Download - Learning Sequence 1 -

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Learning Sequence 1 You may use the printed or digital copy to complete the following activities in your homework book. You may need

help from a parent/carer.

Activities marked with the Seesaw icon are compulsory. Please upload any completed work. Task of the Week: Practise tying your shoelaces every day



Morning Routine

1. Write your new camera words.

2. Write the sentence of the day in the correct



1. Watch the video lesson on seesaw on our new phoneme. 2. Read and record yourself reading the words and sentences.


Fluency Read. Each day record a voice clip on Seesaw of yourself reading aloud this text on friends. After 1 minute, stop and highlight the word that you got up to. You will repeat this each day, aiming to read further in the text. By Friday, you should aim to read the whole text, fluently, in 1 minute. WHY By reading "fluently", we don’t just mean quickly and rushed. Reading fluently is reading the text accurately and at a reasonable pace (reading like a river, not like a robot). Reading fluently means reading at a well paced rate whilst using expression and comprehending what has been read. Reading fluently is important and is leads to "effortless" reading and allows the reader to gain a deeper understanding of what they are reading.

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Look at the image and describe what the first thing is the turtle would see. You can write sentences or a paragraph, and draw a picture. This is your chance to do some free writing. Let your imagination run wild. Remember: you still need to use capital letter and punctuation. Remember: reread your writing to make sure it makes sense.


Speaking and Listening instructions: Read the handwriting tongue twister sentence to a family member 3 times. Challenge: Record yourself saying the tongue twister 3 times and upload it to SeeSaw.

At eight, Edgar ate eight eggs a day.

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Break Warm Up M


e Warm Up

Complete the warm up questions in your workbook.


Watch the videos assigned on seesaw to revise quarter to and quarter past. Complete the matching time worksheet in your workbook.

Problem of the Day

Use your knowledge of jump and split strategy to solve the following problem: Ryley played two hockey games over the weekend. On Saturday, he scored 33 goals and on Sunday, he scored 17 goals. How many goals did he score altogether?






This week we are learning to compare photos of families from the past and the present. Your task today is to: 1. Look at the 4 photos under the heading "Comparing Families". 2. Compare each photo with your family. Write similarities and differences in the table. Use these questions to help you find similarities and differences: • What do their clothes look like? • What is in the background of the photo? • Who is in the family? • How many people are there in the photo?

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Daily Check-in 1

❑ Give a compliment❑ Help clean up or cook a meal❑ Use kind words and listen to those who care about

you❑ Give a smile

How I am feeling…

What I want my teacher to know…



Be kind to yourself…

Be kind to others…

Be kind to yourself:

/ /____________



Crunch ‘n’ Sip

Positive Talk


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Write:• The long date: Monday, 6th September, 2021

• 10 uppercase ‘E’• 10 lowercase ‘e’

• 1 line of the sentence: At eight, Edgar ate eight eggs a day.

E Ee e

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Digital and Analogue ClocksMatch the different ways of representing the same time.

Quarter past nine

Quarter to five

Quarter to twelve

Quarter past six

Quarter to nine

Quarter to seven

Quarter past four

Quarter past twelve

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Learning Intention: I am learning to make comparisons between my own family and families from the past.

ê êê êêê

Lesson #7Pho

to #

1 Similarities Differences Pho

to #

2 Similarities Differences


to #

3 Similarities Differences


to #

4 Similarities Differences

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Learning Sequence 2 You may use the printed or digital copy to complete the following activities in your homework book. You may need

help from a parent/carer.

Activities marked with the Seesaw icon are compulsory. Please upload any completed work. Task of the Week: Practise tying your shoelaces every day.



Morning Routine

1. Put one of your new camera words in a sentence.

2. Write the sentence of the day in the correct



1. Watch the video lesson on seesaw on our new phoneme. 2. Read and record yourself reading the words and sentences. 3.Write 2 new words for each grapheme.

ir er ear ur or


Fluency Read: Record a voice clip of you reading the aloud the text on friends, fluently. After 1 minute, highlight where you read up to. Did you read more than yesterday? REMEMBER: Fluently doesn’t mean rushed.

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Look at this image. Imagine the turtle has just emerged from its shell. Write down as many words as you can to describe what the turtle might:

• be feeling? • hear? • see? • taste? • smell? • touch?

