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If you liked this, you'll definitely want to check these other killer WSO's out!

Offline SmackDown: This is a killer, laser targeted way to direct mail to offline prospects. You can build a real, offline business this way rapidly with just this one technique.

Local SEO Rebellion: Honestly, the definitive way to rank web pages for local searches. No theory, just stuff that really, truly works!

Offline Video Explosion: Want to learn how to get a massive amount of offline business just by using passive videos? If so, check this out, today! (Note, this combines really well with the WSO you're reading right now!)

WSO Affiliate Gold: Learn how to make a full-time in-come easily right on the Warrior Forum! Newbie friendly!

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Email Stud!: Learn the art of writing killer emails that suck the cash right out of your subscriber's bank ac-counts!

G+ GetDown Boogie: Learn how to create G+ pages for businesses and also how to sell this service to businesses for big bucks.

V2!: The final word in starting an offline business. This is a 5 module program that steps you through a proven way that anyone can get a real, offline business up and running in no time.

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Legal Stuff

This book is Copyrighted, All Rights Reserved.

You may not sell this book, give it away, display it publicly, or distribute it in any way, shape, or form whatsoever.

While reasonable attempts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this publication, the author does not assume any responsibility for errors, omis-sions or contrary interpretation of this information and any damages or costs incurred by that.

The author does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are completely accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet.

This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting, or financial ad-vice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting, and finance matters.

While examples of past results may be used occasionally in this work, they are intended to be for purposes of example only. No representation is made or implied that the reader will do as well from using the techniques.

The author does not assume any responsibility or liability whatsoever for what you choose to do with this information. Use your own judgment.

Any perceived slight of specific people or organizations, and any resemblance to characters living, dead or otherwise, real or fictitious, is purely unintentional.

There are no guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to rely on their own judg-ment about their individual circumstances to act accordingly.

Use this information at your own risk

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Lead generation is the next big business model for offline consultants!

I'm not saying that SEO and ranking web pages is dead, I'm just offering you another, more efficient way to make money with offline marketing.

Here's the big problem with SEO.

Traditional SEO

Although you can measure how many visitors you send to a business's web site (Google Analytics), you can't measure what happens from that point.

How many clicked on a coupon on the site?

How many used the coupon?

How many picked up the phone and call? about this scenario?

We all know how easy it is to rank videos.

So, you rank a video for a business and charge them $97 per month to keep it ranked.

What's the business getting out of this?

Let's say you're smart, and you put the business's phone number in the title of the video...So, just for clear communication, here's an example...

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Cosmetic Dentist Atlanta—404-223-1985—Dr. Schumacher

That's a properly optimized title for a video...notice the kwp at the left hand side.

Now, suppose you rank that for “cosmetic dentist atlanta”.

And, suppose people actually take the phone number and call.

Now, let's suppose Dr. Schumacher's office has 3 other dentists in it, and they get a hundred or so phone calls a day...or more.

Suppose your video sent them 15 more.

How would they know it came through your video?

Sure, someone, once in a blue moon, might say...”I saw your video...”. But in reality most of the time, people are just going to call and ask when they can see the dentist because they have a tooth ache.

My point is ranking web pages or even ranking videos can certainly impact a business's bottom line, but they might not know that it is actually doing that.

Your internet marketing efforts for the dentist's office is not the only advertising they're changing. Also, as the economy ebbs and flows, their business is naturally going to go up and down.

So, you can't “prove” that what you're doing is working.

If you can't prove it, you can't easily justify being paid...

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Lead Generation

Okay, contrast the above with the new, lead generation model.

In this model, you still rank a website, or even just a video.

The website or video still has a phone number somewhere where it's easy to see.

People still find the website or video.

They still call the number....

Only this time...the number is special!

It's tracked through software so that you know that it was called. You can prove that on March 11th, at4:06 pm, someone called the number.

Over a period of a week or a month, you can count accurately how many calls you actually send to an office.


In the Lead Gen model, you charge for performance! You charge for sending that call to your client's office.

No calls? No charge!

Lots of calls? Lots of money charged!

Now, here's the kicker!

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Because you can prove that your efforts are actually sending calls to the office, three things are going to happen. One: Your services are going to be easier to sell!

