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  • 8/11/2019 Lecture 1 and 2 Full Version


    Lecture 1: Anglo-Saxon verse form & Beowulf. Middle English Literature

    6th centur!

    spreading of Christianity

    Canterbury = the centre of the Catholic Church in England

    pagan mythology supplanted by Christian myths"th centur!

    #aedmon - Christian poet; retelling/paraphrasing biblical stories

    his only known surviving work is Cdmon's Hymn ( lines!=praise poem in honour

    of "od

    $th - %th centur!

    #newulf - introducing new literary form = legend

    stories inspired by the lives of saints

    ing Alfred- th century; many reforms

    translated #atin books into English

    Anglo-Saxon Chronicle- an early history of the country

    $ritain%s population: Celts & $ritons ' omans ' "ermanic invaders ' )nglo-

    *a+ons (warriors , pre-eminent position in society!


    first epic in the ld English

    warrior%s story; . lines; not composed in England but on the continent of Europe

    events related to the story , 0th , 1th c2; story influenced by 3orthern Europeanlegends

    written probably in the 4th century5 author = unknown (oral narratives!

    struggle between "ood and Evil

    only one manuscript

    6he 7ing of 8anes builds a great hall-building (9eorot! to memorialise his triumphant career2

    6he 8anes warriors meet there and celebrate2 ne night5 a terrible creature living in lake

    ("rendel! comes and eats . men and drinks their blood2 "rendel terrories the warriors for

    4 winters2

  • 8/11/2019 Lecture 1 and 2 Full Version


    Eostra - goddess of spring / = Easter


    first epic in the ld English

    warrior%s story; . lines; not composed in England but on the continent of Europe

    events related to the story , 0th , 1th c2; story influenced by 3orthern Europeanlegends

    written probably in the 4th century5 author = unknown (oral narratives!

    struggle between "ood and Evil

    only one manuscript

    parts: 4st part = set in 8enmark; nd part = set in southern *weden ( years later!

    $eowulf = real historical figure (legend!

    no rhyme


    metaphorical compound words: ship = sea wood; fog = air helmet; sea = the ocean-

    way or the swan?s way


    6he 7ing of 8anes builds a great hall-building (9eorot! to memorialise his triumphant career2

    6he 8anes warriors meet there and celebrate2 ne night5 a terrible creature living in lake

    ("rendel! comes and eats . men and drinks their blood2 "rendel terrories the warriors for

    4 winters2

  • 8/11/2019 Lecture 1 and 2 Full Version


    the Blac: ;eath 7 one of the deadliest

  • 8/11/2019 Lecture 1 and 2 Full Version


  • 8/11/2019 Lecture 1 and 2 Full Version


    epic poemaradise Los#, machinations of *atan leading to the fall of )dam and Eve

    from the state of innocence

    central Christian truths of freedom5 sin5 and redemption

    8he develoyatt and 9enry 9oward5 known as Earl

    of *urrey

    4I-line poem with a formal rhyme scheme5 usually in iambic pentameter in English
