Download - Lecture 7 – 10/1/12 – War Strategies in Action & The View from Europe Your appraisal of the first year of war – from atlas, from Tried by War. Strategies.


Lecture 7 10/1/12 War Strategies in Action & The View from Europe Your appraisal of the first year of war from atlas, from Tried by War. Strategies & Expectations Northern strategy Anaconda+ take Richmond & protect Washington shore up security of border states (West Va, MO) Southern strategy Just a defensive war? Vulnerable DC Baltimore Riot 4/61 - Lincoln & Habeus Corpus Influence sentiment in border states (West VA, MO) Acting on Strategy On To Richmond!: Battle of Bull Run/ Manassas July 21, 1861 Consequences of Bull Run Battle: Confed. Victory Union change in command Confed. Folklore Rebel Yell, Thomas Stonewall Jackson, Battle Flag Fighting in the Western Theater: Missouri [Wilsons Creek 8/10/61] Missouri Commander, John C. Fremont & Martial Law The Rush to Win Over Europe/ The View of War from Europe For European Powers Neutrality? Or Intervention? Building the Blockade: the Trent Affair November 1861 Confederate diplomats Mason & Slidell Unions Anaconda Plan in Action: 1) Gain Control of Mississippi River 2) Blockade Coast Additions to Union War Strategy: 3)Take Richmond 4) Protect Washington D.C. What strategy can we see on the Confederate side here in VA in 1861? Baltimore Riot April 19, 1861 D.C. cut off from the North for 6 days. Lincoln to Gen. Winfield Scott: April 1861 You are engaged in repressing an insurrection against the laws of the United States. If at any point on or in the vicinity of the military line, which is now used between the city of Philadelphia and the City of Washington, via Perryville, Annapolis City, and Annapolis Junction, you find resistance which renders it necessary to suspend the writ of Habeus Corpus for the public safety, you, personally or through the officer in command at the point where the resistance occurs are authorized to suspend the writ. Confederate General P. G. T. Beauregard General Irvin McDowell in command of Union forces at Bull Run/ Manassas Union General Irvin McDowell First Battle of Manassas / Bull Run Battle of Bull Run/Manassas 7/21/1861 What strategy is at work for each side in MO in 1861? John Charles Fremont 1861 Union Command Missouri Martial Law seizing slaves of Confederate sympathizers Lecture 7 10/1/12 War Strategies in Action & The View from Europe Your appraisal of the first year of war from atlas, from Tried by War. Strategies & Expectations Northern strategy Anaconda+ take Richmond & protect Washington shore up security of border states (West Va, MO) Southern strategy Just a defensive war? Vulnerable DC Baltimore Riot 4/61 - Lincoln & Habeus Corpus Influence sentiment in border states (West VA, MO) Acting on Strategy On To Richmond!: Battle of Bull Run/ Manassas July 21, 1861 Consequences of Bull Run Battle: Confed. Victory Union change in command Confed. Folklore Rebel Yell, Thomas Stonewall Jackson, Battle Flag Fighting in the Western Theater: Missouri [Wilsons Creek 8/10/61] Missouri Commander, John C. Fremont & Martial Law The Rush to Win Over Europe/ The View of War from Europe For European Powers Neutrality? Or Intervention? Building the Blockade: the Trent Affair November 1861 Confederate diplomats Mason & Slidell Napoleon III Lord Palmerston Queen Victoria Charles Francis Adams US diplomat to England One war at a time James Mason [VA] Minister to Great Britain John Slidell [LA] Minister to France Trent Affair 11/1861