31

    Cost of Short-term Credit Interest = principal x rate x time

    Cost of short-term financing = APR orannual percentage rate

    APR = (interest / principal) * (1 / time)

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 32

    APR exampleA company plans to borrow $1,000 for 180

    days. At maturity, the company will repay

    the $1,000 principal amount plus $40interest. What is the APR?

    APR = ($40/$1,000) X [1/(180/360)]

    = .04 X (180/90)

    = .08 or 8%

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 33

    Annual Percentage Yield (APY) APR does not consider compound interest. To

    account for the influence of compounding, must

    calculate APY or annual percentage yield. APY = (1 + i/m)m 1


    i is the nominal rate of interest per year; m is number of compounding period within a year.

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 34

    APY example In the previous example,

    # of compounding periods 360/180 = 2

    Rate = 8%

    APY = (1 + .08/2)21

    = .0816 or 8.16%

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 35

    APR or APY?

    Because the differences between APR

    and APY are usually small, we can usethe simple interest values of APR tocompute the cost of short-term credit.

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    5. Sources of Short-term Credit

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 37

    Sources of Short-term Credit Short-term credit sources can be

    classified into two basic groups:



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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 38

    Unsecured Loans Unsecured loans include all of those sources

    that have as their security only the lenders

    faith in the ability of the borrower to repaythe funds when due.

    Major sources:

    Accrued wages and taxes, trade credit, unsecuredbank loans, and commercial paper

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 39

    Secured Loans Involve the pledge of specific assets as

    collateral in the event that the borrower

    defaults in payment of principal or interest.

    Primary Suppliers:

    Commercial banks, finance companies, and factors

    Principal sources of collateral:

    Accounts receivable and inventories

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 40

    Unsecured Source:

    Accrued wages and taxes Since employees are paid periodically

    (biweekly or monthly), firms accrue a wage

    payable account that is, in essence, a loanfrom their employees.

    Similarly, if taxes are deferred or paid

    periodically, the firm has the use of the taxmoney.

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 41

    Unsecured Source:

    Trade Credit Trade credit arises spontaneously with the

    firms purchases. Often, the credit terms

    offered with trade credit involve a cashdiscount for early payment.

    Terms such as 2/10 net 30 means a 2%discount is offered for payment within 10days, or the full amount is due in 30 days

    A 2% penalty is involved for not payingwithin 10 days.

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 42

    Effective Cost of Passing Up a

    DiscountTerms 2/10 net 30

    The equivalent APR of this discount is:

    APR = $.02/$.98 X [1/(20/360)]

    = .3673 or 36.73%

    The effective cost of delaying payment for 20days is 36.73%

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 43

    Unsecured Source:

    Bank Credit

    Commercial banks provide unsecured

    short-term credit in two forms: Lines of credit

    Transaction loans (notes payable)

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 44

    Line of Credit Informal agreement between a borrower and a

    bank about the maximum amount of credit the

    bank will provide the borrower at any one time. There is no legal commitment on the part of the

    bank to provide the stated credit.

    Usually requires that the borrower maintain a

    minimum balance in the bank throughout the loanperiod, called a compensating balance.

    Interest rate on line of credit tends to be floating.

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 45

    Revolving Credit

    Revolving credit is a variant of the line ofcredit form of financing.

    A legal obligation is involved.

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 46

    Transaction Loans Transaction loan is made for a specific

    purpose. This is the type of loan that mostindividuals associate with bank credit and isobtained by signing a promissory note.

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 47

    Commercial Paper The largest and most credit worthy companies are

    able to use commercial paper a short-term promise

    to pay that is sold in the market for short-term debtsecurities.

    Maturity: Usually 6 months or less.

    Interest Rate: Slightly lower ( to 1%) than theprime rate on commercial loans.

    New issues of commercial paper are placed directly ordealer placed.

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 48

    Commercial Paper: Advantages Interest rates

    Rates are generally lower than rates on bank loans.

    Compensating-balance requirement

    No minimum balance requirements are associated withcommercial paper.

    Amount of credit

    Offers the firm with very large credit needs a single source forall its short-term financing.


    Signifies credit status.

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 49

    Secured Sources of Loans Secured loans have assets of firm pledged as

    collateral. If there is a default, the lender has firstclaim to the pledged assets. Because of its liquidity,

    accounts receivable is regarded as the prime sourcefor collateral.

    Accounts Receivable loans

    Pledging Accounts Receivable Factoring Accounts Receivable

    Inventory loans

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 50

    Pledging Accounts Receivable Borrower pledges accounts receivable as collateral for a loan

    obtained from either a commercial bank or a finance company.

    The amount of the loan is stated as a percentage of the face value

    of the receivables pledged. If the firm pledges a general line, then all of the accounts are

    pledged as security. (Simple and inexpensive)

    If the firm pledges specific invoices each invoice must be evaluated

    for creditworthiness. (more expensive) Credit Terms: Interest rate is 2-5% higher than the banks

    prime rate. In addition, handling fee of 1-2% of the facevalue of receivables is charged.

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 51

    Factoring Accounts Receivable Factoring accounts receivable involves the

    outright sale of a firms accounts to a

    financial institution called a factor.

    A factor is a firm (such as commercialfinancing firm or a commercial bank) thatacquires the receivables of other firms. Thefactor bears the risk of collection in exchangefor a fee of 1-3 % of the value of allreceivables factored.

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 52

    Inventory Loans These are loans secured by inventories

    The amount of the loan that can be obtained dependson the marketability and perishability of the inventory


    Floating lien agreement

    Chattel Mortgage agreement Field warehouse-financing agreement

    Terminal warehouse agreement

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 53

    Types of Inventory Loans Floating Lien Agreement

    The borrower gives the lender a lienagainst all its inventories.

    Chattel Mortgage Agreement

    The inventory is identified and theborrower retains title to the inventory butcannot sell the items without the lendersconsent

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 54

    Types of Inventory Loans

    Field warehouse-financing

    agreement Inventories used as collateral are physically

    separated from the firms other inventoriesand are placed under the control of a third-

    party field-warehousing firm

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    Keown Martin Petty - Chapter 15 55

    Types of Inventory Loans

    Terminal warehouse agreement

    Inventories pledged as collateral aretransported to a public warehouse that isphysically removed from the borrowerspremises.

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    6. Multinational Working-Capital Management

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    K M ti P tt Ch t 15 57

    Multinational Working-Capital

    Management The basic principle is the same for both

    domestic and multinational corporations.

    However, since multinationals spend andreceive money in different countries, it isexposed to exchange rate risk.

    Exposed position (exposed assets-exposedliabilities) is of interest to the firm.