Download - Lecture 10 1Dr. Nawaz Khan, School of Computing Science E-mail: [email protected] BIS4435 Lecture : Data Mining Dr. Nawaz Khan School of Computing Science.

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Lecture 10

1Dr. Nawaz Khan, School of Computing ScienceE-mail: [email protected]


Lecture : Data Mining

Dr. Nawaz KhanSchool of Computing ScienceE-mail: [email protected]

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Lecture 10

2Dr. Nawaz Khan, School of Computing ScienceE-mail: [email protected]

BIS4229 – Industrial Data Management Technologies

Reading Assignment

Core Text: GC DL materials on the WebCT: Unit 11 Connolly, T. and Begg, C., 2002, Database Systems: A

Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management, Addison Wesley, Harlow, England

Additional Reading: Fundamentals of Database Systems. R. Elmasri and S. B.

Navathe, 4th Edition, 2004, Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-321-12226-7: Chapter 27

Data Warehousing, Data Mining, and OLAP, Alex Berson and Stephen J. Smith, McGraw-Hill, 1997, ISBN 0-07-006272-2 (Chapters 17, 18)

Other resources on the Internet

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BIS4229 – Industrial Data Management Technologies

Data MiningOutline

DW & DM: differences The Definition Application areas Comparison with query and Web site analysis tools DM Process Applications, Models and Algorithms Summary Q&A

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Data MiningDW & DM: differences

Data Warehouse

Data Mart

Access Tools

InformationDelivery System

Data Transformation

Operational DataMetadata

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Data MiningDW & DM: differences

They have the same purpose - decision support DW assembles, formats, and organises historical data to

answer user query as it is - depends on content of DW DW will not attempt to extract further information or predict

trends and patterns from data DM will extract previously unknown and useful information as

well as predict trends and patterns DM can be performed on DW and/or traditional DB, files

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Data MiningThe Definition

DM is the process of extracting previously unknown, valid and actionable information from large sets of data Unknown - look for things that are not intuitive Valid - useful Actionable - translate into business advantageExample:

Rule 1: people don’t buy shares when political situation is not stable

Rule 2: share market is less active when people don’t want to spend

Outcome statement 1 based on rule 1 and 2 is:

Share market is less active when political situation is not stable

Outcome statement 2 based on rule 1 and 2 is:

People don’t want to spend when political situation is not stable

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Data MiningApplication areas

Direct Marketing The ability to predict who is most likely to be interested in what products can

save companies immense amounts in marketing expenditures

Trend Analysis Understanding trends in the marketplace is a strategic advantage, because

it is useful in reducing costs and timeliness to market

Security Fraud detection: data mining techniques can help discover which

insurance claims, cellular phone calls, or credit card purchases are likely to be fraudulent

IDS (intrusion detection systems)

Forecasting in Financial Markets Mining Online – WebKDD

Web sites today find themselves competing for customer loyalty. It costs little for customer to switch to competitors

Text Mining - intelligent document analysis

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Data MiningComparison with query and Web site analysis tools

Query Tools vs. DM Tools Both allow user to ask questions of DBMS/DW - find out facts Query tool - users make assumption, query based on hypothesis Data mining tool - no assumption when making query (goal)

Example queries:

1. What is the number of white shirt sold in the north vs the south?

2. What are the most significant factors involved in high, medium, and low sales volumes of white shirt?

Data mining tool - discover relationships and hidden patterns that are not obvious

Trend - integrate data mining in query tools

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9Dr. Nawaz Khan, School of Computing ScienceE-mail: [email protected]

Data MiningComparison with query and Web site analysis tools

OLAP Tools vs. DM Tools OLAP - designed to answer top-down queries OLAP - provides multidimensional data analysis, data can

be broken down and summarised OLAP - query-driven, user-driven, verification-driven

Data mining - bottom-up, requires no assumption Data mining - focus on finding patterns Data mining - data-driven, discovery-driven, identify

facts/conclusions based on patterns discovered For example, OLAP may tell a bookseller about total number of books it

sold in a region during a quarter. Statistics can provide another dimension about these sales. Data mining, on the other hand, can tell you the patterns of these sales, i.e., factors influencing the sales.

