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Law of Attraction Advanced Certification Course

Book 1

Steve G. Jones

Dr. Joe Vitale

[email protected]



Table of Contents

What Do You Want to Attract?...................................................................3

Abundance & Happiness in Life..................................................................5

Attracting Health & Wealth.......................................................................11

Manifesting Great Relationships ...............................................................20


In the Law of Attraction Basic Certification Course, we explored the various method of

purging negativity from your emotions and thoughts. At specific junctions, we introduced

steps and methods that will help you transmit the correct frequencies to the Universe so

that attraction/manifesting will take place more quickly.

Now that we are finished with the preliminary steps in tapping into the abundance of the

Universe and the limitless possibilities of the law of attraction, it is now time to zero in

on the active process of manifesting/attracting. The first step in this phase of the process

is the identification of your desires.

As we have discussed in the basic certification course, the Universe needs to know what

your heart truly desires. However, we must remember that the Universe hears the

contents of your mind and it freely gives what you keep thinking about – whether you are

intentionally thinking of something or not.

So if you are constantly worrying about death and disease, the Universe hears that you

want those things – because all you think about is death and disease. Many theorists of

the law of attraction believe that sooner or later, if you do it frequently enough, you can

manifest the worst things in life the same way that you can manifest the abundance that

the Universe has to offer.


So at this point in time, we would like to remind you that if you are still harboring

negative thoughts and emotions, you need to free yourself from these negativities using

any of the methods that we have already outlined in the basic certification course.

This intensive approach will ensure that you will be completely ready to manifest

anything that you desire with little or no difficulty. To prepare yourself mentally and

emotionally, we invite you to take a step back so that you will know exactly what you

want. People usually have very specific desires in life. The following lessons will help

define common desires, such as abundance and personal happiness.


Abundance is a general concept that encompassing a lot of things, not just wealth. For

many people, abundance equates to wealth. To some, abundance is experienced when the

whole family is healthy and everyone is happily engaged in their daily activities. We

don’t want you to adapt the viewpoint of others regarding abundance. If you want a base

point, abundance is simply the feeling of having so much that you feel that your life is

overflowing with the things that matter to you the most.

We want you to think hard of what this concept really means to you – because your

definition of abundance will help you manifest the conditions and parameters that will

allow you to become abundant.

If you attract your version of abundance, happiness will be overflowing and your

satisfaction and newfound confidence in life will increase. If you are having a tough time

envisioning your version of abundance, the following guide questions will help you

determine the type of abundance that you really want to attract:

1. What specific situations in life give you the most satisfaction?

2. Do you feel abundant now? If not, what are the three most important things that

you would like to be added to your life right now?


3. What is your biggest dream as of late that you feel must come true in order for

you to be truly abundant?

4. What events in your life made your world brighter and happier?

After actively visualizing your concept of abundance, keep that thought in mind and let

positive emotions come out. Let these thoughts and emotions take charge of you from

now on – because you are now an abundance magnet.

From this point on, all your actions, emotions and thoughts will be centered on attracting

the abundance that your heart and mind desires. From now on, there will be no more

negativity but instead, there will only be a positive flow of abundance in whatever form

you desire.

As you burn the image of abundance at the very core of your waking consciousness, you

will feel renewed and powerful – you will also be at peace with yourself and those around


Let yourself transmit the vibrant frequency that will tell the Universe that you want your

desired abundance, in its highest form. The following exercise will help you visualize

both peace and the power of attraction. This exercise only requires a quiet room and a

few minutes of active visualization.


Imagine that you are now a being of pure energy. You are pure, powerful and unfettered

by the burdens of the world. You are now free from your daily troubles and negativity can

no longer touch your mind and heart. As an energy being, you are absorbing all of the

positive energies around you. You are growing like never before and as you grow, you

move up and you feel the vibrancy and abundance of the Universe. You are now a tower

of energy, spinning as you absorb the abundance that you desire. As you absorb

everything that makes you abundant you are able to give back some of the abundance to

the world. You become the source of abundance to those around you and yet you never

lack and you feel that you have everything you need at this moment. As you give back

some of the abundance the cycle begins anew and you become powerful and even more

abundant as time passes. You are abundance defined.

Take a few minutes to relish the visualization and the emotions that this exercise has

invoked and hold on to those emotions. Emerge from the visualization fully refreshed and

ready to receive from the Universe everything that makes you feel abundant.