Two: Your client will continue paying you longer...because they have absolute proof that it's working for them.

And, Three: Overall, you make more money!

Read that last statement again!

Know why you'll make more money?

Because you've reduced risk for the business owner.

They'll be willing to pay you more, because they'll know what they're getting. Instead of paying you less because they're effectively trying to hedge their bets because they're unsure about the effectiveness of what they're getting.


That's the deal!

That's how it works!

That's why it works!

Only question now is...are you ready to learn how to do this?

Great! Let's rock!

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Choose Your Niche

This part is not hard.

As a matter of fact, none of this stuff is hard. Especially if you follow our step-by-step instructions.

I'm going to make this short and sweet.

Choose one of the following niches to work in:

• Auto Shops• Plumbers• Real Estate Agents• Massage Therapists• Roofing Companies• Dentists• Accountants/CPA’s• Carpet Cleaning Companies• Electricians• Mortgage Companies• Chiropractors• Moving Companies• Pet Grooming Companies• Restaurants• Salon/Spa’s• Photographers• Landscaping/Lawn Care Companies• Fitness Centers• Veterinarians• Doctors

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Sure, there are others. What you're looking for is a business that either has repeat customers (hair salons), or a business with a high dollar value transaction (electricians), or both (dentists).

Now, we're talking about local business marketing, so next we're going to couple a business niche with a city name.

If you're at a loss for city names, here's our number one resource:

In general (not always), smaller cities have less competition online for local searches. So, you can rank a web page faster for a small city than you can for a bigger city.


You can probably rank a web page faster for “hair salons Flint Michigan”, than you can for “hair salons Los Angeles”.

But...once ranked, you're probably going to have less traffic for the smaller locale.

This is something you have to get a feel for.

I would suggest starting with a city under 250k in population, getting your feet wet, then as you get better at this move up in population.

In this report, however, since I live in Atlanta, Ga, I decided to go with an Atlanta niche. So, for the sake of our example, I've chose my niche to be dentists in Atlanta.

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Choose Sub-niche

So, you've got your niche, dentists in Atlanta, GA.

Let's look at some sub-niches

Sub-niches are just that, subsets of niches.

We have two goals with sub-niches

1. Narrow our focus so that we can find some juicy long-tail keywords that will be easy to rank for.

2. Also...focus our efforts on business areas where we'll make more money.

Commercial electrical contracting involves more money per deal than residential electrical contracting, in general.

Cosmetic dentistry is more expensive than just having a tooth filled.

So, instead of our keyword phrase being something like “dentists in Atlanta GA”, we're going to take a look at “cosmetic dentistry in Atlanta GA”, or “teeth whitening in Atlanta GA.”

More money for the dentist means each lead is worth more money...that translates into more money for you! :)

So, in this step, narrow your focus to a higher value sub-niche

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Choose Keywords

Now that you've chosen your sub-niche, you'll need to actually find the keywords you'll be targeting.

You'll need no more than 3. 2 or 3 is perfect!

We'll use Google's External Keyword Tool to help us out here.

I'm assuming you know how to use this to search for keywords. If not, here's a good YouTube video I found.

These were the top searches for cosmetic/teeth whitening dentistry in Atlanta GA. Notice the search results are Exact match. This is much more accurate than Broad match.

So, the top three searches are...

• cosmetic dentist atlanta• atlanta teeth whitening• teeth whitening atlanta• cosmetic dentist atlanta ga

You can go two ways with this.

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You can have one site with pages you try to rank for all three keyword phrases, or you can do one site per keyword phrase.

With “Show More Like This”, you can drill down and find related keyword phrases. (Note: next to the keyword, you'll see a down pointing arrow. Click that, then click “Show More Like This.”)

For my example site, I've chosen “cosmetic dentist atlanta ga” as my main keyword phrase to go after.

My next move is to snag a keyword rich domain name, and build a site.

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Buy a Keyword Rich Domain Name

I use GoDaddy and NameCheap. You use whoever you want.

Buying a domain name is a pretty cut and dried process.

Choosing the domain name is where the magic happens.

Ideally, you want to .com, but if you can't get that, go for a .org or a .net.

Also, ideally you would want a domain name that's exactly the same as your keyword phrase.