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10Dr. Nawaz Khan, School of Computing ScienceE-mail: [email protected]

DM Technologies(see Unit 20 - WebCT)

Data Mining

Database Management and Warehousing

Machine Learning


Decision Support

Parallel Processing


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Data MiningDM Process - Overview

Business objectives data preparation DM results analysis & knowledge assimilation

Mining data is only one step in the overall process Business objectives drive the entire process Data preparation requires the most efforts Iterative process with many loop backs over one or more steps Labour intensive exercise, far from autonomous

Data Sources

Selected data

Pre-processed data

Transformed data

Extracted data

Assimilated knowledge

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Data MiningDM Process – Data Preparation

Data Selection Data Pre-processing Data Transformation

Data Selection - identify data sources and extract data for preliminary analysis in preparation for further mining

Process of choosing data to analyse decide dependent variable - data (field) to be analysed decide active variable - data actively used in mining

decide useful data dimension choose useful (descriptive) fields in the dimension consider adding other useful dimension

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Data MiningDM Process – Data Preparation

Data Selection Data Pre-processing Data Transformation

Data Pre-processing - ensure quality of the selected data Data mining is at best as good as the data it is representing Data quality

redundant data incorrect or inconsistent data noisy data - outliers - values that are significantly out of line

bad outlier & good outliers missing values - value not present or deleted

eliminate observations that have missing values - loss info. replace missing values predict value using predictive model

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Data MiningDM Process – Data Preparation

Data Selection Data Pre-processing Data Transformation

Data transformation – pre-processed data converted to analytical data model.

Data is refined to suite the input format required by DM algorithms

Techniques for data conversion simple calculation (SQL) to derive new data fields data reduction: combine several existing variables into one new

variable to reduce the total number of variable continuous values are scaled/normalised same order of magnitude discretisation: quantitative variables into categorical variables one-of-N: convert a categorical variable to a numeric representation

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Data MiningDM Process – Data Mining & Results Analysis

DM - apply selected DM algorithm(s) to the pre-processed data Inseparable from results analysis - done by data & business

analyst The two are linked in an interactive process - DM definition Results analysis - depend on application developed

Segmentation - change base variable may improve result Prediction - accuracy and input sensitivity analysis, overtraining Association - iteration required for discovering actionable rules

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Data MiningDM Process – Knowledge Assimilation

Close the loop Objective - take action according to the new, valid and

actionable information discovered Challenges -

present discovery in convincing, business-oriented way formulate ways to best exploit discovery

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17Dr. Nawaz Khan, School of Computing ScienceE-mail: [email protected]

Data MiningApplications, Models and Algorithms

Predictive Modelling –Classification Human learning experience - observations form a model of the

essential, underlying characteristics of some phenomenon - generalisation ability

In DM, predictive model can analyse a DB to determine some essential characteristics about data and make predictions

Market Management

Risk Management

Fraud Management

Typical Applications

Target marketing Customer relationship


Market basket analysis Cross selling Market segmentation

Forecasting Customer retention Quality control Competitive analysis

Fraud detection

Models Predictive Modelling (Classification)

Segmentation (Clustering)

Link Analysis

Deviation Detection

Techniques Decision tree Memory-based

learning Neural networks

Geometric Neural networks

Associations discovery (Market Basket Analysis)

Visualisation Statistics

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18Dr. Nawaz Khan, School of Computing ScienceE-mail: [email protected]

Data Mining Applications, Models and Algorithms

Predictive Modelling –Classification Supervised learning - correct answer to some already solved

cases must be given to the model before it can make prediction about the new observations

Model developed in 2-phase Training - build a model based on large proportion (90%) of

available data Testing - try out the model on previously unseen data (10%) to

determine its accuracy and performance characteristics

2 types of predictive modelling Classification - classify data into some pre-defined classes Value prediction - predict continuous numeric value for database


