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Office Of Student ServiceS 2013-2014

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Fall 2013

One of the benefits of American-style education is the multifaceted approach to student learning. The Office of Student Services is committed to providing a wealth of resources, events, and facilities designed to address and enhance the needs and holistic development of AUD’s diverse student population.

With a student-centered focus on opportunities outside the classroom, Student Services is comprised of eight divisions, all of which aim to assist students with acculturation into university life and beyond. Whether students are seeking leadership opportunities, learning support, personal counseling, health and wellness services, sports-related activities, on-campus housing, or career counseling, we are here to help.

A top quality undergraduate experience holds great value for a student’s future success. This is a crucial time to gain independence and autonomy, experience personal growth, and explore life and career goals. The greatest benefit begins by getting involved in campus life. AUD’s Student Services staff is dedicated to helping students reach their academic, personal, and professional goals. We challenge students to discover and develop their own strengths and talents, while fostering a sense of pride in who they are as individuals and as active members of the AUD community.

We encourage every student to take advantage of AUD’s wide array of co-curricular activities. The more students get involved in campus life, the more likely they are to grow in character, confidence, and courage.

AUD offers students access to great experiences, the finest resources in the region, and the promise of success. Realizing that promise; however, will depend on you—the student. We look forward to getting to know you, learning more about you and your interests, and helping you to realize the promise of your success.

Rachel E. Baldwin, M.S.Dean of Student Services


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Rachel BaldwinDean of Student [email protected] 318 3130C325

Bushra FinaishAssistant Dean and Student Support [email protected] 318 3137C329


Joseph NohraAthletics [email protected] 318 420C231

Stella MandehouCareer Services [email protected] 318 3131C323

Archie CastilloAdministrative [email protected] 318 3134C327

Nelly HalabiHealth Center [email protected] 318 3200A116

Evan BoschCareer Services Assistant [email protected] 318 3119C322

Rayya Al BaraziHousing [email protected] 318 3133C330

Pranshuta LeleCareer Services [email protected] 318 3548C324

Rashad SultanStudent Activities [email protected] 318 3135C332

Joan AbdallahPersonal [email protected] 318 3417C326

Kelly GosaStudent Activities [email protected] 318 3136C332

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The Office of Student Services is a vital part of the AUD campus community. The divisions within the office were carefully designed to suit the evolving needs of students.

These divisions include:• Dean’s Office;• Athletics;• Career Services;• Counseling;• Health Services;• Housing;• Student Activities; and• Student Support.

The Office of Student Services works in collaboration with AUD faculty to create a welcoming and supportive environment. Our goal is to provide students with the tools they will need to maximize their potential and achieve both personal and professional success in school and in life.

Many of the services we provide are confidential, as required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). To release confidential information or records, students must sign a consent form.

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The Dean of Student Services personally provides guidance and support for students as they explore, understand, and adjust to university life.

The Dean, in support of AUD’s Mission, manages all divisions of Student Services, which are dedicated to enhancing the academic, personal, and professional development of students.


Maintaining an open door policy, the Dean is available to meet with students and parents as needed or upon request. In compliance with university policies and procedures, the Dean also helps students to interpret, clarify, understand, and resolve their legitimate concerns and complaints.

In addition, the Dean serves on all honor, conduct, and grade appeal councils as outlined in the AUD Student Handbook.

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The Athletics Division is committed to providing a variety of physical activities to compliment the AUD academic experience.

AUD Athletics accommodates all students at various fitness levels, ranging from beginners to advanced, and more competitive athletes.

Students who engage in sports and fitness-related activities and events work as part of a team, which affords them the opportunity to develop leadership skills, and maximize their potential for success.

Athletic FacilitiesAUD has some of the best sporting facilities in Dubai, which includes:• A soccer field;• Outdoor track;• Tennis courts;• Volleyball court;• Indoor and outdoor

basketball courts;• Squash courts; and• Outdoor swimming pool.

All athletic and recreational facilities, with the exception of the gyms in the residence halls, are open to all AUD students, alumni, faculty and staff, and their families. The facilities are available during the university’s normal working hours, and in accordance with the campus- wide curfew and scheduled practices and games.