What if all the exact match domains are taken?

Look for an exact match that was .org or .net.

If not one of those, then start appending suffixes to your keyword phrase.

Something like...




It's better to find a suffix than put a prefix bestcosmeticdentistatlantaga .

So, go buy a domain!

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Install WordPress

You're going to need hosting, and you're going to have to install WordPress on your hosting.

I recommend HostGator. They're very easy to use.

As far as installing WordPress, you can easily hire someone on Fiverr to do this for you, if you don't know how. $5!

But, if you don't want to do that, here's a video that shows you how to install WordPress on a HostGator site.

Once you install WordPress, you'll need to change a few settings and add a few plugins

1. Change the permalinks so that they're not the default permalink.2. Change the Reading setting so the visitor lands on a page not the blog. 3. Add the following plugins...

1. Contact Form 72. Really Simple Captcha (goes along with Contact Form 7)3. Syon Easy Privacy Policy4. WordPress SEO by Yoast or All-In-One SEO5. There are others, but that will get you started...

4. The next thing you want to install is a theme. You got a killer theme with this report, so use that. Or have someone take that and make something similar to it.

Next, I'm going to show you a few of these steps in detail.

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Home Page and Content

There are a few “secrets” that make will turn your website into a lead generation machine! So, don't skip any of these steps.

The first thing we need is to create a WordPress Page for the home page complete with content.

The Home Page

This has been tested and tested. You can change it if you want, but you'd be crazy to.

WordPress has two types of pages....Pages and Posts.

You want your home page to be a Page.

So, on the Dashboard, create a new Page.

Let's use our example from above, “cosmetic dentist Atlanta GA”.

You need to do the following to have a completely optimized page.

1. Name the Page: You'll want to name it your main keyword phrase. So, in my example, I would name it... cosmetic dentist Atlanta GA.

2. Copy: Write some keyword optimized copy. (You can do this yourself, using ours as an example, below, or you can hire someone on Fiverr or elance to do it for you.)

3. Graphics: What works really well is a screen shot of the locale from Google Maps. Again, see the example shot below. When you upload your

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picture, for maximum SEO benefit, name the file the same thing as your main keyword, and make sure you put in an “alt” tag. You can do that manually with the HTML view by inserting alt=”main keyword phrase” in the image code. (Hint: look for “<img src=”.)

4. Tags: You'll want your title tags and your meta tags to all have the main keyword phrase at the left. If you use one of the plugins I recommended above, this is super easy. Just fill in the title and the description, starting both with your main keyword phrase.

Finally, publish your page.

Change Reading Setting

You'll want this page to be the page people land on when they come to your site from a Google Search, so you'll need to change the Reading settings. I've got a screen shot below that shows you what to do.

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Another good idea to make your home page look better to potential clients and also to function better for visitors is to add a screen shot of a Google Map.

Now, you don't have to add the iframe and a real Google map. So, go here: , and enter in the city that you're targeting.

Do a screen shot of the map. You can make it about 250 square. That size works well with our theme.

Here's what I'm talking about

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You can check out what the map looks like and the copy here:

If you want to try to rank your site for a second, closely related keyword phrase, then do all this stuff over again, except don't choose the new page for the home page. It will just remain a separate page.

We have to add some more content. But to make life easier, before we do that, let's add in a few plugins.

All of these plugins are free.

Adding them is easy, just click Plugins ==> Add New

Then using the search box, type in the name of the plugins.

I typed in Contact Form 7, the plugin I use for contact forms, and saw this.

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Click Install Now, and then follow the instructions. The plugin will be installed.

Make sure you click Activate Plugin!

I'm not going into how to use each of these plugins in this short report. You can google each one and go to their specific page and find out.

Here's a list of the plugins you need.

• All In One SEO Pack• Contact Form 7• Really Simple Captcha• Syon Easy Privacy Policy

So, add these and configure the pages for them.


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Here's the deal. Google doesn't like “thin” sites. Google likes sites with a little meat on the bone.

So, we need to add some more content to your site, in the form of blog posts.

Now, this content doesn't have to be keyword optimized like the page or two pages we created above.

It just has to be closely and logically related.