Now let us move on to happiness – the elusive state that can confound even the wealthiest

and most powerful people on this planet. A significant percentage of the population

equates happiness with material wealth. While it is true that wealth can make you happy

to certain degree it doesn’t mean that wealth is the sole source of happiness.

Some people are happiest when they have numerous luxury vehicles and a large villa

with two swimming pools. Some people on the other hand, feel that they are happy

simply because they have someone to hold on to during tough time, etc. The definition of

happiness varies from person to person.

Do you remember one of our early lessons on the law of attraction? Likes attracts like. If

you begin to feel happier now, you will continue to attract happiness into your life like

never before. This will happen because the law of attraction is working twenty-four hours

a day, seven days a week. Even in your sleep, the Universe is listening to your emotions

and thoughts. And the Universe is constantly re-arranging factors that deal directly and

indirectly with you so that these desires will materialize in physical reality.

Happiness is like an ever-growing ladder – with each rung, you reach a higher state of

happiness and you feel more confident as you climb higher. The ladder of true happiness

requires effort, but it is never tiring because as you reach up to the higher rungs, you are

constantly adding things that make your life happier and more satisfying.


The best thing about the ladder of true happiness is that with every conscious effort to be

happy, you are moving up – effortlessly. We highly recommend that you create a daily

journal of the things that make you happy.

Write on it every day and make a conscious effort to remember even small things that

made you smile for a particular day. This daily journal will be your ‘happiness bank’

where you will make deposits every day. Every day, the effort of writing entries on this

journal will help you attract inspired action. This inspired action is the direct result of the

law of attraction at work.

We would also like you to begin another active process called the “happiness quest”.

Every day, try to discover one thing that would make you happier. Again, it doesn’t have

to be big or complex – but whatever you think of, it has to bring you a measure of


This simple exercise in self-discovery will reveal to you little known sources of

happiness that may have been forgotten or repressed in the past. We want to break down

anything that may be holding you back from true happiness. If you encounter moments of

negativity as you search your mind and heart for what will truly bring you happiness,

simply use any of the method we outlined in the earlier certification course to get you

back on track.


As you actively seek out these sources of happiness, we also want you to feel free to

pursue these sources of happiness. Seek them out and receive them, and as you receive

true happiness, be grateful so that the Universe will continue giving the things that truly

make you happy.


Right next to abundance and true happiness, we have health. Right next to money and

mansions, people want health the most. Often it is extremely difficult to maintain a

constant level of health in today’s world. Poor diet choices, poor lifestyles and habits –

all these add up to the unhealthiness that has been an epidemic throughout the world.

If you are raring for change, you can attract that change with the help of the law of

attraction. Since health is something that will spring from within, you have to understand

that what you have now physically is also the product of your thoughts. Though there

may be some non-modifiable factors involved like genetics, 90% of your state of health is

the direct result of your thoughts and the determining actions that followed.

What about emotions? According to recent research, emotions play a central role in a

person’s health. If you are mentally and emotionally stable, the body also becomes stable.

If you are always ill with stress and negative emotions, the body follows suit – it is as

simple as that. The more you focus on the negative aspects of your life, the more

negativity you attract and this negativity affects your thoughts, your actions, your

emotions and unfortunately, even your physical body.

The Universe gives you what you yearn for the most – even if you are yearning for it by

frequently saying things like “I don’t want this stress from work anymore!” Because


your mind is focused on the stress all the time, you will attract more stress – and this is

just one particular situation where negativity can sneak up on you and secretly enter your


So how can you attract better health? The healing process that you desire will not come

from pharmaceuticals or by purchasing expensive ‘health products’. As we have

mentioned earlier, it will spring from within.

There is no need to spend more money to attain a goal that you can attain by healing

yourself with natural methods. One such method is visualization. Active visualization can

help you attain a variety of goals, including healing. The following visualization script

will help you attain healing from within:

Imagine that your body is a clear vessel that is now open to healing and cleansing. You

have deactivated all your defenses and you are now consciously opening yourself to the

process that will progressively heal and cleanse every part of your body. Now visualize a

healing liquid is being poured into your body, starting from the top of your head. Imagine

that the healing liquid is bright green in color because this color has been long

associated with life, energy and healing. Let your body and mind relax as the healing

liquid travels down your body. As it passes through every part of your body, visualize

that it is quickly healing and closing damaged tissues and cells. If there is tension and

inflammation, the healing liquid will ease the tension and reduce inflammation of tissues.


