Download - LDS Doctrine and Covenants Slideshow 21: D&C 89

  • 7/28/2019 LDS Doctrine and Covenants Slideshow 21: D&C 89



    Hurricane Utah Adult Religion Class

    Section 89The Word of Wisdom

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    Origins of the Word of Wisdom

    The School of the Prophets atKirtland, beginning January 1833.

    88:7480, 122,127141.

    Above Newell K.Whitney store.


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    I think I am as well acquainted with the circumstanceswhich led to the giving of the Word of Wisdom as anyman in the Church, although I was not present at thetime to witness them. The first school of the prophetswas held in a small room situated over the Prophet

    Josephs kitchen, in a house which belonged to BishopWhitney. The brethren came to that place for hundreds of miles toattend school in a little room probably no larger than eleven byfourteen. When they assembled together in this room after breakfast,the first they did was to light their pipes, and, while smoking, talkabout the great things of the kingdom, and spit all over the room,and as soon as the pipe was out of their mouths a large chew oftobacco would then be taken.

    Origins of the Word of Wisdom


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    Oftenwhen the Prophet entered the room to give theschool instructions he would find himself in a cloud oftobacco smoke. This, and the complaints of his wife athaving to clean so filthy a floor, made the Prophet thinkupon the matter, and he inquired of the Lord relating to

    the conduct of the Elders in using tobacco, and therevelation known as the Word of Wisdom was the result of hisinquiry. Brigham Young, February 1868

    Origins of the Word of Wisdom


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    Health science in 1833

    Single disease state: Imbalance in thevital nervous energy.

    Excess energy from over-stimulation. Fevers, inflammations, dyspepsia.

    Deplete excess energy through diet, blood-

    letting, purging.


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    Health science in 1833

    Stimulating foods led to disease. Should be avoided by delicate individuals,

    children, pregnant women, etc.

    Spirits, wine, beer, coffee, tea, meat, mustard,pepper, spices.

    Temperance movement in America(17841933). Benjamin Rush (17461813).

    Sylvester Graham (17941851).6

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    Health science in 1833

    Tobacco: Bad habit, but not asstimulating as other coffee, tea,alcohol.

    Alcohol: Hazardous to the weak.Temperance (abstinence) encouraged.

    Very hot/very cold drinks: Harmful,even fatal.

    Red meat: More stimulating thanchicken, fish, vegetables.


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    Outline of D&C 89

    89:13. Prologue.

    89:49. Proscriptions.

    89:1017. Prescriptions. 89:1821. Promises.


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    Prologue (89:13)

    Not part of the original revelation;canonized 1876.

    89:1.AWord of Wisdom. D&C 46:17.


    89:2. Notby commandment orconstraint. Moderation vs. abstinence.


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    Prologue (89:13)

    When did the Word of Wisdombecome a commandment?

    First attempt: 7 September 1851.


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    On Sunday, after meeting, going through the [Tabernacle]gallery which had been occupied by those claiming, nodoubt, to be gentlemen, and perhaps, brethren, you mighthave supposed that cattle had been standing around thereand dropping their nuisances. Here and there were greatquids of tobacco, and places a foot or two feet squaresmeared with tobacco juice. I wish the door-keepers, when,in the future, they observe any persons besmearing the seats and floorin this way to request them to leave the house; and, if they refuse and

    will not stop spitting about and besmearing their neighbors, just takethem and lead them out carefully and kindly. It is an imposition for

    those claiming to be gentlemen to spit tobacco juice for ladies to drawtheir clothes through and besmear them, or to leave their dirt in thehouse. We request all addicted to this practice, to omit it while in thishouse. Elders of Israel, if you must chew tobacco, omit it while inmeeting, and when you leave, you can take a double portion, if you wishto. Brigham Young, April 1870

    Tobacco in the Tabernacle


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    Prologue (89:13)

    When did the Word of Wisdombecome a commandment?

    First attempt: 7 September 1851. Requirement: President Joseph F. Smith


    Requirement for temple recommend :

    President Heber J. Grant (1920s).

    89:3. A principle with a promise.


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    Proscriptions (89:49)

    89:4. Evils and designsin thehearts of conspiring men in the last

    days. Universal lawvs. circumstantial law.

    89:57.Alcoholic beverages.

    Strong drinks vs.mild drinks (89:17). Fermented sacrament wine.

    Alcohol as disinfectant.


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    Proscriptions (89:49)

    89:8. Tobacco and cancer: 1830s: Smoking/chewing tobacco discouraged.

    1880: Cigarette rolling machine invented.

    1912: Connection proposed between smoking andlung cancer.

    1929: First statistical evidence of links betweensmoking and cancer.

    1950: Study in theBritish Medical Journal. 1964: U.S. Surgeon GeneralsReport on Smoking

    and Health.

    Tobacco as a herbal remedy.14

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    Proscriptions (89:49)

    89:9. Hot drinks. Hyrum Smith, June 1842:

    What about caffeine?


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    Prescriptions (89:1017)

    89:10.What are wholesome herbs?


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    Prescriptions (89:1017)

    89:1213. Meat. Animals are ordained for the use of man for

    food and for raiment (49:1819; 59:1617).

    What did sparingly mean in 1833?

    Meat should not be used, only in times ofwinter vs.should not be used only in times

    of winter?


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    Brethren and sisters, dont have hobbies. Hobbiesare dangerous in the Church of Christ. They aredangerous because they give undue prominence tocertain principles or ideas to the detriment anddwarfing of others just as important, just as binding,just as saving as the favored doctrines orcommandments..We have noticed this difficulty: that Saints with hobbies areprone to judge and condemn their brethren and sisters who are

    not so zealous in the one particular direction of their pet theoryas they are. The man with the Word of Wisdom only in hisbrain, is apt to find unmeasured fault with every other memberof the Church who entertains liberal ideas as to the importanceof other doctrines of the gospel.

    President Joseph F. Smith, March 1902

    Gospel hobbies


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    Some unstable people become cranks withreference to this law of health. It should beunderstood that the Word of Wisdom is not thegospel, and the gospel is not the Word of Wisdom.

    There is no prohibition in Section 89, for instance,as to the eating of white bread, using white flour,white sugar, cocoa, chocolate, eggs, milk, meat, or anythingelse, except items classified under the headings, tea, coffee,

    tobacco, and liquor. Bruce R. McConkie,Mormon Doctrine

    Gospel hobbies


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    Promises (89:1821)

    89:18. Walking in obedience to thecommandments.


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    If you would escape from the devastations whenGodsjudgments descend upon the wicked, as in thedays of the children of Israel, you must rememberand do what the Lord commands: all saints who

    remember to keep and do these sayings, meaningkeep his great law of health, known as theWord of Wisdom to you Latter-day Saints, and in additionthereto walkin obedience to the commandments, which

    would include honesty, moral purity, together with all the lawsof the celestial kingdom, then the destroying angel shall passby them, as the children of Israel, and not slay them.

    Elder Harold B. Lee, October 1968

    Walking in obedience


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    Promises (89:1821)

    89:18. Health in their navel andmarrow to their bones. Proverbs 3:78.

    Navel: Outer / bones: inner.

    89:19. And shall find wisdom.

    89:20. Run and not be wearywalkand not faint.


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    Promises (89:1821)

    89:21. The destroying angel shallpass by them, as the children of

    Israel. When I see the blood, I willpass overyou,

    and the plague shall not be upon you todestroy you (Exodus 12:13).

    The Word of Wisdom:Law of health? Or covenant symbol?


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    Hurricane Utah Adult Religion Class

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