Download - Leadership PP Version 3

  • 7/29/2019 Leadership PP Version 3


    Fykeson SarmientoRadhika Shah

    Aiman Sohail

  • 7/29/2019 Leadership PP Version 3


    About 250 centers located throughout US in 40different statesthe Northeast, Southeast, andMidwest being the regions with the greatest numbers

    Community-based health centers led by advancedpracticed registered nurses (APNs)

    Predominantly staffed by nurse practitioners (NPs)

    Other members of care team include: social workers,

    health educators, RNs, outreach workers, physicians,and other health professionals

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    Pediatrics Adults



    Ethnic minorities

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    Nurses provide health screenings, vaccinations, directcare for minor acute problems, health education, andcounseling services

    Nurses also focus on community-based healthpromotion programs in order to address problemssuch as smoking, obesity, and poor nutrition

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    Works to help NMHCs meet the costs of providingcare to the low income and vulnerable populations.

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    Many NMHCs were initially launched with start-upgrants

    Grants were nonrenewablecenters were unable to

    secure sustainable long-term funding once the grantperiod ended

    Many NMHCs closed down once funding dried up

    Others attempted to acquire funding from private

    foundations and improve reimbursement from third-party payersall with varying degrees of success

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    NMHCs are safety net providers for patients regardlessof their ability to paypatients are guaranteed care

    About 35%-40% of patients are uninsured

    Sliding fee scale used to collect payment from suchpatients but these contributions alone do not cover theactual cost of care

    Charitable grants used to make up the difference butnot always available on a consistent basis leading to

    budget instability from year to year Further problems include lack of access to predictable

    governmental funding and inconsistentreimbursement from insurers

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    State laws and policies have a great impact on NMHCSand their capability to provide services to patients.

    Some state governments have made additional funding

    and other resources available-Ex. Pennsylvania governor Edward G Rendellsprescription for PA

    - Prescription for PA is a set integrated practical

    strategies for improving the health care of all people inPA, by making the health care system more efficient andcontaining its cost.

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    NHMCs needed funding to provide care

    The National Nurses Center Consortium (NNCC)advocated for NMHCs

    Helped introduced the Nurse-Managed Health ClinicInvestment Act of 2007 and 2009

    Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010

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    Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA)supports the growth of NMHCs

    Between fiscal years 2000-2009 the HRSA awarded atotal of $50,443,123 for NMHCs

    NNCC (National Nursing Centers Consortium) haveplayed a role in political advocacy and educationefforts.

    NMHC advocates work with Congressional Healthstaffers

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    In 2010 more than 1200 community health centersserved more than 20 million people at 8,000 clinicalsites in the U.S.

    CHC provide medical, dental, mental health,substance abuse services, nutrition counseling,outreach, transportation, and other social services.

    Mainly located in areas designated by federal

    government Funded primarily by a mix of public insurance and

    federal grants

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    Health service institutions that are communityoriented, culturally sensitive model of health careservices integrated with social and educationalservices.

    Governed by consumer boards, that by federal lawwhere majority of members who are patients at thehealth center

    Safety net providers, caring for people who are noinsurance

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    More extensive care


    population Located in many


    federal and stategovernment

    Limited care

    Uninsured + no income

    population Location is designated

    by the federalgovernment

    Mostly funded byMedicaid


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    CHCs were created as part of the War on Poverty byphysicians and the federal government

    They served the community and not just individuals

    Created to help provide jobs as well as health services Continues to play a role in health today

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    There was not an understanding of CHCs in thepolitical environment.

    Members of Congress and federal agency officialsstarted becoming advocates for CHCs creating theNational Association of Community Health Centers(NACHC)

    CHCs expanded during the Bush Administration

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    The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

    Community Health Center advocates were active inhealth care reform

    Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

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    made during the 1930s

    Created by Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Provides economic security for those who can not

    work Taxes are collected from income and placed in the


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    NMHCs and CHCs are both federally funded whichmakes a big impact on Social Security.

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    Nurses have the ability to become global leaders

    This requires personal initiative (more extensiveeducation in issues related to global healthcare andthe investment of time by being active in internationalwork)

    In order for leadership to occur on a global level, theremust first be the existence of leadership on a local and

    national level (see notes below)

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    Nurses can become leaders on a global level

    Many poor and desperate third world countries inneed of help with healthcare

    Nurses can volunteer their help and expertise For example: nursing students who went to Sierra

    Leone, West Africa

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    Doing work on a global level provides nurses theopportunity to gain experiences that are vastlydifferent from what they may be accustomed to

    Allows them to become aware of values and beliefs ofother cultures, thus giving them new perspectives ashealthcare providers

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    Do you think that the survival of Community HealthCenters is crucial to our healthcare system?

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    Recent annual Trustees Reports indicate that Old Age,Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) funds willcover full scheduled benefits until 2037. Do youbelieve that no cuts to benefits are necessary or serious

    cuts to benefits are necessary? Why?