You need at least five posts on your site that are related to the main idea of the site. If you have a site about roofing, then you need at least five articles about roofing. If it's about orthodontics, then get five articles about orthodontics.

You can write this yourself, or you can hire someone else to do it for you.

What I do is go to an article directory like Ezine articles, copy a few articles and then buy a gig on Fiverr for someone to manually rewrite the article. This is much cheaper than having someone write totally new articles, and the results are normally pretty good. Good enough for what we're doing.

That's all you need for content.

On both the main content page, and your posts, you'll want to use All-In-One SEO to get your meta data right.

It's easy. Just copy the title from the page or post into the correct window. In the description, start with your main keyword phrase, then write something that would make someone want to click on it...because this has a very good chance of being the snippet people see on a search. Finally put

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that main keyword phrase in the keywords section.

You can use this site to see what your snippet would look like... .

Alternatively, you can use Yoast's WordPress SEO plugin, because it will show you what the snippet looks like from within the dashboard.

That's basically all you need to do for your meta data!

Other Pages

So that Google will love you, you're going to need a few other pages.

You need a Contact page, an About page, and a Privacy Policy page.

You can use the plugins mentioned above for the Contact and Privacy Policy pages. The About page you'll have to write, or have written by someone. Doesn't have to be fancy. Just tell what the site is about.

How to Use the Lead Gen Theme

If you haven't installed the theme already do so now.

Go to Appearance ==> Themes

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Then once you're on the Themes page, click Install Themes, then Upload.

Make sure you upload the theme in its original zip file. WordPress will unzip it for you. Also, make sure you Activate the theme, once it's installed.

After you've installed it, you'll need to configure it. Here's how...

Again, click on Appearance, but this time Choose Theme Options...

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Next, you'll see this...

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You'll need to fill in three of these fields.

1. the logo2. the phone number3. the banner

The phone number is the number that you're tracking, and we'll have more about that below.

The logo and the banner you will need to get from somewhere like Fiverr. (That's where we get ours.)

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You can see an example of a logo, here:

You'll potentially need a logo for each website.

You can get great these made very cheaply on Fiverr. Or, if you're proficient at Photoshop, you can make your own.

The dimensions of the logo need to be 417 x 48.

Make sure it's got a transparent background.

The banner's dimensions should be 910 x 319.

When you get the graphics back (or you can make them yourself, if you know how), just go to the them options page and you can upload them from there.

You are now done with the site, and we're ready to start getting this baby ranked for your search phrase.

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Off Page SEO—Backlinking

Normally, it's pretty easy to rank these sites for our keyword phrases.

Here's exactly how we do this.

Social Bookmarking

We social bookmark the pages. You can either social bookmark just the keyword optimized pages, or you can social bookmark the posts, too. Either way.

You can do this on Fiverr, or you can use a service like OnlyWire. (Hint: If you're using OnlyWire, save yourself about a half day and buy pre made accounts on Fiverr.)


You'll want to create a short video and upload that to YouTube.

You can buy the video from...guess where!...Fiverr!

Or you can get an Animoto account and create it yourself.

The video needs to be linked back to your website.

You do that by putting the full URL in the video description box.

So, if your domain is, your full URL would be either http://, or http://www., according to what web host

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you use.

You can find out by navigating to the home page of your site on your browser, then just copying the URL from the address window.

When you paste it, you'll see the full URL.

Once your video is up, you'll want to buy some views for it.

Again...Fiverr...make sure you buy no more than 300 views! In this case more is not necessarily better.

Also, social bookmark it. In addition, you can buy a few comments...but not too many! Only a few will do. And, a couple of Fiverr link wheel gigs.


You're going to need to backlink the keyword optimized pages on your site.

The best way to do this is to buy a couple of gig's on Fiverr. (Bet you knew that was coming!)

The type of gig you want is an open link wheel. We use the term link wheel very loosely here. Let me explain what I mean by link wheel.

Back linking to a new website is getting trickier and trickier with the amount of changes Google is making.

What we are talking about here is using “buffer” or “satellite” sites to protect your money site. These can be anything from Blogger, Squidoo, Hubpages, etc. There are an endless amount of sites that you can use.

What you want to do is get 15-20 of these created for each keyword you

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are going after. 1 fiverr gig will take care of this.