Algorithms – decision trees, neural networks, rule induction

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19Dr. Nawaz Khan, School of Computing ScienceE-mail: [email protected]

Data Mining Applications, Models and Algorithms

Segmentation – Clustering Segmentation can discover homogeneous sub-population -

customer profiling/target marketing Segmentation (Clustering) - partition DB into segments (clusters) of

similar records, and segments (clusters) are resulting groups of data records

Similarity is defined by a measure depends on the distance of records from centre of the cluster - Euclidean distance

A(a1,a2, …, an), B(b1, b2, …, bn)

Dist(A, B) = ((a1-b1)2 + (a2-b2)2 + … + (an-bn)2)1/2

Clustering is unsupervised learning - the types of clusters or number of clusters are not given - true discovery nature of DM

Algorithm – neural networks

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20Dr. Nawaz Khan, School of Computing ScienceE-mail: [email protected]

Data Mining Applications, Models and Algorithms

Link Analysis / Deviation Detection Link analysis seeks to establish links between individual records or

sets of records in the DB Association discovery - market basket analysis - one transaction Sequential pattern discovery - sequence information over time

Deviation detection - further investigate outliers Applications - fraud detection

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21Dr. Nawaz Khan, School of Computing ScienceE-mail: [email protected]

Data MiningApplications, Models and Algorithms

Market Management

Risk Management

Fraud Management

Typical Applications

Target marketing Customer relationship


Market basket analysis Cross selling Market segmentation

Forecasting Customer retention Quality control Competitive analysis

Fraud detection

Models Predictive Modelling (Classification)

Segmentation (Clustering)

Link Analysis

Deviation Detection

Techniques Decision tree Memory-based

learning Neural networks

Geometric Neural networks

Associations discovery (Market Basket Analysis)

Visualisation Statistics

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22Dr. Nawaz Khan, School of Computing ScienceE-mail: [email protected]

Data Mining Applications, Models and Algorithms

Decision Trees Decision tree (IF - THEN) - as a commonly used machine learning

algorithm are powerful and popular tools for classification and prediction

Attempt to split DB among desired categories and identify important cluster features

Tree construction choose an attribute (field) for testing - root node of tree number of values of the attribute - branches from the root node

– binary - yes/no type of questions– multiple - complex questions with more than two answer

Algorithm - ID3 (Interactive Dichotomizer), C4.5, C5.0, CART (chi-squared automatic integration detection)

rank all features in terms of effectiveness in partitioning the set of classification - information gain

make the most effective features as the root node recur on each branch

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Data Mining Applications, Models and Algorithms

Decision Trees

Optimal tree produced by ID3 root node - “Colour”, most information gain 4 branches - “striped”, “tawny”, “brown” & “grey” recur on branch “striped” & “tawny”

Diet Size Colour Habitat Species









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Data Mining Applications, Models and Algorithms


Habitat Diet

stripedtawny brown


weasel rabbit

jungle house plains grass meat

tiger tabby zebra antelope lion

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Data Mining Applications, Models and Algorithms

Neural Networks An NN is used to simulate the operation of the brain An NN consists of large number of processors (neurons/nodes) and

links (connections) - representing knowledge An NN is trained with large amount of data and rules about data

relationships - memorise A well trained NN can learn association and similarity – generalise

Supervised learning: NN is trained with sets of inputs and desired outputs If the actual output is different from the desired output, the network

adjust its internal connection strengths (weights) to reduce the difference

This process continues until the network gets the I/O patterns correct or until an acceptable error rate is attained

Unsupervised learning - Self-Organising Map (SOM)

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Data Mining Summary

DW & DM: differences The definition Application areas Comparison with query and Web site analysis tools DM Process

Data preparation (60% of the whole time) DM (~10% of the time)

Applications, Models and Algorithms (decision trees, neural networks, etc.)

Next week: Revision