How the turtle feels? What it can see? What it can hear?

eg: terrified, excited eg: squawking seagull, white sand

eg: waves crashing, eggshells cracking

What it can taste? What it can smell? What it can touch?

eg: salty water, shell eg: rotting fish, salty air eg: wet sand


For the grid:

Speaking and Listening instructions: Read the handwriting tongue twister sentence to a family member 3 times. Challenge: Record yourself saying the tongue twister 3 times and upload it to SeeSaw.

At eight, Edgar ate eight eggs a day.

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Break Warm Up M


e Warm Up

Complete the warm up questions in your workbook.


Complete the revision maths worksheet on time. Make sure that your hour and minute hand are straight. If you need to revise, you can watch the quarter to and quarter past videos that were assigned yesterday, or the links below on o'clock and half past.

Problem of the Day

Use your knowledge of number combinations, such as friends of 20 to solve the following problem: The bus makes three stops on the way to town. At the first stop, 12 people get on the bus. At the second stop, 5 people get on the bus. At the final stop, 8 people get on the bus. The bus then drives to town. How many people are on the bus when it arrives in town?





PBL Kindness on Purpose: Gratitude Did you know that being grateful leads to happiness? Even in tough times, there is always something we can be thankful for. • Watch the video by scanning the QR code or

clicking on the link on Seesaw. • Reflect on the things in your life that you are grateful for.

Think about someone you can express your gratitude to, and do something to thank them. You will make them feel light and in doing so, you will feel light too!

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Daily Check-in 2

❑ Give a compliment❑ Help clean up or cook a meal❑ Use kind words and listen to those who care about

you❑ Give a smile

How I am feeling…

What I want my teacher to know…



Be kind to yourself…

Be kind to others…

Be kind to yourself:

/ /____________



Crunch ‘n’ Sip

Positive Talk


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Write:• The long date: Tuesday, 7th September, 2021

• 10 uppercase ‘E’• 10 lowercase ‘e’

• 1 line of the sentence: At eight, Edgar ate eight eggs a day.

E Ee e

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Page 18: Learning Sequence 1 -

Learning Sequence 3 You may use the printed or digital copy to complete the following activities in your homework book. You may need

help from a parent/carer.

Activities marked with the Seesaw icon are compulsory. Please upload any completed work. Task of the Week: Practise tying your shoelaces every day.



Morning Routine

1. Find the meaning of one of your new camera words.

2. Write the sentence of the day in the correct



1. Record and read the sentences. 2. Write the sentences. 3. Circle the 'r' sound words.


Fluency Read: Record a voice clip of you reading the aloud the text on friends, fluently. After 1 minute, highlight where you read up to. Did you read more than yesterday? REMEMBER: Fluently doesn’t mean rushed.

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These sentences are looking a little sad. The author has forgotten punctuation and used capitals in the wrong spots.

Rewrite these following sentences, making them stronger and more interesting by including adjectives, correct punctuation etc.

the turtle pushed its Legs out of the shell. It blinked its eyes as it looked at the beach it started moving Towards the water. The sun was shining down on its shell, warming its body. It was free.


Speaking and Listening instructions: Read the handwriting tongue twister sentence to a family member 3 times. Challenge: Record yourself saying the tongue twister 3 times and upload it to SeeSaw.

I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen.

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Break Warm Up M


e Warm Up

Complete the warm up questions in your workbook.


Read the information on 'Language of Chance' and watch the video assigned today. Complete the marble worksheet.

Problem of the Day

Use your knowledge of multiplication strategies, such as groups of, arrays or repeated addition to solve the following problem: A machine making sweets puts 10 in each packet. If the machine has 5 packets, how many sweets does it need altogether?





Science Watch the video ‘A Musical Journey’ by scanning the QR code or clicking on the link. In your workbook, match the key words on the science worksheet to the way the instrument plays. Complete the investigation worksheet on different instruments. Some other examples of instruments you could investigate are: tambourine, xylophone, cymbals and Guiro.

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Daily Check-in 3

❑ Give a compliment❑ Help clean up or cook a meal❑ Use kind words and listen to those who care about

you❑ Give a smile

How I am feeling…

What I want my teacher to know…



Be kind to yourself…

Be kind to others…

Be kind to yourself:

/ /____________



Crunch ‘n’ Sip

Positive Talk


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I am learning represent /r/ in different ways.

Record yourself reading these sentences. Write the sentences. Circle the ‘r’ sound (ir, or, ur, ear, er).

