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Is your presentation of your “Out self” the same as your “Inner Self”?

Once there was a king who had no children and needed to choose a

successor. Thousands of children came to the palace. He gave them all a seed and asked to plant the seed in a pot and tend it for a year. When they return in a year, the king would choose his successor. There was a boy named arjun who received his seed and returned to his village. He chose a pot and put some soil into it. He watered his pot every day. After a few weeks, there were signs of life in all but not in arjun’s pot. The weeks passed and he continued to water his pot. Other children had trees, flowers and

leafy shrubs. Poor arjun still had nothing growing in his pot. A year passed and it was time to return to the palace. He was anxious as his pot still showed no signs of life. His mother explained him that whatever the consequences were, he had to return to the king and show his barren pot. All the children had magnificent plants and they were wondering which one the king would choose. Arjun was embarrassed because of his lifeless pot. The King came out and started looking at impressive plants. Then the king came to arjun and asked him what happened to his seed. Arjun replied that he watered the

pot every day, but nothing ever grew. The king finally finished his assessment. He called arjun and said that I gave you all a seed which was boiled and would not grow but I can see thousands of plants and only one barren pot, so Arjun will be my heir.

Moral: Integrity and courage are more important values for

leadership than proud displays.

A Short Story - The Emperor’s Seed

Pinning all your happiness on others is a gamble. When you do that two

things can happen. You may win and you may lose. When you lose the gamble; definitely you will be disappointed and you feel rejected.

When you win the gamble of pinning your happiness on

others you become euphoric. But this euphoria does not last long. You crave for more approval hence more and more gambles.

Then your life becomes a gamble of approval and rejection. Sometimes you

are happy when you get approval and the next moment you feel miserable because you don’t. The reason is simple because you

have knowingly or unknowingly allowed others to approve your happiness.

The solution: Somebody can enhance your life if you have a life first. That

is the base upon which something can be developed. Similarly happiness is a base that you have to create for yourself first.

Nobody can make you happy or sad. Somebody can make you ‘more

happy’ or ‘less happy’ if you have a base of happiness. If you have a base of unhappiness then somebody can make you ‘less unhappy’ or ‘more unhappy’. Thus you need to create a base of happiness. You need to find simple and effective ways to create happiness in your life without

being dependent on others.

When somebody adds more to your happiness it becomes more

and when somebody subtracts happiness it becomes less. But happiness remains because; it’s your creation. Nobody can take it away from you. So don’t pin all your happiness on others. It’s a gamble and it will give you anxiety and keep you miserable most of the time. Create small happiness in your life.

The ‘Happiness’ Gamble — Tapas Dasmohapatra

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Happiness is the highest level of success.

Am I Doing What I Can?

The important question is not whether we are doing the best. The question is, are

we doing our best? I think this much responsibility we all have towards ourselves. I must do what I can.

In my opinion the worst human emotion is Guilt. It kills. One of the main reasons for guilt is to know

that I’ve not done what I could have. So, to save ourselves from this worst emotion and its consequences let us resolve to give our best. I am certainly not asking to be the Best; my only suggestion is to do Our Best! As you cannot hire someone to do your push-ups, similarly you need to perform your own duties to

the fullest possible manner.

Do your best and leave the rest. Generally people like the latter part of the

statement as it is easy to implement. But before leaving the rest you need to ensure that you do your best!!

Satisfaction is a word in which Satis (first five letter) is a Latin word which means

enough. So, the exact meaning of satisfaction means that a feeling which arises after putting in enough action. “Everyone can’t be great but everyone can do whatever they do with greatness.” So, let us do our best and keep making it better every day. Let us ask ourselves the following: Am I doing my best for

my health? Am I doing my best for my family? Am I doing my best for my society? Am I doing my best for my organization? Am I doing my best for my customer?

If your answer to above is ‘yes’. Great. If not, let us pull our socks, roll up our sleeves and start

giving our best to whatever we do.

