Download - Leadership and personality Trait managment

  • 1. Leadership Training WRSSF Enhancing capacities across western Region
  • 2. What is Leadership ? Leadership is a process by which members of a group are empowered to work together synergistically toward a common goal or vision that will create change, transform institutions, and thus improve the quality of life (Helen S. Astin and Carole Leland )
  • 3. Skills commonly possessed by leaders Committed to a vision Understands his or her role Demonstrates integrity Sets an example Understands ho w to motivate the behavior of others Communicates effectively Willing to take risks Skilled at problem solving
  • 4. See a Leader
  • 5. Traits of leaders The desire to lead Commitment to the vision and mission of the organization Integrity = sincerity +consistency +substance
  • 6. Desire to Lead Indicators to the Motivation Do I enjoy others seek ideas or opinions ? Am i comfortable putting teams interest before my interest ? Do You facilitate a strong spirit while working with a group ? Are you comfortable in letting others take your ideas and putting into action? Do you play the role of the coach and help others improve their skills Do you consider problem as your problem when team has the problem ? Do you mind asking challenging questions to the team members while working on a project
  • 7. Mission, Vision Mission statement : Main Purpose and objectives of the organization it also defines those key actions and measures that can be used to determine whether or not an organization is success . Mission statement defines what a organization does. Vision Statement : Address the purpose also but denotes the values of the organization. Delineate how the work should be done employees get information on how they should behave
  • 8. Example For Mission , Vision & Goal Vision To help underprivileged children and young people of our country realize their potential Mission Committed to creating and supporting programs that bring about sustainable changes through education and use of technology Goals To improve the accessibility and quality of education at school level across India To provide Education and training opportunities to the youth of the country in order to make them employable
  • 9. Difference between management skills & leadership skills Management skills : The skills Required to manage resources in order to deliver a task product or service Leadership skills are : The skills required to engage with, motivate and persuade people to buy into a vision objective , or goal
  • 10. Comparison between Manager & Leader
  • 11. Personality style Our habits , personalities and behaviors are distinct from one another. We also find similar people with behaviors similar to us we strike friendship and will go easily with People who are different from us we some times avoid , confront, become polite but at the end we are not comfortable and we get annoyed
  • 12. Personality Matrix
  • 13. Four Personality Types 1. Direct = Low expressiveness + High assertiveness 2. Systematic = Low expressiveness + low assertiveness 3. Spirited = high expressiveness + high assertiveness 4. Considerate = High expressiveness + Low assertiveness
  • 14. Direct Personality Type 1. Likes to be in charge 2. Looks for results 3. Assertive and decisive 4. Speaks their mind 5. Takes tough decisions 6. Puts results ahead peoples feelings 7. Poor analyzers They are good at target oriented projects like defaulter tracing programmers of HIV/AIDS, Heading the sales department
  • 15. Tips in Managing the Direct personality type Be direct to the point dont bore them with lot of background information Give chances to excel and compete Communicate direct and short Be on time end on time Dont promise which you cant deliver Dont ask about personal issues unless they initiate Give specific measurable outcome Tell the truth never sugar coat it
  • 16. Spirited personality type Dreamer & visionaries Not afraid to take risks Prefer to multitask in order to avoid bored Never time bound Poor listeners since prefer to do multiple things at the same time Commit work more than they are capable of doing Good at getting started of any project
  • 17. Tips for managing the spirited personality type Help them express their ideas Praise them in front of others Understand they may exaggerate Give them timetables Be clear with what you expect Set milestones and dead lines so that they will complete the task on deadlines Never embarrass them in front of other colleagues Give them credit for their new ideas Good at the field of advertisement companies and where creativity matters a lot
  • 18. Systematic personality type Analysts Precise, consistent, rational and well disciplined Makes decision based on research and analysis They are patient and calculated in their work They stick to book Value of fairness and go by rules what so ever matters
  • 19. Tips for managing systematic personality type Be accurate & precise in their communication with them Be organized and prepared when you meet them Avoid personal topics in your interaction with them When conflicts arise concentrate on facts and figures instead personalities and feelings Allow time for research and analysis phase of a project Give logical reasons for what are you doing and why are you asking them to do
