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  • 8/12/2019 Leadership influence on strategy



    LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS..........................................................................................iii

    CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION..............................................................................1

    1.1 Background of study...............................................................................................1

    1.1.1Leadership styles..............................................................................................2

    1.1.2Strategy implementation....................................................................................3

    1.1.3 Banking industry in Kenya................................................................................5

    1.2 Research problem ................................................................................................

    1.3 !b"ecti#es of the study............................................................................................$

    1.% &alue of the study................................................................................................... '

    CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW...............................................................10

    2.1 (ntroduction...........................................................................................................1)

    2.2 *heoretical Re#ie+ of Leadership.........................................................................1)

    2.3 Leadership Styles.................................................................................................1%

    2.% Strategy implementation ......................................................................................1,

    2.5 Leadership style and strategy implementation......................................................1

    CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..............................................20

    3.1 (ntroduction...........................................................................................................2)

    3.2 Research design................................................................................................... 2)

    3.3 -ase selection .....................................................................................................2)

    3.% ata collection...................................................................................................... 2)

    3.5 ata analysis........................................................................................................ 2)



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  • 8/12/2019 Leadership influence on strategy



    ATM Automated Teller Machine

    CEO Chief Executive Officer

    TQM Total Quality Management

  • 8/12/2019 Leadership influence on strategy


  • 8/12/2019 Leadership influence on strategy


    1.1.1 L,a',#)-i )*+/,)

    6eginning in the 578's and rapidly accelerating during the 579's" there has !een a

    further change one that places leadership in a pivotal role as an essential part of

    achieving ever !etter productivity and performance The shift from manual to

    #nowledge wor# in most economies" the rise of living standards and therefore

    expectations" the growth in educational -ualifications and sophistication" are +ust

    some of the things that have changed people,s attitudes The wor#force of today is a

    far cry from that of 5'' years ago :e live in an age where people have choices"

    where the deference common in an earlier age has disappeared" where the right to

    personal self;fulfillment is a widely shared !elief %Crouch < 6asch 5778)

    As a result it is now recogni*ed that" to get the !est out of people" they need to !e led"

    not +ust managed as su!ordinates They need to feel motivated" committed" and even

    inspired =ersuasion" not coercion" is re-uired 1tatus and position are no longer

    enough To get the real results re-uired in a highly competitive age" people need to

    want to give their !est" not +ust !e told to do so Autocratic and hierarchical

    management systems have given way to much more open and democratic ways of

    managing 1imultaneously" the reasons why someone should follow someone else,s

    lead have changed mar#edly

    A much more egalitarian society" increases in employee;empowerment" and the flatter

    nature of many organi*ations means that leaders now have to >>win,, followers :ith

    this has come a whole new set of re-uirements for those who aspire to lead their

    organi*ation or parts of it to success %Mint*!erg 577() ?owadays"

    competitiveness !etween organi*ations ta#es place not +ust at the level of the products

    and services they provide" !ut much more deeply at the level of the competences they

    possess And nowhere are those competences more critical than in the style of

    leadership they have The -ualities" attitudes" !eliefs" and !ehaviors of those whose

    tas# it is to !ring out the !est in their people %?o!le5777)

  • 8/12/2019 Leadership influence on strategy


    =eter @ruc#er considers leadership as a human characteristic which lifts a man,s

    vision to higher sights3 raises and !uilds his performance to higher standards" and

    !uilds man,s personality !eyond its normal limits Leadership is an important a!stract

    -uality of the leader that sets apart a successful organi*ation from an unsuccessful

    one Leadership is" therefore" regarded as the process of influencing the activities of

    an individual towards goal achievement in a given situation %@ruc#er 577&)

    The concept of leadership style can !e defined as the style that a leader adopts in their

    dealings with those who follow them Clearly" underlying this is an assumption that

    there is a >>right,, and a >>wrong,, style According to the management literature" the

    appropriate style will depend on a wide variety of criteria" including the relationship

    !etween the parties involved" the nature of what needs to !e done" and the match or

    mismatch !etween the difficulty of the tas# and the competencies availa!le %6artlett

    < hoshal 577()

    A leader would !e effective" if he adopts the right leadership style depending upon the

    situation Be can !e autocratic" especially" when the situation is -uite demanding and

    there is little time to consult su!ordinates Be may adopt consultative leadership style"

    especially when su!ordinates views and suggestions are important in decision;

    ma#ing Be may also follow participative leadership style" especially" when the

    participation of the su!ordinates is vital in decision;ma#ing %Bartley" &''')

    1.1.2 S*#a*,"+ i/,,&*a*i$&

    1trategy is a central concern for practically any organi*ation these days 2n situations

    where the organi*ation,s environment is changing" the organi*ation itself is faced witha need to change Even in relatively sta!le environments an organi*ation is !ound to

    !e faced with continuous choices to !e made 2t should !e self;evident that every

    possi!le choice made or all change is not for good Organi*ational choices should

    reflect a direction that will ensure the organi*ation,s success or at least survival

    %Arnold 1 577') 1trategy is intimately connected with organi*ational choices and


  • 8/12/2019 Leadership influence on strategy


    :hether this connection ta#es the form of management control or alternatively some

    form of collective emergent action involving a wide participation in the organi*ation"

    this depends on the chosen viewpoint The focus of this study is on strategy

    implementation" the process in which the change is !rought a!out %Mint*!erg