AUD Sports TeamsEnergetic and committed student-athletes, structured training, and dedicated coaches are the key elements of success for the AUD sports teams. Regular tournaments, games, and friendly matches compliment the training and reward student-athletes who are encouraged to maintain a delicate balance between academic and athletic excellence. AUD currently offers a variety of competitive team sports for students and will continue to expand opportunities in response to the needs of our diverse student population.

Intramural SportsThe Athletics Division offers intramural competitions, which are managed by students to encourage community building and collegiality. These activities include, but are not limited to bowling, volleyball, basketball, table tennis, soap soccer, beach volleyball, water games, and tennis.

Drop- In Sports, Sport Clubs and Fitness ProgramsDrop-In Sports, Clubs and Fitness Programs are designed for AUD students, alumni, faculty, and staff who wish to enjoy social interactions in an athletic environment. These activities are organized by members of the AUD community with the assistance and support of the Athletics Division. AUD community members who have ideas for new activities and clubs are given the support and autonomy to build membership and organize events and competitions.


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“Playing any type of sport in AUD helps you gain a lot of experience. I joined the AUD volleyball team last year and I actively participate in other sports activities such as the AUD School Sports Challenge and the Corporate Games, which has helped me improve my skills. In addition, being the captain of the AUD volleyball team is one of the most important things I’ve accomplished throughout my career at AUD. This

role requires a lot of responsibility and it helps me communicate more effectively. As a result, I’ve learned how to be an effective leader for the team. I greatly enjoy the athletic experience at AUD and I look forward to continuing to learn and improve while focusing on and participating in all of the sporting events the university has to offer.”

Hussein Safa

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In an emerging global market, it is critical for students to be prepared for internships and careers before and after graduation.

The Career Services Division is dedicated to helping students make the successful transition from their university experience to their professional lives.

This is achieved through a variety of career planning and development workshops, as well as mock interviews, and employer-focused events, such as the annual Career Fair.

The Career Services Division regularly assists students and alumni in the employment exploration

process. This includes, but is not limited to helping them identify:• Full-time positions;• Internships;• Temporary, and or part-time

employment; and• Voluntary employment.

Through this process, students develop career and life planning skills, acquire experience, master job search strategies, and ultimately find rewarding employment opportunities.

To continuously meet the dynamic needs of the modern workplace, the Career Services Division facilitates mutually beneficial relationships between internal and external stakeholders including faculty and staff, students, alumni, and employers.



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“Career Services worked diligently with me to connect me to different employment opportunities. Over the years, I managed to get selected for seven employment opportunities that originated from Career Services. I worked for five of them, one of which I am currently working for at the moment. Career Services staff exercised a lot of patience, effort, and perseverance

in linking me with different jobs, and guided me on how to fairly represent myself in my CV. I am tremendously grateful and praise their good work.”

Maha HalawaB.B.A., Class of 2012

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When faced with new challenges, it is not uncommon for students to seek extra support to help them achieve academic success.

The Personal Counselor is a trained professional who is committed to helping students identify, understand, and develop skills to increase their self-awareness and resolve their personal concerns.

Counseling is a confidential process. Students are encouraged to speak freely and trust that their personal information will remain private. In the rare case that the Personal Counselor must speak with a student’s family member(s) or the Dean of Student Services, the student will be notified.


Making the transition to university life is not always easy nor is it the same experience for every student. Students face a variety of challenges which may affect their personal growth, emotional well-being, and their ability to succeed. Some of these challenges include, but are not limited to: • Test anxiety;• Issues with alcohol or drug abuse;• Depression, grief or trauma;• Relationship difficulties; and• Concentration problems.

Any of these issues may prevent students from reaching their full potential. Students may find that their previous methods of handling problems are not working for some reason. They may find, for example, that talking to friends or relatives about their concerns does not seem particularly helpful. Counseling is an educational process that students are encouraged to pursue, as needed or desired.