If there is disease anywhere in your body it is carrying away the disease because you

have consciously attracted healing at such a deep level. As the healing liquid moves

down your body you feel warm, relaxed and light. You feel happy and content with what

is happening right now. Now think of how the healing liquid is carrying away negative

elements from your body – chemicals, toxins, free radicals, etc. Every negative element

residing within your body is being scrubbed away by the healing liquid. As it reaches the

bottom of your feet, openings will allow the healing liquid to drain, carrying with it

inflammation, disease, stress and toxins. You are now healthier than before and you no

longer need substances like nicotine to feel good – because you genuinely feel good

inside. You are becoming healthier and healthier as the seconds pass and you will

continue to feel healthy as the months and years pass. You will stay this way your whole



The script you have just read can be used daily if you wish – it will help you with self-

healing on the cellular level because you are allowing your body to heal on its own.

Radiant health is extremely dependent on what you do now. It is one thing to visualize

health but if you continue to perform actions that are deleterious to your health, the

Universe will continue to grant your wish, which is to acquire poor health. Your

thoughts, actions and emotions are all responsible for activating the law of attraction.

The old adage “you reap what you sow” applies perfectly to the law of attraction. A poor

lifestyle will yield poor health while positive changes will immediately yield positive

modifications in your health, too. If you smoke and drink too much, the Universe will

increase your chances of developing problems associated with the abuse of these two

items. If you eat too many sweets every day, you will attract diabetes.

Your actions will yield logical results – they will not attract opposite results. To some,

this strict rule (like attracts like) sounds despicable – but think about it. If people attracted

negative results, it would be doubly difficult to live on this Earth. Constant striving will

no longer yield lifelong dreams. Being thankful will yield bad things.


People will attract good things only when they perform despicable deeds. No matter how

you look at the reversal of the law of attraction, it won’t do anyone any good – and so we

have to keep in mind that we are completely responsible for everything that is happening

to our lives at this point. This way, you would know that you are not doing enough to

make a big impact or change in your life.

To attract long-term, positive changes in your health, it would also be helpful if you can

imagine your ideal self. For example, do you need to lose fifty pounds to reach your goal

weight? If you are, imagine yourself fifty pounds lighter so that the Universe will make it

possible for you to lose the excess weight. Do you need to lose excess cholesterol?

Envision yourself losing excess LDL cholesterol so that your thoughts and actions will be

guided by inspired action.

Attracting wealth is always the urgent need and yet very few people actually come close

to manifesting the kind of wealth that would make them happy and satisfied. In the

context of the law of attraction, the problem is not the ‘world’ (as so many people like to

call the Universe itself) but the way people focus on their lack of wealth. The Universe,

as we have already discussed is abundant in every way.

Resources are always there and no single person can accumulate such a vast amount of

resources that everyone else would have no more to gain. This is simply not true. The


wealthiest in the world as you may have read in the basic certification course, possess a

special knowledge that involves the law of attraction.

The wealthiest people in the world think of wealth at such a level that they don’t think

twice when it comes to manifesting the wealth itself. Usually what happens is people

think of their lack of wealth and wallow in the lack of wealth. Because they wallow in

such a state, the Universe grants them their wishes – not to have enough wealth for their


So the next time you want something that involves wealth, here’s what you should do.

Instead of saying “I can never afford what I want!” we want you to imagine that you

already have what you want. If you want a car, go to the car dealer today and look at the

car of your dreams. Perform a test drive and imagine that it is already your car. Feel its

speed and the comfort of the car. Claim it for yourself.

From now on, because you have already claimed the car as yours, you will start to

perform inspired action so that circumstances will become more favorable for the

physical acquisition of your dream car.

The price tag of your dream car will no longer matter because the Universe will make

sure that you will be given the right opportunities so that the car will belong to you.


However, we must remind you that the law of attraction is not magic nor is it a big ‘Santa

Claus’ force that will drop gifts for you.

It is a primal force that allows people to create and attract what they need from the

Universe, so if you do not actively receive what you asked for, you will not receive it.

Determined action is a form of active receiving so the more you resist inspired action, the

more you actively elude the manifestation of your desires.

Here are some more exercises that will help you manifest wealth. Later on in the

advanced certification course we are going to delve into a wide exploration of attracting

wealth – but for now, use the following basic methods to jumpstart the active process of

manifesting riches.

