Download - Laura Guttridge Raises A Voice For Animals



Laura Guttridge is a well known animal activist who protests for protecting the rights of animals. She has participated and organized various protests for the welfare of animals.

In the early 90's, she laid the foundation of an animal’s right group named Marion County Voices for Animals located in Central Florida.

The group was successful in convincing The Marion County Animal Shelter to ban the use of the archaic decompression chamber, and switch to the more humane lethal injection.

In the year 2002, she gathered more than 5,000 signatures in a ballot initiative to ban the cruel confinement of pigs on factory farms in Florida. The ballot was successful.

As a consequence to her dedication to the protection of animals, she has been arrested several times for civil disobedience.

Promotion of PETA’s Vegetarian Starter Kit

Laura Guttridge is a vegan and promotes a vegan lifestyle through PETA’s Vegetarian Starter Kit. She promotes a vegetarian diet because the meat industry needlessly kills billions of animals every year.

Guttridge has authored a book titled “Gypsy the Christmas Cat”, which is based on a real life cat that was rescued by her. This inspirational book teaches children the importance of showing respect, affection and love to animals.

Apart from writing the book, she is the co-host for a local TV show called ‘Dr. Josefina's Way,’ which can also be viewed on the internet.

Other significant achievements of Guttridge include a 2007 Humanitarian of the Year Award by The Indian River County, Humane Society of Vero Beach for taking part in various humanitarian activities.