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Page 1: Lean supply chain

Suhartini Mohd JainuryMechanical Engineering Department

Politeknik Sultan Azlan Shah, Behrang, Perak

[email protected]

Page 2: Lean supply chain

[7]: a series of activities or solutions to eliminate waste, reduce NVA and improve VA.

[5]: lean production = minimum workshop

[3]: lean bundles = JIT,TQM,TPM,HRM

[40]: lean = TPS

[6]: kaji kewujudan lean, kenapa buku Womack yang menjadi rujukan - TPS has evolved since 1948

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Apa yang lean buat? “All we are doing is looking at the time line from

the moment customer gives us an order to the point when we collect the cash. And we are reducing that time line by reducing non-value-added wastes” Taiichi Ohno (Liker, 2004)

[20]: mendedahkan 18 “monozukuri-focused” assembly line design and visual factory management principles (DENSO). Byk company dah cuba implement lean sebaik mungkin tapi ygtertinggal/takde ialah „quality culture‟ padasemua level dalam organisasi….

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[27]: technology transfer; korelasi antarakebolehan agen perubahan denganpenambahbaikan dalam operasi pembuatan

[27]: transfering tacit knowledge takes a long time because it often requires a change in culture and substantial experience to gain.

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8 waste:Overproduction, waiting, conveyance, over processing, excess inventory, movement, defects, unused employee creativity

Sistem boranglemah


Tidak diterangkan

Banyakaktiviti NVA

Repeating proses


Tak susun flow

Rekabentuk borangyang sukar digunakan

Prosedur kerjatidak lancar


Kuantiti terhad

Power trap


Tak servis


Under maintenance

TPM tidak

diimplemendengan baik


Limited cooperation




Tidak minat





Tiadainisiatif Tidak



Tidak didedahkan


Kurang pengetahuan


Tidak dititikberatkan

Poor communication

lambat tiba


Part tidak dipasang

Tak guna tools yang sepatutnya


Salah part

Takde 5sRak material tak disusun

Tukar model Part hilang



Material movement tak syncronize

Salah letak

Suppliers geographical distance

Kurang IT


Ponteng/ lambat

Jalan simpang siur


borang sukardifahami

Poor knowledge transfer

Not win-win

supplier salahhantar

Salah flow

kurang pengetahuan

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[8]: diperkenalkan oleh Houlihan dalam tahun 1984. SCM covers the flow of goods from supplier through manufacturing and distribution chains to the end user.

[15]: proses integrasi yang menghubungkan suatu produkdari bahan mentah hingga ke pengguna

[15]: SC ada 4 echelons-supply,manufacturing,distributionand consumer

[16]: Successful SCM is the key to long-term success of an organization. 3 major components of SC -suppliers, manufacturers and customers must be effectively integrated to achieve financial and growth objectives.

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Womack said:

assembler and supplier work together for mutual benefit.

learn supplier‟s production cost and quality

lean supply is continually reduce prices over the life of model.

Deliver components directly to the assembly line- with no inspection at all incoming parts.

Lean producer tiada simpan stok.

Supplier hantar small lots of parts to assembler.

Supplier and assembler are transparent.

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[7]: use VSM to improve LSC, use 5 why analysis to find the root cause in four-step problem solving process.

[2]: kaji tahap kesedaran dan pengamalanLM, hubungan dgn pembekal dan strategipenambahbaikan kualiti

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[23]: menurut Cox, pendekatan lean hanyaberjaya dijalankan pada rantaian yang teratur, high volume dan mempunyai permintaanyang tertentu.

[23]: 4 barriers to apply lean: trading relationships, value stream team formation, senior management commitment and elimination of power based adversarial behavior. Develop 7 dimension models according to 5 lean principle, test the model through semi-structured interview.