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“I was seeking some sort of therapy that would help me through my practical and academic life for a long time before I was recommended to go to AUD’s Personal Counselor. I was not new to the idea of counseling, but I never found treatment or someone truly caring and helpful beyond the commonly practiced counseling standards. AUD’s Personal Counselor has helped me find hope, as our meetings are tailored to my psychological needs. The Personal Counselor was able to guide me out of my depression into academic success and social involvement. As a result, I have gained insight into my life to unlock the positivity that I need to realize what my dreams are. Over the course of our meetings, I strived to become a better person rather than just a better student. I still see the Personal Counselor and I never have to worry about confidentiality or flexibility of appointments. I recommend counseling services for anyone struggling with their psychological well-being.”

Anonymous student

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To maintain and achieve academic success, it is crucial for students to be mindful and proactive in safeguarding their health.

The AUD Health Center provides services, which are free of charge for all students, faculty, and staff.

Services are multifaceted and range from:• The evaluation, treatment and dispensing of medication for minor health

conditions;• Providing medical referrals for more serious conditions; and• Promoting health awareness and educational programs and events throughout

the academic year.

AUD recognizes and values the importance of good health. As a result, health services are available 24 hours per day, via clinic office hours, with on-call access after hours. To provide high-quality services, AUD has medical personnel who live on campus to address any immediate needs or concerns.

In addition to the professional staff, the Health Center is supported by a number of student leaders known as Peer Health Educators (PHEs). The PHEs organize, coordinate, and co-sponsor a series of health-related events throughout the year in coordination with Housing, Student Activities, and other campus offices.

Since health-related information is highly private and confidential, a student’s health record(s) is not released to anyone who does not have permission from the student.

“Besides offering excellent health services, the Health Center offers several prospects to students. Through different events, the clinic has given an opportunity to the AUD community to broaden its knowledge about health issues and common medical problems. The Peer Health Educators (PHE), a group of students dedicated to spread health awareness, take the responsibility of delivering the message

by organizing several entertaining and educational workshops. As a PHE, I have the opportunity to improve my knowledge on health issues and attend health-related training sessions, as well as educational leadership programs. All of that led me and the PHE members to help the community inside and outside of the AUD campus. We also have the opportunity to work with international institutions (e.g. UNICEF) and to experience effective team work. In addition to all this, we are good friends and we have fun! Joining this program is, by far, a once in a lifetime experience..”

Tarek Halabi


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Residentially-based, community learning and living is one of the major components of university life at AUD.

AUD offers housing to over 500 students in four non-smoking residence halls. Each residence hall has a laundry room, study area, TV lounge, fully-equipped kitchen, and a dining room.

More importantly, residential students are supported by Housing Assistants, for operational purposes, and student leaders known as Resident Assistants (RAs). The RAs are hired and selected by the Office of Student Services and they are committed to answering residents’ questions, explaining housing rules and regulations, as well as helping students address any issues or concerns they may have.

Throughout the year, the RAs organize a series of events, which encourage students to begin forming lasting friendships, while fostering a sense of community. Past events have included but are not limited to:• Welcome and theme parties;• Karaoke nights;• Movie nights;• Cooking competitions;• Sports tournaments; and• Video game tournaments.


In addition to the Housing Assistants and RAs, cleaning services are complimentary and compulsory for all rooms to maintain the highest hygiene standards and encourage clean living.

When students wish to spend time away from campus and the residence halls, shuttles are provided to take residents to a number of desirable locations in Dubai. Transportation schedules are provided by and available in the Housing Office.

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“It’s great to live with people who share your experience, and who are at the same stage of life as you. To live with them and to have the opportunity to help them when needed, and the chance to make their experience memorable, is to live the life of a university student fully and completely. This is what I think of when I think about being a Resident Assistant. I have lived on campus since the beginning of my time in AUD, and the best part is the feeling of being surrounded by people who are sharing my experience with me. Starting in the fall, I will be an RA, and I am very excited because it will allow me to share my experience with the people around me and be the person they can count on to make their experience comfortable and unforgettable.”

Marzia Daudzai

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Engagement in student governance, clubs, and activities is an essential part of student life at AUD. Students are encouraged to socialize with classmates from other cultures, to engage in team-building and get involved in organizational and event planning.

The Student Activities Division is committed to and empowers students to become strong leaders, build networks, and make new friends while discovering mutual interests.