Then once these sites are linking back to your money pages you can go ahead and back link the hell out of those sites. These sites get TONS of links daily. You throwing 1000 back links to them won't hurt them at all.

Since they already have trust in Google's eyes because of their high PR TLD you can increase the PR of these newly created sites much faster than you can your own site.

SO instead of throwing a ton of links at your website that might get it penalized or that Google might punish you for, instead throw these links at the “buffer” sites.

Here is a great example:

Just go to Fiverr and type in SEO, or Link Wheels, into the search box. Sort by Rating, and then choose an open link wheel gig. If you have any questions about the gig, just ask the service provider. Most of these people are experts! And, they're very happy to answer any questions you might have.

So, buy a gig. Then wait a few days to see where you're ranking.

You can easily check your rankings using the Rank Checker addon for Firefox.

You can get that here:

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After a few days, if you're site is not on page 1 of Google for the keyword search you're targeting, then buy another gig.

Normally, two gigs is all you'll need.

Up above, when I talked about the header, I said that you needed to read the section about call tracking before you actually order the header. So, we're going to get into that, next!

After you set up your phone number, you'll be ready to order the header, and finish the site. At this point, you're locked and loaded. You've got the site up. You've got a phone number that you can forward and track. And, you're either on page 1 or headed there.

So, next, we're going to talk about a couple of inexpensive ways to track calls.

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Call Tracking...

In this section, I'm going to talk to you about two inexpensive services you can use to track calls. But...and I'm saying this with all the love in my heart...the oto you saw...the software we were offering...that's a much, much better solution! I'll explain why later. But for now, if you just want to get your feet wet and see if you like this, then use one of these two solutions.

Later, after you see how incredibly powerful this all'll want the tools that the big boys and girls use. And, that's our software, which you can still purchase, here!

Kall8 and Hosted Numbers

Kall8 provides inexpensive 1-800 numbers. If you want to test this out and see if it works for you, the Kall8 might be a good possibility.

A better choice, however, might be Hosted Numbers.

Hosted Numbers is slightly more expensive than Kall8, but the difference is you can get local numbers. And, with lead generation, a local number will work better than a 1-800 number.

Neither one of these is expensive. And, if you're not sure the lead gen model is going to work for you, you might want to get your feet wet with one of these solutions.

As I said above, if you want to start making a killing with lead gen, then you need our plugin.

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So, however you do this, get a phone number for your site, and use that phone number in your header!

Now, you've got everything you need!

You've got the site. You know how to rank it. And, you've got the phone number.

We've got the car built!

Now, all you need to do is learn how to drive it!

Only If Your Serious About This!

You can do this with Kall8 and Hosted Numbers. But, I'm going to be totally straight up with you.

Why would you do that?

The real deal with this business model is not to have one site that generates $300 per month or so, but to have 100 sites all generating $30k per month!

Honestly, it's hard to scale with Kall8 and Hosted Numbers.

By scaling I mean taking something that works once (your first site, for instance) and rapidly cloning that success to create a vast!

Kall8 and Hosted Numbers are fine to get your feet wet, but if you're serious I really want you to consider our plugin...Analytic Call Tracking. Just click the name to find out more.

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Selling Leads

Doesn't matter what business you're in. Real estate, contracting, dentistry, lasik surgery. Doesn't matter!

If you don't have people interested in what you're selling contacting you, you don't really have a business!

We call those people “leads”.

And, businesses will pay dearly for them!

Think about it like this.

Businesses spend thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars for one get the phone to ring.

What if you could get the phone to ring for them?

That's what lead generation is all about.

So, you build the've got the's've got the phone number up there in the header...

It's only a matter of time.

Someone's going to find the website and call the number.

And, you're going to sell that event to businesses. You're going to charge them for the number of calls you send them monthly.

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So, now the only question is how do you get businesses on board with your plan? How do you sell a business on letting you provide them leads and paying you handsomely for it?

Here's how.

The First Call

The first thing you want to do after you get your site up is to forward the phone number to your own phone, or at least to some sort of voice mail where you can have a message that sounds like it's from the type of business the caller is calling.

Forwarding to your phone is best.

So, let's say someone calls.

