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Leadership Competencies in Time of Turbulence

By: Asst. Prof. Dr. Patchanee Taraseina Dean

Graduate School of Public AdministrationBurapha University


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Leadership Competencies in Time of Turbulence

Leadership: ….We recognize good leadership firsthand when a leader we admire inspires, excites, engages, or even leaves us….. 1

…..Being an effective leader requires that you help others to lead. …..Leaders succeed by enabling others to do the right things right.…..Modeling the right rules of leadership ensures that you lead well, but helping others master those rules guarantees future success.…..When we know and follow the leadership rules, we lead well; when we help others learn and follow those rules, we expand leadership from a personal ability into an organization capability.…...Leadership is about getting the right results in the right way.……Managers and leaders at all levels must be able to demonstrate to their team and to each other the emotional and personal benefits of

being a part of the organization.3

……Learn from the people…..Plan with the people……Begin with what they have………Build on what they know…..4

1 Geus 2002 “The Living Company: Habits for Survival in a Turbulent Business Environment”, Harvard Business Review Press2 Ulrich, Smallwood and Sweetman 2008, “The leadership Code” Harvard Business Press3 Mathewson, Bleak, Villeneuve 2008, “Leading in Turbulent Time”, Duke Corporate Education4 Lao-tzu, Chinese sage

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Leadership Competencies in Time of Turbulence

Competency: ……Any characteristic that differentiate levels of performance. (Spencer 2003)……Knowledge, skills and values of successful leaders. Competencies are identified by what successful leaders say and do are often tailored to not only the situation but also the business strategy.

……leadership competency is the overall characteristics of a person who is capable to handle the assigned job as to accomplish the goals at the formerly agreed level

and beyond through people. (Taraseina 2012)

Ulrich, Smallwood and Sweetman 2008, “The leadership Code” Harvard Business Press

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Leadership Competencies in Time of TurbulenceRule 1: Shape the Future

Not only envision but can create future

As practical futurists they figure out: • Where the organization needs to go to succeed•How, when and how often, they need to test this ideas pragmatically against current resources •How to work with people, who to work with, when and why in order to get from the present to the desired future.Strategists have a point of view about the future and are able to position their organization to create and response to that future.•Stay curious and develop a point of view about your own future•Invite your savviest outsiders inside•Engage the organization---no “one” knows enough•Create strategic traction within the organization

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Leadership Competencies in Time of Turbulence

Rule 2: Translate Strategy into action.Understand how to make change happen through others

As Executors needs to understand and Know how to:•Make change happen•Assign accountability•Select and decide which key decisions to make and which to delegate•Make sure that team work well together•Keep promise to multiple stakeholders•Make things happen•Put the systems in place for others to do the same

The rules for executors revolve around disciplines for getting things done.

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Leadership Competencies in Time of Turbulence

Rule 3: Know how to identify, build, and engage talent to get results now

Talent Manager:•Identify what skills are required•Draw talents to their organization•Develop people•Engage them•Ensure the employee turn in their best efforts

The rules for talent managers center around resolutions that help people develop themselves for the good of the organization.

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Leadership Competencies in Time of Turbulence

Rule 4: Build the next generation

Human Capital Developer: •Help future leaders to be successful•Build a workforce plan focused on future talents•Understand how to develop the future•Help employee see their future careers within the organization•ensure the organization will outlive any single individual•install rules leading to build the next generation of talent

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Leadership Competencies in Time of Turbulence

Rule 5: Invest in YourselfEffective leaders cannot be reduced to what they

know and do.

Leaders are learners: •From success, failure, assignments, books, classes, people, and life itself•Passionate about about their beliefs and interest•Expand enormous personal energy and attention on whatever matter on them•Inspire loyalty and goodwill in others•Decisive and impassioned •Capable of of bold and courageous moves•Confident in their ability to deal with situation as they arrive