Download - Leaf structure and function and stomata and leaf energy balance Objectives of the lecture: 1. To describe the anatomy of leaves in relation to leaf function.

Page 1: Leaf structure and function and stomata and leaf energy balance Objectives of the lecture: 1. To describe the anatomy of leaves in relation to leaf function.

Leaf structure and function and stomata and

leaf energy balance

Objectives of the lecture:

1. To describe the anatomy of leaves in relation to leaf function and some variability between plant types.

2. Describe the structure of stomata and control of stomatal opening.

3. Define the energy balance of leaves.

Text book pages:215-216,797-798,803.


Page 2: Leaf structure and function and stomata and leaf energy balance Objectives of the lecture: 1. To describe the anatomy of leaves in relation to leaf function.

Figure 23-8

Apical meristems are located atspecific points throughout the body.

Close-up of a shoot apical meristem


Root meristems

Developing leaves

Rapidly dividing, undifferentiatedmeristematic cells

Cells differentiating into ground tissue

Cells differentiating into vascular tissue

Cells differentiating into epidermal tissue

Recall ...

Page 3: Leaf structure and function and stomata and leaf energy balance Objectives of the lecture: 1. To describe the anatomy of leaves in relation to leaf function.

Figure 36-11

Simple leaves have apetiole and a single blade.

Species from very cold orhot climates have needle-likeleaves.

Doubly compound leaves arelarge yet rarely damaged by windor rain.

Compound leaves haveblades divided into leaflets.



Figure 36-12

Opposite leaves Alternate leavesWhorled leaves Rosette

Page 4: Leaf structure and function and stomata and leaf energy balance Objectives of the lecture: 1. To describe the anatomy of leaves in relation to leaf function.

Diagram of a dicot leaf

one stoma(openingacross theepidermis)

cuticle-coatedcell of lowerepidermis



Carbon dioxide from the surroundingair enters the leaf through stomata

Products ofPhotosynthesis(pink arrow)enter vein andare transportedto stems, roots)

Water anddissolvedmineral ionsmove fromroots intostems, theninto leaf vein(blue arrow)

Oxygen and water vapor escapefrom the leafthrough stomata

xylem phloem

leaf vein (one vascularbundle inside the leaf)



cuticle of upper epidermis

Page 5: Leaf structure and function and stomata and leaf energy balance Objectives of the lecture: 1. To describe the anatomy of leaves in relation to leaf function.

Tomato leaf, dicotyledon, C3 plant

Upper epidermis

Palisade parenchyma: chloroplasts visible around cell periphery

Longitudinal section through a vascular bundle

Xylem vessel: annular thickening around cell wall


Bundle Sheath

Spongy parenchyma

Lower epidermis

Page 6: Leaf structure and function and stomata and leaf energy balance Objectives of the lecture: 1. To describe the anatomy of leaves in relation to leaf function.

Leaf cross section of Zea mays (corn), monocotyledon, C4 plant

Bulliform cells XylemUpper epidermis

Lower epidermis

Bundle sheath cells with chloroplasts

PhloemParenchyma with chloroplasts

Page 7: Leaf structure and function and stomata and leaf energy balance Objectives of the lecture: 1. To describe the anatomy of leaves in relation to leaf function.

The network of veins also provides a supportive framework for the leaf.

Leaf of a dictyledon

Coleus leaf cleared of cell contents and with xylem stained Typically veins are distributed such that mesophyll cells are close to a vein.

Page 8: Leaf structure and function and stomata and leaf energy balance Objectives of the lecture: 1. To describe the anatomy of leaves in relation to leaf function.

Leaf of a monocotyledon plant

The major venation follows the long axis of the leaf and there are numerous joining cross veins so that, as with the dicotyledon, mesophyll cells are always close to a vein.

Page 9: Leaf structure and function and stomata and leaf energy balance Objectives of the lecture: 1. To describe the anatomy of leaves in relation to leaf function.

Leaf cross section of a conifer, Taxus (yew)

The mesophyll is differentiated into palisade and spongy layers

The needle is broad, but has only one vascular bundle

Page 10: Leaf structure and function and stomata and leaf energy balance Objectives of the lecture: 1. To describe the anatomy of leaves in relation to leaf function.

Figure 10-21Leaf surfaces contain stomata.

Carbon dioxide diffuses into leaves through stomata.

Guard cells Pore Stoma





Leaf surface

Interior of leaf

Leaf surface

Page 11: Leaf structure and function and stomata and leaf energy balance Objectives of the lecture: 1. To describe the anatomy of leaves in relation to leaf function.

