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Page 2: LCDM vs. SUGRA. Betti Numbers : Dark Energy models.

Betti Numbers : Dark Energy models

Page 3: LCDM vs. SUGRA. Betti Numbers : Dark Energy models.

On the On the Alpha and Betti of the CosmosAlpha and Betti of the Cosmos

Topology and Homology of the Topology and Homology of the Cosmic Web Cosmic Web

Pratyush PranavPratyush Pranav

Warsaw 12Warsaw 12thth-17-17thth July July

Page 4: LCDM vs. SUGRA. Betti Numbers : Dark Energy models.

Rien van de Weygaert, Gert Vegter, Herbert Edelsbrunner,Rien van de Weygaert, Gert Vegter, Herbert Edelsbrunner,Changbom Park, Bernard Jones, Pravabati Chingangbam, Michael Kerber, Changbom Park, Bernard Jones, Pravabati Chingangbam, Michael Kerber,

Wojciech Hellwing , Marius Cautun, Patrick Bos, Johan Hidding, Wojciech Hellwing , Marius Cautun, Patrick Bos, Johan Hidding, Mathijs Wintraecken ,Job Feldbrugge, Bob Eldering, Nico Kruithof, Mathijs Wintraecken ,Job Feldbrugge, Bob Eldering, Nico Kruithof,

Matti van Engelen, Eline Tenhave , Manuel Caroli, Monique Teillaud Matti van Engelen, Eline Tenhave , Manuel Caroli, Monique Teillaud

Page 5: LCDM vs. SUGRA. Betti Numbers : Dark Energy models.

LSS/Cosmic web

Topology/Homology(Euler chr., genus, Betti Numbers)


Models and Result


Page 6: LCDM vs. SUGRA. Betti Numbers : Dark Energy models.

The Cosmic WebThe Cosmic WebStochastic


Pattern of


Filaments &




in which

matter & galaxies

have agglomerated

through gravity

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Why Cosmic Web?Why Cosmic Web? Physical Significance:Physical Significance: Manifests mildly nonlinear clustering: Manifests mildly nonlinear clustering:

Transition stage between linear phase Transition stage between linear phase

and fully collapsed/virialized objectsand fully collapsed/virialized objects

Weblike configurations contain Weblike configurations contain

cosmological information: cosmological information: e.g. Void shapes & alignments (recent study J. Lee 2007)e.g. Void shapes & alignments (recent study J. Lee 2007)

Cosmic environment within which to understandCosmic environment within which to understand

the formation of galaxies.the formation of galaxies.

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LSS/Cosmic web

Topology/Homology(Euler chr., genus, Betti Numbers)


Models and Result


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For a surface with c components, the genus G specifies handles on surface, and is related to the Euler characteristic () via:


Genus, Euler & BettiGenus, Euler & Betti

1( )

2G c M

1 2

1 1( )

2M dS


0 1 2( ) 2M


2M M

Euler characteristic 3-D manifold & 2-D boundary manifold :

Page 10: LCDM vs. SUGRA. Betti Numbers : Dark Energy models.

Genus, Euler & Genus, Euler & Betti Betti

Euler – Poincare formula

Relationship between Betti Numbers & Euler Characteristic :





Page 11: LCDM vs. SUGRA. Betti Numbers : Dark Energy models.

Cosmic Structure HomologyCosmic Structure Homology

Complete quantitative characterization of homology in terms of

Betti Numbers

Betti number k: - rank of homology groups Hp of manifold - number of k-dimensional holes of an object or shape

• 3-D object, e.g. density superlevel set:

0: - independent components 1: - independent tunnels 2: - independent enclosed voids

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LSS/Cosmic web

Topology/Homology(Euler chr., genus, Betti Numbers)


Models and Result


Page 13: LCDM vs. SUGRA. Betti Numbers : Dark Energy models.

The Cosmic WebThe Cosmic WebWeb Discretely Sampled:

By far, most information

on the Cosmic Web concerns

discrete samples:

• observational:

Galaxy Distribution

• theoretical:

N-body simulation particles

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Distance Function Density Function


Betti Numbers/Persistence

Alphashapes Lower-star Filtration

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Exploiting the topological information contained in the Delaunay Tessellation of the galaxy distribution

Introduced by Edelsbrunner & collab. (1983, 1994) Description of intuitive notion of the shape of a discrete point set subset of the underlying triangulation

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Delaunay simpliceswithin spheres radius

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• Delaunay Tessellation Field Estimator

• Piecewise Linear representation density & other discretely sampled fields

• Exploits sample density & shape sensitivity of Voronoi & Delaunay Tessellations

• Density Estimates from contiguous Voronoi cells

• Spatial piecewise linear interpolation by means of Delaunay Tessellation

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Page 19: LCDM vs. SUGRA. Betti Numbers : Dark Energy models.

Persistence : search for topological reality

Concept introduced by Edelsbrunner:Reality of features (eg. voids) determined on the basis of -interval between “birth” and “death” of features

Pic courtsey H. Edelsbrunner

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Page 21: LCDM vs. SUGRA. Betti Numbers : Dark Energy models.

Persistence in the Cosmic Context

• Natural description for hierarchical structure formation

• Can probe structures at all cosmic-scale• Filtering mechanism – can be used to

concentrate on structures persistent in a in a specific range of scales

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LSS/Cosmic web

Topology/Homology(Euler chr., genus, Betti Numbers)


Models and Result


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Voronoi Kinematic Model: Voronoi Kinematic Model:

evolving mass distribution in Voronoi skeleton

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Voids: Voronoi Evolutionary models

Distance function Density function

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Betti Space & Alpha Track

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Fig : Persistence Diagram of Void Growth

Points shift away from diagonal as voids grow

General reduction in compactness of points on persistence diagram

Void evolution Voronoi

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Soneira-Peebles Model

•Mimics the self-similarity of observed angular distribution of galaxies on sky • Adjustable parameters• 2-point correlation can be evaluated analytically

Correlation function :

Fractal Dimension :




0 r



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Betti Numbers :Soneira-Peebles models

Distance function Density function

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Homology AnalysisHomology Analysis


evolving LCDM cosmologyevolving LCDM cosmology

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Betti2:evolving void populations

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LCDM void persistence

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Page 33: LCDM vs. SUGRA. Betti Numbers : Dark Energy models.

Betti Numbers : Dark Energy models

Page 34: LCDM vs. SUGRA. Betti Numbers : Dark Energy models.

Persistent LCDM Cosmic Web



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LSS/Cosmic web

Topology/Homology(Euler chr., genus, Betti Numbers)


Models and Result


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Betti Numbers• Signals from all scales in a multi-scale distribution

– suitable for hierarchical LSS.• Signals from different morphological components

of the LSS – discriminator for filamentary/wall-like topology.

Persistence• Persistence as a probe for analyzing the

systematics of matter distribution as a function of single parameter “life interval” (hierarchy)

• Persistence robust against small scale noise• Data doesn’t need to be smoothed.

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Gaussian Random Fields:Betti Numbers

Distinct sensitivity of Betti curves on power spectrum P(k):

unlike genus (only amplitude P(k) sensitive)