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Level 5 leadership

The triumph of humility and fierce resolve.

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Who is a level 5 leader?

An individual who blends extreme personal humility with intense professional will.

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The Level 5 Hierarchy

The Level 5 leader sits on top of a hierarchy of capabilities

and is, a necessary requirement for transforming an

organization from good to great. But what lies beneath?

Four other layers, each one appropriate in its own right but

none with the power of Level 5. Individuals do not need to

proceed sequentially through each level of the hierarchy to

reach the top, but to be a full-fledged Level 5 requires the

capabilities of all the lower levels, plus the special

characteristics of Level 5.

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Level 4

Effective Leader

Catalyzes commitment to and vigorous pursuit of a clear and compelling vision;

stimulates the group to high performance standards.

Level 3

Competent Manager

Organizes people and resources toward the effective and efficient pursuit of

predetermined objectives.

Level 2

Contributing Team Member

Contributes to the achievement of group objectives; works effectively with others in a

group setting.

Level 1

Highly Capable Individual

Makes productive contributions through talent, knowledge, skills, and good

work habits.

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The yin and yang of level 5

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Personal Humility Professional Will

- Compelling modesty- Never boastful inspite of


- Superb results through the team- Transition from good to great

- Acts with calm determination- Motivates through actions rather

than words

- Unwavering determination to do what needs to be done to produce the best long-term impact.

- Channels ambition into the company, not self

- Always takes decisions keeping the long term future in mind.

- Will stand for nothing but a great entity.

- Will not settle for ordinary.

- Never blames – only takes action.- Takes responsibility – looks into

the mirror not our of the window!

- Looks out the window and not into the mirror to give credit to other people, luck, hard work and external factors.

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Can you become a level 5 leader?

Yes, if you aspire to be one! And know what being such a leader

can do to your entity!

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1. Develop Humility:

-Level 5 leaders are authoritative and firm when they have to be but very humble about what they do.

-They know how to give their people credit and also encourage people to do better through positive feedback.

- Humility matter. Even when it comes to the people you recruit in the organization!

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2. Ask for help:

- Learning to ask for help is a STRENGTH.

- Remember the Guy Kawasaki quote that "A players recruit A+ players, while B players recruit C players". If you're recruiting A+ players, why wouldn't you take full advantage of their skills? (The truth is that if you can recruit A+ people successfully and get the best from them, then you've become an A+ manager.)

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3. Take Responsibility:

-Take responsibility for the mistakes and failures of your team.

- You really can’t make excuses.

- Realizing the power of discipline will help you take responsibility.

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4. Get the right people:

Level 5 leaders depend on people.

They know who their best people are.

They coach people on their team to develop their potential.

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5. Develop Discipline:

They stick to their resolve, no matter how hard the course of action is.

Their values drive discipline.

If you know in your heart that you're right, then don't let naysayers dissuade you from a course of action. It's always important to listen to differing opinions, of course, but don't let fear be your driving motivator when you make, or change, a decision.

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Lastly, add the human element to what you do PASSION AND LOVE.

Level 5 leaders LOVE what they do and this gets transmitted to the team with ease.

Don’t be scared to show your love/passion/belief in what you are doing. It is who a level 5 leader is!

Communicate your team purpose constantly!

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What else does the leader and team need to go from mediocre to ideal?

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The Hedge hog concept

The fox knows little things reasonable well but the hedgehog knows only one big thing really well.

The fox is complex and the hedgehog simple.

BREAK-THROUGHS require a simple hedge-hog like understanding of:

1. What you can be the best at and why?

2. What ignites the passion of the people working for you.

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A culture of discipline

Disciplined people – This can make hierarchy and your structures work.

Disciplined thought – The right thought – people thinking the right things because of the way the leaders have inducted them. People having the right understanding of our essence and core.

Disciplined action – Eliminates the need for excessive control.

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Questions What are those 2-3 simple hedgehog concepts that

you will implement in your term? What will your LC be the best at and why?

What really ignites the passion of the people? What will you do as LCP to always keep that alive?

What are the 3 key leadership behaviours you would need to develop to make this happen?

How do you think you can do this? What support would you need?

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