The toast is burnt. Earl works in the herb garden. Your mum earned the money. That word is tricky to spell. Molly put pearls on the shirt. Birds play in the dirt all day long. Where on earth is your homework?

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Write:• The long date: Wednesday, 8th September, 2021

• 10 uppercase ‘I’• 10 lowercase ‘i’

• 1 line of the sentence: I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen.

I Ii i

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CertainIt will always happen.

It is certain that you will pick a purple marble from the jar, as it is the

only option.

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LikelyVery good chance of it happening.

It is likely that you will choose a green marble.

There are other colours to choose from, however

green has the most.

Even chanceSame chance of happening.

There is an even chance that you will pick a purple or green.

There are two choices and they both have the

same amount.

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IIt is unlikely that you will choose a yellow marble.

UnlikelyNot likely to happen, however there is still a

small chance.

There are other colours to choose from, and they have more of a chance (there are more of the

other colours).

ImpossibleNo chance of it happening.

It is impossible that you will pick an orange


There are no orange marbles in the jar.

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Colour in the marbles to make the sentence true.

It isunlikelythat you

will choose a red


You will certainly choose a

blue marble.

There is an even

chance you will choose a pink or

green marble.

It is likely that you

will choose a purple marble.

Learning Sequence 3

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Lesson 3 Good Vibrations

Year 1 / 2 Physical Science 5

Unit 1 Energy Comes in Different Forms

Musical instruments make

sound by vibrating too. Watch the video A Musical Journey.


Match the labels to the ways these

musical instruments are played.



Drums Didgeridoo


Name some other instruments and how they can be played.





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Unit 1 Energy Comes in Different Forms Lesson 3 Good Vibrations

Year 1 / 2 Physical Science © Inquisitive Pty Ltd 6


How do musical instruments make sound?

Draw a musical instrument and record how it makes sound.



Share your results with another group or pair. Talk about what was the same and different.


Instrument Shake Hit Scrape

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Learning Sequence 4 You may use the printed or digital copy to complete the following activities in your homework book. You may need

help from a parent/carer.

Activities marked with the Seesaw icon are compulsory. Please upload any completed work. Task of the Week: Practise tying your shoelaces every day.



Morning Routine

1. Draw a picture for one of your camera words.

2. Write the sentence of the day in the correct tense.


Sort these words into the correct grapheme column: germ, first, word, earth, curve, pearl, sir, burst, worst, alert

ir er ear ur or

Challenge: Can you add some of your own words?


Fluency Read: Record a voice clip of you reading the aloud the text on friends, fluently. After 1 minute, highlight where you read up to. Did you read more than yesterday? REMEMBER: Fluently doesn’t mean rushed.

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Look at the image. Write a short piece of writing describing where you think the turtle is heading to and the adventure it is about to undertake. In this task, you can focus less on correct structure and more on experimenting and being creative putting pencil to paper. Let your thoughts run wild!


Speaking and Listening instructions: Read the handwriting tongue twister sentence to a family member 3 times. Challenge: Record yourself saying the tongue twister 3 times and upload it to SeeSaw.

I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen.

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Break Warm Up M


e Warm Up

Complete the warm up questions in your workbook.


Read the information on 'Language of Chance' and watch the video that was assigned yesterday. Complete the marble chance worksheet.

Problem of the Day

Use your knowledge of multiplication strategies, such as groups of, arrays or repeated addition to solve the following problem: Carol owns 12 pairs of socks. How many socks does she have altogether?






• Watch the video on bike safety by scanning the QR code or clicking on the link. • Answer the questions:

1. What is the most important thing to wear when you ride a bike?

2. What does your helmet protect?

• Complete the ‘Always wear a helmet’ worksheet. • Optional task: decorate your own helmet.

PE Complete the skipping challenges. Don’t forget to upload photos or videos on seesaw!

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Daily Check-in 4

❑ Give a compliment❑ Help clean up or cook a meal❑ Use kind words and listen to those who care about

you❑ Give a smile

How I am feeling…

What I want my teacher to know…



Be kind to yourself…

Be kind to others…

Be kind to yourself:

/ /____________



Crunch ‘n’ Sip

Positive Talk


Page 34: Learning Sequence 1 -

Write:• The long date: Thursday, 9th September, 2021

• 10 uppercase ‘I’• 10 lowercase ‘i’

• 1 line of the sentence: I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen.