You answer...

(We'll pretend it's the teeth whitening dentist, again!)

You: Hello! This is the answering service!

Them: High, I saw your website and wanted to get some more information about your prices.

You: This is the answering service. They've stepped away from the phones for a moment. If you'll leave me your name and number, they'll call you back very shortly.

At this point, you get the name and number of the person who called.

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Your next job is to contact local businesses.

I'm going to give you three ways to do this.

One with email.

One with direct mail.

And...then I'm going to tell you how the pros do it! For real! There are lead gen experts making hundreds of thousands of dollars per year doing just this. Their method is simple, repeatable, and even a newbie can do it. It's fast. And has massive results.

Your choice.

You do what you want.


Email is still an effective means to sell your services. As with cold calling it is more of a numbers game.

With that being said there is on thing that you need to have in place.


Good thing that this is completely automated for very cheap:

Point of Mail

For $9.99 you can track up to 300 emails per month.

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I know some people are going to try to skip this step but I encourage you not to. $9.99 for 1 month is literally chump change compared to what you can make by selling lead generation. So don't skip using these services.

Here are the 2 different emails that I use.

Email #1:

Subj: Wrong number

I just wanted to drop you a line and tell you that when I call your number I can't get through?

Here is the deal.

I have a web page that is ranked #1 for “ Niche/Location” and I keep getting people calling the number. What I am looking to do is forward that number to a local “Niche” in “Location”.

Go ahead and do a search for “niche/location” and my site is As you can see it is already ranking for a keyword that people are searching for. Instead of finding your company they are finding that page.

All I need to do is forward that number to your office phone number and all those leads will be calling your business. We will also update that page to have your company's info on it.

If you are interested then give me a call. As you can see all the hard work is done and the phone is already ringing!

We already have x amount of leads that have called that number and left us a voice mail. These are leads that are actively looking for your company but

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can't find you.

We can only offer this to 1 “niche” in “location” so the 1st person who gets back to me will get the phone calls.

Thanks,Your name

/end email #1

That is the 1st email. Short, sweet and to the point.

The subject line is there to get the person on the other end of the email to actually open it.

The opening line is there just to make sure that they read the 2nd line. I know it is a little tricky but there is a reason for it. Companies get emails all the time selling them stuff. They are very good at reading the 1st line of an email and then hitting delete.

What the 1st line does is get them to read the 2nd line of the email. So instead of them hitting delete right away they will have some time invested in the email. Since it is a short email there is a very good chance of them reading the whole thing.

That is the main objective of an email. I don't care what the content of the email is. If they don't get past the 1st line then everything else that you have written below is basically non-existant!

Email #2:

Subj: Quick question (Don't capitalize both words. This isn't a header)

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I was doing a search for “niche” “Location” but the number I found went to an answering machine?

These are the emails that my site is getting. If you do a quick search for “niche location” like I stated above you will see that my site is already ranked #1. So instead of them finding your site they are ending up on my site and calling the number I have listed.

I am looking for 1 “niche” in “location” to forward that number to. All we would do is turn that page that they are finding from a general article to a specific article about your company. That way the call through rate will be higher.

We already have x amount of leads that have called that number and left us a voice mail. These are leads that are actively looking for your company but can't find you.

We can only offer this to 1 “niche” in “location” so the 1st person who gets back to me will get the phone calls.

Thanks,Your name

/end email #2

This email is formatted in the same exact format.

The subject line is there to do one simple thing: get them to open the email. The person who is answering the emails is very busy. The last thing they really want to do is open and read a long email. The subject line “Quick question” appeals to them because they know they can take care of it quickly.

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Don't capitalize all the words in the subject line. This isn't a WSO subject line. You want to come across as a real potential client.

The 1st line does the same thing as the 1st email. It doesn't jump out as a sales type email. Well it kinda does with the 1st half. The 2nd half of the opening line gets their curiosity up.

It doesn't say: “Do you want to be #1 in Google?”

That will get the delete or spam button hit all the time. What it does is invoke curiosity for them to read the rest of the email.They most likely know that they don't pop up on Google for the search term that you typed so they spend the 60 seconds that it takes to read the rest of the email.

This is a numbers game. Don't expect every email to end up in a sale.

