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Laurina Bragdon has Traveled to Various Parts of


Page 2: Laurina bragdon has traveled to various parts of europe

Laurina Bragdon is a travel enthusiast with interest in exploring new places and learning about different cultures. She has traveled through Europe and visited several popular tourist locations as well as places that are less popular among travelers. According to Laurina, traveling is a great way to learn about yourself as well as your fellow human beings. There is a certain joy when you reach somewhere you’ve never been before and when one leaves that place one takes away new experiences and memories that last for a lifetime.

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Her travels have taken her to France, England, Germany, Poland, Spain and Italy. Of all these countries, she found Italy as the most exciting place. The unique Italian way of living, cuisine, music and culture impressed her to a great degree. While in the Tuscany region of Italy, she visited the vineyards to learn about wine making and also took part in wine tasting gatherings hosted by the owners of the vineyards.

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She said that it was a refreshing experience to see how simple processes are used to create rich and full-bodied wines. She also attended cooking classes which are a popular activity in Tuscany. In these classes, she learned to cook authentic Italian dishes that use local ingredients along with a variety of herbs and spices that give these dishes a unique flavor. She is determined to try cooking these dishes whenever she invites her friends for dinner.

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According to Laurina Bragdon, traveling allows you to meet new people, enjoy new experiences and it also teaches many lessons about human nature. She says that those who do not travel have a limited world view and many times they’re not able to think creatively about the problems they face in life. She believes that traveling expands your mind as you get introduced to new situations and people; which forces you to think on your feet and make changes to your plans while on the move.

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