Epidermal cell

Guard cell




Thickened wall


Structure of stomata

Page 12: Leaf structure and function and stomata and leaf energy balance Objectives of the lecture: 1. To describe the anatomy of leaves in relation to leaf function.

Physiological control of stomatal opening and closing

Variation between species in stomatal control:isohydric, maintains constant leaf water potential, maize, poplar;anisohydric, leaf water potential decreases during day, sunflower, barley.

Guard cells actively take up K causing water to enter by osmosis. The guard cell’s walls are unevenly thickened causing the cells to bow as they becomes turgid

Page 13: Leaf structure and function and stomata and leaf energy balance Objectives of the lecture: 1. To describe the anatomy of leaves in relation to leaf function.

The energy budget of foliage

Only 1-3% of radiation is used in photosynthesis

Evaporative cooling of the leaf depends upon latent heat of evaporation

Some radiation is reflected and some energy is re-radiated


If Tleaf > Tair then

the leaf warms the air

Wind speedand

leaf shape

Factors affecting transpiration

The leaf boundary layer is important in controlling heat exchange and transpiration

Page 14: Leaf structure and function and stomata and leaf energy balance Objectives of the lecture: 1. To describe the anatomy of leaves in relation to leaf function.

 The boundary layer around a leaf extends out from the leaf surface. In it air movement is less than in the surrounding air. It is thick in still air, and constitutes a major resistance to the flux of H2O from

the leaf.

Stomatal aperture, m




n fl


g H



2 le

af s












3.0Wind speed influences


Further increase in wind speed may reduce transpiration, especially for sunlit leaves, because wind speed will cool the leaf directly 

A slight increase in wind speed will reduce the boundary layer, and increase transpiration.

Page 15: Leaf structure and function and stomata and leaf energy balance Objectives of the lecture: 1. To describe the anatomy of leaves in relation to leaf function.

Thermal images of non-transpiring

leaves of sycamore and oak.

Conditions during measurement:

wind speed 0.6 m s-1,

air temperature 30.2 oC,

photo flux density 910 mol m-2 s-1

Page 16: Leaf structure and function and stomata and leaf energy balance Objectives of the lecture: 1. To describe the anatomy of leaves in relation to leaf function.

Laboratory measurement of transpiration

A laboratory potometer

1. Fill the potometer by submerging it – make sure there are no air bubbles in the system.

2. Recut the branch stem under water and, keeping the cut end and the potometer under water, put the cut end into the plastic tubing.

Page 17: Leaf structure and function and stomata and leaf energy balance Objectives of the lecture: 1. To describe the anatomy of leaves in relation to leaf function.

Figure 36-13 Grown in shade Grown in sun

Leaf plasticity in response to variation in light:

Sun leaves are smaller in area (~0.5-0.6) than shade leaves

Sun leaves have 1.5 to 2.2 leaf mass/area than shade leaves

Sun leaves have up to 1.5 the density of stomata than shade leaves

Sun leaves have more Rubisco per unit chlorophyll

Sun leaves have less chlorophyll per reaction center

Page 18: Leaf structure and function and stomata and leaf energy balance Objectives of the lecture: 1. To describe the anatomy of leaves in relation to leaf function.

Koch et al. 2004. Nature 428, 851-854

Reiteration of foliage from existing branch structure

Plasticity in foliage in relation to water deficits

Ability to transport water to ~125m depends upon wood structure

Coastal redwood Sequoia sempervirens

Page 19: Leaf structure and function and stomata and leaf energy balance Objectives of the lecture: 1. To describe the anatomy of leaves in relation to leaf function.

In Taxus caespitosa and other conifers stomata are arranged in rows

Stomata with guard cells

Page 20: Leaf structure and function and stomata and leaf energy balance Objectives of the lecture: 1. To describe the anatomy of leaves in relation to leaf function.

Figure 37-16

Cross section of oleander leaf







Epidermal hairs


StomataAir space

Vascular bundles

Waxy cuticle onupper surfaceof leaf isespecially thick

Stomata are located in “crypts”instead of on flat leaf surface

Adaptation of a


Page 21: Leaf structure and function and stomata and leaf energy balance Objectives of the lecture: 1. To describe the anatomy of leaves in relation to leaf function.

3. Basic aspects of leaf energy budget. UNDERSTAND what the components are and how they can be affected by environmental variation in radiation input, air temperature, and wind speed, and leaf shape.

2. What a stoma is and UNDERSTAND how stomatal opening is controlled and what effect it can have on transpiration.

Things you need to know ...

4. What is meant by leaf plasticity and how it can be a response to variation in light conditions and leaf water status.

1. The anatomy of leaves and variations between dicotyledons, monocotyledons and conifers.