Storytelling is the most power-ful way to put ideas into the world today. – Robert Mc Kee

Stories and the art of storytell-ing have had a powerful ef-fect on us which binds the

people of all age group and that’s why it has become one of the most powerful persuasion techniques to influence people. It is a part of our culture both in a ‘formal’ and ‘infor-mal’ way because everybody enjoys a good story whether it is a story of a novel, a movie or simply the de-scription of an experience. It put our whole brain to work, not just a part of it. It directly touch listener’s heart and connects with them where the full-fledge data doesn’t connect be-cause data can only persuade peo-ple but it doesn’t inspire them to act in the same way whereas with

the help of the story we can fire the imagination and stirs the soul of the people and they will feel more en-gaged and remember it more. I be-lieve that storytelling is very impor-tant for the success because stories are memorable, it travel further and inspires the action.

Further, it not only inspires the organization with its compel-ling character which makes

them think and feel in the same manner but it also sets the vision, give important lessons and defines the culture and values to its people. It is one of the best way to spread the message and brings the change through storytelling because sto-ries easily stick in people’s mind and helps them to remember the ideas and concepts. It is also one of the best way to communicate and con-

nect with the employees, custom-ers, colleagues and so on.

Excerpts from Suresh Semwal’s Book - ‘Power Of Responsibility’

Art of Storytelling — Alisha Jain

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I have failed over and over again. That is why I succeed. - Michael Jordan

3 Keys to Enjoy Life ...

Three engineers and three accountants were traveling by train to a conference. At the station, the three accountants each bought tickets and watched as the three engineers bought only one ticket. How are three people going to travel on only one ticket?” asked an accountant. Watch and you’ll see”, answered an engineer.They all boarded the train. The accountants took their respective seats, but the three engineers all crammed into a rest room and closed the door behind them. Shortly after the train departed, the conductor came around collecting tickets. He knocked on the restroom door and said, “Ticket, please”.The door opened just a crack

and a single arm emerged with a ticket in hand.

The conductor took it and moved on. The accountants saw this and agreed it was a quite clever idea. So, after the conference, the accountants decide to copy the engineers on the return trip and save some money (being clever with money, and all that). When they got to the station, they bought a single ticket for the return trip. To their astonishment, the engineers didn’t buy a ticket at all.

How are you going to ride without a ticket”? - said one perplexed accountant. Watch and you’ll see”, answered an engineer.

When they boarded the train, the three accountants crammed into a restroom and the three engineers crammed into another one nearby. The train departed. Shortly afterward, one of the engineers left his restroom and walked over to the restroom where the accountants were hiding. He knocked on the door and said, “Ticket, please.”

Moral: Don’t copy others, use your own brain.

Engineers And Accountant

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Concentrated thoughts produce desired results. - Zig Ziglar

It often happens in our day to day conversation with any of our friend, colleague, parents,

siblings or any other that our light and happy talks suddenly takes a U turn and slowly and gradually ends up on a bitter note. It all happens because of some unintentional statements spoken which leads to a sourness in the relationship and we fail to understand that suddenly what exactly happened? Now what is left with one person is to question another one – Hey! What happened? But hua kya? And the answer usually we get is –“nothing”. But amazingly this “nothing” consists of many hidden stories, many unsaid words and many boiling emotions. There are two basic reasons why a person piles up the issue – one is that the person feels like why to share as I am more than sufficient to handle the issue. So, why to share? Why to complain? And that’s ok. In one word ego may be. Another reason is that we always think that the another person should

understand on her/his own, why should I brief myself to him/her, as she/he knows me well as we are close. Hence, we are left out with two things either keep collecting the misunderstandings, grudges within you and stress yourself or realize and release it as the earliest, and set yourself and other free and at peace, the choice is entirely yours. The two equations of relationship are -



It might take a while to realize that something wrong has occurred, and the moment

we realize it, we should release it because the time which we will devote in pilling up the issues could be utilized in a better manner, could be used in giggling

together. When you release you are free to enjoy things for what they are instead of what they should be. We should try to build a bridge in our relationship instead of wall around us. Be with those who bring out the best in you, not the stress in you. Try to realize and release the negatives to bring the relief in relationships rather than realize and resist and bring restlessness in relationships.



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