  • 20. Considerate personality type Natural pleasers , natural team workers Prefer to work with and support others Excellent listeners Seek to connect with others on personal level Natural counselor , natural trainers and When conflicts arise they work as mediaters
  • 21. Tips for Managing considerate personality type Express sincere interest in their feelings , emotional and personal life Foster trust in your relationship with them Reassure them they are doing good job and correct gently Monitor their work load Let them know that you appreciate their work Help them identify goals that they are achievable
  • 22. Platinum rule Treat others the way they would have you treat them
  • 23. Leadership styles Autocratic leadership Democratic leadership Bureaucratic Leadership Charismatic leadership
  • 24. Autocratic Leadership Takes majority of the decision by themselves Prefer to take complete control and responsibility of the projects Rarely consult with others not interested in developing their employees skills Advantages Decision making will be quick Useful in projects which are implemented in a hurry and requires speedy results Under the autocratic leadership workers become more productive
  • 25. Disadvantages Reduce motivation and morale since it is not participatory style Team members are not able to develop skills on decision making and leadership Burdens the leader with responsibility in long term Decision made by the leaders may not be popular and acceptable to the team
  • 26. When to use it Short term, complex and urgent project Organizations where there is high turnover in the employees keeping organizational knowledge in a leader is important
  • 27. Democratic Leadership Democratic leaders share the decision making , responsibilities and changes and deadlines Seek feed back and priorities the development of the team member Creates harmonious , productive evolving of work force Leader delegates many of the work
  • 28. Advantages Democratic leadership results in dedicated , loyal employees who are willing to work and to deliver results and share the credit for getting those results Work environment will be positive and collaborative less turnover of the staff employees Less likely to cover up the mistake and will be honest in accepting the mistakes Long term decision making is improved since receives feed back continuously
  • 29. Disadvantages Decision making can be very long since everyone is involved When to use At the time of new team development Trainings
  • 30. Bureaucratic leadership Focuses on employees following rules with consistency Gains authority more from the position Environment tends to be more formal There is clear distinction between leaders and their employees Advantages Bureaucratic leadership promotes consistent output and quality and can cut the costs and improve productivity in some environment
  • 31. Disadvantages Employees will have No difference in work and no choice in how to perform work which will be de humanizing Does not promote personal creativity of employees Creates communication problems Politics and excessive restrictive policies Leaders are seen as rivals not as colleagues due to usual strict division of labor When to use it If the desire is to produce image of regulation and control
  • 32. Charismatic Leadership Leader inspires others action Committed to a vision and mission Ability to build trust with team members demonstrating personal integrity Advantages Team becomes powerful Development of the skills of the team members Team members will be loyal , committed and deliver beyond what they are expected Team will be widely creative and generating forward thinking solutions to existing or new problems
  • 33. Disadvantages So much relies on personal relationship mistakes go unnoticed Takes much time foster trust building with team members When to use When commitment to a vision and mission is important when rejuvenation of the organization is required When the need is to recreate the image of the organization
  • 34. Leading the team Team purpose statement : organizations vision and mission statement taken and made relatable to employees on a personal level Team purpose statement motivates and unites the team builder regardless of individual differences It also explains why the team is existing and what they have to do to achieve the vision of the organization
  • 35. Stages in the team development Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning or mourning
  • 36. Leaders approach at each stage
  • 37. Leaders approach at each stage
  • 38. what is Delegating Asking assistance and support pushing aside shame and pride and respecting the talents of others Powerful time management skill Develop the potential of other team members How to delegate Identify the potentials Entrust the task Give time to complete the task Appreciate or correct the team member gently
  • 39. What is mentoring Relationship between two people who have mutual goal of development on both a personal and professional level Mentoring is basically coaching and developing and perfecting the abilities of the team members
  • 40. Thank You.