Download - Lectia 21 Present Perfect Continous


Lectia 17

Lectia 21


exprim o aciune care s-a desfurat pn acum i va continua probabil i n viitor. Formare have + past part. be (been) + vb +ing


I have been living with my husband and my children at the countryside for 5 years. I have been going to work in the morning but my friend, Louise, has been going to school in the afternoon

every week day. She has been teaching English for 5 years at the same village school and she is 24 still enjoying this. My father, my mother, my brother and my sister have been living there, too.

They are farmers. We like living in nature.

Verbele accentuate sunt la timpul Present Perfect Continuous:

I have been living eu locuiesc

I have been going eu merg

Louise has been going Louise merge

She has been teaching ea pred

They have been living ei locuiesc

Verbe care sunt utilizate frecvent la PPC live, wait, stay, sleep, study, repair, build etc...

I have been working in the garden all day long. Am muncit n grdin toat ziua.

They have been playing tennis for half an hour Joac tenis de jumtate de or.

- exprim o aciune repetat frecvent, ntr-o perioad de timp care se ntinde din trecut pn n prezent

He has been writing poems since he was a child.- Scrie poezii de cnd era copil.

- exprim o aciune trecut, ncheiat recent, care este cauza unui efect simit n prezent

A: Why are your hands dirty?

B: Ive been repairing my bike.

Conjugare To work (a lucra, a munci) la PPCs


I/you/we/they have been working

he/she/it has been working


I/you/we/they have not been working (havent been working)

he/she/it has not been working (hasnt been working)


Have I/you/we/they been working?

Has he/she/it been working?

Expresii cu care se folosete adesea Present Perfect Continuous:


Exemplu: You have been living in Paris since 1996. Locuieti n Paris din 1996.


Exemplu: They have been watching TV for 3 hours. Se uit la televizor de 3 ore.

so far

Exemplu: So far, there have been arriving 10 passengers from London. Pn acum au sosit 10 pasageri din Londra.


Exemplu: Have you ever been listening to the radio? Ai ascultat vreodat la radio?


Exemplu: I have never been travelling to France until now.- Nu am cltorit n Frana pn acum.

Exerciii Practice

Completeaz spaiile goale cu "FOR"(de, indic o perioad sau durata de timp) i "SINCE"(din, de la, un punct specific de timp). Pune verbele din parantez la Prezentul Perfect Continuu:


Helen (study) English .......... last summer.

Helen has been studying English since last summer.

1. We (talk) about that horrible accident .......... half an hour.

2. She (cook) a chicken soup .......... 1 hour.

3. They (phone) the manager .......... the last five minutes.

4. Mary (live) in Manhattan .......... June 1998.

5. It (rain) .......... morning.

Traduceti in lb. Engleza folosind PPC urmatoarele propozitii:

1. Eu locuiesc in acest cartier de doi ani.

2. Noi locuim in acest apartament de trei luni.

3. El asteapta autobuzul de cinci minute.

4. Ei asteapta deschiderea magazinului de o saptamana.

5. Ea st in casa de dimineata.

6. Eu stau in casa de trei minute.

7. El doarme de trei ore.

8. Tu dormi de la ora trei.

9. Ea studiaza limba engleza de doua luni.

10. El studiaza matematica de trei luni.

11. El repara automobilul de trei zile.

12. Ei repara autobuzul de lunea trecuta.

13. Noi construim acesta casa de trei ani.

14. Noi construim acest automobil de sase luni.

15. Ei stau de vorba de o ora.

16. Noi stam de vorba de azi dimineata.

17. Copii se joac n parc de doua ore.

18. Elevii studiaza limba romana de la inceputul scolii.

19. De cat timp studiezi limba engleza?

20. De cat timp fumezi?

21. De cat timp te uiti la TV?

22. De cat timp locuiesti in acest cartier?

23. De cat timp locuim noi in acest apartament?

24. De cat timp astepti autobuzul?

25. De cat timp doarme el?

26. De cat timp ploua afara?

27. De cat timp privesc ei la televizor?

28. De cat timp alergi?

29. De cat timp alearga ei pe teren?

30. De cat timp se joaca copii in parc?