To support and enhance the educational experience for students, AUD has a number of student-focused and student-led clubs, which include:• Cultural clubs;• Departmental clubs;• Performance clubs; and• Special interest clubs.


Beyond club membership, AUD offers extensive leadership opportunities, which are carefully and intentionally designed for students to develop important skills in management, communication, public speaking, and public relations. These programs are very selective and include:

Orientation Leaders (OLs)-A select group of students who welcome new students to AUD and help them make the transition into university life;

The Student Government Association (SGA)-An elected group of students who represent the entire AUD student body and serve as a voice and mediator between the students and the university administration.

In addition to clubs, and leadership opportunities, students are encouraged to speak with the Student Activities Coordinators to propose new ideas, events, and other campus activities.

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“From salsa classes to planning out large events on campus at AUD, there really is no other singular vehicle to shaping your university experience at AUD than getting active in student clubs. Suffice to say that my most memorable years at AUD often were when I was active in clubs. Being the Vice-President of the SGA and the treasurer of Foodies and the Model United Nations has led me to many cool events ranging

from learning how to make sushi to designing our very own dodgeball tournament. The one invaluable skill, if I only had to choose one, that I learned and benefited the most from being active on campus can be summed up in two words, “taking action.”

Elias Karam

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The Student Government Association (SGA) serves as a liaison between university staff and students and plays an active role in planning and coordinating student activities. Students have a voice in the governance of the university through the SGA.

Recognized as the official representative voice of the student body, students are encouraged to

freely and openly express their views to SGA officers who will ensure appropriate follow-up.

The SGA’s primary commitment is to provide responsible and equitable student leadership and fair representation of the opinions and concerns of all segments of AUD’s multinational student body. The SGA motivates students to participate in campus life to form an inclusive student community.

The SGA is composed of executive and representative members. Specialized committees are created to focus on particular tasks and operations in regularly scheduled meetings throughout the academic year.

Important SGA responsibilities include: • Representing students’ interests to the AUD administration; • Supporting the Student Activities Coordinator(s) in facilitating campus

activities;• Assuming financial responsibility for SGA funds and financial records, • Operating the SGA Bookstore; and • Striving to uphold and promote the AUD Honor Code.

All AUD students are eligible for membership.






The SGA Team 2013-2014(left to right): Sarah Alizenhom (Bookstore Manager), Elias Karam (Vice President), Nardeen Dous (Secretary), Diba Mohebzadeh (Media Officer), Sharbel Dahlan (President), Angi Shaya (PR Officer), Hassan Khayal (Treasurer)


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The educational experience at AUD can be challenging, and students may experience difficulties in achieving and maintaining academic success.

The Student Support Division offers a range of academic services to help students define their educational goals, and build strong study habits to ensure success in their chosen program of study.

Students who engage in continuous learning in the classroom will benefit greatly when supported by ongoing educational experiences outside of the classroom. Academic support includes but is not limited to:• Individualized academic counseling;• Peer-directed tutoring;• Experiential learning workshops;• Disability and special needs

accommodations and services; and• Advising for at-risk students on

probation and/or returning from academic suspension.

To gain the most from their educational experience, students should not hesitate to seek academic support. More importantly, they should not wait until they are subject to probation, suspension, or dismissal. The Student Support Manager is committed to working with students to identify and address the source of their concern(s) in order to improve their academic performance.

If students are proactive in seeking support they will likely see improvements ranging from:• A stronger GPA;• A deeper understanding of their

learning style;• Improved organizational skills;• Better adaptation to university life;

and• A clear set of goals to achieve

academic success.

The most important way for a student to maximize his or her educational success is to understand their role as a student. This means learning how to budget their time wisely, balance academic coursework with other outside activities, maintain a productive relationship with their advisor, and seek assistance from their instructors during office hours.

The AUD Student Handbook provides a clear understanding of academic policies and procedures.


“In my experience, the Student Support Manager is extremely helpful and caring. Student Support services guided me in the right direction regarding my academic progress, and has supported me every step of the way. The Student Support Manager understands my needs and my mentality, which makes for an excellent support structure. Student Support services provides valuable resources and information to help me improve my academic performance and achieve success.”

Anonymous Student

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