Sending these emails with Point of Mail is very simple to do. All you need to do is take the email address that you are sending to and add to the end of the email. Don't worry, this will not show up when it gets delivered.

[email protected]

turns into

[email protected]

Now this email will be tracked and you can know exactly when it has been opened and how many times it has been opened.

What you do from here is up to you.

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The reason for tracking these emails is simple. If someone has opened the email more than once and has spent a few minutes with it open that means that they are very interested. They just need a little push to get them to say yes.

All that takes is a quick phone call. This is no longer a cold call!

You have someone who knows who you are and has spent some time reading your email several times.

All you need to do is call them and ask them if they have any questions that you can answer. Don't go in like a sales person. Just ask them if they have any questions about the email or what you have offered them and take it from there.

There is no script here for what will be said. All I can do is give you the opening and from there the conversation can go several different ways.

Direct Mail

This is the single most effective way to scale a business and get new clients. It is also the one that people are most scared of. (Might be a tie with cold calling)

I am going to go over this whole method using USPS but if you want to go all out I suggest FedEx. No matter how hard I suggest this almost everyone we have coached has started with USPS for some reason. So I will just go with it for this example.

Direct mail isn't hard. It is if you are trying to sell weight loss products or some other sort of mass market goods. With this method the selling is already done all you need to do is get eyeballs on your offer.

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USPS Priority Mail:

I suggest you use the boxes.

All you need to do is set up an account on the website. Then order some boxes. They are 100% Free!

I already can see your eyes rolling right now. This isn't my 1st time suggesting this for people to use. So just bear with me and it will all get sorted out!

I will go over what you are going to mail here in a second. I just want to walk you through this step by step so you will see how cheap this really is.

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Now lets choose the Priority Mail Small Flat Rate Box:

As you can see from above it will cost me exactly $5.35 to ship this box from Chicago to San Franciscoand get it there in 2 days!

That means you can mail to 4 different businesses in 1 location for a grand total of $22! Since you should be charging more than $20 per phone call they get that means getting someone signed up and getting them 1 phone call will pay for the total cost of acquiring this client!

If you aren't willing to spend $22 to get a client then I can tell you right now that offline marketing or even online marketing for that matter is going to be an uphill battle!

Get out of the mindset “If it is not free to do I will not try it!”. If you have that mindset I can tell you right now that marketing on the internet is going to be a very up hill battle. I don't mean to sound harsh but it is about time someone said it!!!!!!!!!!!

Last thing you need are some clear report covers. I use more expensive ones but if you are on a budget here is a great deal:

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Feel free to order better looking ones but I know from teaching people this that they will more than likely buy something like this and they still work awesome!

Plus the size is great. With the small boxes these are the perfect size. Since they are 8 1/2 x 11 you will be able to fit them snugly inside the box. All you have to do is fold them over. That prevents them from sliding around!

Now that we have covered how to send them all we need to do is go over what to send them.

This is also a very straight forward approach.

What I send is a 3 page report that is very simple to put together. The cover letter is the most important part of this whole thing.

1st thing that you need to do is take a screen shot of the headers on the websites of the companies that you are targeting.

I use Ashampoo Snap 5. It is free for 30 days and then just a 1 time fee of $19.95.

Lets pick a niche and a location: San Antonio Dentists

That is the company that shows up 1st when I search for San Antonio Dentists. Checked the 1st page of Google and they aren't there. That is what I like to see.

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Lets just do a quick screen grab:

Only 1 more screen grab and we can put together our mailer.

The image below is of the Google search results when I do a search for Dentist San Antonio TX. As you can see they are nowhere to be found on the 1st page.

We are going to highlight this and make it very clear as to why we are contacting them and what we can do for them. For this example I am going to act like my website is already ranking #1 and getting phone calls.

When you put together this letter you will want to already have your web page ranking so that you can circle the actual result.

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Now all we have to do is plug this cover page into a direct mail letter that is guaranteed to get them to pick up the phone and call you. I have enclosed the exact letter I send in this package. Check it out.

Now you just wait for the phone to ring. And it will ring!

How the Pros Do It!

Okay, the two methods above work fine. You can do them and get results.

They're slower than this third method.

