Download - Learning stylesworkkiosk1

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Based on: Synthesis of the Dunn and Dunn Learning-Style Model Research

A Learning-Style A Day Keeps the Bad Grades Away!

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Before there was a learning style model….

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Too Many Students…

…Did not ENJOY learning!

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Seeing the problem, educators asked questions and did some


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• Students learn differently!

• Teaching methods that work for one confuses another!

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• If students are taught according to their learning style:

o Students learn more!

o Students enjoy school more!

o Students attitudes and behaviors improve!

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This was very good news!

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Educators had to accept the idea that…

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Wasn’t doing the job!

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Changes were needed!

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Change takes time…

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After 30 Years of Research,It’s Time to Get Off the Bench!

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Examine the Results: Perceptual Learning Styles

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There Are Four

• Auditory Learners

• Visual Learners

• Tactile Learners

• Kinesthetic Learners

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Auditory Learners

• Teaching Method – Lecture

o Begins to develop in students after 6th grade!

o 40% of the population learn this way

o Boys are neither strongly auditory nor visual even in high school

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Visual Learners

• Teaching method – Reading, Writing on the board

• 30% of students don’t remember what they hear or see

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Tactile Learners

• Learn with their hands

• Remember what they focus on while playing

• Often the students who are unsuccessful in school learn best tactually (hands on)!!

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Kinesthetic Learner

• Best when teaching males and athletes

• Continual physical movement

• Need active bodily participation

o Not Passive Mental Thinking!

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The Results are In!!

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When Educating Adult Learners

• In order to:

o Increase achievement

o Enhance job performance

o Improve attitudes about learning

• Match Instructional Strategy to the Learning Style!!

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Examine Just Perceptual Strengths of

Adult Learners

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Adult Learners – the WRONG Way!

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Perceptual Style Preferences Incorporated!

• Research over 10 years shows…

o Increased academic achievement

o Improved attitudes toward academic learning

• Design Educational Programs around Adult students’ perceptual styles:

o Maximize professional development in ALL fields

o Improve college-level instruction

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In the Corporate Setting!

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Bakery Firm – Driver Safety Program

• Those trained via matching instructional style:

o Scored significantly higher

o Demonstrated improved attitude


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In Human Services Fields!

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Studying Anesthesiology• Using correct learning style …

o Exhibited reduced anxiety o Showed improved clinical performance

Studying Nutrition • Using correct learning style…

o Achievement test scores significantly higher

Nursing Students

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Professional Development

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Public School Teachers and Administrators

• Teaching Methods Congruent with LS

o Statistically higher long term retention in technology training

• Teaching Experienced Teachers about LS

o Higher achievement

o Higher attitude test scores

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Learning Style Results in the Classroom

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Special Education Students

• Most are Global processors

• Perceptual strengths are tactual and kinesthetic

• Most teaching is done..

o Via talking – requires auditory skills!

o Via reading – requires visual-print skills!

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Special Education Students

• After two years of LS instruction

o Achieved statistically higher in standardized achievement test scores

o Some achieved as well as regular high-school students!!

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Special Education Students

• Significantly higher gains across multiple grade levels in:

o Urban schools

o Suburban schools

o Rural schools

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High School Special Education Students

• Prior to LS (Frontier Central HS; Hamburg, NY) [June, 1987]

o 25% passed State Competency Tests & received diplomas

• LS methodologies used in 1987-1988 o 66% passed State Competency Tests & received


• LS methodologies used in 1988-1989o 91% successful

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High School Special Education and Science

• Short- and long-term achievement gained

• Change in behavior

o Decline in lateness

o Reduced absences

o Polite and appropriate

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In Order to Leave No Student Behind…

• Educators should be required to implement Learning Styles

• Especially for…

o Learning disabled

o Underachieving

o At-risk populations!

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Strong Statements Regarding SPED Students

• Teachers inappropriately classify underachievers as SPED because they do not

learn conventionally

• Students who learn differently can achieve, and do with LS instruction

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Strong Statements Regarding SPED Students

• Teachers should experiment with LS instruction before recommending students

for SPED

• It is immoral, and should be illegal, to classify children who learn differently as

SPED instead of teaching them the way they learn. (Dunn, Shea, Evans, & MacMurren,


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Scholastically Successful Students Are

Happy Students!!

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