Download - Leadership Qualities and Skills Lesson 4 Year 8. Learning Objective We will learn which skills and qualities make an effective leader We will identify.

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  • Leadership Qualities and Skills Lesson 4 Year 8
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  • Learning Objective We will learn which skills and qualities make an effective leader We will identify our leadership skills and qualities
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  • What is a leader?
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  • Types of leaders- They are everywhere Task 1- Think of a good leader you know. Think about TWO things which make them a good leader. You have 2 minutes to think of them. It can be a political leader, a teacher, a manager, royalty, a parent, a team captain etc Task 2- Pass this leader to a friend. Share your leader with person next to you and the two things you think makes them a good leader. Then listen to theirs, listen carefully as the teacher will be asking you questions about THEIR leader
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  • What makes a good leader Carousel The teacher is going to separate the class into 4 groups. Each group will have an A3 sheet of paper and each group will have ONE different coloured pen. EG group 1 red, group 2 blue etc One person in the group write: What makes a good leader in the centre of the page and draw a circle around it. Your group has 3 minutes to write down as many things(qualities, skills, personality) which you think makes a good leader
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  • Pass your paper to the next group! E.g group 1->2->3->4->1 KEEP THE SAME PEN! Now you have to add any things you think the other group have missed out. You have 3 minutes. Keep repeating until every team has filled out each piece of paper. How many did your team get on all pieces of paper? Which team had the most correct answers Class debate??
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  • Leaders- They are everywhere!
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  • From your answers from task one we have identified what makes a good leader. In your group you are going to use this list, on the back of your paper put this list into 3 categories. SkillsQualitiesPersonality e.g organisedconfidentcaring
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  • Task 4- nominate someone in your group to read out your answers to the class..
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  • Did someone in your group nominate someone? (has this person been in charge of other tasks?) Did someone volunteer themselves? This was an opportunity to lead by exampledid you take it? Or did you just sit back and allow others? Ask yourself do you see youself as a leader or a follower?
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  • TOP 10 Leadership Qualities/Skills From the list you created with your group. Choose ten skills and qualities you think are the MOST IMPORTANT to become a successful leader
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  • My Leadership Qualities/Skills Create and colour a bar chart in your notebook rating yourself from 1-10 for these qualities/skills
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  • IN PSHE we will attempt to develop our leadership qualities and skills
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  • LESSON 5- Learning Objectives We will start to develop our leadership qualities We will start to develop our communication
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  • Guess the leader Game Your teacher will nominate someone to step out of the class. Then your teacher will nominate someone in the class to be the leader The leader will perform a movement e.g swing a leg and everyone will copy The person outside the room will enter the class and attempt to guess who the leader is
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  • Communication Task You are going to pretend you are a teacher You have to write a two minute talk on what I did this summer You will tell your class what you did You can choose your class (your group or whole class) You should try deliver the story clearly and attempt to ensure your class is listening+ behaving. HOWEVER.
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  • Disruption cards- When you are teaching your Form tutor will give a disruption card to a pupil in your class You must attempt to deal with this bad behaviour think about what your teachers would do. Remember you are a role model. Your form tutor is Mr Campbellif your not professional Can you deal with it?
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  • Disruption Cards Tutors give one person in group a cardsecretly if possibledont let teacher see it
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  • Behaviour How did you feel when a pupil was misbehaving? Have you ever done any of these things in class? How do you think the teacher feels? How would you deal with this?
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  • Communication- Peer Feedback Give some feedback on your partners communication How was their communication? Did they talk without stopping? Did they keep eye contact? Body Language? Could everyone hear them? Tell them two things they did well and one thing to improve on.
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  • Lesson 6- Learning Objectives We will learn about the importance of respect when leading and working with others
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  • Respect
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  • Respect each otherone day you might need them Boys and girls Teachers and pupils
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  • In lessons we sometimes work in groups and we have to communicate together and help each other and work as a team. In PE we also do teambuilding activities which help us work as a team,the games we play are football, basketball and baseball. By Omar and Mohammed Hamdy
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  • Boys and Girls should work together
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  • Respect- Advertise your friend Task The teacher is going to cut up the register and put all of you class names in a hat. Everyone must choose a name of a class mate With the pupil they have to create an advert (which would be in a newspaper to advertise your friend. You have to promote your friend write about their good qualities You may have to interview them first!
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  • Present your adverts to the class