The only problem with the third method is you actually have to pick up the phone and call businesses.

The next thing I'm going to say is going to come out harsh.

If you can't pick up the phone and call 10 businesses the way I'm going to tell you how, you probably should just quit!

Go build AdSense sites and maybe in 3 years you'll have a $20K a year income. Not much money, but at least you won't have to come out of your comfort zone and talk to real people like a real business person.

Or...(more harshness!)...Grow up! Do what I outline here! And start crushing it financially!

It's your choice!

Now, let's learn how the big boys and girls do this.

Here are the steps...

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1. Get the info from the first phone call, as outlined above.

2. Get on and find 10 businesses in the same area that sell the same thing.

3. Write down their phone numbers.

4. Dial the first number.

5. Say the following...

“May I speak with the office manager?'

“It's about an acquaintance of mine that I sent to you guys...nothing bad...we just had a question.”

Now, you're talking to the office manager.

“Hi, my name is XXXX. I'm in the lead generation business. I've got a website that's already getting calls from people looking for your service/product.

You can look at it, if you want.

Just Google {the keyword phrase}.

See it?


Someone called that number this morning. I've got her name and phone number. This is a real lead for your business.

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I normally charge $xx for these leads.

I would like to give you this person's name and number to call.

She sounded serious.

{They take the name and number.}

I can send you lots of these each and every month.

Just so you know, I'm also contacting about 9 of your competitors, offering them this same deal. No pressure. Just wanted to be fair to you.

Is that something you would be interested in?

Just so you know, you only pay for the number of leads I send you. And, you only pay after the leads have been sent.

There's no ongoing contract.

If these leads don't work for you, you can cancel at any time.

There's basically absolutely no risk for you and your business.

{Now you explain how you bill, etc.}

That's it!

You're done!

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You've sold your first deal!

10 phone calls...several hundred dollars per month profit.

Rinse and repeat!

Pros make $25k per month doing this.

You can too!

Contact the businesses the way you want, but I suggest you do it like the pros do!

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One more thing, before I let you go.

How much to charge!

This is even easier than the rest of this stuff.

Here's how you figure out how much to charge.

Go to

Type in “business-type leads”. So for dentist leads, you would type in “dentist leads”.

Google will return several companies who sell leads.

You can price your leads that way.


So, that's actually how the pros price Lead Gen. Next, we're going to talk about how the top Lead Gen experts bill.

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How Top Lead Gen Pros Bill

Here's what you don't want to happen.

You don't want to send a company a bunch of leads, then bill them, thennot get paid for it.

Also, you don't want to have to chase someone down, you know email them a million times, to get your money.

Here's how to avoid this whole problem.

Lead Gen pros work off of a retainer like a lawyer. They approximate how many calls per month they would send a business, then multiply that by how much they're charging per call. That would be the approximate amount per month they would bill that business.

Next, they multiply that by 1.5 to figure out a month and a half's billing.

They collect that money up front as a retainer.

The first month's payment is taken out of the retainer, then month after month, they bill the client for that month's leads. This means you always have about a half month's retainer still in your possession.


To illustrate that, here's an example.

1. Once you get your Lead Gen site built and it's ranked, you'll be getting a few calls. Let that run for a week or two. Once you do that, you'll have a pretty good idea of how many calls you get per week through

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that site. Let's say that you get 8 calls per week. That's 8 x 4 = 32 leads per month.

2. Let's also say that one of these leads sells for $30. 3. So, on average, you would be billing a business 32 * $30 = $960 per

month. 4. Now, take $960 and multiply it by 1.5. That would represent a month

and a half's worth of leads, right? In our example, that's $1,440. 5. That's your retainer...$1,440.

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“Analytic Call Tracking”

I hope you've found value in this report.

Just being honest, here.

I'm saying this with all the love in my heart...just reading this report isn't going to do a thing for your bank account!

You have to take action.

Again, you can use Kall8 and Hosted Numbers to get your feet wet, but if you're serious you need Analytic Call Tracking.

Just sayin'!

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I hope you've enjoyed this.

More than that, I hope you'll put it into action!

If you have any questions, comments, just open a ticket at .

If, for some crazy reason you need to, here's my office number 404-923-0650.

Have a great day!


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