1. Write your desired amount of money on a piece of paper. A blank check or an

ordinary piece of paper will do. Write the desired figure and keep the paper with

you at all times. If you want, post it near your desk so you can always see it. With

this exercise you are actively sending a message to the Universe every day: you

want a specific amount of money and you want it quickly.

2. For larger amounts of money (like your retirement fund) you need to visualize the

amount of money that you want plus a specific time frame. You can write “I want

$1,000,000 by the age of 35” or something similar. Again, you have to keep this


note with you everywhere you go. Think of it as a lucky charm – something to

help sustain your transmission of positive frequencies to the Universe.

3. Here’s a fun exercise – take a one hundred dollar bill and just stow it in your

wallet. Now go ‘shopping’ online or anywhere you want to go. Spend your $100

mentally over and over again – and relish the feeling of being able to repeatedly

‘spend’ your one hundred dollar bill. Focus on the positive thoughts and emotions

that will result from this exercise.

Don’t feel bad that you can take home what you are ‘buying’ with your $100 bill.

The important thing here is that with each purchase, you are telling the Universe

exactly what you want. So if you want that gadget, that car, that expensive book

collection, just go ahead and buy it with your one hundred dollar bill. This way

the Universe will make sure that you will receive each item in due time.

4. Another method of attracting material wealth and the things that you want in life

is by creating a special board at home where you can tack notes and pictures. If

you want a new car, find the car in a magazine or print it out. Place the picture of

the car on the special board and visualize that you already own the car. If you

want to manifest a specific amount of money (i.e. $10,000 in one day, $500,000

in two years, etc.) write the amount and the desired time frame and place it on

your special board. Alternatively, you can also create a wealth capsule of sorts by


placing money and other similar items in any box with a cover. Old dollar bills

and even foreign currency can be added to this wealth capsule. Visualize that this

plain box is now a money magnet and it will help you send the correct frequencies

to attract even more wealth.

The earlier exercises we have outlined will be of no use to you if you do not change

negative thought patterns concerning wealth and the acquisition of wealth. If you feel that

wealth is hostile and elusive to you, it will become elusive to you. If you feel that large

sums of money is only the privilege of a select number of people, then you will forever

be excluded from the growing group of individuals who are attracting all the wealth they

would possibly need.


Genuine and loving personal relationships are important not only for your social life but

also your health. According to recent studies, having no friends and social activities has a

negative impact on one’s health in the long term.

Experts state that being isolated all the time, with no one to even speak to, may

predispose a person to health problems like high blood pressure, etc.

The longer that you don’t engage in regular social behavior, the bigger negative impact it

will have in different aspects of your life. If you wish to attract relationships that can be

sustained until you grow old, you need to start now. Here are some guidelines to help you

attract the best relationships:

1. Start developing a more positive outlook in life. Don’t focus on the negative –

scrub out the negative from your system and allow positive thoughts and values to

stream in. Make this your norm and start growing socially, once again.

2. Do not resort to ‘emotional eating’ or alcohol if you feel depressed or anxious.

Instead, reach out to old friends or to a support group in your locality. Humans

are social beings and the act of simply reaching out can do wonders. You have to

learn how to reach out again.


3. If you are in an abusive relationship now and you have been in denial for the

longest time, it’s time to free yourself from the abuse and start anew. If you have

to, seek the help of your immediate support network (family, friend, etc.) or seek

the help of the authorities if you are in a physically abusive situation. Your goal is

to begin your life once again without having the carry the burden of the abusive


4. When you are looking for a new love, it is important to put your past behind you.

If you have experienced infidelity in the past, do not allow your suspicions and

hear take permeate your renewed quest for romance.

If you do this, you will only attract negativity. Once you initiate a negative cycle

in a new relationship, it will not stop if you don’t consciously stop what is causing

the negativity. Imagine that every new romance is another journey and you do not

want to bring excess emotional baggage along. Excess emotional baggage is

nothing but a burden to you and your new partner.


5. Don’t forget to visualize the kind of person that you want to become your friend

or lifelong partner. By visualizing specific characteristics, you are telling the

Universe whom you want to meet. You may not meet this person immediately, but

through the law of attraction you will meet him or her in due time. Once this

person appears in your life, receive him/her and be grateful because of the

Universe has helped you attract once of your desires.