Download - Lecture 4 Passive, Modals

  • Lecture 4

    Passive VoiceModal Verbs

  • Passive VoiceEmphasis on the object or beneficiary rather than on the subjectThe subject can be expressed, introduced by the preposition byIn many cases, however, it is not stated (avoidance of responsibility and agency)FORM: Grammatical Subject + be + Past Participle (+ by + Noun = Agent)

  • e.g. The manager requires all employees to sign a fidelity clause.All employees are required to sign a fidelity clause (by the manager).We will invite you to an interview if your skills and qualifications meet our needs.You will be invited to an interview if your skills and qualifications meet our needs.

  • Transformation from Active Voice to Passive VoiceOnly transitive verbs (verbs that have a Direct Object) can pass from Active Voice to Passive VoiceThe mood, tense and aspect of the verb remain the sameThe subject of the clause whose verb is in the active voice becomes the agent of the clause whose verb is in the passive voiceThe Direct Object of the clause whose verb is in the active voice becomes the subject of the clause whose verb is in the passiveThe Indirect Object of an active transitive verb can also become the subject of a clause whose verb is in the Passive Voice

  • e.g. The manager [Subject] explained to the employees [Indirect Object] why the company has to lay off some of them [Active Voice]The employees [Subject] were explained by the manager [Agent] why the company [Passive Voice] He gave her new instructions. She was given new instructions by him.New instructions were given to her by him.

  • Generic subjects in the active voice are usually omitted in passive voicee.g. People say that he is the only one who can complete this project.He is said to be the only one who can complete this project.People believe that the CEO has transferred company funds into a private bank account and has left the company, and the country, to enjoy it.The CEO is believed to have transferred company funds into a private bank account..

  • They say that if one doesnt change jobs before 35, one will never do it. It is said that if one doesnt change jobs before 35, one will never do it. They expect the inflation rate to increase by 2 % by the end of the year.The inflation rate is expected to increase by 2 % by the end of the year.

  • The function of expressing ability, possibility, permission, advice, obligation, prohibition, moral duty, willingness

  • Modal VerbsCan, couldMay, mightMust, have to, needShall, should, ought toWill, wouldDare

  • Morphological features of modal verbsModal verbs:are followed by short infinitivesdo not need an auxiliary to form past tense (some have their own forms for the past)do not take the auxiliary will for the futuredo not take the auxiliary haveDo not take s for the 3rd person singular, present Cannot be used in combination

  • Semantic ValuesCAN ability (in the present and future); synonym: be able toMy colleague can speak 5 foreign languages and is now learning the 6th.PermissionCan I sit here with you? PossibilityMy boss can be back any minute, so I think you should leave and let me finish my job.Cannot impossibilityThat cant be true. I know Paul very well he cant have done such a thing.

  • COULDAbility in the pastWhen I was younger I could stay up till 4 am and read. When asking for permission more polite than can Could we go out and have a break? PossibilityWhen he was staying at the Hyatt and had a Swedish buffet breakfast, he liked to eat all that he could.

  • Was able to // managed to

    Was able to/could = past abilityWhen I was little I could sleep in the afternoon.Managed to past achievement, despite inimical circumstancesI managed to sleep on the plane although there was a lot of turbulence and a few kids were crying in the row behind me.

  • MAYPossibility (be possible)Our company may have to lay off 100 employee unless we get a credit soon.Permission (be allowed to)You may use my laptop but only for an hour.

  • MIGHTSlighter possibilityYou might stand a chance to get the grant but its not very likely. After all, as you well know, you sent your application one day after the deadline, so they might not even consider it. Very polite and insecure way of asking for permissionMight I suggest that we move on to the next point? Im afraid we are going to run out of time soon.

  • TranslateAs putea sa va vorbesc pentru doua minute?Pot sa imprumut un pix de la dumneavoastra? S-ar putea sa-l fi scapat pe-al meu pe undeva, ca nu-l pot gasi.Desi avea piciorul rupt, a putut sa ajunga la timp la intilnire.E imposibil ca John sa fi scris un raport in franceza! Nu a studiat niciodata franceza, si chiar daca a stat doua saptamini la Paris, nu ar fi putut sa invete limba asa de repede.