I Ii i

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CertainIt will always happen.

It is certain that you will pick a purple marble from the jar, as it is the

only option.

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LikelyVery good chance of it happening.

It is likely that you will choose a green marble.

There are other colours to choose from, however

green has the most.

Even chanceSame chance of happening.

There is an even chance that you will pick a purple or green.

There are two choices and they both have the

same amount.

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IIt is unlikely that you will choose a yellow marble.

UnlikelyNot likely to happen, however there is still a

small chance.

There are other colours to choose from, and they have more of a chance (there are more of the

other colours).

ImpossibleNo chance of it happening.

It is impossible that you will pick an orange


There are no orange marbles in the jar.

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Colour in the marbles to make the sentences true.

1. It is likely you will choose a red marble.

2. It is unlikely you will choose a green marble.

1. It is likely you will choose a redmarble.

2. It is unlikely you will choose a green marble.

3. It is impossible to choose a black marble.

Learning Sequence 4

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1. Watch the following clip for some tips on how to fit a bike helmet.

Week 9 – Bike Safety

2. Answer the following questions.

How to fit a bike helmet –YouTube

3. Activity: Complete the worksheet.

4. Optional Activity.

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Check the straps are correctly positioned and free from twists.

Do the straps join in a ‘V’ just below the ears?


Always wear a

I wear my helmet when

I wear my helmet because

Today I completed the ‘Always wear a helmet’ e-puzzle.

I learnt: • how to check the fit of my helmet• how a helmet helps to protect my head, face, skull and brain if I fall• why I always need to wear a helmet when riding my bike, scooter or skateboard.

Check the helmet is positioned correctly.

Can you fit just two fingers between your eyebrows and helmet?

A grown-up should always check that your helmet fits correctly and is buckled properly so you’ll be ready to ride.’

How to check helmets are always correctly fitted and worn



Check the chin straps are tight enough.

Can you just fit two fingers between the helmet strap and your chin?



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Free Choice Friday

Today is ‘Free Choice Friday.’ You get to choose your own educational adventure today from the grid of suggestions below. Try and choose at least two activities to complete. Take photos of your adventures and upload to your SeeSaw account so the teachers can see what fun you have had today. I will give it a ‘like’ or comment when I see it.

Lie on a picnic blanket in the garden and spot cloud shapes. Write a story about what you


Give someone a back, foot or head massage – a favourite indoor kids activity for the


Build a house with a deck of cards.

Make a time capsule to be opened in 10 years.

Keep a balloon in the air as long as possible. Time how long you

keep it in the air. Challenge someone in your family to see who can keep it in the air the


Create a paper crown for a member of your family and

decorate it.

Take some artistic photos in black and white. Play around

with filters and see what you can create.

Choose an inspirational quote and create a poster for your


Put on a puppet show using toys behind the couch

Use a mirror to draw a self portrait

Draw / paint a family portrait to be framed and hung.

Organise your Lego and then have a building challenge. Who can build the best house, hotel

or shop?

Go through your board/card games and challenge someone in your house. Could you design

your own game?

Build the highest block tower you can.

If your parents have time, go through recipe books together and have a bake off challenge.

Make up a workout and do it together (eg: 25 star jumps, 20 squats, 15 crunches, hop like a bunny around the lounge room, frog leap your partner) – this is a great kids activity for the

whole family.

Play dress ups in mum and dad’s clothes – do a


(Remember to ask mum and dad first, and make sure you put everything back where it

came from)

Write notes of love, compliments or draw pictures

and hide them around the house for family to find.

Design a treasure hunt (with clues, hide a favourite toy

somewhere in the house) for someone in your house.

Play cinema – make tickets, popcorn, give your guests a

rug and watch a movie together.

Create an obstacle course.

Play some outdoor games like egg and spoon race, tag team races, three legged races, or

play stuck in the mud.

Write a letter to a friend or a relative or your teacher to

mail to them.

Choose a picture book each and read aloud to each other

in the biggest bed in your house OR to your teddies.

FREE CHOICE – is there something you could share with your teacher that you would

like to do?

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Daily Check-in 5

❑ Give a compliment❑ Help clean up or cook a meal❑ Use kind words and listen to those who care about

you❑ Give a smile

How I am feeling…

What I want my teacher to know…



Be kind to yourself…

Be kind to others…

Be kind to yourself:

/ /____________



Crunch ‘n’ Sip

Positive Talk