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Value Stream mapping [7], [9],

[9]: observation and interview, dapatkan data, apply guna VSM

SCOR [37],[38]

[38]: integrate ARENA-SCOR

[37]: test the ARENA-SCOR template

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[18]: takrif PM, effectiveness (ikut pelanggan), efficiency (fully utilized)

[4]: PM diukur dengan cara Activity based-costing Balanced scorecard Performance prism Collaborative PMS[17]: propose an innovative PM from system-

thinking perspective. Develop a process-based model –using fuzzy algorithm.

[19]: develop framework untuk analisis SCM, taksonomi terdiri drpd 4 dimensi – specificity, action, location & benefit.

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1. quality

2. time

3. cost

4. flexibility

[26]: develop LPI

1. quality

2. Continuous Improvement

3. Flexibility and logistics


1. resource

2. output

3. Flexibility


1. quantities

2. time

3. cost variations

4. schedule and cost

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1. quality

2. time

3. cost

4. flexibility

5. innovativeness

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[34]: measuring „multimodal process‟ with interface performance indicators (15 PM)

[39]: analyse the performance levels in terms of productivity and quality. Investigate between manufacturing performance and the use of lean practices. (questionnaire)

[14]: analyse the performance of internal operations, external suppliers, resale item, subcontractors. (case study)

[45]: analyse the manufacturing performances and practices between Malaysia and Australia. (questionnaire-ANOVA)

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[44]: investigate the relationship between two supply chain integration and two manufacturing improvement programs. (questionnaire - exploratory factor & hierarchical regression)

[13]: perbandingan antara syarikat pembuatkereta Japanese dan non-Japanese dari segihubungan pembeli-pembekal (UK); (interview)

[41]: kaji hubungan non-financial manufacturing performance dgn LM. (SEM-moderate atau mediate)

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[40] [16] [3] [2]

1.Supplier feedback #

2. JIT # # #

3. Supplier development # Supply base management

4. Customer involvement # #

5. Pull #

6. Continuous flow #

7. Setup time reduction # #

8. TPM # # #

9. SPC #

10. Employee involvement # HRM

11. TQM # #

12. Competitive environment #

13. Inventory reduction #

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[Md kamal – UUM]: Knowledge-Based Collaborative

Lean Manufacturing Management (KBCLMM) System, implement GAP, AHP-hybrid)

[46]: Hybrid System Dynamic – Discrete Event Simulation models of SC. (DES dibangunkan gunaSCOR)

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lean agile leagile

[34] # Adapt the service-production and service development

[24] # Use JIT innovation, case study, kajihubungan antara kecekapan danpenjimatan kos terhadap integrasi lean dan agile SC.

[1] # Case study – HP: pengilang tak boleh lihatoperasi secara berasingan

[25] # Develop RSC model

[47] # Case study – fashion & textile : SC competence terhadap firm performance (how and why Q)

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Keyword lean agile

Use of market knowledge 3 3

Value stream 3 3

Lead time compression 3 3

Elliminate muda 3 2

Rapid reconfiguration 2 3

Robustness 1 3

Level scheduling 3 1

[1]: leagility SC untuk HP; decoupling point: upstream-lean, downstream-agile

3-sangat penting 2-sederhana 1- kurang

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[32]: propose framework of sc coordination:- SC contracts; IT; Information sharing; joint decision making.

[27]: in japan, suppliers and customers often have interlocking business relationships and shareholdings through the „keiretsu‟; suggest model untuk transfer teknologi dari Jepun.

Mungkin antara sebab kenapa Proton tidak berjaya dalam“fully utilized” kilang tersebut kerana [21 dalam 27]: Bagimengimplemenkan teknik dan falsafah pembuatan lean dalam sesebuah organisasi, ia memerlukan pemindahanyang nyata dan ianya sukar untuk dipindahkan kepadaorang lain sama ada secara bertulis atau melalui lisan.

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1 2 3 4 5 6

Study SCOR, AHP, VSM * ****

Cari variable untuk buatquestionnaire

* ****

Study performance metrics of lean production di kilangPROTON


Cuba coordinate dengan JIT, TPM, …?

**** **

Macammana nak kaitkandengan people development system..?


Set methodology & RF ** ****

Defend proposal At least